HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-26, Page 4dust Look How Much MORE You Get in a Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR p • OHIS 0 A RADIO & ELECTRIC fe4,40AT 4ft a Wes,tinAhouse Wednesday, January 26, 1949 • a • • • • • • • • CECIL MORRIS' • r, Photographers of Toronto I • • • • •11 • • • Saturday, January 29 • • • • • • TO PLAY THE Wingham Juniors Reinforced by the CHIN LINE • • • • PUCK FACED AT 9 p.m. , ADMISSION-ADULTS 35c CHILDREN 20c Hockey in the WINGHAM ARENA MORRIS BADER IS BRINGING 20 OZ. 4111 2 27c *ill DOMINIC) a a THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FOUR BE YOUR OWN BOSSI-Distribute on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products; Toiletries, Vita- mins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Furniture and Shoe Polishes, etc, Each Individual a customer, Excellent opportunity to test your business .abilities, WRITE for FREE .details and catalogue. FAM- ILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. DON'T HOLD BACK ON THAT Big.4 Chick Order, You know you've markets for all you can pro- duce, with prices still good. We are agents here and recommend you ask us for prices and place your order. It will save much time and worry. Canadian Approved, backed by a breeding program on our own farms. Wilbur Hogg, R,,4 12., 4, Wingham, FOR SALE-Beatty Gas Washer, stainless steel tub, $169.00, Apply at Stainton Hardware, Wingliam, FOR SALE-3-piece Small Living- room Suite, good condition, cheap for quick sale. 'Phone 130, FOR SALE-1930 Model A Ford Coach, motor and body in good con- dition, heater; 4 new tires. Best cash offer. Apply after 6 p.m., to Donald Watson, Holyrood. •FOR SALE-Easy Gas Washer, used short time, Green enamelled tub, $169,00. Stainton Hardware. FOR SALE-Small Frame House on Carling Terrace, also barn and two lots; immediate possession. Apply A. G. Furness, Wingham. FOR SALE-Vanity Dresser, like new. 'Phone 454. FOR SALE-400 ft. of Oak Flooring, lh" x 1%". Apply D. L. Weir, Wingham. FOR SALE-3-piece Bedroom Suite, 2-piece Chesterfield Suite, also a Woman's Winter Coat, size 12. Ap- ply Roy Male, McDonald Block, after 6 p.m. FOR SALE-1941 International 1/2 ton Panel Truck in good running condition ,and good appearance, also good tires, Reason for selling, lar- ger truck needed. Apply Garnet Farrier, Whitechurch. Telephone Wingham 402 r 3. FOR SALE-Easy Vacuum Cup Elec. tric Washer, 60 cycle, copper tub, $39.00. Stainton Hardware. FOR SALE-Gilson Gas Washer, green enamelled tub, $140.00. Ap- ply at Stainton HardOare, Wingham , FOR SALE-Hydro Poles, Apply to C, Rettinger, 'phone 042r22, FOR SALE-One Purebred Hereford Bull, 10 months old; one General Purpose Horse, 5 years old. Apply Alvin Clark, 'phone 535J, Listowel, FOR SALE-1940 Dodge Custom Se- dan, heater and defroster, mud and snow tires, Prestone, Apply The Advance-Times, FOR SALE-York Sow due to far- row end of this week, also 1 year old goose. Hugh Rinn, 'phone 621r3 FOR SALE-200 gal. Fuel Supply Tank; 1933 Chev. Sedan, 1948 Mer- cury Coach; 4" Rotary Sander„ to fit a drill press. Apply The Advance- Times. FOR SALE-No. 5 Cockshutt Man- ure Spreader, Rubber-tired Wagons, Sleighs, immediate delivery, Used M...H. Grain Grinder, good as new, with speed Jack and Belts. See us for Cockshutt and Geo. White Ma- chinery. J. Bumstead & Son, Wing- ham. "MOTHERS"-"RAINPROOF" all your family's clothes at home. Keep your children and loved ones dry and healthy in wet weather. Just sprinkle it on Topcoats, Jackets, Play Suits, Snow Suits, Trench Coats, Overalls, Mattresses. It is invisible but sure keeps the rain out. An 89 cents bottle will do three overcoats. Economical, you said it. 'At Donald Rae & Son only. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAL. ty. Warren House, Phone 475. QUAKER OIL BURNER - With force circulation, the floor is as warm as the ceiling. See Edwards Motor Sales. USED PIANO FOR SALE-Good condition. Apply F. Frieburger, Lower Wingham, WANTED TO BUY-at once, Baby's Crib, either steel or wood. Apply Mrs. Douglas Aitchison, Victoria St, WANTED-Singer Sewing Machine, .in good condition, 'Phone 543, Wingham. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Authorized Assignment of Harry J. Fryfogle, of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Debtor. - Notice is hereby given that Harry J. Fryfogle, of the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, Furniture Dealer and 'Funeral Director, made an autlt- orized assignment on the 17th day of January, 1949, and that the first meet- ing of the Creditors will be held on. the 2nd day of February, 1949, at the hour of 2;30 in the afternoon, in the office of J W, K,C, in the. Town of Wingham, Ontario. To vote thereat, proofs of claim and proxies must be filed with me prior thereto. Those having claims against the estate must file the same with the Custodian or the Trustee, when ap- pointed, before distribution is made, otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to such claim, Dated at Clinton this 20th day of January, 1949, CHARLES G. MIDDLETON, Custodian, Clinton, Ont„ TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to February 15th, 1949, for 80 cords of Maple and Beech Body Wood, 14 inches long; 10 cords of Cedar, above to be delivered by June; also 10 cords of Dry Wood (Maple or Beech Body Wood) 14 inches long, to be delivered in February, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex. Corrigan, Sec'y-Treas„ Turnberry ToWnship School Area, R. R. 1, Bluevale, Ont. Tenders for Assessor Howick Township Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Assess- or for the Township of Howick, for EqualiZing the Assessment of the Township of Howick under the direc- tion of the County of Huron Assessor. Salary to be at $1.25 per card for farm property, 65c per card for vill- age property. Work to be completed by October 1st, 1949. Applications to be in the hands of Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, Friday, February 4th, 1949. Philip Durst, Wroxeter, Tenders Wanted Marked and Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Feb- ruary 7th, 1949, for wood to be de- livered, split and piled to all or any school in the Area, by June 30, 1949, also a cord of cedar, 12 inches long, to each school. This wood is to be approximately equal parts Hard Maple and Beech, nothing under 6 inches in diameter or over 10 inches, and to be 14 inches long. No. 4 School 18 cords, No. 12, 15 cords; No. 17, 20 cords; No. 3, 25 cords, and No. 2, 20 cords. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. Stewart, Sec'y-Treas., W. Wawanosh School Area, Dungannon, Ont. Beauty Nook Hairdressing Parlor Mrs. V. Loughlean Mrs, V, Sharpe Operators ' is Now Located next to Dr. Geo. Howson's Office , QUEEN'S HOTEL (John Street Entrance) . 0 Caretakers Tenders for Caretaking at the foll- owing schools in East Wawanosh School Area will be received until February 12, 1949. Duties to commence March 1, 1949, S. S. No, 8, S, S. No, 9, S. S. No. 13, Union 3, Union 6, 'T,,Zpion 7, Union 11, Union 16, Union 17. Applications may be mailed to, C. H. Wade, Secretary, Beigrave, Ont. Wood Tenders Tenders will be received until Feb. ruary 12, 1949, by the undersigned for 14,-inch Hardy Body Wood, to be de- Livered by June 1st, 1949, in the indi- zated quantities at the following schools. Union 7, 15 cords; U. 11, 18 cords; U. 16, 18 cords; No. 8, 15" cords, No, 13, 15 cords; U. 17, 18 cords, U. 6, 12 cords; U. 3, 15 cords; No. 9, 18 cords. C. H. Wade, Secretary, East WawanoshSChools, . Belgrave, Ont. Applications Wanted "Marked" Applications for, the pos- ition of Treasurer of the Township of West Wawanosh, will be received by the undersigned up to February 7th, 1949. The salary has been set at $250. per annum, Durnin Phillips, Clerk of West Wawanosh Twp., Dungannon, Ont. Applications Wanted "Marked" Applications for the pos- ition of Assessor of the Township of West Wawanosh will be received by the undersigned up to February 7th, 1949, As the Municipality is under the County system of assessment the salary has been set at $1,25 per ass- essment card and $60. for the com- pletion of the assessment roll. Durnin Phillips, Clerk of West Wawanosh Twp., Dungannon, Ont. IN MEMORIAM • NEWANS-In . loving memory of Levina Newans, who passed away 3 years ago, January 26, 1946. , Happy and smiling, always content, Loved and respected, wherever she went; Always thoughtful, willing and kind, What a beautiful memory she left be- hind. Sadly missed by her granddaughter, Virginia Krasa, Detroit, Michigan. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E. Jacobs wishes to express her appreciation to her friends and also Rev. E. 0. Lancaster for their kindness and their visits during her recent illness. • CARD OF THANKS Miss Mary Forgie wishes to thank her neighbours for their many acts of kindness and their beautiful floral tributes at the time of her recent, very sad bereavement. Also, all the friends in town and country, Rev. A. Nimmo and Dr. McKibbon for their sympathy and loving kindness during the past anxious weeks, ' CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Underwood wish to thank their friends and neigh- bours for expressions of sympathy, beautiful flowers and acts of kindness shown them in the loss Of 'their uncle. ' CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. E. Vanyelsor, Laurie and Rona would like to 6xpress their heart- felt thanks to one and all who so very kindly helped in any way at the time•of their recent fire. BIRTHS BURGMAN-In Kirkland Lake Hos- pital, on Tuesday, January 25th, to Dr, and Mrs. G. W. Burgmati, a son. HARRISON-In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, January 22, to Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, of Gorrie, a son. HOGAN-In Wingham General Hos. pital, on Wednesday, January 19th,‘ to Mr. and Mrs, William Hogan, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a son, SAINSBURY-Ili Wellesley Hospi- tal, Toronto, ori Sunday, January 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Van Sains- bury, Toronto, a son. SANGSTER-In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, January 20, to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Sangster, Wingham, a son. WATIL~ -In Kitchener-W at erloo Hospital, on Wednesday, January 19th, to Mr. and Mrs'. A, Wahl, (flee Noreen Benedict) a son. ST, HELENS The Young People presented their play "Uncle Cy Hits a New High" to a large audience hi Dungannon on Friday, It will he presented in the Holyrood Township Hall nit Thurs- day evening, under the auspices of the Holyrood Women's Institute, A The annual meeting of the United Church was held on Tuesday after. noon, with 'Rev, M. G. Newton pre- siding, Encouraging reports were pre- sented that of the treasurer showed A balance on hand of over $400. The in. stallation of hydro in the Manse had been the extra expense for the year. The Missionary & Maintenance treas- urer, Mrs. Gordon reported that $166 had been sent to the Treasurer. The W.M.S. had met their allocation with $116 being forwarded. Mrs, McPher- son reported a successful year for the W.A, and a balance of over $150, A had been purchased for the Manse and the Association have paid half of the hydro fixtures ffor the Manse with Whitechurch paying the other half. Messrs, W. A. Miller, W. A. Humph- rey, Lorne Durnin and E. W. Rice were appointed to the Board of Stew- ards for a three year term. Messrs, George Stuart and Lorne Woods were appointedcto secure an estimate on the cost of wiring the church. An expres- sion of appreciation and an invitation to remain another year were extended to Rev. M. G, Newton, At the con- clusion a social hour was spent when lunch was served by tile ladies. Mrs, ,W. I. Miller was hostess on Thursday for the meetings of the W. M.S. and the W,A, when 13 ladies were present. The theme for the wor- ship serviceice was Thy Kingdom Come through the teaching ministry of the church. Mrs. j, Cameron read the scripture lesson from Luke 15. The annual reports of the secretary anti treasurer were presented. Two Heralds reported, Mrs. Cameron for Home Missions and Mrs. S. A. Todd for China. The chapter from the Study Book, "West of the Gorges" on Chris- tian citizens in Training was taken-by Mrs. W. A. Miller. Mrs. S. A. Todd, the president, was in the chair for the 'meeting of the Woman's Association, Mrs, G. Stuart gave a reading "The Art of Being a Christian." The scripture lesson from John 4 was read by Mrs, E, W. Rice. The annual reports were presented and showed a most successful year. Mrs. Rice extended an invitation to her home for. the February meeting. The February meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. E. W. Rice on Thursday, February 3rd., at 2,30 p.m. Roll Call, w Historical Place of Interest in Ont- ario. Subject, Historical Research in charge of Mrs. S. A. Todd. Program committee and hostesses, Mrs. G. Mc- Pherson, Mrs. G. Stuart. Weather and roads permitting it is expected that Mrs. Lockhart of Goderich, District President, will address this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd and child- ren of Stratford, were week-end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, BELGRAVE Congratulations to Councillor Orval Taylor being appointed 'Chairman of the Hog Producers of Huron County at their meeting in Clinton. The Sixth Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert • ' ASK FOR-Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A Drug Store. .,CLASSIFIED ADS. MORE PROTECTION for your food . . . with exclusive Westinghouse "TRUE-TEMP" 4 . . the only Control offered by any refrigerator that allows you to select the actual degree of temperature you want for your food. MORE CONVENIENCE . . with Covered Meat Keeper, Glass-topped Humidrawer, Sanalloy Super Freezer for frozen foods and desserts, handy Stor.Dor for smaller articles. You'll feel a real thrill of pride in seeing your gleaming new Westinghouse Refrig- erator installed in your kitchen. . . . But that's nothing compared with the thrill of Z.# pleasure you'll experience as you discover, day by day, the extra advantages, con- venience, economy and downright dependability you get in your Westinghouse. MORE SAVINGS . . by elimination of food spoilage . by lower operating costs (only a few cents a week) ... and by long-life, trouble-free service of the exclusive Dual-Automatic Economiser mechanism. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY . • in this handsome built. in-Canada Westinghouse "True-Temp" Refrig. erator. , No. 1 White Clover HONEY, 2 lb. tin CORN Utopian Choice Quality TOMATOES ist 'frY PEAS x 4 MN Y49# Nat eirie.- llOREA, f or AWIVEY CAN-RITE PEAS Heinz PreparedTom' ato KETCHUP SE Heinz Vine ripened 20 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE 2 - 25c Heinz Cooked in. Tomato Sauce SPAGHETTI ,49c Heinz In Tomato Sauce PORK & BEANS Shirriff's Seville Orange MARMALADE, 12 oz. jar 23c Heinz Cream of Tomato SOUP al Garden' Patch Choice WAX BEANS SO Stokely's Cream Style Golden Fancy ita Pure Eteakfast FRY'S COCOA, 8 OZ. tin .... „ 29e 16 oz, tin 149e Coultes with an attendance of 18. Albert Coultes was leader, This was Review night and the subject dis- cussed was What can the farm forum members do to improve exhibits and local fall fairs. The s forum thought that there could be more classes for local exhibitors, besides the open classes, and by not showing the same article" year after year: More interest should be taken in the fair and more exhibits shown, and try to avoid having the fair-on the same day as other near by fairs, and to attend more fairs. They decided a midway was not necessary to a fair, and if one was wanted, the fair board should operate it. The next forum will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, with Mr. Smith as leader. Values effective to closing time January 29, 1949 All merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is uncondition- ally gu'aranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Weston's GRAHAM WAFERS ..29c 16 oz. pkg. 10 oz. tin - 23c 20 oz. tin 2 - 29c 20 oz. tin 20c 28 oz. tin 19c tin Y.. 23c' 15 oz. tin 2 35c 55c pkg. - 13c 15 oz. tin - 27c 20 oz. tin OC - SPECIAL - CASE of 24 $2.40 13 oz. bot. 24c Australian Seedless RAISINS, lb. 15c Dare's Bulk GINGER SNAPS, lb. 25c Puddings or Jelly Powders JELLO, pkg. 2 - 19c Barker's Golden Toasted SODA BISCUITS 10c SINKOrtin Lawrason's Snowflake AMMONIA POWDER 6 oz. pkg, t Lawrason's . for Clogged Drains Lawrason's pkg. Ingersoll Baby ''Rolls WASHING SODA „ -05e CHEESE, 16 oz. ARRIVING gAID FRUIT and VEGETABLES