HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-19, Page 8The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service. Monday- 7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:30 p.m. Home League. 8 p.m.—Youth Group. Thursday- 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. 1 at 10 a.m. Carried. as for 1948 except for the following The officials for 1949 are' the same changes: Pouud keepers, Robert Yuill in pla.ee of Jelin 111cCiill, Fenceviewers Clarence Martin in place of Merino Jackson. Patrolmen, William Elston in place of Chat. couch; Frank .Bell in place of Edward liryans, John E. McCallum in place of Thomas Bry. dgcs. The following accounts were paid: J. K. Crang Co. balance due, $44.50; Fox Bounties, Frank Alcock„ 3.00, John Warwick, 3.00; Jim Elston 3,00, Jack Higgins 9.00; Anthony Ovine ton 3,00; jack Wilson, relief account, 19.75; 5, B. Elliott, relief account, 8,94; Walter Shortreed, valuators fees, 5.68. 1 Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, HO PICK COUNCIL Gorrie, January 5th, 1949. — The Council met in the Clerk's office ac- cording to statute. The members-elect were all present and took the necess- ary Declaration of Office, as follows: Elmer J. Farrish, Reeve; Harold Gow- dy, Deputy,Reeve• ' Warren Zurbrigg, Harvey McMichael and Ivan Haskins, Councillors. The business of the Council pro- ceeded, with the Reeve, Elmer J. Far- rish in the chair, The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of Zurbrigg and Gowdy, were adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Haskins that By-Law No. 12 of the Township of Howick for the year 1948 as read the third time, be finally passed. Car- ried. Moved by McMichael and Haskins that we extend the time for the re- turn of the Collector's Roll until Feb- BAPTIST CHM Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Pastor 11 a.m.—"Spiritual Sustenance". 7 p.m.—"Satanic Possession". Come and Enjoy His Presence with Us. Children's Meeting, Fri., 7 p.m.z Jesus said: "Take heed, and beware of covetousness, for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth". Luke 12:15. ruary 5th, 1949. Carried. Moved by Haskins and Gowdy that we, the Township Council, feel that Part of the Township banking' (bus- iness should be shared by the Do- minion Beek, and we recommend that the Managers of the l3enle of Com- merce, Wroxeter, and Dominiou Bank, Gorrie, agree to a plan that will be satisfactory to bulb Banks and Rate- payers of the 'Township and present the same to the Council at the Febru- ary 5th meeting for their approval.— Careied. Moved by Zurbrigg and Haskins that we accept the application of An- son Galbraith for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Howick and the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By-Law and forward a copy to the Department of Highways for their approval. Carried, Moved by Gowdy and McMichael that we instruct the Clerk to send for eight subscriptions to The Municipal World, Carried. Moved by McMichael and, Zurb :igg that the Road Accounts be in the hands of the Road Superintendent on the third of each month and the Road Superintendent be instructed to noti- fy each patrolman accordingly. Car- ried. Moved by Zurbrigg and McMichael that By-Law No. 11 of the Township of Howick for the year 1948 be am- ended to read that the Reeve of the Township 'of Howick be a member of the Fordwich Community Hall board to represent the Township Council to replace E. H. Strong. Carried. Moved by Zurbrigg and Haskins that the road accounts as approved be paid. Carried. Moved by McMichael and Zurbrigg that we refund H. Sparling $4.00, be- ing an error on 1948 taxes. Carried. Moved by Zurbriigg and McMichael that the following accounts be paid: Relief $23.49; Royal Bank, Clifford, charges collecting taxes, $6.25; Bank of Commerce, Wroxeter, charges col- lecting taxes, $22.15; H, Sparling, err. or on 1948 taxes $4.00; Elmer Dow- ney, piling wood at Township Hall, Gorrie, $1.50; Justin Will, cedar for Township Hall, Gorrie $8.00; Municip- al World, to question submitted .50; David Braun, fox bounties $6.00; Cecil Grainger, fox bounties $15.00; Wilfred Brown, fox bounties $9.00; L. Hupfer, fox bounty $3.00; R. J. Hueston Son, coal for Clerk's office, $32.85; Mel. Finlay, dog tax refund $2.00; :Harry King, dog tax refund $2.00; J. H. Shannon, legal advice $25.00; The Pedlar People, roof for Township Hall, Gorrie, $285.18; P. Durst, postage, $5.00. Total $450,92. Moved by Haskins and McMichael that this council do now go into a Committee of a whole to make ap- pointments and set salaries for the year 1949. Carried. Moved by Haskins and Zurbrigg that this Committee do now revert to open Council, Carried. The caretaker of the Township Hall, Gorrie, be given a salary of $70.00; members of the Board of Health be $6.00 each; Secretary of Board of Health, $15.00; Livestock Valuators be paid $2.00 per trip; Sanitary In- spector be paid $2.00 a trill; Grader Operator be paid 75c per hour; Care- taker Township Hall, Gorrie, shall be Elmer Downey; Member of Board of Health shall be Norman Gregg along with the Reeve and Clerk, and the Clerk shall be Secretary of the Board of Health; Livestock Valuators shall. be James Douglas and John Dins-, more; Sanitary Inspector shall be Gordon'Underwood, JAMESTOWN Messrs. Sandy Johnston, Alex Mc- Donald and John Johnston spent Wednesday of last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McConnell And son, also Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Mc- Connell of Minto, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis. Ur. and Mrs. A. Bacon and child- ren of Belgrave, spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. S. Breckenridge. Miss Lola Willis of Listowel, spent the week-end with her parents. MORRIS COUNCIL The Council met in the Township Hall on Jan. 10th, with all the mem- bers present. The Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Sam Alcock and Baillie Parrott. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded 1 WASHES eli2d1142t 1,62.5,1 Were ON .CLOTHES LASTS Anyet by Wm. Peacock that Thos. Hender- son be a representative for Morris Township on the Wingham High School District Board, Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Baillie Parrott, that by-law No. 2, 1949, appointing the Township Offic- ials for 1949, be passed. Carried. Moved by Wm, Peacock, seconded by Baillie Parrott that Road Approp- riation on By-law No. 3, 1949, be passed subject to the approval ef the District Municipal Engineer as read the 1st,-2nd and 3rd. time. Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Sam Alco'ck that the road bills as presented by the Road Superintend- ent be passed. Carried. Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Sam Alcock that the Clerk be paid $400 per year and the Treasurer be paid $275. per year. Carried. Moved by Wm, Peacock, seconded by Baillie Parrott that the meeting ad- journ to meet again on Feb. 7th, 1949, e-ee:eMeeeeFweeel Famous Westinghouse- Lovell "Feather Touch" release safety wringer. Porcelain-enamel tub... cleans like a china bowl. Exclusive Wesungnouse "Cushioned Action" for washing clothes cleaner, faster with less wear on clothes. "Sentinel of Safety" pro- tects motor from damag- ing overloads. Provides convenient "on-off" switch. TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7;15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2, pm*. $0;041.1m1;;;Imurp..; ... ,,,,, ..... 101; ...... 0 ,10 1)111101111A, ... A ... AA;140 ...; lllll 01 lll ll pitilleitioito WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 20 "State of the Union" SPENCER TRACY KATHARINE HEPBURN l I llll W11111141 lllll ll Imo; llllll 41,1 llllll IMAAAIIIAAA .......... AAA,. ........ .. A .. AAAAA;1111100 0AAAIIAAAAAAll ............... FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 and 22 ‘BLONDIE in the DOUGH' PENNY SINGLETON ARTHUR LAKE MONDAY and TUESDAY, JANUARY 24 and 25 (Double Bill) "LET'S LIVE AGAIN" "BIG TOWN SCANDAL" WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 27 "A DATE WITH JUDY" JANE POWELL WALLACE BEERY 111/0 1111==1. 1•=•=1, 111111 fl•11 MIMEO /11MINNI 111••••• 1111.0• MINIMS •••••1111 MINNI• ••••••I1 1=IMO 111•11 0.1.4•110 ••••••• Vienna ••••••• 11111•••• IMMO.* WOO/WI 1•1•10 Imam* WENN. •MMEINI ••1•1110. •••111110 IN.11•11 •••••• emo00. •••••••11 M•ROMP I/MOO 11••=1111. 1,•01111. e•••••• =garb =NMI •••••11, IMPROM 1••••••• P•1•1•10 1••••••• 1/1811/, 11•111M1 1101111111111•1 111IMIMMI =MM. Mina .1!/1 •••••• 011•01.111 1101.0.111 t•IMON 111011.1•1 .11100111 4110 06.11•010 61.011101 ••••••• SOO.. WORM •••••=1, =MIN 11•••••1 •MNINI• IMMO. /IMMO III•••••• WWI= =MIMI BMW SIMON MINNS. 1.01=11k %NONNI •••••14118 MIONNOME amuse. Mani memo. 1•111•=11 •••••lIl 111011 111M=I•1 *NINON l•••••• 11111.111 •••••1•11 11.•••111 •••••••• •••••Il 0111111011 11•••••• ••••••• YARN-3-ply fine quality yarn, for gloves, sweaters, socks. A good selec- tion of colors. 1 oz. balls, reg. 30c JANUARY SPECIAL 21c ' MONARCH SKEIN YARN, about 4 oz, to skein. Good knitting yarn, 'especially for Children's Wear. JANUARY SPECIAL 79c CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE SLEEPERS or PAJAMAS, in all- white or stripe. Sizes 2 - 4 - 6. JANUARY SPECIAL •. 59c Children's Fur-trimmed. PARKA HOODS—Good selection of colours. Reg. $2.19 — JANUARY SPECIAL $1.59 INFANTS' ALL-WOOL SETS, consisting of Jacket and Bonnet. Regular $3:25. JANUARY SPECIAL $1.49 E ,Infants' Bunting Bags, Chinchilla Snow Suits in pink and blue 20% Reduced INFANTS' Pink and Blue Reversible SATIN COMFORTERS. All-wool filled. Reg. $3.75. JANUARY SPECIAL $2.29 INFANTS' Hand-loomed all-wool COVERLETS, pink or blue, satin bound. Large size. Regular' $5.95. JANUARY SPECIAL $3.79 SKI MITTS—Ladies' and Children's. Good quality leather, with fleece lining. Wrist strap. Brown, navy, green, red. 20 p.c. Reduced. GIRLS' NAVY FLEECE BLOOMERS, sizes 8 to 12 years, a practical Win- ter garment. While they last, reg. 85c—JANUARY SPECIAL 49c LADIES' HEAVY FLEECE BLOOMERS. Peach only, small, medium, large. Regular $1.19. JANUARY SPECIAL 79c 1111111 Ladies' Winter weight BLOOMERS e, 1 Cotton. Medium or large. White only. JANUARY SPECIAL 85c VESTS to Match. Wide Shoulder. JANUARY SPECIAL ' 69c OWNS. MINIM •1111.11 1011•111011• 11•••••11 ripm.0 Immo. roma !OM 111.11••• 1111M10111 M•111•11 ••••0•• 11•1•1•111 11•111•101 1.11•••1 :=_-- 11111111• 111••••• 11111110 ANGORA and WOOLLEN GLOVES and MITTENS. Plain and fancy embroidered. 20 p.c. REDUCED. All-Wool SQUARES and SCARFS—Plain - novelty designs. 20% Reduced. LADIES' SKI SOCKS—All-woOl in plain or fancy embroidered. These are REDUCED 20 per cent. FLORAL COTTON TABLECLOTHS, 48 x 70, Reg. $4.50. JANUARY SPECIAL ' $3.49 Q ' FLANNELETTE - Striped - for Pajamas or Quilt Lining. JAN. SPECIAL 5 yards for $1.59 K. D. S. ianlma MOM. litimmimummilimmummunimmummimmminimmiummmimummummmummiminmmummilmo Moved by "Haskins and Zurbrigg that By-Law No.1 of the Township of Howick 'for the year 1949, as read the third time be finally passed, Car- that we do now adjourn to meet again at the Clerk's Office on February 5, Moved by Zurbrigg and Haskins or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. bility and performance . . . you get MORE in a Westinghouse. Call in and see this outstanding washer value right away! $159.' CAGE ;ETGHT TH1 WINGKAM ADVANCE' TIMES. Wednesday, January 19, 1949 NIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 KING DEPT. STORE wrhe Friendly Store" —= Jan'y Specials at Reduced Prices Pre Stock-taking Values - that will appeal to the thrifty buyer =MIMI .111111111 1110111I .11111, .1.••••• •••••• WIWI= 11•11118. •••=••1 1•1•••• =NEMO •••••• 111M1•10 !1111.111 11111111111111 A .. A ... AAAAAAAAAAAA!;1 .. ... ;II .......... 11011 . I . 1111 . 1 .. till); 1111•11•M •110011.11 III•1••••• 1.1•••••• ININION• ••••••• 011111.10 MOM. .111001•11 1/000.11 1•101•••• 611•111 00110.111•1•1 1••••••• MIMI= 11•01=11 11110111111111• ••••••• ••••••• ri•••••• fat Westinghouse with EXCLUSIVE "Cushioned Action" 'Only in a Westinghouse washer -will you And the exclusive Cushioned Action gyrator -which gets out the most stubborn dirt with= • out wear on clothes . . PLUS all the other .modern advantages which make Westing- house Canada's greatest washer value! In cleaner, speedier washing . . in longer life .for your clothes • . in quality, dependa. • ittison RADIO 4 ELEC71111110 ffioz wafe 10 a Westinghouse i Baby Foods 3 tins 25c d ▪ 2 20-oz. tins 25C Fresh iceberg Head LETTUCE .... „ .. „ ..'2 for 29c i i 48 64 ii Charm 2603 Holly Hill Grapefruit Juice, tin 29t Imported; Firm Ripe TOMATOES, lb. 25c Facial Tissues, box 17t thoinsonos i choke sOos . —, •i iii SPECIAL .l Waxed Turnips, lb, „St I Lemons , „ „ ., ,3 for 13t 4 . Prairie Gold ..„, ZEALAND le' . a Puffed Rice, .2 pkgs. 27c . , . , Tomato Juice ' . 0 Pastry..froni Teeswater Bakeri' ri i g.,ti, 'Smith's Pure 1 0e I Cakes 'Tarts, StitAlt Balls, etc. - Tues,, Pri,, Sat, i • i Tomato Ketchup - 25c 20 oz.. tin 18111111111111111.0111111111011118101181811611011861811011111011111111111188811888881111111118180811110110111011111011180110011111111.14.0111108111811011111181611608181011011.1.011.11111411111111111111101d imiiminumemmumumumminommitmlimmimmirmatimiollallimiliallimanummiiimmimmustimmaistimalmmumummininiustimmutimmilmo id Prompt Service 'Phone 161 Free Delivery Ground FRESH When You Order SPECIAL ii a Ili i Morning Cheer Coffee - lb. 53c i 8 it I CI Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a . • t,- Smith's Economy Food Store P I7: Srecrarapes, lb. ....15c Navel Oranges, doz. 29c 1 i I, Dalton 's JELLY i . SPECIAL Blue Boy Powders ...3 pkgt. 29c SPECIAL—Size 96s Texas i i ‘4.-------,, i GRAPEFRUIT 6 , for 21c .1-4 ▪ Green Beals - Heinz Strained 8