HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-19, Page 7Wednesday, January 19, 1949 ADVANCE,VMES r PAM S VE mo . m r u r g a l n . n . . m t t t tt t t t t t t t I n t . . '' '''' nninnutnnninontnigintnIPOlinMII411104liollfilmi.ftimoinkM1.111411,41101,0emimMlatlf ' ' 1.01 .1 ' f '' 111 ' Onnni' Shur-Gain Feeds Don't Cost! They Save You Money! 5111.1R-GAIN FEED SERVICE 2 S BALANCED FEEDING SAVES YOU MONEY! The grain and time saved by Balanced Feeding pays for the concentrate used and the savings go into your pocket. Compare the value of 450 pounds of grain with the SHUR-GAIN Hog Concentrate required to balance the hog's ration during the feeding period. The difference is more profit to you! The savings from higher grades and fewer losses adds more and more in favour of BALANCED FEEDING. Can you afford to let another day go by without investigating the SHUR-GAIN Feeding Program? CANADA PACKERS, WINNAM BLUEVALE MILLING CO. LTD., BLUEVALE E. WNEE DELMORE DAUPHIN & GRANT TEESWATER More SHUR-GAIN is Fed in Canada than any other, brand. ASINSIMM Sea • ,. Ss- ' ^ wee Seeeis -stage`, v/, 1110 11 ark aril e-iv" 063 2 /fret Ssevits0 set Money rders . THE sAret SURE WAY TO SEND MONEY SONEY transfers can be made safely and easily by Canadian Dank of Commerce Money Orders. Inekpensive, and re- deemable in Canada or almost any part of the world, they may be obtained conveniently and quickly when transacting your other Dank business_, at any of our branches. Next time you send money, send Its equivalent--a Canadian Batik of `Commerce Money Order. THE CANADIAN BA It OF COMMERCE WINGHAM ERA/ICI-It It R. flobderi, Matiagei Now KYR ON Available In Canada Here it got c news for Peopir who want tha teenaes tigure New KYRON Tap. lets, plus KY. RON'S special dietart formula can help stout poodle whose excess weight is caused P' over-eating, Try easy. to -take inexpensive KYRQN And see if you, too. don't soon notice a remarkable difference: MAKE THiS 7-DAY TEST Purchase a package el KYRON at your Drug Store, Check your w eight before and after using it not satisfied return empty pox to your Druggist, who will ,efund full purchase erica KY. RON may be purchased at and all other Drug and Department Stores, MAKE THIS TEST TODAY: 140brEl Save money. Buy the double size package. Ask your Druggist, ICERR'S DRUG STORE 8160110, SMALLER" Rodotionary New tOMPACT FRIGIDAI tf E Holds 30% to 50% more food in the same kitchen space! See it now AT THE KAWARTHA. LAKES There's variety in this chain of lakes reached along No, 7 highway. The pine-studded, rocky islands of Stoney, the sandy beaches on Pigeon, the smiling countryside 'round Chernong--all have their addicts. If you want your own cot- tage on an island or by the shore, the Kawartha Lakes Tourist Asso- eiatien„ Peterboro, Ont., will be glad to help you, There are moderately priced summer hotels, too, on most of the lakes. Goat catches of bass and muskies reported most years, Pickerel and lake trout too. Sailing fans and ca- noeists will find their wants catered- . to, Plan a Nawarthe„ holiday. In Ontario we have a holi- day paradise ... let's do all we can to encourage visitors from across the border. Published in sup- port of the tourist business by John Labatt Limited. LET 1S' MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! ti 10. This Wonderful Body of Ours. 11. Ways of Entertaining Convales- cent Children. 12. Experience of a Public Health. Nurse. 13. Health is the Foundation of Happiness. Club members and members of the Women's Institute should put this list on file, Roll Calls and Mottos will follow in a later issue. Mr, and Mrs. H. V. MeKenney were in Weston, guests of Mr. Mc.. Kenney's niece, Mrs. Howard Watts and Mr. Watts. present. Social Welfare 1. Canada's (Mental Health Prob- lem. 2. Modern Drugs and their help to Combat Disease. 3. History of Vaccines and toxiods and value of them. 4, Prevention and remedy of Com- mon Cold. 5. Work of Kitchener and Waterloo Orphanage, 6, St. John's Ambulance Corp. 7. Children's Aid, 8, Maintaining Health in Middle Age. 9. Medical Insurance. -ELLIOTT'S Nursing Home Accommodation for Bed. Patients and Invalids RATES REASONABLE Nursing Services day and night. Telephone 367 - Josephine St. WINGHAM ONT. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. c F F. 110MUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by BARLING $3.50 Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP 1 1 Sash of all kinds Storm Windows EGG CRATES CHICKEN CRATES Soft Drink Cases Campbell Gorbutt SASH & BOX Manufacturers Diagonal. Rd., Wingham 1444,0• FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS PUNE RAL PARLOUR Ss .1. WALKER 'PHONE, Day or Night JOG WINOHAM Three beauties—near Foram Pads Want A Healthy Bank Account Why are so many business men sending us their accounts these days? It's because they realize NOW is the best time to clear tlieir ledgers of all past due debts. In a short time results may be less satisfactory. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists Orangeville, Ontario Canada's Oldest Firm `of Collectors Effective Reliable vohipace Requital hirchen spec. only 62 1/16" high, 33 7/16' wide, 0 1/4" eloop. STEWART HO ME APPLIANCES example of co-operation and good neighbouring. Victim of Fall Now Improving The condition of Neil T, Campbell, 18 year-old son of Mrs, John Camp- bell, ,Ridgetown, formerly of Wrox- eter, who was seriously hurt on Thurs- day, January 6th, is now reported favourable, An employee of the For- estry Branch, Hydro Electric Power Company, he was working near Wel- laceburg, when he fell 30 feet from a tree. It is understood a branch broke before he had time to place his safety rope. He was removed to Chatham Hospital and an X-ray showed a brok- en pelvis, broken left wrist and a badly fractured right heel. The Camp- bell family are well known in Wrox- eter, where Mr. Campbell operated a barber shop until the time of his death. Later Mrs, Campbell and two sons, Neil and John moved to Ridgetown. 'Very best wishes of many friends here are extended to Neil for a good recovery, Women's Missionary Society The January meeting of the W.M. S. of the United Church, was. held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harold Hamilton, who with Mrs. R. B. Hunter, was responsible for ar- ranging the programme, The meeting was called to order with qttiet music, Mrs. Munro at the piano. The presi- dent read the New Year Message of Dominion President, Mrs, Self, taken from the January issue of the Mission- ary Monthly. Take time to be Holy, was the opening hymn. Mrs. H. B. Hunter rod the scripture lesson, Mrs, MacNaughton led in prayer, The Roll Call, My Now Year's Resolution for the Women's Missionary Society brought 'an encouraging response. In the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. Cronhieltn, Mts. /Denny presented the minutes and also a summary of the year's activities. Members 'Were pleas- ed when informed the allocation for giving for 1048 had been reached. All joined in singing (7 Master, let me Walk With Thee, Guest speaker was Miss Edythe Weir, who gave an in, spiting message on the New rear, and closed with choice Verses, keeping With the Subject, Mil. Charles Me- Ctittheon who was also a attest, sal* Standing at tilb Portal of Atiother Year. Miss 1-latelwood,acCOMPatiy4 Mary l:Iowe. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Barber,Lon- don, visited friends here last unday. Mr. Wilfred Leeson,Kitchener, was a week-end guest of D. S. and Mrs, MacNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacDonald, of Molesworth, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Edwards, Miss- Frances Wylie, Toronto, was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Wylie. Word came to town last week of the death of Raymond Garry, formerly of Cheltenham, which took place in California, where lie and his wife were visiting a brother-in-law. Ray was known here as on different occasions he was relieving agent at the C.P.R. station. His ,wife was the former Alice Schaefer of Fordwich. Funeral ser- vices took place in California. Mrs. George Edwards has received word of the safe arrival in Vancouver of her niece, Miss Addie Lowry, from China, where she has served for many years as a Missionary. Because of war conditions she' with other missionaries and Canadians, numbering 200 were forced to leave their city and return home to Canada. Miss Lowry will stay with a brother in Toronto Annual Meeting The annualn meeting of the Tjnited Church congregation will be held on the evening of January 27th, Thurs- day. Pot luck supper will' be served at 7 p.m. Business meeting to follow. A good attendance is hoped for. Howick Lions Supper Meeting Will be held in the Club Rooms, Mas- onic Building on Thursday evening of this week. New Books In Library Readers in'the village and commun- ity will be interested to know some new books are on hand at the local Library and include, Fiction, non Fiction and Juvenile. Wroxeter Public Library has been established for many years. Besides having a fine selection of their own, books are obtained from the Huron Mobile Travelling Library. Your correspondent was informed there are more juvenile readers in this district than adults. This speaks well for our future citizens. The Library is located in the Town Hall building. Mrs. A. J. Sanderson is the Librarian and the hours are Saturday afternoon 2 to 5 p.m. Roofing Job Completed Somethirig in the way of a record for fast work, was accomplished last week, when following the destructive fire of the previous week, Bob Gibson and his helpers repaired and re-roofed the Vanvelsor block, part of needed materials went astray and were only located Satur/ay.at Walkerton. Work continued all day Sunday, with around 20 men helping, by night the job was completed, Bob Gibson engineered the contract and the willingness of men in and around the village, was a fine lug at the piano. Mrs. Allen Munro presented a chapter of the Study Book, West of the Gorges, which chapter dealt with the life of a Mis- sionary in China, '.Stella Cbeng," The hymn, I .need Thee every hour and prayer by the president, brought the meeting to a close. Tea was served by the hostess and a social hour enjoyed. Women's Instittite The January -meeting of Wroxeter Branch of the Women's Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, J, N. Allen, The presi- dent, Mrs. V, MacKenney presid- ed. Mrs. W. T, MacLean, secretary, presented the minutes and corresport. deuce, which included cards and a calendar from pen pals in ,IF.dorn, Scot. land. Thank you notes from many re- membered at the Christmas season and including Robert Riley, Sunny- brook Hospital, Mrs. Sellers, Toronto, and Mrs, William MacDonald, "Mas- on Villa", London. A Christmas Greet- ing from a former member, Mrs. Lorne Kaake, B.C. was appreciated. A gift of money for W. I. work from Mr, J. Adams was gratefully acknow- ledged, A letter from Mrs. Marian La Voy, Fort Stewart, conveyed deep- est appreciation from her church group for the bale of clothing sent from Wroxeter W. I. early in Dec- ember. She said the sewing group were already busy renovating and making garments for the needy child- me of that district, The Roll Call was answered by an 'exhibit of the members baby pictures. Miss K. Hazelwood presented inter- esting Current Events which included items on Oleo Margarine Import, also import of Broilers from Nova Scotia to Ontario Market, The Birth of Prince Charles of Edinburgh, and closing with a delightful piano solo, The topic, under the heading "Home Economics", was given by Mrs. R. B. Palmer, who chose Table Setting, How to serve, and good table man- ners. Many useful hints were given, In closing the speaker said, Women who could play piano well, speakers, etc., were spoken of as accomplished. The women who could set a table pro- perly, serve a good meal and was a gracious hostess with good table manners was also accomplished. Dur- ing the business session it was decid- ed to take the National Film Board Showings to the Town Hall in future. A Euchre party is to be arranged in the near future with Mrs. J. N. Allen, Mrs. R. B. Hunter, Mrs. Vern Denny and Mrs. Wm Hart, the committee in charge. Mrs Millward expressed the appreciation of the members to Mrs, Allen for her kind hospitality Tea was served at the' close when the hostess was assisted by Mrs. G. A. Wear- ring Mrs, R. B. Hunter and Mrs. Dave Draper. Legion Wothen's Auxiliary The first meeting of the newly or- ganized Women's At&iliary of the Canadian Legion, 307, was held gin Tuesday evening, Jan. 14th, 1949, with the president, Mrs. WM. Austin in charge. The meeting `was opened with 0 Canada, followed by the Leg- ion Charge and one Minutes Silence and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Three new members were initiated in- to the Auxiliary. Lunch conveners were chosen. Mrs. H. Keil to have charge of the lunch next meeting, on Jan. 24th, It was decided to begin the meetings at 8.30 sharp, the second Tuesday of each month. The closing ceremony and the singing of the Nat- ional Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Young People's Union Margaret Moffatt had charge of the weekly meeting of the Y.P,U. on Monday night.. President Pete 'Dob- son presided. The first hymn sung was Jesus Thou Divine Companion, Rev. U. E. Cronhielm conducted the Bible Study. A poem entitled Doubt, was read by Evelyn Anger. Marilyn Maclean gave the Topic on Fellow- ship. The young people are sponsor- ing a play. The Improper Mr. Proper, by Gorrie Young People, to be presen- ted in Wroxeter Town Hall, Jan, 26th. The hymn, "0 Lord, of Life and Love and Power and the Mizpah benediction brought the meeting to a close. For' Home and Country Topits and Citizenship as gleaned from Reports at Guelph Area Con- vention, 1. Women's Responsibility for a better Tomorrow. 2, Famous Canadian Women. 3. Immigration. 4. Co-Operation, 5. The new Canadian Citizenship. 6, The Birthright of a Canadian Citizen. 7, What makes good leaders. 8, Leadership and what it takes. 9, The . Significance of Remem- braiate Day. 10, My Home is My Castle. 11. A Home endures not by the strength of its walls but by the quality of the life within, 12, The Art of Conversation. 13. The value of a Farm Wife, 14. The vanished pomp of yesterday, 15, The new Status of India. 10. Make Canada a Land of Love. 17, Ottf Canadian System of Gov- ernment. 18, The development of Youth. 19. Legal tights and obligations of a married Canadian Wornari. .28. Biblical Training in Sehools. 21, What a Woman can do in Lc isiatnte. 28, The *United nations, 28. Frit ndlinest. 24. Canadian Women ins Music, Art and titetalutt. tg, Young Canadian Day, Children I WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Jacklin, of Star City, Saskatchewan, are spending some time with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jacklin, Sr. Icy streets were the cause of 'a pain- ful accident to Mrs. Art. Robinson, who fell on Saturday breaking her right wrist, Mrs. Robinson, whose home is in Saskatoon, Sask., is spend- ing the winter with her sister, Miss 411