HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-12, Page 4Sizes 7 - 12, in A, B, C and D Widths Priced $11.95 SKI BOOTS WOMEN'S and MEN'S $5.50 BOYS' $4.50 HI- CUTS MEN'S $9.98 BOYS' $5.50 YOUTHS' . $3.98 WOMEN'S RED LEATHER FLIGHT BOOTS with ZIPPER and SHEARLING LINED Price $7.95 CLASSIFIED ADS. Featuring Rhys Pollock ,, HARTT „Shoe for Men "...GOOD TASTE at GOOD PRIC E Bulova HER EXCELLENCY "A" 21 Jewels $49 50 David Crompton Certified Watch Maker Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 O 9 0 Cfr 0 0 OP O O O a 0 11 0 U • 0 PAGE POUR THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TMES W41ne5day, January 130949 .1111,1011.1•WINIMININIMMOIMMOVIII LOCAL AND PERSONAL\ Mr„ and Mrs. 'Alex. McTavish anent Sunday with her mother and family. George Tetvit, is 14 Goderich this week where he is serving on the • jury. Miss Mae Coulter of Aylmer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Delgrave, Miss Marie Sparling, ill with pneu- monia, is a patient in Wingliam Gen. eral HOspital. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coulter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will, McCutcheon, Brussels, last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. N, Underwood spent the week-end with their daugh- ter, Jean, in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. George Dalgleish and Joyce spent the week-end in town, visiting his mother, Mrs. J, Dalgleish, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker of Stratford spent the week-end with Mrs. Janet Walker and family and Mrs. John Walker. Mrs. Charles Bates and daughter Patsy, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the'. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Williams. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George H. Coulter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. Disbrowe and Miss Ruth Charlton, of Aylmer, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rumball of Clinton, also Mr. and Mrs. James Casemore and baby Linda, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Casemore on Sunday. Mrs, Winiiie Lott and uncle Mr. Henry Rintoul attended the wedding in Detroit on Saturday, of Miss Vir- ginia Yelenik and ,Mr. Gordon Rin- toul, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rin- toul, formerly of Wingham, • ;'ASK FOR-Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A Drug Store. .BE YOUR OWN BOSS1-Distribute on Part. Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products: Toiletries, Vita- mins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Furniture and Shoe Polishes, etc. Each Individual a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities, WRITE for FREE details and catalogue. FAM- ILEX, 1600 Delorimier„Montreal. BULBS FOR SALE-Double Begon- ias and Gloxinias. 'Phone 101, The Greenhouse. CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $4.99- At wholesale price, first quality chenilles, well tufted in all colours, for double or single beds, $4.99 each. Full 90x100 basket of flowers design, completely covered with chenille, for $8.98, Also habitant hand hooked rugs, 18"x36", very colourful, 3 for $4.00. These articles retail for double the price. Send C.O.D. plus postage. Money im- mediately refunded if not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sher- brooke West, Montreal, Quebec, FOR SALE-Late Model 1946 Chev. Coupe, low mileage. Apply Ad- vance-Times.' FOR SALE-Red Brick House, good location, moderately priced; all mo- dern conveniences. Immediate poss ession if desired. Two building lots with it. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-Lady's Sand Coat, with Coon Collar, size 16-18; reasonable, Telephone 308w. FOR First-Class CHICKS - Order Lakeview Hatchery Chicks. Call or write A;ient, James R. Coultes, R. R. 5, Wingham, 'phone 643r2, and your order will be promptly looked after. FOR SALE-1946 Monarch Sedan with very low mileage. New car guarantee at a used car price. Must be seen to be appreciated. Huron Motors, Wingham, FOR SALE-Ford V8 Sedan, 1935. Evenings, 'phone 625r41. FOR -SALE-One Transformer Pole. 'Phone Brussels 71r5, Chas, Mathers FOR SALE-New Cockshutt Sleigh, rubber-tired wagons, Cockshutt milker, also Gee. White Electric Washing Machine, Electric Oat Rollers, Grinders and Hammer Mills. Used steel tired wagon cheap. See us for Cockshutt and Geo. White Farm equipment, J. Bum- stead and Son, Wingham, FOR SALE-50 Hybrid Pullets, some laying, 6% months old. 1 used pow- er washer, 1 Hog, York, 7 nips, will exchange. Apply Advance-Times. "FARMERS" -.- "RAIN P R 0 C) r" your work clothes, over-ails, jack- ets, tat-rffitilinS, blankets, etc., at home, simply and economically. Just sprinkle it on--it is invisible, bat sure keeps out the wet rain. An 89 cents bottle will do about five jackets. Get It at Donald Itao ick $on, only, FOR SALE-Tractor Grain Grinder, with seed Jack and Belt. Apply T. Shearer, Wroxeter. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAL-. ty. Warren House, Phone 475. MAN 31 YEARS OF AGE WANTS work driving a' truck, preferred, but will. 'take other work if necessary. Merl Hyatt, phone 625r3, Wingham. PIANOS-6 new Pianos, also large stock of good Used Pianos at Schu- ett & Sons; 60 cycle 7 cubic ft. Re- frigerator. Buy now! J. F. Selma- ett & Sons, Mildmay. PALMISTRY and 'Teacup ReadingS given by Experienced Reader, also Advice given on most all problems. Why Worry; 'phone. 392 3 Brussels for appointment. Miss I. M. Sellers. QUAKER OIL BURNER - With force circulation, the floor is as warm as the ceiling. See EdwardS' Motor Sales. WANTED TO BUY-A good timber frame building, 28 ft. wide and 60 ft, long more or less, give full par- ticulars in answering with price. Apply Box J. S. Advance-Times. WANTED-Baby Carriage, collap- sible type preferred, must be in good condition. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED-2 prs. girl's white skat- es, size 3, also have for sale 1 pr, white skates, size 1. Phone 170, "WELL satisfied with your chicks, as lovely a looking flock as anyone could wish for" says customer Mrs. McIntosh, of Allenford, Ont. of Big_4 Chicks. It pays to start right. Good ehicks are no more trouble than average stock. Order your Big-4 Chicks now. Ask us for pric- es. Canadian Approved, backed by a breeding program on our own farms, Wilbur Hogg, R.R. 4, Wing- ham, CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this method of thank- ing my many friends for gifts of flow- ers and cards which I received during my stay in Wingham General Hos- pital, The kindness of the Staff there was also much appreciated, Alfred Agar, Bluevale, Ont. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Colwill take this means of expressing deep appreciation to all who gave them so much help when fire destroyed their home. They are also grateful for the kind hospital. ity of neighbours and friends follow- ing the disaster. CARD OF THANKS Miss Esle Tucker wishes tu ex- press her sincere thanks to her many friends for their acts of , kindness shown her during her stay in Wing. ham General Hospital, CARD OP THANKS Mrs. !Martin ,Webb wishes to thank her friends for the many acts of kind- ness shown her in her recent, sad bet- daVentent, in the death of her ttabartd, It Wag deeply appreciated. "O.M.E.A." Held Dinner Meeting The Huron Branch of the Ontario Music Educators Association held a dinner meeting pn Jan. 5th., at the Clinton Hotel, with Music Supervis- ors present from North and South Huron. The guest speaker for the ev- ening was Mr. Garfield Bender, Chairman of the Provincial Zone Committee, Kitchener. The next meet- ing is planned for March 15th., at Goderich. WINGHAM JUNIORS WON TWO GAMES The local entry in the W.O.A.A: Junior Hockey series, Ratz Beavers, officially opened the schedule by drubbing the Walkerton Legion 10-1. The first period was scoreless, with only 2 goals scored until the end of the second period, the teams looked to be fairly evenly matched, However, in the third the locals ,far outclassed the visitors and scored eight goals. Vanslake saved his team from a shutout, scoring midway through, the third. Two free-for-alls and 29 penal- ties enlivened the proceedings. John CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends, neigh- bors and relatives far and near, for their many greetings and gifts and to those who made my Christmas a joy- ous one, (although alone) not forget- ting the Ladies Guild Workers of St, James Anglican Church. May the Lord Bless them, each and everyone. With a Happy, Peaceable New Year. In all Sincerity, Anna D. Hooper. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Thomas Aitchison wish to take this opportun- ity of expressing their deep gratitude to their friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, etc., and many acts' of kindness, Especially we wish to thank Rev. A. Nimmo, Mr. H. V. Pym and the Choir of St. Andrew's Presbyteri- an Church. The Aitchison Family. IN MEMORIAM MAXWELL-In loving memory of my dear mother, who passed away 4 years ago, Jan. 12th, 1945. A leaf in the book of memory, Is gently turned today, My thoughts are of you, my dear mother, You are never far away. -Ever remembered by daughter, Aileen and Bill, London, Ontario. Applications For Road Supt. Sealed applications' for the position of Road Superintendent for the Twp. of Turnberry will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, Febru- ary 5th, 1949, Salary to be 75c an hour. Applicant to furnish his own transportation, also state qualification and experience. W. R. Cruikshank,. Clerk of,the Township of Turnberry' Wingliam, Ont. NOTICE The Council of the Township of Morris hereby serve notice it will not be responsible, during snowplowing operations, for any damages caused tbautomobiles parked on roadside, mailboxes and milk cans, etc, Ratepayers please govern themsel- yes accordingly, Thank you. Russell B. Currie, Road. Supt. Road Supt, Huron County Council The next meeting of the Huron County *Council will be held. in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Jan- tiary 18th, at 2,00 p,rn. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of , the Council should be hi the hands of the County Clerk not be. er than Saturday, January 15th, 1949. N W. County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario, W. Hanna, M,P.P,, officially opened the season. Goal-getters for Wingham were Stainton 4, Moffatt 1, Edgar 2, Seli, Loughlean Wilson, one apiece. Wingham Lineup-Goal, Johnston; defence, Collins, Wilson; centre, Seli, wings, Loughlean, Stainton; alterna- tes, B. Lockridge, T. Lockridge, Moore, Moffatt, Edgar. At Palmerston on Friday evening, the Beavers made it two straight wins when they defeated Harriston by the 0 0 O O O 7.95 10.95 14.95 score of 44 • The 'juniors will have two home games, this week-end, Listowel play- ing here Thursday evening and Mil,. verton, on. Saturday. BIRTHS EASKERVILLE - At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, Jan. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Easkerville (nee Irene Collins), a daughter. ELLIOTT-In Owen Sound General, ,Marine Hospital, on Saturday Jan. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Elliott, of Wingham, a daughter, (stillborn). GALBRAITH-In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, Jan. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Galbraith, R. R. •Gorrie P a son. GARDNER--Iin Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday,January 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Gardner, Luck- now, a son. HUFF-In Brantford Hospital, on Friday, December 31st, to Mr. and Leonard Huff, (nee Edythe Mundy,) a daughter, JARDINE-In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, Jan. 8th ; to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jardine, Lucknow,. a son. MOWBRAY-In Wingliam General Hospital, on Friday, • Jan. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mowbray, Luoknow, a son. ROBERTSON-In Wingham Gener- al Hospital, on Thursday, Jan. 6th, to'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robertson, Wingham, a son, BLUEVALE The centre Farm Forum 3rd line of Morris met on Monday at the home of Mrs. Carrie Sellers, Following the ra- dio program and the discussion, Mr. and Milton Fraser, who on New Years day celebrated. the 25th anniversary of their wedding, were presented with an alladin table lamp and a Coleman lan- tern. An address was read by Miss Mildred Stewart and Miss Elva War- wick and Miss Edith Warwich made the presentation. Mr, and Mrs. Fraser were completely taken by surprise, Mr. Fraser expressed their thanks and ap- preciation for the best wishes of the Community and the gifts received. Cards were played and lunch enjoyed Lux or Palmolive TOILET SOAP, 3 reg. bars 29c TIDE, FAB, OXYDOL, RINSO, SURF, reg. . .39c London HoUse No. 1 Baby Roll CHEESE . . 49c a a a a a a CHATEAU CREAM CHEESE, 1/2 lb. pkg. . . . .29c a a a Fresh Fruits and Vegetables AT ALL TIMES AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES a %ilinsimisionionouninwinumilmininarnmumisnourmeminiiminifif 0=01 l0rs0====01=0) ,0=ic SALE of COATS We have only a few left but your size and colour may still be here. Black, Claret, Green. Formerly 39.50 NOW 29.50 45.00 NOW 33.75 CHILDREN'S COAT SETS Children's 3-piece COAT SETS-COAT, LEGG- INGS and BONNET for Girls; Helmet for Boys. All-wool, Velours, Wool Crepe, etc. 2 to 6x HALF PRICE 5.48 '6.98 7.98 CHILDREN'S COATS One Rack of Children's Coats, some with fur or without. Sizes 7 to 14x. HALF PRICE '- 15.95 FOR 7,98 O SKI TOGSSKI TOGS We are not going to wait until the season is over- but RIGHT NOW we are offering you REAL SPECIALS In SKI TOGS SKI SLACKS `5.79 FOR 2.49 • SKI JACKETS 10.95 FOR 4.98 SKI PARKAS • 12.95 FOR 9,95 REDUCED PRICES on certain 60 cycle Washers, Radios, at Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. Bargain prices on many items of furniture. Free IN MEMORIAM Delivery, HOOPER-In memory of my belov- ed brothqr, <Alfred, who passed away, Jan. 4th, 1914, "Gone but not forgotten," by his only sister, Anna. O U O O O 0 11 0 O 1/2 Price DRESSES % Price A-wide selection of higher priced Dresses for day- ' time and street wear. Too varied to describe. NOW 3.98 NOW 5.48' NOW 7.48 DRESSES Special Rack of higher priced Dresses to clear, with all the latest details and trimmings. DRESSES - Special Rack of Dresses for those who would like a good looking dress for such a low price. Good range of colors and sizes. 3.98 FOR 2.65 4.95 FOR 3.30 Washable HOUSE FROCKS A real good range of washable House Frocks, specially priced to clear; made from good quality print. Sizes 14 to 42. 2.49 FOR 1.98 2.79 FOR 2.19 3.98 FOR 2.98 SELF-SERVE SELF-SERVE ,SELF-SERVE Red Front Grocery 'Phones: Our Prices Are Lower Free 17 and 2 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Aylmer Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE- re. 20 oz. tins • 2 for 19c DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 1 lb. prints . .39c LARD (All Brands) 1. lb. prints ... . .. . - 33c Beehive or Crown Brand CORN SYRUP, 5 lbs. 63c a .. GRANULATED SUGAR-10 lbs. 93c 5 lbs. 47c Aylmer PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. 2 tins 31c Blue and Gold PEAS, 20 oz. tin 2 tins 39c Harvest Brand TOMATOES, 20 oz. tin ..2 for 35c CORN STARCH (all brands) pkg.' 15c LAUNDRY STARCH, pkg. 16c 0=110t=r0=s0==0z=z0=0E:aor .0=01 12.95 NOW 7,95 11.95 FOR 14.95 NOW 9,95 13.9.5 FOR 16.95 NOW 10.95 15.95 FOR Take 'advantage of these Extraordinary SALE VALUES Check Other Specials throughout the "store - Come EARLY and OFTEN THE STORE WHERE YOUR MONEY BUYS MORE TELEPHONE WINGHAM 0' 0=W- -10112,0i t0 0 401020 Otto 6