HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-12, Page 7Wednesday, January 12, 1949 1,WMIAVIDO $ 4.11 41,4A,,,,,, $ ,,,, , ,, ,,, ,, ,,, 0000,00,00 , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, 44111.; ,,,, , , , . ,, 11011;101.11411,14,00440A!#;00#,WA'APY THE LAST WORD IN FEEDING EFFICIENC IS AVAILABLE TO YOU The SHUR"GAIN WAY If you want the BEST in Feeds at the LOWEST cost to you, then investigate the SHULGAIN Feed Service Plan. Farm animals and birds are not able to balance their own rations for they are confined and very often not in contact with the soil. It is up to you to "BALANCE" the ration your stock is receiving and it can be done—Easily and Economically. Drop in to your nearest SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill. Discuss your feeding problems with the Manager and learn how you, too, can make and save money while increasing both the quality and quantity of milk, eggs; beef or pork you are pro- ducing AND at the same time MAINTAIN your HERD or FLOCK in TOP' PHYSICAL CON- tt FEED SERVICE MORE 44S1-1UR-GAIN" IS FED IN CANADA THAN ANY OTHER BRAND. CANADA PACKERS, WINGHAM BUM MOM CO, LTD.; BLUEVALE E. THEE BEM DAUPHIN & GRANT TEESWATER make of our home is more dssential than what they are made of; 11. The Reading Material that enters our homes. Publicity—By our deeds are we known; g. Report of A C.W. W. at Amsterdam; 3. A trip through a pub,. Belting House; 4. Publicity, from the publishers point of view; 5. Report of 50th anniversary at Guelph; 5, Ex- hibits of Water Colour paintings front Overseas, Historical Research, 1. Travelogue, a Trip to the Yukon; 2. Tour across Canada; 3. Visit to British Isles; 4, Trip to Colorado and Texas; 5, The Life of L. F. Montgomery, Florence Nightingale, Joan of Arc, The Life of Edgar Guest; The Life of Homer Watson; poems of Robert Boyd and Thomas Laidlaw, local pioneer poets; 6, dress of a school boy and girl„of long ago; 7. Christmas Giv- ing; 8. Letter written by a great grandmother in 1845. Frozen Foods and lockers; paper and Demonstration grafting fruit trees, trees and soil conservation; the pro- duction of a silver spoon; the ply- wood industry; A film, craftsmen at work in- Nova Scotia, dyeing of wool and fishing industry, study of Angora Rabbits; manufacture of plastic; sug- ar from Beet to bowl, peat and peat bogs. Watch next week for suggestions tin- der the heading Social Welfare and Citizenship. These lists were prepared by the correspondents of Area Con- vention, Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, Brus- sels c and Mrs. D, S. ;Ma Naughton. BLUEVALE The postponed meeting of the W. M.S. of the United Church was held on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex McCracken, The newly elected president, Mrs. J. A. Burden presided. The officers for 1949 were installed in a special service conduct- ed by Mrs. McCracken, The roll call was answered by the paying of fees. Mrs, Laura Kirton had charge of the Worship service, and Mrs, W. J. Johnston had charge of the chapter from the study book, "West of the Gorges" which dealt with the life and work of Stella Cheng. Mrs. Burden, Mrs, Curtis and Mrs. McCracken gave supplementary readings. The newly elected president, Mrs. Property valdes e,,ye up. Power of the dollar to buy repairs is on the way down! Have you had the amount of your fire insurance checked against this alarming situa- tion? Before another day, take advantage of our expert opinion. We will gladly advise you without 49101M11, obligation. Call us today. 'Lite Stewart A. Scott FIRE - CASUALTY - LIFE TELEPHONE 293 WINGHAM Rev. L. C. Jorgensen, Mrs. Jorgen. aen and David, have returned home after spending a month with their par-, eats, at Wheeton, Illinois, and at Al- mond, Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs, Jor- gensen were receiving medical treats ment in Chicago and both are feeling much better, 'Lloyd Scott, second concession of Morris, suffered a fractured ankle on Sunday afternoon, when he fell in the barn, while assisting with the chores. He 'was taken to the Wingham Gener- al Hospital, where the leg was placed in a cast. Alfred Agar returned to his home- here on Saturday, after spending five weeks in the Wingham General Hos- pital, as the result of an accident, when he was struck by a car while walking on the' highway. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter and daughter, Margaret, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Curtis and Margaret. tt Business and, Professional Direttory L. fi. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 I3ok 331 WINGHAM, ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St. Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- meats, Foot Technique Phone 272, Wingham: WELLINGTON FIRE • Insurance Company Est, 1840 ' An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century, Head Office — Toronto H, C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham Wo A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSIC/AN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham IIKAVISH Teeswater, Ontario, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday aftern000n 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120J J. W. BUSIIFIELD, Barrister,. Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office -- Meyer Block, Winghatn J. A. FOX Chiropractorand Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. DR. W. M. CONNELL DR. B. N. CORM PHYSICIANS and stlizontols Phone 19 CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Wingharn, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, N.C. E. S, HETHERINGTON, N,C. THOS. FELLS AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE THE 11EST OF SERVICE PLEritTY OP EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham DONALD B. BUIE Ekperientecl Auctioneer Licensed fOt Couatits of HURON & BRUCE AB Saida Capably Handled Phone 49, Ripleyo Oritarki Want A Healthy Bank. Account • Why are so many .business men sending us their accounts these , days? It's because they. realize NOW is the best time to clear their ledgers of all past due debts, In a short time results may be less satisfactory, KELLY & AIKEN The Collection. Specialists Orangeville, Ontario Canada's Oldest Firm of Collectors Effective Reliable HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for. Appointment. ELLIOTT'S I Nursin g ' Horne Accommodation for Bed Patients and Invalids RATES REASONABLE Nursing Services day and night. Telephone 367 - Josephine St. WINGHAM ONT. TAX DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers ,Insured Canada's • banks have Ma 000 bosses Your bank account is one of seven million. You keep it in the bank of your choke. A bank exists by the confidence of its clepoSitors. You're the boss. YOUR banks operate under . charters granted by Parliament, which every ten years reviews and revises them. Above all, the depositor is the controlling factor—the safety of depositors' funds is a bank's first concern. As a depositor exercising your free choice—yours is the power which keeps the bank alert to your needs. And it works out. Impartial authorities have called Canada's banking system ale of the soundest and most efficient hi, the world, Contrast this Canadian way with Conditions in s lands where freedom is denied—where every bank is a political tool t every banker a State official! State monopoly o0 banking, proposed by socialists here, would open yaw banking transactions to political intrUSionli SPONSORED BY YOU. BANK ro FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNE RAL PARLOUR S. J. WALKER - 'PHONE, Day or Night 106 WINGHAM WROXETER Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Newton were: Mr, and Mrs. Peter Sherwood of Anchorage, Alaska, Mrs. K. ItlattENNAN vow., surge. offic'e mink St. ":attit H of the linked 198 Ontario , NatightQn, A prayer service was held in the United Church school-room on Thurs,, day evening, Rev. U. E. Cronhielm ill charge, Miss Thelma Denny was at the piano. Mr. Vern Denny left last week for Orangeville to run a ,C.P..R, sitQw plow for the winter season. Messrs. Pin and Russel Rae both of Brantford, visited their mother, Mrs, I), W. Rae cm Saturday, Master Lloyd Salter, of Palmerston, returned last week to his place of em- ployment, after spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, WM, Salter, 2nd. line of Turnberry, Friends and old neighbours of Miss Agnes Stewart, will regret to know she is very 41 at Windsor. Her sister, Mrs, Roy Porter of Wingham, has re- turned home from visiting her, Miss Stewart is suffering from a heart con., dition, kr. and Mrs. Allister 'Green and daughter, Lynda, Wingham, visited friends here on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Douglas and daughter, Ann, also:' Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas, were guestsof the latter's sister, Mrs:* Myrtle Brisbin of Listowel on Sunday. Mr. Laurie Vanvelsor was a week- end visitor with his mother, Mrs. W. E, Vanvelsor and Miss Rona Van- velsor. Pool Room Equipment Purchased By ' • H. I. Durst Mr, Harold I. Durst has purchased fromMr, Mel Beattie of Listowel, the pool room equipnient and is establish- ed for business temporarily in the Masonic Block, behind Mr. Ira Mac- Lean's •Barber Shop, Dobson Bros., whose Egg grading, station was de-' stroyed by fire last week are handling eggs 'at their store, farther up the street. The Vanvelsor store is being repaired and reroofed and will be open for business shortly. The United Church annual meeting will be held theslast week of .January, date to be announced later. Miss Minnie Linklater was in Shel- burne on Friday where she attended the funeral of an aunt, the late Mrs. Jeys. Ron McMichael, Bill Gallaher and John MacNaugliton are three from this district attending the Agricultural Course in ,,Gorrie, Young People's Union The first Y.P.U. meeting of the New Year was held in the church basement on Monday evening, Jan- uary 3rd. President, Pete Dobson was in charge, and opened the meeting with the hymn Lead On 0 King Eternal. The scripture lesson, Romans ch. 10, verses 2-18 was read by Don- ald Gibson, The minutes and roll call were followed by the business period. O Master Let Me walk With Thee, was the second hymn. Lyle Hart con- vener of Missions who arranged the meeting was in charge of the topic and told of the Trials of a Utkranian Doctor. The Bible Study Period led by Rev. U. E. Cronhielm followed. The hymn, 0 Love that will not let me go, and the Mizpah benediction brought an interesting meeting to a close. Women's Missionary Society The January meeting of the W,M. S. United 'Church, will be held on Friday of this week, January 14th, at 3 part, at the horde of the President, Mrs. Harold Hamilton, Mrs, Allen Munro will present a chapter of the study book and the roll call. A New Year's resolution for the Women's Missionary Society, . Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. R. B. Hunter are in charge of arrangements. Church Membership Class Rev. U. E. Cronhielm has arranged to hold classes each Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, in the ,United Church school room, for those who wish to join the church by profession of Faith. National Film Showing' Best Yet Because of unfavourable weather, the crowd of the National Film Show- ing on Thursday night, was small but those in attendance were well reward- ed. The protection of 'wild life was outstanding. The capture of Wild Elephants too was interesting. The care of the baby, community centre picture and the Navy Flies in Techni- colour gave variety and of course,' Barbara Ann Scott, Canada's Sweet- heart on skates, was thrilling, Mr. Harvey Johnston was in charge. The National Film- Board presents a new series of pictures every 5 weeks for the education and pleasure of young and old in the rural areas, pictures are shown in Mr. Harold Hamilton's room of the publiC school. , Salem Annual Meeting The congregation of Salem United Church held their annual meeting on ed numbering 70, for a pot luck sup- Friday, January 7th. Members gather- per at 7 p.m. Rev, U. E, Cronhielm presided over the business meeting which followed. Report from the var- ious organizations showed a year of progress, with a good surplus of funds. Special praise was given the Women's Association and the choir for their faithful and untiring effOrts. A -vote of thanks was tendered the minister, Rev, U. B, Cronhielm, Of- ficers for 1948 are as follows:— Session, Mr. Wm, Dane, (newly elected, Stanley Gallaher, Morrison Sharpin, Greer Wylie; Stewards, Wal- ter 'Willits, Joe Simmonds, Win, Er. rington, Charles Cathers; Organist, Mrs, Harvey Copeland; Choir Leader, Mrs, Morrison Sharpin; Assistant leader, Mrs; Wm. Bolt; Secretary- Treasurer, Mrs. Wilbur Fralick; S. S. Superintendent, Miss Doris Wray; Assistant Supt., Mr. Wm. Bolt; Usti. ers,Everett Cathers, Bill 1Gallalter, Morrison Sharpie, Gordon Wray; Convener of Cont. Preparation, Mrs, Stanley Gallaher; Auditors, Win, Tay- lor, W. A. Cathers. For Home and Country headers of this page and especially inembera of the Women's Institute Will find the following list of address. es and topics useful in preparing for 1949, Programmes, They are gleaned from the reports of standing coats mittees reports ,at Guelph Area ,Cott vention. Home Economics—FIO* Chieken Feathers are, manufactured into sotto, vitatnitis ;2, bo's and Don'ts in Table Etiquette; 8. To take or not td take Children to meetings; Removing toista and stains; 5 ,Wiliow pattern .plate; Ti`r-owi Foods; 1. Proparationl fot peace must begin in the home; it HOW, the Anchor of National Life; 0. Good neighbors; go. What 'we Sherwood was the former Marjorie Hill of Teeswater. eMrs. B. Martin, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, Guelph, spent part of last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Mitchell of Guelph, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hamilton. Miss B. Wade of Fordwicii was also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Tomah of the Wrox- eter Bakery, visited recently with friends near Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gibson have taken up residence in Mrs. J. J, Allen's home recently vacated by Mr, Reg Pacey. Mr, M. S. Aitkenliead and Mr. Walter Hilton, London, were Thurs- day visitors with D. S. and Mrs. Mac- THE WING 'AM ADVANCE-TIMES • , PAGE SEVEN! 4;;;;AFAIMPAA...A. J, Wickstead, presided .over the mon- thly meeting of the Woman's. ASsoc- iation of the United Church on Friday afternoon. Miss Emma Johnston rear the scripture lesson. Reports were heard from the secretary and the tre- asurer, The chief item of business was considering the purchase of new ear- pet for ,the church, The parsonage committee has charge, At the Y.P.U. meeting in 'the United Church on Sunday evening. Miss Jean Annis, teacher at Ramsay's School gave a paper on "Physical fitness for the service of Christ," followed by a discussion on health rules. The presi- dent, Miss Wilda Breckenridge pre- sided and Fleming Johnston read the scripture lesson. Rev. L, C. Jorgensen was back in his pulpit on Sunday morning after an absence of four Sundays, due to ill health, He took his text from 2 Peter, 3-18, on the subject, "Growing in Grace and in Knowledge." The congregational annual meeting is announced for Thursday afternoon January 20th, Miss Roma Breckenridge is attend- ing the Huron County Folk School this week at the T. McMillan and son farm at Seaforth. On Sunday January 9th, Mr. Chris.. topher Hetherington celebrated his 80th birthday, spending the day with him were some of the members of his family, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan ThonMs son and family of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallaher and family, of Wroxeter; Leslie Hetherington, Tor- onto and Adja Clifford Hetherington. of Sault Ste, Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Rolph and son, Barry, Mr. Cecil Rolph of Mit- chell, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Curtis and Mrs. Kirton and with Mr. Pearson Rolph. Mr. Edgar Johnston from British Columbia, is visiting ,his father, Mr. John Johnston, 1st concession, Morris, Mr Johnston suffered a slight stroke of paralysis recently and although he is over 90 years of age, his condition is improving. Mrs. Eldon Rirton has returned home from the ,Wingham General Hospital with her infant daughter. Mr. Peter S. McEwen, who has been a patient in the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, for seven weeks return- ed home on Saturday, and is greatly improved in health. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Estamini tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. FC. F. 110MUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston