HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-26, Page 2CONTRACT BRINE N111211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110110110111111111111111111111101 m *NOMA ADYMNP Don't Fret, Pet! The Beaver Lumber Co. is sure to have a solution!" WE HAVE. Our beauty aids for unattractive walls include Sheetrock - Masonite Fir and Birch Plywoods For kitcen transformations, We have TILEBOARD They're all easy' to work with. Stop in this week and order your supply REAVERLUMBER NWW. COMPANY MITCO Closed Sat. afternoms WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager DONNYBROOK KEEP FIT RESISTANCE BUILDERS n n n WE INVITE YOU TO COME „IN AND SEE THE 1949 Gurney Electric Range ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE The DeLuxe Model features the TIME CLOCK which 'turns the power on and off at the times you desire. McGill Radio Service TELEPHONE 380 WINGHAM Now is the time to order your DION THRESHER to ensure Spring Delivery Earle Hodgins, Dealer HOLYROOD, R. R. 1 'Phone Teeswater 36r13 !AGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, January 26, 1949 14/Ingham Advance-Times- if oe t, contains .40. ice surface 75 by 180. was erected within seven weeks. 'dressing At one end of the arena are the Eats off to the residents of Noble, Published at idecssing rooms and .booths. Directly „ton and surroundim; community, They WINGHAM ONTARIO !above them and overlooking the rink not only accepted as true the count- W. B. McCool, Editor and Publisher is a lounge 74 by 22 feet,. which eon- ,Iess-times tested and proven fact, that tains a refreshment bar and is suitable ithe only way to keep young people in for local dances and meetings. The ,their home community, and boys and building itself is of a plank-truss con- girls out of juvenile delinquency, is to struction with cement foundation and 'provide them with every possible re- floor, the siding and roof being of !creational facility at home, but they asphalt. And next year they plan to also did something real and tangible install artificial ice. !about it. Thinking people everywhere The 200 Nobleton villagers and the 'realize that young people, who are • • • • • Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department likUeription Rate -- One Year $2,00 Six Months $1,00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3,00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 76 — No. 19 IIMBLETON HAS A NOBLE RECORD people of Nobleton, Ontario, .vea, proud and happy these days." Ifitat is the first sentence in a recent a.de in the daily press from that iermirmunity. And why shouldn't they flex...1 proud and happy? judging from Oist rest of the news report, they have rmittry reason to be elated over their rrocinit great accomplishment. This :tile village of 200 residents, assisted Orr members of the surrounding corn- scomity, has just completed the con- atruction of a new arena and recreat- Zorn centre, which cost more than ,405.000 for the materials alone. That a really worth-while achievement -nett puts to shame hundreds of larger retristres which are afraid' or too in- afferent, to attempt a smilar project -irvc the good of the entire community. The completed building, which has age overall measurement of 280 by 90 local farmers total considerably less than 500 individuals. In attempting to raise money, various social activities were held and local organizations contributed generously to the building fund. Each member of the community was assessed according to his means, and without exception all complied. The actual construction started in the spring of 1948, and through the efforts of local farmers and villagers, who donated their time, the main structure Undoubtedly, Wingham is one of the larger centres which have fallen far short of Nobleton's record in pro- viding recreational facilities « for the young people of the community. Most KNOVV WINGHAM The first sawmill in Lower Wing- ham was built by Archie Fisher in the early 1860's. It and a lumber, yard were situated on the several acres on the northwest side of the 'Maitland River in the first bend of the stream below the confluence of the two main branches of the river at Witilhant. Just back of and east of the preSent Hydro-Electric Power House or Sub- station in Lower Wingham. * W t he nicty THOUGHT Tre are only two kinds of people on earth, those who lift and those who lean, Which are you? Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Robinson and son, Jimmie, were Sunday viistors with friends in Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Craig and Mrs. Olive Allen, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. Chamney. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Thompson included, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rutledge of In. gersol, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Rutledge and Mb. Fred Barker of Goderich. Mr,. and Mrs. Wm, Webster and Mrs. Stuart Chamney were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hen- derson, Kippen. Hot F ud -ge :- 2 !Sundaes! Meals - Lunches i p A reader has requested information on the penalties for the more frequent infraction of the rules, It is unethical to violate rules in- tentionally, and in prescribing penal- ties it is assumed that violations are purely accidental. The recently revised laws are not designed to punish an offender, but simply to compenate the opponents for the probale injury caused by the infraction. There is now for not applying the rules, EXPOSED CARDS: 1, During the bidding there is no penalty for exposing one card below a jack. If a jack or higher card, or any two or more cards are exposed, .the partner is barred from one round" of bidding, and if the player becomes a defender the exposed cards become pen4lty cards (see below). 2. During the play any card expos- ed by a defender becomes a penalty card, PENALTY CARD: A penalty card is left face up on the table and must be led or played at the first legal opportunity, REVOKE: A revoke becomes "established" when either player of the offending side leads or plays to the next trick. Before then the revoke may be cor' rected. In this case the opponents may change any cards they played ,after the, revoke, and the revoke card becomes a penalty card'if' played by a defender, The penalty for an established' re- voke is two tricks, but these may be claimed only from tricks won by the offending side after the revoke (in- cluding the trick on which the revoke was made). CALL OUT OF TURN: 1, If the offender passes when it was the right , hand opponent's turn to bid, he still must pass after the op- ponent has bid. 2. In any other circumstance, the wrong call is cancelled and' the offen- der may bid in turn, but his partner is barred from further bidding. INSUFFICIENT BID The offender has three choices, He may— (a) Make the bid sufficient in the same suit. (b) Make the bid sufficient in' an- other suit. In this case his partner is barred from further bidding. (c) Pass. His partner is • barred from further bidding, and if an oppon- ent becomes the declarer, he may call or forbid the lead of a specified suit. LEAD FROM WRONG HAND BY DECLARER: The declarer must (if it is possible) lead the same suit from the correct hand. LEAD OUT OF TURN BY A DEFENDER: The declarer has two choices. He may (a) Forbid the lead of that suit, but may not specify another suit. (The exposed card becomes a penalty card.) (b) Treat the lead out of turn as a correct lead, and play to it. DUMMY'S RIGHTS: Provided dummy has not seen any other hand, he may warn any player against leading from a Wrong hand, or draw attention to any other irregular- ly or infringement of law. If dummy has seen any other hand, he loses all rights. BLYTH - Mrs. Harry., Bowen was taken to Clinton Hospital suffering from pneu- monia, her many friends here hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs, (Dr.) N. C. Jackson, is a pat- ient in Clinton Hospital. Ex-Reeve George McNall was in- stalled as presidnet of the local legion on Monday night. Harold Phillips as treasurer, and Bert Haddocks as sec- retary. The legion contemplate erect. ing a new hall commencing early in the spring. • • Kepler's Malt and. Cod rj Liver Oil . , 95c, $1.50 Wampole s Ext. , $1.00 ▪ Maltlevol $2.00 • 1111 Idafer Liquid . $125 • N Idafer Caps. $1.15, $3,45 • N • Idaphos . . , $1.00 111 Creophos $1.25 • • • • Bronchida 50c • • Honey and Horehound, • 60c mi Pinol 60c • • White Bronchitis . .60c al - (Mixture) • Baby and Children's 35c 111 (Cough Syrup) I.D.A. • • • ▪ Idaphedrin. 50c •, • (Nose Drops) Ephedrine Jelly . 50c • Tyrothrycin 85c • • (Nose Drops • ' Vick's Nose Drops 45c ▪ Vick's Inhalers 39c • • Friar's Balsam 25c, 45c I Atomizers ....$115 up Halibut Liver CaPsuleg 100s $1.29 500s $4,79 Nita-Vim (Multiple Vit- amins) „ .$3.25, $7.95 Neo Chemical Food 1.35 $2.95, $4.95 Neo Chemical Capsules $1.45, $2.65,' $5.95 Buckley's 40c, 75c Mason's 49 45c, 75c Creo-Terpin 50c Pertussin 59c, 99c Pinex 49c. Dr. Chase .....43c, 89c McAvoy's 50c Nyal Cold Caps. . .50c C.B.Q. (Tablets) .. . 30c' Grove's Cold Tablets, 29c, 59c Frosst's 217s ..35c, 75c $1.50 • Bayer's Aspirin 18c, 29c, 79c Idasal Tabs. ...39c, 79c LAM. WEB mor " $2.50 VALUE LARGE SIZE-16 OZ. $125 LIMITED TIME QNLY VITA-RAY SMOOTHSKIN Jam/tied/kw 9 to meet again Feb. 9th, with the Ex- ecutive in charge of refreshments. A, D. Campbell, Secretary. it Sash of all kinds Storm Windows EGG CRATES CHICKEN CRATES Soft Drink Cases cartipbell Gorbutt - SASH & BOX Manufacturers Diagonal Rd., Wingham • ire a.11A,4114W. ate S E E — Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING,' CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS Merkley Motors • N HUDSON CARS and PARTS ae TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM • BROADLOOM — Any Size STAIR = CARPET — Oriental Pattern - Plain - Tone on Tone Wide Colour Range. VENETIAN BLINDS Aluminum - Steel - Wood Removable Slats Coloured Slats Coloured Tapes Installation Free George Williams' airs IS NOW LOCATED IN MASON'S Store , • FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at Moderate Prices. U Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY. PROMPT SERVICE keenly interested and actively engag. fed in healthy athletic sports and other supervised, pleasant modern recreat- ions, have no time nor inclination, for wrong-doing. Nobleton may be small in size, but it is colossal in its grand example of whtt a community should do to look after the best interests of its young people and the community as a whole. ET TU BRUTE No, we aren't trying to be hinny, and we aren't referring to anything brutish in any way. "Et to brute" is a Latin phrase uttered by Julius Caesar when Ile saw his friend among his assassins, and the English translation is, "and thou, too, Brutus." With re- ference to the preceding article, we should have headed this article "ET TU WINGHAM" or, in English, "AND THOU, TOO, WINGHAM." While we are only too glad and very ready to admit that Wingham has done and is doing much in the way of recreational training and facilities for the young people of this town, yet ILIIIIIMIN11111111111/11111111111101311111111111111111 IIIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111"_ to be truthful and frank, we must re- m cord the shameful fact that the citiz- mi ens of this commnuity, and surround- _ • ing communities, have fallen far short 11 of fulfilling their obligations and dut- = ies in that respect. citizens to provide these needed facil- ities. As we have ,stated before, Wingham urgently needs a larger athletic park, suitable fon hard ball or Baseball, and with a cinder track. It is a sad state of affairs; when Wingham boys lack a suitable plhying field 'to play base- ball, the greatest Canadian and Amer- ican summer sport. It is also a shame "TAISIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1IN11111111111111111 that there is no cinder track or other facilities for track competitions. Similarly, the value of a recreation- al director and recreational activities is greatly lessened because Wingham THE "HOME" OF erguson Tractors F ,s.... fllgia T! present recreational facilities,'jilt as the small athletic r park and the skating arena using nat- rai natural ice, were provided and paid . , -.-:-. —:' , iii for by past generations of Wingliam- * Ferguso _ The citizens of today should meet the .• -mites, They are outmoded and outdated. changed conditions of , today and not a rest on their oars, being smugly sat- implements , . its El never stood still in any respect and • certainly not in recreational require- DISTRIBUTOR FOR m ments. The youths of today need re- creational facilities on a par with other r centres, and it is the duty of, the older I I isfied that what was good enough for 11 father and grandfather is good enough = for son and grandson. The world has creational lacks if juvenile delinqueficy is to be curbed here and our young people encouraged to stay in the home community. In the same category of recreation- al needs in Wingham should be men- tioned a swimming pool for aquatic sports, a race track and a fair grounds. Other centres, many smaller than this town, such as Nobleton, find the ways and means to look after the recreat- ional needs of their young people so why cannot Wingham do likewise, It will take more. than talk to advance Wingham beyond its present horse- and-buggy days recreational facilitits. * * r WINGHAM HAS A GOOD FIRE DEPARTMENT Commendation is due the Wingham Fire Departthent for the very excel- lent service rendered the town over a period of many years. .,Wingham has been very fortunate to escape having any wide-spread disastrous fires in its • history and the credit for this remark- "able safety achievement must go to the fire department, 17g- There have been serious ' fires in yi town over the years cif its history but a they were always checked or confined n to a small area. That speaks well for F the efficiency of the Wingham Fire department, Like all good things that --707i we posses without conscious personal effort, most of us have just taken for Le! granted the good fire protection we I have always had in this town, It has- 111/ n't come without effort, practise, skill, -= endurance and faithfulness to duty by = our firemen. Well done, fireMetil 11 Thank you! We sleep better knowing • that you are on the job. * I * has no suitable recreational centre. It, is the obligation and duty of the pre- i sent citizens Of Wingham and sur- i SHERBONDY'S rounding district to supply these re- .14. 1 COFFEE' SHOP i i I ▪ Next to Lyceum Theatre ki •, = rfiammunfloosutummismina HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by DARLING $3.50 Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP no excuse WESTFIELD The regular monthly meeting of the East Wawanosh Federation was held in the Belgrave Farmers' Co-Opera- tive Club Rooms with 13 members of ,the Executive and Directorate present. The minutes of the December 8th meeting were read and approved on motion of Aldin Pardon, seconded by Dick Leggatt. Miss Audrey Bradburn was present and gave a report of her recent course at the O,A,C., Guelph. In conclusion she expressed her grat- itude to the Federation for their fin- ancial assistance. Moved by S. P. Hallahan, seconded by J. Ft, Campbell that Audrey Brad- burn and Walter Elliott be paid $8.50 as the Township Federation share of their expenses to the short course at the 0,A.C. Moved by Aidin Purdon seconded by Gordon Elliott that Jack Currie be appointed Director for S. S. No, 9 and thatl-lenry Pattison be appointed Dir- ector for S. S. No, 11, to replace the present inactive meinbers„, Mr, Wm. Henry and Me. Chas, Robinson gave reports on the recent annual Federation Convention held in Toronto on January 6th and 7th. Moved by Dick Leggatt, seconded by H. 'L, StUrdy that, secretary pro- cure nines and addresses of all Town- ship residents and .forward same to' the county Secretary in view of all Township residents receiving the Rttr- al Co-Operative Paper, The President'appointed a comMit-, ee `consisting of Mr. Albert Bieinan and Mr. S. P. Itallahatt to approach the Council at their next meeting, to seek their assistance in 'view of erect. ing road signs at the end of each can. cession in the 'township. Moved by 8, P. Hallaltatt seconded . by Frank Nesbit the Meeting adjourn COUGH SYRUPS • HEAD: COLDS mom= HOT WATER BOTTLES 11 n Three (3) Year Guaran- I Two (2) Year Guaran- ▪ tee $1.59 I tee $1.29 • • a n n • n • , n • • n n n ▪ Fragrant pearly pink lotion that helps pre. ▪ vent that unattractive. chapped look. You'll • wen use-it fora body rub as on aft,r.both , ▪ refreshment. It's non-sticky, helps your hands ▪ so petal-smoothness. GET YOUR (I.D.A.) MIDGET QUIZ ENTRY FORMS EACH WEEK-1-Someone Always Wins! Kerr's Drug Store N LAURA SECORD CANDY ▪ 'PHONE 1.8 WINGHAM I 0 n n m n n n I • • n n n n • • N n n • • n n n n n n n N N . N n n n n • N ' • N n N , • N n n minumnimmimmummummummmummal y l e • ...112turIJ •