HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-12, Page 5Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen 'and Bathroom ST 141\\--, CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham ster and Burton Dixon. Friends from a distance attended the funeral from Hanover, Kitchener, Weston, Hespeler, Woodbridge, Pais- ley, Teeswater, Lucknow, Auburn and Harriston. **•*•••••••• ' • Mrs. R. Wismer ' At the home 'of her daughter, Mrs, A. M. Bishop,, R. R., Holloway, Ont., on Thursday, Dec. 30th, Ethel Maude, beloved wife of Rolland Wismer of Hamilton, Ont., in her 74th year. Funeral services were held on Sat- urday, January 1st., 1949, at two p. in,, from the Belleville Burial Co., Funeral Home Chapel Campbell St. Interment was made lit Belleville cemetery. Teeswater Fills Council A second nomination Was held at Teeswater on Thursday evening for 1949 Council seats. At the first nomi- nation A. H. McTavish was returned as Reeve by acclamation, but no one qualified for council, at the second nomination a full slate was returned, consisting of M. A. Donahue, W. 0, Church, Lloyd Sillick and J. C. Thompson. INSTALL OFFICERS AT UNITED W. M. S. /14,AMOAA i A iiii 0 A4AAATOPIPAA.,APIAMMAAI.iliA.IOAMMAAAAAIIAP ii i AMIAPHAAA,AAS!IMAIPAY,WHWAAfill'AMAAA Carmichael' January Stock Taking Sale of DRESSES LADIES-DON'T MISS THESE .REAL VALUES Satin-backed CREPES Sizes 12 to 44 in Wine, Black, Green and Brown. Reg. $9.50 To Clear-at $6.98 PRINT House Dresses in broken sizes Regular to $2.49 WHILE THEY LAST at $1.00 each Also, a large number of Lovely " PRINTS in broken sizes Regular to $2.98 at only 1.89 Spun Rayons An ideal Afternoon Dress for any occasion. These Dresses are well made and smartly tail- ored by Town Frock. Sizes 12 - 44 in a wide range of colors Regular $4.98 Reduced to $3.95 • Be sure to take advantage of these and Many Other Bargains being featured AT OUR STORE during January • CARMICHAEL'S THE HOME OF STAPLE DRY GOODS - and - WELDREST BUTTERFLY - CHIPMAN KNIT NYLONS limot .......... SPECIAL For This Month REDUCED PRICES ON iete PERMANENTS At The ' WINGHAM 'PHONE $9 Personality Beauty Shop LIFEOIL Permanent Waves, reg. $8.00 for , $5.00 CREAM Permanent Waves, reg. $5.09 for , $3.50 MACHINELESS-rpg, $6,59 - $8,50 - Special, $4,50 COLD WAVESL-$7.50„ ,$10.00 and $12.50 Operator Miss Helen Ducklow ti Stokely's Made from Ripe Tomatoes CATSUP Beehive or Crown CORN SYRUP, 2 lb. tin 27c offers you ASSURED VALUE! Values are effective to closing time, Saturday, Jan. 15, 1949 'All merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is uncondition- ally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Country Kist Tender Green PEAS Stokely's, Golden Cream Style Fancy CORN,. 20 oz. tin 20c Domestic or Jewel SHORTENING 1 lb. pkg. • 39c Utopian Choice Ripe TOMATOES, 28 oz. tin Clark's, with Chili Sauce 19c PORK & BEANS, 15 oz. tin . .2 - 23c Clark's Tomato, Vegetable, Scotch Broth SOUPS- 10 oz. tin 15c Mild Coloured Ontario CHEESE, lb. 47c No. 1 White Clover HONEY, 4 lb. tin 97c (tem 1k410Nitov 'fez 6 13 oz. bot 17c Fresh Milled Bulk ROLLED OATS, lb. 3 - 23c 20 oz. tin 2 - 25c Pride of Niagara Choice Prune PLUMS, 20 oz. tin 13c I 0E7 MORE FOR MY MONEY A7 DOMINION Clark's with Tomato Sauce 20 oz. tin, i Vegeteran BEANS. 2 • 29c Clark's (Six varieties) 3 oz., tin Sandwich SPREADS 2 23c LAUNDRY STARCH, bulk, .13c Clark's Vine Ripened TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tin . .2 - 2k Velvet for Better Cakes FLOUR, 5 lb. bag ..........41c Red Rose Red Label TEA, 8 oz. pkg. 49c Robin Hood Bread Milled from Washed Wheat FLOUR, 24 lbs. . . . . .. $1.29 Soft, Absorbent NAVY TOILET TISSUE, roll 3 - 25c A Pork Product, Economical BURN'S SPORK, 12 oz. tin - .43c Kraft Horse Radish Mustard, 8 oz, jar .11c Fruits and Vegetables Washed No, 1 CARROTS , ....... lbs. 14C Crisp, Curly SPINACH T .2 lbs. 27c No, 1 Cooking ONIONS .. 3 lbs. 14c. Firm, Hard CABBAGE, lb. ...04c Aylmer Firm Head LETTUCE - , .2 - 29c Texas 96s GRAPEFRUIT „ .10 for 39c 040DOMIIIION,ciete Wednesday, January 12, 1949 Dm WING -TAM ADVANCE-IVIES PA 0 BELGRAVE Library Board Meeting The annual meeting of the Library Board will be held in the Club Rooms on Thursday. Mr. Norman Walsh has been a pat- ient in Wingham Hospital suffering from a very painful infection in his fingers, The Junior Farmers will :told Mete regular meeting in the Forrester's Belgrave, on Thursday :might, January 14th. A.Y.P.A. Meeting 'The regular meeting of the AX,P, A. was held on. Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Van- nan. Mr. Frank Nesbit was in charge son. The Bible `passage was read. by Norma Brydgee. The minutes of the previous meeting ,were read and adopted. Mary Nesbit and Terry Nethery were appointed to prepare the programme for the next meeting with Muriel Brydges preparing the Log Book. Ruth Bradburn then read the Log Book. Rev. Henderson closed the meeting with prayer. A sing-song was enjoyed. Lunch was served by the hos- tess. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglidan Church was held at the home of Mrs. C. H. Wade. Stormy weather we s. responsible for the small attendance. Plans were made to serve Hamburgers and Coffee hi the Club Rooms on Saturday, Jenuare • A n • • n a n n n 0 eaw.a.. ' ' Murray Bradburn, Arnold Bruce, Glen James and Charile Wilkinson at- tended the Short Course held et the Audrey took the course, 'Com, munity Prograrnmee, and the boys took 'Farm Mechanics." '' Mr*, Ca G. Anderson attended the annual nteetieg of the Federation of Agriculture in the 'King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Mission. Band! The 1-laPpy Heart Mission Band first meeting of the New* Year was held on Sunday morning in the base- ment of the church, The meeting opened with the election of new offic- ers followed by hymn 112. A prayer was then said in unison followed by theMission Band Purpose, hymn 243, Tell Me the Stories of Jesus, Lor- raine Hanna gave the scripture, Clif- ford Coultes read a poem about Miss Mons, The Lord's prayer was said in unison, The offering was taken by the new treasurer, Marlene MacKenzie. The little children then sang Jesus loves me this I know,i followed by a duet by Gwen Walsh and Lois Goll. Hymn 256, The Wise May Bring their Learning, was then sting. George Pro- cter gave the report of, the treasurer. for 1948. Hymn 64 was sung. Mrs, Anderson told a story on China fol- lowed by the last hymn 237, '1 he president Evelyn Cook closed the meeting with the benediction. Women's Institute The January meeting of the W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Wade on Jan. 18th. Convenersfor the meeting, Mrs. H. McGuire and 'Mrs, C. Wade. An address will be given by Miss Margaret Brophy of Wingham. Music by Mrs. L. Vannan. A demon- stration, Mrs. H. MoGuire, and a Quiz conducted by Mrs. G. W. Cruickshank. The roilcall to be ans- wered by a Sewing hint. The hostess- es are. Mrs. C. Purdon, Mrs. C. G. McCrea and Mrs. F. Cook. E. W. Farm, Forum The 6th line of East Wawanosh Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs,Borden Scott ,on Mon- day night with a very good attend- ance. The topic under .discussion was Insurance. It was felt by the group that no one could afford to be with- out adequate insurance but the rates on some policies were too high and there is too much red tape to go through to get payment for a claim, The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mr, 'Thomas Thompson. Mr. Charles Procter of Deep River, Mr. Ross Procter of the 0.A.„C., 'Guelph, have returned after spending their vacation with their parents. Miss- es Mary Procter and Marie Parrot of the Stratford General Hospital spent the week with Mr. and Mrs, S. Proc- ter, Mrs. Lowry of Dundas was the guest of her sister, Mrs, McGill. OBITUARY Mrs. J. A. Brandon Mrs. Joseph Brandon of Belgrave, died on Thursday, January 6th, •in the Wingham General Hospital, in her 84th year. Ill with pneumonia, she was taken to the hospital where she later suffered a stroke and died in a few days, A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Wray, Mrs. Bran- don was born Dorothy Ann Wray, on July 24th, 1865, on the third line of Morris Township, on the farm now owned by Herman Nethery. She lived all her life in this district. Married twice, her first husband was Hamil- ton Buchanan and after his death she married Joseph Brandon, who died in 1937. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. W. A. (Maude) Bryant, Blyth, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Gar- rett B. Wray, Woodrow, Sask., wid- ow of her only brother. Mrs. Brandon was a staunch member of Knox Un- ited Church and in earlier years was a member of the W.M.S. and W.A. A private funeral service was held on Saturday, Jan. 8th, at S. J. Walk- er's Funeral Parlors, Rev, W. J. Moores officiated. The pallbearers were Martin Grasby, Jesse Wheeler, Robert Coultes, Gordon Walsh, Fred Cook and Clarence Wade. Friends attended the funeral from Hamilton, Elmira, London, Toronto and Blyth. Mrs. Jane Keyes The death, occurred at Shelburne on Wednesday, January 5th, of Mrs, Jane Keyes, in her 94th year. Born in Tummberry, the former Jane Haugh,. • Con. of Communion .-Miss Taylor Con, of Social Greer Baby Band Leader--Mrs, Burgmen. Mission Band Leader---Mrs. Leaders-Mes, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY, (Continuedfrom page one) decorations for the hospital and mag- azines for the nurses, The Auxiliary meets the first Fri- day of each month in the Council Chamber and the animal membership fee is 50c, Every woman interested in the hospital is invited to share in these meetings, The hospital is e pub- lic institution serving Wingham and community, Its success depends on the interest and co-operation of many people. 'Let us ask ourselves the gees- tion "What would we do without Wingham General Hospital?" Receipts Bal. on hand Jan, 1, 1R48 60$.10 Proceeds of Rummage Sale... 1368,23 Marathon Bridge Parties 175.70 Fees 28,00 Lyceum Theatre Tickets 38.00 Church Collections 32,00 Donations r 19.43 $ 2259.46 Expenditures. Sheeting and Pillow Cotton,$ Nursery Supplies Towelling Thread, tape, etc., Curtains Kitchen Supplies ....... ........ Mirrors for Rooms Christmas Cheer Sundries Bal, on hand, Jan. 1, 1949 $ 2259,46 The following officers were elected for 1949: Hon. Pres.-Mrs. J. W. McKibbon, Mrs. W. Connell. Past Pres.-Mrs. R. H, Lloyd President-Mrs. W. J. Adams e 1st. Vice Pres,-Mrs. Murray John- son. 2nd. Vice-Pres.-Mrs. W. A. Mc- Kibbon Secretary-Mrs, C. H. Hinde Corres, Sec.-Mrs. W. J. Greer Treasurer-Mrs. C. Gammage Marathon Bridge Com.---Mrs. A. W. Irwin, Mrs. W. A.. McKibbon, Sewing Cone-IVIrs, Whitfield, Mrs Snell, Mrs. 'Geo. Williams, Mrs. C. W. Lloyd, Mrs. E. Webster, • Buying Com,-Mrs. R. R. Hobdee, Mrs. W. G. Hamilton, Social Cone-Mrs, A. D. MacWil: liam, Mrs. Thos, Currie, Mrs. Whit- field, The report presented by Mrs, Mor- rey, hospital superintendent, was most interesting, containing information not generallyknown to the public. The staff consists of 12 graduate nurses, 9 under graduates, 5 students, 6 dom- estics, 3 laundresses, 2 in the office and a maintenance man. There are also two girls from a "displaced per- son's camp" in Latvia, During the summer a medical student front Wes- tern University was with the hospital, and this year, they are asked to take two students. .New equiprhent has been added in the form of a new Xray Unit, This machine has twice the power of the former one and was don- ated by Mr. W. A. Galbraith, on be- half of the Currie Estate. As a result of the Christmas Seal Campaign, a new specific machine for taking Chest Xrays has been installed and a regular monthly Chest Clinic is condu7.ted. 17m people know that Wingharre Hospital now has a Gastric Clinic con- ducted every month by Doctors Mier, rison and Falconer of London. The very newest equipment to com- plete the Labour Room is a heated. crib in which babies are placed im- mediately after birth. This crib is heated and is a safe and warm place to leave the baby until the beads with the name are placed around the baby's. neck. Community interest in the tiospital" is very evident. Gifts of fruit" flowers„ vegetables, etc, have been receiVedi from different surrounding towns as. well as many letters of appreciation front patients, To all those the hospi- tal extends thanks. Statistical Report For 1948 1948 compared with 1947 1948 1947' Admissions 1237 983: Births 264 217' Discharges 1421 1130 Deaths 73 54 XRays 740 474 Chest Xrays 164 88 Out Patients 392 307 B.M.R, 39 49 Total Hospital clays 17536 11353 MealS served during the year 87,960. n n n Hockey in the ▪ . WINGHAME ARENA n n n n W . W. 0. A. A. JUNIOR • • THURSDAY, JAN. 13 LISTOWEL vs. WINGHAM SATURDAY, JAN. 15 MILVERTON vs. WINGHAM and opened the meeting with a hymn she lived in this district until her mar- followed iby prayer by Rev, Hezider- Miss Audrey Bradburn, Messrs, ridge. She was a Sister of Mr, James Amsamsommimmismoimmmow A. Haugh of town, The funeral was held cm Friday afternoon with inter- n" • Meet in Shelburne cemetery. MI 15th, A baking .sale also be held, Mrs. Thomas Aitchison A ,resident of Lucknow, since 1911, Emily Day, widow of the late Thomas Aitchisoredied Thursday at the age of 88. Born in Cuiross, She was a former resident • of Wingham, A member of n the Lucknow Presbyterian Church, N I the W.M.S, and a charter member of 111 the Women's Institute, Surviving arc three sons, one daughter and one sister: Ernest of Harriston; Clifton, Hespeler; Horace, Wittgliam; Mrs. Wm. Forster, St. Helees; Mrs. Wry Hodginson,Pais ley, Predeceased are, her husband, who died in 1988; a son, Aylmer, killed in the First World War, two brothers and two sisters, Wallet; Jim, Mrs. G. Bout, Miss Dolly 111 Day, The funeral service was held in n . . A ndrew's Pr ..V • . Aeesbyterian Chureh, n Wingham, Saturday, at 2,00 p,tn. Rcv, n C. H. MacDonald4.ttid Rev, Alex n Nirettto officiated. Burial was lit the n Witigham e ettietery The pallbearers were: Aylmer Alt, clusoit, Douglas Aitchison, Donald Aitchison,. Alibi Aitaliison, leek Igor, 708.06 90,98 104.92 38,39 65,92 41.85 29,70 21.59 9.38 1148.67 (j The regular meeting of the Wom- an's Missionary Society of the United Church was held on Tuesday, January 4th, The worship service was prepared by Mrs. Beecroft and presented by Mrs, Hiseler. It was the New Year's message of the Moderator, Rev. Dr. Brewing to the Woman's Missionary Society and the message of the first assembly of the World's Council of Churches, which met at Amsterdam. Mrs. VanWyck gave a New Year's reading and the _devotions were taken by Mrs. Hingston and Mrs. Roulston. It was decided that the bequest of $200.00 which had been left to this Auxiliary by the late Miss Caroline. Wellwood should be given to establish a scholarship for the training of Chin- ese student nurses in the University Hospital, Chengtu, China. This was the hospital with which the late Miss Wellwood was connected.' The reports of time year were pre- sented and showed a splendid year's work, The auxiliary has a membership of sixty-seven. Two valued members were removed by death, Mrs. W. Wellwood and Mrs. S. Tyndall. Tile treasurer, Mrs. VanWyck stat- ed that our allocation had been reach- ed. Mrs, Cosens reported that in addi- tion to regular supply work bales valued at $250 had been sent to Eng- land. The visiting committees in the differ- ent wards made calls on the newcom- ers and shut-ins while ,Mrs. E. S. Copeland the hospital visitor, made over two hundred calls on patients. Letters and .Christmas cards were sent to shutin members. Mrs, Bergman, Sum,. of the Baby Band .reported eighty-five members on the roll. These babies are remem., tiered with birthday cards and new babies are given bootees. Mrs. Tiffin told of the activities of the C.G.I.T. groups while Mrs. Platt reported for the Mission Band. The officers were installed by Mr. Beecroft, who congratulated the Aux- iliary on their splendid year's work. Time following arc the officers for 1940. .Fast Pres,-Mrs. L. 4.1seler Pres.-Mrs. N. Underwood 1st. Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Roulston 2nd: Viee.Pro,-Mrs. W. Brown. 3rd, Vite-Prese--Mrs. E. Lewis Ret, Sec Ivies. L. Iliegstort Treas.-Mrs. W. VanWyck Cot'. 'B. Cruikshank Press Sec,-Mrs, F. Edgar Supply See.-.-Mrs,. A. Cosens Com. Friendship Sec.--Mrs, I), Hutchisott Christian Stewardship See.-Mrs, Win, Field Envelope 3, At Vox, Mrs. Gee Ross. Literature Sec,---'Miss Turner, Temperattee Sec.-Mrs. .Einglarel W, A. Ilettroft,