HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-19, Page 6When your
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Men's WORK SOCKS, Reg. 55c
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Men's PARKAS, broken sizes
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TWEED Cotton
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Mr. Mervyn Stephens of Thorndale,
was in town on Saturday and Sunday.
Anglican Church News
The W. A, of St. Stephens church
will meet at the home of Mrs. W. C.
King on Thursday, at 2.30 p.m. The
theme will be Worship.
The annual Vestry meeting will be
held on Wednesday evening, Jan, 26th
at 8.30 p.m. Ladies are asked to bring
The Girls' Auxiliary held their reg-
ular meeting on Thursday evening at
the home of .Mrs. W. C. King with a
good attendance. The Presicrent, Miss
Edith Dinsmore Presided and review-
ed a chapter of the study book "First
Canadians." Rev. J. C. Caley contin-
ued his Old Testament Studies. Lunch
was served by the hostess and a social
half hour enjoyed.
Curling Club Elect Officers
,The Gorrie Curling Club held their
annual meeting on Saturday night,
Jan. 15th, at B. J. Maguire's office.
The following officers were elected.
President, Ken Hastie, Sec., Arthur
Stephens, Wilfred King as his assist-
ant, The President, Ken Hastie and
his assistant secretary, Wilfred King,
will be in charge of all committees.
Agricultural Course
The boys in attendance at the Ag-
ricultural Course have chosen the fol-
lowing officers: President, ' Glenn
Austin; Vice-Pres., Ron McMichael;
Sec.-Treas., Bob Edgar; Committee,
Bill Thornton, Stewart Strong. There
was a fine attendance at the barn
meeting at Strong Bros„ Tuesday
last. J. A, Stewart, Bolton, Ayshire
Club Fieldman spoke on judging dairy
cattle and fitting them for show pur-
poses. Dr. McLennan, Wingham,
spoke on diseases in dairy cattle and
a recorded address by-W. P. Watson,
live stock commissioner, was heard,
on agricultural prospects for 1949,
On Friday afternoon, Professor
Stillwell of the O.A.C., Guelph, visit-
ed the class and demonstrated the
proper cutting of meats, different cuts
and preparing it for lockers.
Gorrie Downs Londesboro 7-2
The Gorrie Arena was packed on
Friday night when Londesboro played
with Gorrie in the W.O.A.A. group.
Intermediate "C". Townsend, Neilson,
Paulin, Farrish and Ashton were the
goal getters for Gorrie with Lee and
Miller for Londesboro. Four penalties
were handed out during the night to
ToWhsend and O'Krafka, Gorrie.
Tunney and Shaddick Londesboro.
Glenn Johnston was referee.
The Gorrie Hockey team defeated
l3elgrave on Tuesday night in the
Wingham Arena in an intermediate 'C'
W.O.A.A, game, score 6-2, Gorrie-
Goal, Lorne King; defence, Jasper
Farrish, Jack Abram; centre, David
Neilson; wings, Tom O'Krafka, Bill
Heibein; subs., Archie Irwin; Wes.
Paulin, Everett Ashton, L. Townsend,
R. McMichael, H. Hutchison. Bel-
grave-Goal, Cook; defence, Lowe,
Haines; centre, Mansz; wings, MeClen
aghan, Nethery; subs., Coultes, King,
Wellwood, Foxton, Elston, McTavish,
A game was played here on Tues-
day night between the Howick Lions
midgets and Londesboro midgets when
the locals took a bad trimming.
Women's Institute
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute was held at the home
of Mrs. W. C. King on Tuesday, jam
11th, with a good attendance. The
Meeting opened in the usual manner.
The minutes were read and a financial
report given. Mrs, King gave a report
on the cheer boxes that were sent to
shut-ins and sick at Christmas. 21
boxes were sent to shut-ins and three
more to the sick, Numerous letters of
thanks were read from those who had
received these boxes. Plans were made
for an .Easter dance, A donation of
$10 was made to the Gorrie Hockey
Club, Current events Nyere read by
Mrs. M. Edgar, The motto, prepared
by Mrs.'GordonBrown, perhaps you ' G
cannot be a star, but you need, not be
a cloud, was read by Mrs. Glenn
Johnston. My problem in imusekeep-
big was the roll call, and brought forth
many problems awl much laughter-1
The program, "Review of Short Conr-1
ses" was ably taken by Mrs. C, Gregg
arid Mrs. Glad 'Edgar, giving every
one an idea of the value of the Wont-
en's Institute work and the benefit a
ettinber receives. Sonic of the lead•
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P. 4 nig WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, January 19, 1949
Mr. Arthur Stephen was taken ill
iaSt week and removed to Wingham
Uospital. On Sunday he was taken
tt) Victoria Hospital London, for fur-
ther diagnosis.
Mr. Mac Hutchison of St. Cathar-
ines, spent the week-end with his par-
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchison.
Friends here will be glad to know
that Mrs, Wm. Wilson, Fordwich,
who underwent an operation for ap-
pendicitis in Wingham Hospital on
Tgesday of last week is doing well
and expects to return to her home this
The annual meeting . of the Red
Cross Society will be held in the Or-
ange Hall, on Monday, Jan, 24th, at
8,30 p.m, A good attendance is re-
Joy streets have been the cause of
a few tumbles recently, Mrs. Gordon
Edgar is suffering from a fall and
Miss Erland,,Gregg fell in the house
injuring her ankle.
Mrs. Carl Mayberry, Listowel, and
Mrs. • Toni MacDonald, Molesworth,
were visitors on Sunday at the home.
of Mr, and Mrs. W. C. King, On
Thursday, Mrs. Harvey Adams and
Rosemary, Wroxeter, were guests at
the same home
Miss Janice Strong of Listowel,
was home on Sunday
Mrs, Win. Ford and daughters, vis-
ited her mother in Hanover on Satur-
Mr. John Cathers was a recent vis-
itor in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar and
Frances, and Mr. Wallace Edgar of
Alberta, spent Saturday in Toronto.
United Church News
The Women's Association will meet
at the home of iMrs. Ewart Whitfield
on Thursday, Jan...20th, at 2.80 p,m,
The Y.P,U, will meet at the par-
sonage next Sunday at S80 p,m.
The annual meeting will be held on
Wednesday evening, January 19th, at
Sp. m. The ladies are asked to please
bring lunch.
Born---In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Wednesday, January 12th,
to Mr, and Mrs. Bower Farrish, a
son, (Ceasarean 'birth),
Born-In Listowel Memorial Hos-
pital on Thursday, January 13th, to
Mr, and Mrs, Robert J. Gibson con. 9,
a son,
Mr, Robt, Marshall, Fordwich, was
chosen a director of the Dairymen's
Association' of Western Ontario at
their annual meeting in London last
ers gave 4 -short review of the courses
given the past few years; Mrs. H, Ed-
gar told of the .eourse oil sleeping gar-
me nts now in progress; Mrs. Percy
Ashton gave a review of refinishing
furniture; Miss Margaret Dane review,,
ed the Garden Club work; Mrs. Glenn
Johnston told of the course, The Milky
Way, etc.; Mrs, P. Keine reviewed the
quilting course; Mrs. Wellington
spoke of the demonstration on whole
grain cereals and the cottons may be
smart course for girls; Mrs, Glad Ed-
gar spoke of the home craft course
that may be had from the Department,
The Women's Institute is indeed proud
of the achievement of Miss Erland
Gregg and presented her with a gift
to show their appreciation of the inter-
est she has taken in the work. • A
dainty lunch was served by the hostess
and Mrs. T. Bradnock and Mrs, E. E,
Wellington. A special cake was made
by the hostess in honor of Erland. A
social .half hour was enjoyed, bringing
to a close a very profitable and enjoy-
able meeting.
(Intended for last week)
Harold and, Allan Townsend of She]
burne, visited their father, Mr. George
Townsend, who has been ill with pneu-
Mr. Geo, McCracken, of Limby,
Sasit; is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Grainger.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Cook spent Sun-
day with friends in Kitchener.
Mrs. A. McKenzie of Harriston, vis,
ited her sister, Mrs. Robt. Graham and
Mr. Graham on Sunday. Mr. Toin
Kiltie of Palemrston is also a visitor
at the same home this week,
Mrs. R. Ashton is visiting her (laugh
ter, Mrs. C. Hobbs at Monkton.
Mrs. F. C. Taylor and Mr. John
Montgomery attended the funeral of a
cousin in Markdale on Tuesday.
The Howick Legion sponsored a
dance in the township hall on Monday
evening. The' Ranch Boys of CKNX
furnished the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Schaefer of
Fordwich, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank King on Sunday.
St. James' Anglican Ladies' Guild
held their first meeting ol 1949 on
Tuesday, January 11th at the home'
of Mrs. Geo. Edwards. Mrs. George
Griffith, new President, presided. The
meeting opened with the Lord's Pray-
er and reading from the Forward.
Minutes were approved as read. The
annual financial report was presented.
All obligations had been met and an
appreciable sum left as a balance to
continue the good work of the Ladies'
Guild. Missionary work for the year
will be taken up for Mohawk Institute.
Rev. J. C. Caley spoke briefly, out-
lining extension work to be carried
gut in the interest of our church„ A
birthday treat was presented to David
Caley who had celebrated a birthday
The February meeting will be held
on the 8th of February when the
Guild will be the guests of Mrs. Glen
McKercher, Jamestown: The meet-
ing closed with prayer. The hostess,
assisted by Mrs. Geo. Griffith, served
a hot supper. This, and the social
period following, was much enjoyed
by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Stanley of
Clinton celebrated their 15th wedding
anniversary this past week-end with a
nice party at their home. Among
those present, as guests, were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold I. Durst, Wroxeter.
Ken, Hawke is reported ill at his
home in Teeswater. Ken is an em-
ployee of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way. Friends and acquaintances- here
wish him a speedy recovery to good
Trustees Returned
At a recent nomination meeting for
Town Trustees, Mr, H. L Knight, Mr.
Mervin Grainger and Mr. Alvin Moff-
at were unanimously returned to office
for their second term and received the
congratulations of those present for
the very fine way in which they had
conducted the business during the
past year for the Police Village of
Wroxeter. A most pleasing report
of financial disbursements and bal-
ance was presented by Secretary H. L.
Knight. This report is going forward
to all taxpayers of this village.
St. James Anglican Church
The annual vestry meeting and pot
luck supper will be held on Tuesday,
Jan, 25th, in the church rooms.' Sup-
per at 6,45., meeting at 8.30. All mem-
bers and adherents kindly accept this
invitation to be present at this very
important meeting. All those planning,
to attend supper, get in touch With
the Ladies' Guild President, Mrs,
Geo. Griffith.
An executive meeting of St. James
Church group was held at the home
of Mrs. McKenney on Saturday last,
when plans were discussed, re church
extension work. Rev. J. C. Caley re-
ported on visitations to the shut-his
and hospitals, It was planned to have
theWorrien's Institute group of St.
Helens bring their play "Uncle Cy
Hits a New High," to Wroxeter
Town Hall, Feb, 11th, Improvements
re church lighting was discussed and
other features for adding to the en-
joyment of church services.
Mr, and Mrs. Max Steurnol, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Draper, were recent'
evening guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, P. B. Millward.
Mr, and Mrs, Art, Forest,
were guests of their daughter, Mrs.
Harold thirst and Mr. Durst one day
last week,
Mr. and Mrs, H. ToWrisend visited
Fergus friends last Sunday,
Reg. $20.00
SALE - $16.50
$35 and $39.50
up to $45.00
Boys' PULLOVER Zipper Fastener
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Sale $13.50
Youths' Overcoats
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