HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-19, Page 1W. H. French Elected Chairman
Financial Report Presented
At the Inanguaral Meeting of the
Wingham High School District Board
held last week Mr. W,A,H, French was
elected Chairman and Mr. Leslie For-
tune, Vice-Chairman for 1949. Follow-
ing members represent i their respective
districts; ,
Township of West Wawanosh—Mr.
George Kennedy; Township* of East
Wawanosh, Mr, Thompson; Town-
ship of Morris, Mr. Tom Henderson;
Town of Wingham, Mr, Clayton
Gammage; Township of Turnberry,
Mr. Leslie Fortune; County of Huron,
Mr. A. D. IMacWilliant; Wingham
Public School Board, Mr. W. H.
Mr. W. A. Galbraith was appointed
Secretary-Treasurer and Mr. T. W.
Platt, Truant Officer for 1949. A
cheque for $40,39 was presented from
Toronto ,General Trusts, Corporation
being the amount of the Marion I,
Whyte Estate contribution for schol-
arships and equally won by Miss Alice
Laidlaw and Miss Mary Ross.
Reports were presented from In-
spectors of the Department of Edu-
cation approving the work being car-
ried on in the Commercial Department
as well as the Home Economics and
Workshop Departments.
Conimittes for the year were set up.
Principal Hall reported an attendance
of 205 pupils with 129 girls and 76
boys. A series of Red Cross films were
being used in the school each week,
the latest one being on water safety,
A very interesting film in colour on
"Prospecting for Petroleum" had been
used by courtesy of the Shell Oil Co.
The matter of serving a hot dish at
noon hour for pupils bringing lunches,
was discussed and it was agreed that
this be carried out at once with details
to be arranged by the Principal and
School Management Committee. The
financial statement for the year was
presented as, follows:
Bal, forward )an. 1st, 1948.4 104.31
District Levies
Town of Winghami $ 2709.07
Township of Morris 2164.14
Township of Turnberry 3432,99
Township of E. Wawanosh 2756,07
Township of W. Wawanosh 1836.31
Grants from other Municipalitiesi258 8
'For .1947 Tuition
West Howick Twp.
Teeswater Come School
County of Bruce
County of Huron
$ 7039.07
Grants, Dept. of Education.
General Grant $ 31537.15
Home Economics & Shop
PlWusoSricuperannuation Fee
Withheld 1073,60
Grant, Agriculture
County of Huron
Grants, Cadets
$ 500.00
$ 104.50
$ 604.50
$ 269,57
Art, Music
Misc, Equipment
Shop Work
Home Economies
Transportation of
Cost of Administration
Officer's Salaries»,.,.,,,,...$ 425.00
Interest and Exchange 287.16
General Expense 625,23
Cost of Plant Operation
Fuel ........ „ ... ..... ..... .. 658.95
Light and Water 660.27
Telephone 69.42
Salaries Caretakers .....„ ...... . . . ... 2642.80
Caretaker supplies ...... ,„. 200.12
Repairs ......... 3120.86
insurance Premiums 536.16
Athletics ... . . ..... 222,88
Cadets ..... . ...... ..... ...... .. . . . 85.80
Balance of cost of neW build-
ings ... 611.59
Prizes and Scholarships 0„, 840.89
Dec, 31, 1948, Bal, on hand $ 527,.48
Grand Total '$65769.86
Grand Total $55759.86
Teachers' Salaries
Cash Paid $240'74.00
Income Tax withheld 2405.50
Federation Fee withheld 146.00
Superannuation deducted 1073.60
Cost of Educational Equipment
Library ..... ............ ........... 205.62
,. 1718.25
students 11934.47
For 25 Years of Service as Supt.
of Sunday School
On Wednesday evening the teachers
and officers of the Wingham United
Church Sunday School were guests of
Mr. Frank R, Howson at a turkey
dinner in the Sunday School rooms,
and served by the ladies of the Even-
ing Auxiliary, ...assa>
At the conclusion of the dinner an
address was read by Mr, W. S, Hall
to Mr. Howson, on his completion of
twenty-five years of faithful service as
Superintendent, and the presentation
of a large silver tray was made by
Mr. G. W. Tiffin/
Mr. Howson, in expressing his
thanks for the address and tray, said
he had enjoyed working with the Sun-
day School and regretted that he now
found it necessary to retire as superin-
tendent, but would in every way assist
his successor, and that the work of the
Sunday School would always be of
great interest to him.
Rev. W. A. Beeeroft was in charge
of the business meeting, and called on
Capt. H, deVries of the Salvation
Army, who delivered an excellent ad-
dress. Following the address encour-
aging reports were presented by the
secretary, treasurer and librarians,
The election of teachers and officers
resulted in all being returned with the
exception of Mr. Lloyd Hutton being
elected as Superintendest, and Mr.
Norman Dickinson as assistant secre-
Hospital Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Wing-
ham General Hospital will be held at
the Hospital on Friday, January 21st,
at 8 p.m.
Elected Bruce County Warden
Andrew /vIcTavish, three-time reeve
of Teeswater, was elected 77th war-
den of Bruce County Council at its
inaugural meeting on Monday night.
He defeated William Walsh of Kin-
cardine, 18-15,
Dates of Play Set
March 14th, 15th and 16th are the
dates tentatively set for the , play,
"Shoot the Works"., to be presented
by the Lions Club and the Wingham
Recreation Council, An excellent cast
of players has been chosen and it looks
as if another smash hit is underway.
New Elders Appointed
At the Preparatory Service at St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church last
Thursday evening, eight new elders
were ordained, John Donaldson, John
McKague, Leslie Fortune, Wilfred Mc-
Kague, A, AL Peebles, Morley Som-
ers, James Smith and Ewart McPher-
son. Nineteen were received into mem,.
bership, 15 on Profession of Faith and
4 by certificate.
Dante At Whitednirch
In the Cornmunity Memorial Hall,
on Friday, jail, 21st, to the music of
Garnet Farrier's 5-piece Orchestra,
ProeeedS hi aid or Banding Fund, Ev-
erybody welcome. Lunch counter.
Admission 50c.
With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Single conies . Five Cents WINGHANI, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1949 Subscription, $2.00 a Year in Advanced
Estate O'f `John Cornyn
$ 1100.70
111011 S. DISTRICT
2 Scholarships
Elected Vice President Of
Power City Trust Co.
, X" At the annual stockholders and dir-
ectors meetings of the Power City
Trust Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
Howard C. Gray was advanced from
treasurer and trust officer to 'vice-
president. Howard commenced his
banking career in the Bank of Com-
merce in Wingham,/In 1925 lie be-
came associated with the Power City
Trust Company, in 1934 ,was elected
a junior officer and was promoted to
the treasurership in 1946. Since Aug-
ust, 1942, he has directed the activities
of the Trust and Mortgage depart-
ments of the yank,
Held In Brussels On Friday —
Officers Elected
The annual business meeting of the
North Huron Plowmen's Association
was held in Brussels on Friday, in
charge of Wilmot Haacke, Goderich,
Guest speakers were Gordon Me-
Gavin and ,Gordon Bennett, district
agricultural representative.
Officers elected for 1949 were:—
president, Wilmot }Iaacke; vice-presi-
dent, Elmer Dennis, 'Walton; secretary
treasurer, L. E. Cardiff, Brussels. •
Directors: Grey twp., Bert Hens-
mingway, Stanley Mecham William
Perrie, Glen Heuther; Morris twp.,
Lorne Nichol, Robert Michie, Harvey
Johnston, George Martin; McKillop
twp., Elmer Dennis, Gordon McGavin,
Russell Bolton, William Coutts,
Liam Learning Jr., Jack Eckert; Turn.
.berry twp., Leslie Fortune, Walter H.
Woods, Jack Willetts; Colborne twp.,
Hugh Hill, George Robertson, Gerald
Dttstow, Stanley Snider; Goderich twp
George Fagan, George Ginn, Arthur
Bell, Wilmot Haacke; Ashfield twp.;
Cecil Johnston, a A. Hackett, Elmer
Graham; West Wawanosh, Brown
Smyth, Thomas Webster, Everet Fin-
nigan, Ben Johnston; East Wawanosh,
Harry Sturdy, J. D. Beecroft, Orval
Taylor,Maurice alialtan; Ilowick,
Parrish, Harry 'dowdy, Harold
Rabertsott, Robert Gibson; Hulk%
Jack Armstrong, George BroWnJ Bruce
Roy; Brussels, R. J. Bowman, William
Speir, ix, E. Cardiff, Mr, Cardiff has
completed twenty.seven years ,as sec-
retary.treattrrer of the association,
Additional Planting At Park
Planned For Year
The 'annual meeting of the Wingham
Horticultural Society was held in the
Town Hall on Monday evening. The
following officeit were elected for
President—Mrs. G. H. Ross
Vice-Pres,—W. S, Hall
Sec.-Treas.--D, Crompton
Premium Committee—Mrs. G. ' H.
Ross and Mrs, E. J. Nash.
I Chaiiman Committee—W. A. Gal-
Mrs, G. H. R.Oss and Mr. 'D.
Crompton were appointed delegates
to the Horticultural convention at
Toronto in ,March.
Additional planting was planned' for
the Horticultural Park, following the
plans already set out.
Balance from 1947" $ 127.59
Members, 1948 ..... ....
Provincial Grant * 29,10
Town of Wingham grant
Sale of plants, shrubs
Bank Interest
$ 327.78
B. Y. P. A.
Several Choruses were sung to open
the weekly meeting of the Baptist
Young People's Group, followed by the
hymn "I will sing of my Redeemer".
and prayer by Mr. Wilmer HarcoUrt.
Miss Vivian MacLean read an article
entitled "Six reasons why you should
be saved" and Mrs. Wilmer Harcourt
read the scripture lesson taken from
Matthew 6: 1-18.
Mr, Frank Collar favoured with a
lovely solo, and all joined in
"Shall we gather at the River." A. de-
lightful reading entitled "What is
Christianity" was given by Mr. Har-
old Pocock, following which Mr. Mer-
rill Cantelon favoured with an accord-
ian number,
The guest speaker, •Rev. A. Nimmo,
brought, a very helpful and inspiring
message on the subject of "Prayen"
The meeting closed with the hymn
"Down in the Valley" gni prayer by
Rev. Coupland.
Ill At Grand Bend
Many friends of Mrs. W. A. Miller
of Grand Bend, and formerly of Wing-
ham, will be sorry to hear of her ser-
ious illness,
Toronto Subscriber, Please Note
Will the Subscriber to The Advance
Times, who mailed a year's subscrip-
tion from Toronto on January 16th,
kindly send name so that proper credit
may be given. Thank you.
John Armstrong, County Warden
Huron County Council met on Tues-
day "afternoon and as their first item
of business, elected John Armstrong
as Warden for 1949. Mr. Armstrong
has been Reeve of Hullett Township
for five years.
Howick Agrie. Society Annual -
The annual meeting of the Howiek
Agricultural Society will be held in
the Legion Hall, Gorrie, on Friday,
Jan. 21st, at 2 p.m. Agriculture Repre-
sentative Gordon Bennett of Clinton,
win be guest speaker at this meeting.
Attending Meeting In New York
Rev. W. A. Beecroft, refireseeting
the United Church of Canada, is at-
tending a meeting of the Religious
Radio Advisory Canna in Ney York
city. On Sunday morning during his
absence Rev. W. 3. Watt of White-
church. had charge of the service at
the United Church.
Celebrated Birthday
Miss B, H. Reynolds, a former
highly esteenied teacher in Wingham
Public School observed a birthday on
Sunday on which occasion she rectiv.
ed several hundred birthday and greet.
ing cards, flowers and other remem.
brances from former pupils and other
friends. We join in wishing Miss
Reynolds,. every happiness and con•
tinned good health,
,Mrs, (Rev) W, A. lieeeroft is
spending a week with friends in TO.,
ante At Royal To
You are welcome at the loyal 11/4
on Saturday night for your dancing
pleasure from 9.80 to 11 Garnet
Farrier's 5 piece band,
Lion Clayt. Bawling of Windsor,
Paid Official Visit
The regular supper Meeting 'of the
Wingham Lions Club was held at the
Hotel Brunswick, on Friday evening,
with Lion President, Bill Tiffin in
charge, The tailtwisters, Lions Art.
Irwin and Wally Armstrong were in
good form for as well as collecting
many fines, they made several of the
Lions show their handiwork, particu-
larly Lions Bob Hetherington and.
Alt. Adams, who having missed the
work meeting held on Boxing Day,
had to demonstrate their skill in minia-
ture, by erecting sections for a hockey
cushion, After viewing their work
maybe it was just as well they were
Lion Sam Burton reported that the
rehearsals for the local talent play
would commence next week,
Lion Bob Hetherington reported
that everything was in readiness for
the skating rink at the Public School,
if only the weather man would to-op-
erate. The Midget Hockey Team was
being sponsored by the Lions and new
sweaters and socks had been ordered,
but as yet had not arrived. On calling
for volunteers to transport the players
several signified their willingness.
Several names were presented for
possible membership and were ap-
Lion Sam Burton favoured with
two violin selections accompanied by
Lion Harold V. Pym.
The highlight of the evening was
an address by the District Governor
Lion Clayt. Rawling of Windsor. He
gave many reasons why he was proud
to be a Lion and a member of the
largest organization of its kind in the
world, being composed gof '1050 clubs
and over 400,000 members.
He mentioned the pleasure of having
Lion Gord Buchanan visit the Wind-
sor Club occasionally and compleruent-
ed the Wingham Club in being in sixth
place in the district standing.
He challenged the club to set its
objectives high. The people will sup-
port the club only if you present to
them something of value.
He was introduced by Lion Bill
McCool and a vote of thanks was ten-
dered him by Lion ,Chas. Roberts.
Lion President Bill' intimated that
the next meeting would be Ladies'
The meeting closed with the usual
song and roar.
In , a nine table game at Bridge
Club last Thursday the leading scores .
North and South: Mrs. Hethering-
ton and 0. Haselgrove; 2. Miss M,
McCallum and D. Crompton; 3. Mrs,
G. MacKay and Mrs. G. Beattie; 4.
Mrs, J. A. Wilson and Mrs. Nasmith,
East and West: 1. Mrs. Dyble and
W. H, French; 2. G. Williams and
J. J. Goodine; 3, Mrs. H ,Campbell
and J. R. Crawford; 4. Mrs. J. H.
Crawford ,and G. MacKay.
A. D. Smith Appointed Chairman
For 1949
The inaugural meeting for 1949 of
the Turnberry Township School Board
was held in the Wingham Council
Chambers on Thursday, January 13th,
at 2.30 p.m. All members and Inspec-
tor Kinkead present. Mr. W. R. Cruik-
shank was present and all Trustees
accepted the declaration of office, Mr,
A. D. Smith was elected Chairman
of the Board for 1949.
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and adopted on motion of Wil-
litts and Kirton. Carried.
The following correspondence was
read: West Wawanosh Mutual Fire
Ins, Co., Jos, Bailey, United Emer-
gency Fund for Britain; Ontario
School Trustees' and Ratepayers'
Motion by Willits and Hardie that
the fee for membership to Ontario
School Trustees' and Faaepayers' As-
sociation be paid. Carried.
Motion by Powell and Hardie that
the Fire Ins, on No. 8 be raised on
building to $3200, contents to $500,
Motion by Kirton and Hardie that
we send a letter of. appreciation to
Wingham Town Council for the use
of Town Hall for carol festival and
Council Chambers for regular meet-
ings. Carried.
Motion by Willits and Hardie that
Gen. Ace. Ins. with H. C. MacLean
be raised from $5000 and $10,000 to
$10,0000 and $50,000. Carried.
Motion by Willits and Powell that
some system of fire drill be inaugur-
ated in each school. First month, drill
to be carried on each week, from then
on once a month. Secretary to inform
Teachers of same, Carried.
Motion by Kirton and Powell that
we apply for blueprints and hydro for
No, 2 and No. 9. Carried.,
Motion by Kirton and Willits that
we advertise for wood tenders. Car-
Motion by Willits' and Powell that
accounts be paid: Teachers', Caretak-
ers' and Music Teachers' salaries,
transportation and Insurances, and
Income Tax, Stainton Hardware,
$37.12; Beaver Lumber Co., $9.16;
Ontario School Trustees' and Rate-
payers' Association, $10.00.
Motion by Kirton and Powell that
the meeting adjourn, next meeting to
be Feb. 17th, at 11 a.m, in Wingham
Town Hall. Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas
The January meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held in the
Council Chambers on Thursday after-
noon, Jan. 20th, at 2.30 p.m, The
motto, Every Day is a new beginning,
every day is the world made new, will
be taken by Mrs. Walpole. The roll
call will be answered by a New Year's
resolution, and a paper on Historical
Research will be given by Mrs. T.
The hostesses for'ilie tea are. Mrs.
Mrs. F. Fuller, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs.
M. Hare, Mrs. W. F. Bergman, Mrs.
Geo. R. Scott, Mrs. Win Ford
Sunday Dinner At
Brunswick Hotel
Served from 12 to 1.30 and 5 to
6.30. Three choices of meat, one fowl.
Attended Meeting In Toronto
• George H. Tervit and William B.
Cruikshank attended' the Meeting of
the Ontario Whole Milk Producers'
League held in Toronto last Thursday,
An Excellent Meeting
)‘/ Supposing 65% of Wingliam'a adult
voting population turned out to the
annual nomination meeting, wouldn't
it be astounding? Yet that percentage
turned out to the annual Teen Town
meeting held in the Town Hall last
Wednesday. It was an enthusiastic
meeting and it is evident that Teen
Town will remain a going conceren,
The Candidates: For IVlayot.--Ray-
Mend Bennett, Floyd Jenkins. se>.
Reeve—Arnold McIntyre (acclatna-
tion). a '
Council—Bill Bain, Patsy Brophy,
Jean Irwin, Barbara MacKay, John
Hanna, LaVerne Newman, Maurice
Stainton, Connie McIntyre, Jean Hob.
den, Raymond. Merkley, Eleanor
Wightman, /
Elections To-day
The Teettsters will go to the polls
to-day td elect their council for 1049,
The campaign has been a lively one
With candidates competing with each
other for votes. Results of the elec-
tion will be awaited with interest,
Plans Were Made To Hold the
February Meeting In Teeswater
The Howick Lions Jaduary 13usf-
ness meeting was held in Gorrie
Orange Hall, Thursday evening last.
Jan. 13th, 'with the President, Lion
Stan Bride in the chair. The financial
report read by the secreteary, Lion.
Roy Hunter, disclosed the Club to be
in a sound financial position. Several
accounts were also presented by
Lion Treasurer Roy including one for
$40,00 covering part hospital expos.
ses for a child now being treated in
London for visual defects.
Plans were completed for supper
meeting to be held in Wro4eter Mas'.
onic Rooms Thursday next, January
20th, at 7 p.m. at which the Club will
entertain the Dist. Deputy Governor
Bert Gray of Blyth on his official
Plans were also made to have the
Club February Supper Meeting held
in the Vendome Hotel, Teeswater, on
Thursday, February 17th, at 6.45 p.
m., where a number of citizens from
the Teeswater district will be enter-
tained, it was hoped to have their
District Secretary Lion Bruce Mal-
colm,, the' District Governor Lion
Clayt Rawlings and District Deputy
Gov. Lion Bert Gray also at this meet., .ng,
The annual frolic was discussed and
decided to again run it on Thursday
and Friday, August 11th and 12th,
several new features were suggested
including a fire-wi2rks display. The
Frolic chairman Lion Mac McKenney
was instructed to obtain some further
information in this connection.
1st. Vice Pres. Lion Ken Edgar, as
chairman of the Special Activities
Committee undertook the promotion
of a Variety Show to be held in the
near future.
Past Dist, Deputy Gov. Lion Gor-
don Hargraves spoke on Dist. and In-
ternational convention being held in
New York this year, the District strat-
ing on July 15th, followed by Inter-
national at which the second Canadian
President in Lion's' History, 1st. Vices
Pres. Lion Walter Fisher of Queens-
ton Club will be elected President of
Lions International and urged that a
good representation be sent from both
this club and ,Canada. Lion Gord fur
tiler stated that a special uniform con-
sisting of white shoes, trousers and
shirt, purple tie, bolero and Mountie
type blocked hat to be worn by the
delegates, these uniforms will be
available at Dist. headquarters in the
near future.
Plans are also in progress for an
Ice Carnival date or dates to be de- s,
cided at a later time.
Chairman of Utilities Commission
The Wingham Utilities Commission
held its inaugural meeting last week,
when Mr. Thomas Fells was appoint-
ed chairman for 1949.
Auxiliary to Legion to Meet
The Ladies` Auxiliary to the Legion
will hold its regular monthly meeting
in the Legion Hall on Teusday even-
ing, January 25th, at 8 o'clock. The
new officers for the years will be in-
stalled, and all members are urged to
The first monthly meeting of the
New Year of the Women's Missionary
Society of St Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, was held in the church, on
Tuesday, January 11th, at three
o'clock. The president, Mrs. L. For-
tune occupied the chair and opened the
meeting with Invocation. A hymn was
sung, the Glad Tidings prayer given
by Mrs. H. C. MacLean, and the
'Scripture reading taken by Mrs. Alex
1Nimmo. A splendid New Year Mes-
sage was given by Mrs. W. 3. Hen-
derson, "I will lift up Mine Eyes t ritei
the Hills."
The Secretary, Mrs. T, A, Currie,
read the minutes of the previous meet-
ing. It was decided to change the date
of time regular meetings from the sec-
ond Tuesday to the first Tuesday of
each mouth, thus the next meeting
will be held on Tuesday, February
first, at 3 pan.
The Offering was received and the
Dedicatory prayer given by Mrs. A.
Hastings. The opening chapter of tile.
new Study Book, "Enter China," in,
troduced by Mrs. W. J. Henderson,
was most interesting. Mrs. L. Fortune
read excerpts from letters recently re.,
ccived from different Missionaries in
China, which gave very vivid de-
scriptions of conditions present in
that war-torn country.
The Treasurer's report was read by
Mrs. Gee, Olver. The closing hymn
was swig and the Meeting was dim:*
missed with prayer by Mrs. W. J.
Refunds $ 1900,70
Re Transportation $ 28.50
Clarke, Irwin & Co., 11.05
Stainton Hardware (re In-
sulation) • 158.40
Miscellaneous, sale of scrap 4.00
Elect Officers
Twenty young ladies gathered at
the home of Mrs. Wilmer Harcourt on
Thursday evening for the January
meeting of the Young Women's Mis-
sion Circle. "Happy Day" was sung to
open the meeting and Miss Mildred
Jones led ie. prayer. Mrs. Frank Col-
lar read an article telling of the work
being carried on among the Jews in
Hungary. The scripture lesson Matt-
hew 25: 13-30 was taken by Miss Ruth
Two very interesting letters were
read which had been received from
Miss Laura Collar, Missionary in
Nigeria, Africa. These 'told in part
about a Christmas wedding of two of
the missionaries which took place at
their station.
The devotional talk was given by
Mrs. Rev. .Coupland and was based
on Matthew 25:14,
Mrs. Bruce MacLean read an article
telling of the gospel opportunities in
Japan and how hungry Japan is to
hear the gospel.
Mrs. Glenn Scheifele and Mrs. Reg
Collar favoured with a lovely duct,
"Alone." Following a season of prayer
the hymn "Down in the Valley" was
The officers for -1949 were elected,
resulting as follows:
President, Miss Mildred Jones; Vice
Pres., Mrs. Merrill Cantelon; Sec.-
and Press Reporter, Miss Ruth Can-
telon; Treasurer, Mrs. Glenn Schie-
fele; Pianist, Mrs. (Dr.) B. Corrin;
Lunch Committee, Mrs. Frank Col-
lar and Miss Helen Pocock. Mrs, Rev.
Coupland led in prayer dedicating the
new officers after which lunch was
Officers of St. Paul's Church, 1949:
Rector's Warden—Fred Stanley
People's Warden—Chas. A. Roberts
Secretary-Treasurer — Mrs, Roy
Envelope Setretary—Miss Mary
Assistant En, Sec.—Mrs, W. Henry
Vestry Clerk—Herb. Fuller
Lay Delegate's to Synod—Herb Ful-
ler, Harry Town
Sub. Lay Delegates—Ed. Nash,
Fred Fuller.,,
Board of Management—Fred Stan-
ley, Chas. Roberts, Herb. Fuller,
Harry Town, Ed, Nash, Geo. Beattie,
Fred Fuller, Bert Mitchell, Roy Man-
uel, Mrs. Roy Trigger, Miss Mary
Johnston, Mrs, W. Henry, Mrs. Fred
Fuller, Mrs. H. Mitchell,' Miss Alice
Reading, Mrs. R. E. Armitage, Miss
Dorothy Piper and Miss Winnifred
After the general business had
been transacted and officers elected,
lunch was served by the St. Paul's
Men's Club, During the evening votes
of thanks were extended to all the
church officers and leaders of organ-
iaztions during 1948, and to the Men's
Club for the much appreciated lunch.
Encouraging Reports Presented On
Monday Evening
The St Paul's Anglican Church
COngregational meeting was held on
Monday evening in the basement of
the church, A large number were pre-
send to deal with the business and
,,to elect officers for 1949, Prayers were
said by the Rector after which the
Vestry clerk, Herb, Fuller read the
minutes of the last annual meeting.
The following encouraging and sat-
isfactory reports were presented and
adopted by the meeting.'general Fin-
aneial Report of the Church, Diocesan
Budget, Organ Restoration Fund, Al-
tar Guild, Sunday School, Evening
Auxiliary, St, Paul's W. A,, Ladies'
Guild, Choir, A. Y. P. A„ St. Paul's
Men's, Club, the Girls' Auxiliary and
'the Rector's report.
The Presidents of the Organizations
.for 1949:—Ladies' Guild, Mrs. Fred
Fuller; Woman's Auxiliary, Mrs. H,
Mitchell; Evening Guild, Miss Alice
Reading; Altar Guild; Mrs. R. E.
Armitage; Choir, Miss Dorothy Piper;
Girls' Auxiliary, Miss Winnifred Stan-
ley; Organ Restoration Fund, Mr. C.
A. Roberts; St. Paul's Men's Club, (Mr, „
George Beattie; Sunday School, Rev. Expenditure
E. 0. LancaSter. For Plants, Shrubs, etc
Printing, etc.,
Horticultural Park
Fees, Ont, Dort. Assoc. ......
Expenses, delegate
Balance on hand
V. Dittmer Was Guest Speaker For
the Evening
The regular monthly meeting of
the North Huron B, I3.'s. the Junior
Farmer group, was held in the For-
rester's Hall, Belgrave, .with a good
attendance. The theme of the meet-
ing was radio, with the roll call being
answered by naming a favorite radio
program. V. Dittmer, Wingham, the
guest speaker for the evening, outlined
the preparation made to produce a
radio program. A discussion oil the
technical side of radio followed his
address. Murray Bradburn thanked
Mr. Dittmer for his talk.
The group is planning a skating
party to be held in Delgrave, Jan. 26.
Following the meeting a musical
pt'ograrn was enjoyed. The club paper
was read by Audrey Bradburn. Games
and lunch followed.
The fallowing committees were ap-
pointed, The first named is Chairman:
Lunch Committee, Wallace Bell,
Ruth Bradburn, June Lear, Harald
Entertainment Committee--Audrey
Bradburn, Norman Pocock, Marjorie
Watt, Elaine Walsh, Michael Calms
Project Cornmitte&-Boys—Maurice
Hallahan, till Taylor, Murray Brad-
burn, jack Higgins
Jim Wilson;
Girls—Amy Smith, Eleanor Wight.
man, Muriel Brydges, Edna 1-liggitts,,
Ruth Irwin,
ance Cornmittee-4Prank Nesbitt,
Harry Lear, Elaine Walsh, Eleanor
Wighttnatt,Allan Dunbar.
Sports Committeellfurl'el Ander,.
Son, Jack Higgins, Margaret Procter,
Jack gethery, Frank :Xesbit4