HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-12, Page 3Irwin; L.S.Y.G,, W. Hough.; R,S.Se A. Tipling'; j. W, Neaten; 1, G„ J. W. Dodd; O. Cs, W A. Britton, Sutton Plaentz'.--Married at the Methodist Parsonage, Gorrie, by the Rev. A, W. McTavish, on 'December pm, Mr. W, S, Sutton to Miss Annie Plauntz, all of Howick, Postal Statistics--In X908 Wing- ham Post Office' had 4 revenue of $001. and salary of $2,249. The money' order business amounted to $45,265, Twenty Years Ago—The Wingham S.N,G., 5 W Hewer; R.S.V,G„ G. H. Council for 1889 was composed as fols I.0,0,P, Offieers Installed—On Thursday evening the following offic- ers were installed for 190$ by Mr. W. Haines, N,G,, Norman L.Pry; V.G., J Walton ISIeKibleen; Rece•Sece J, F. Groved; FineSec., '1', 5, Elliotte Treas„ H, 13, Elliott, Ware den, R A. Cruickshank, cond„ 5, Lamont; R.S.N.G,, S. A. Maguire; REMINISCING Rose DILL PICKLES, 32 oz. jar 33c Snowflake AMMONIA, 2 pkgs. 13c Oak Leaf Finest SALMON .1/2. lb. 42 n RED SOCKEYE - tin 0 47C Clark's PORK & BEANS— Halo Shampoo . hot. 29c and 50c Two 15-oz. tins 25c Telephone 18 err's Drug Store Wingham Del Maize Cream Style CORN- 20 oz. tin 21c Hand-picked WHITE BEANS- 2 lbs. 25c KOTEX, pkg. of 12 33c; 2 for.65c Lea & Perrin SAUCE, bottle .32c IVORYRAKE5 tge• 39c WE DELIVER.-RAIIA1 OR SHINE, Weclnes$lay, January 12, 1948 THEY/INGHAM AT PAGE THRE, St. William's 24 Fluid 91,. Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade Jar idtM Merkley Motors wiNGH,Am. is proud, to announce appointment as authqrizecl dealer for It - 10'Ws; Mayo; R. Meind00; Reeve, resident, 'eSe-Reev,e Henry Mooney, Thos, Gregory; Councillors,, J. Nee- of Weyburn, Sask., is holidaying in lands,. Ts Agnew, A, Dawson, ",,I, J, the .dietriet. Robt. Young was elteced Homillh, W. F. Brockenshire, R. 'trustee in S. S. No, .5 succeeding C. Bill, J. A. Obse, R. C,earlitteo W 13. 'Wilkinson. Smyth, J. 5. Anderson,' W. Holmes, St. Helens.--Mrs.. P. Thurlow is and C. E. Williams. visiting in Winghem at present, Miss elected Trustee for S. S. No, 6, krs, 'Edward Finlay spent a week visi t i ng Morris—Walter Ynill has been re- A. J* Sheriff, of W,ingham, is visiting , relatives in this vicinity, Mrs, Thos. Win, Findlater, 2nd, line, has gone to. old aemsaintances and friends here. Detroit for an extended visit with her i Mrs. R, li, Miller and Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Mrs. Walter Young. Mrs. John Webster went to Wingtam on H. Beam, Miss Mary, 7th line, and Friday and took in the annual Set:itch, Leavi Beam of Saskatoon are visit- concert. in Toronto. An old and well-known Wingham,Locals-A business change is anti ounced this week, whereby Mr. S. Young has purchased the black-, smithing business of Mr. A. S. Murray and took possession on Monday. W14oxeter—The Planet, the new paper at Wroxeter, made its first cep. ,pearance last week. The Planet is a neat sheet of six columns to the page and the merchants of Wroxeter have .patronized it liberally in advertising, * et. * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO , ' SELF SERVE ood SELF Market Merkley Moto. Telephone 84 ', .t. tltb Wingham Town Council have sent season was played here. on Tuesday Dow-Beecroft—A 'pretty -wedding took place at the Parsonage,. Dun- gannon, on Monday, December 31st, when Rev. J. R. Peters, B.A., united in marriage, Dora Aceles, eldest dau- ghter of.Mr, and Mrs, John Beecroft, and Mr. Wellington Pow, both of East Wawanosb, Jacksonskurray----A quiet wedding was performed at the home of the bride, Miss Pearl Murray, near Mar- riston, on December 21st, when she was married to Bert Jackson of Tees- water. Purchase Barber Shop—Mr, George Day has purchased Mr. Gordon Cruickshank's barber shop and took possession on Monday. Eastern Star Officers—Dr. Fox was presented with a Past Worthy Pat- ron's Jewel and Mrs. Oliver Thomp- son, who has ably taken the Worthy Matron's chair since the death of Mrs. (Dr.) Tamlyn, was presented with a string of pearls at the meeting of the Eastern Star on Tuesday evening, when the following officers were in- stalled: Worthy Matron, Mrs. 0, Thompson; Wor. Patron, W. J. Boyce, Associate Matron, Mrs, H. Shane, Sec., Mrs. E. Nash; Treas., Miss Mary Pattison; Con., Mrs. Fox; Assoc. Con, Mrs. Boyce. Appointed Offic- ers, Chap., Mrs. F. Fuller; Mars., Mrs. A, G. Smith; Organist, Mrs, E. Harrison; Electa, Mrs. J. A. Wilson; Martha, Mrs. Geo, Olver; Esther, Mrs. Geo. Spotton. Whitechurch—Messrs. Chas. Gil- lespie, James Patterson and Stanley Thompson left for Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and Luella, spent New 'Year's with Mr. and Mrs. H. McClenaghan. Miss Lue- lla Conn returned to Torontot on Sat. day. Nurse Annie Henry leaves this week for New York, Mr, Geo. Bean of Goderich, visited with his brother- in-law, Mr. Amos Cornelius, for a couple of clays last week. * * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Nicol.- Walters—A quiet- wedding wee,: solemnized at the Manse of the Presbyterian Church, on Jan. 9th, when Annie Olive, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Walters, Wingham, was united in marriage to James Elwood Nicol, son of Jas, Nicol of Pasedena, Sal., by Rev. K. Mac. Le Upper na. Phippen--A pretty wed- ding was solemnized at the Manse, of Wingham e Baptist Church; on Thursday, Dec. 28th, when Viola Georgina, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Phippen of Wingham, was united in marriage to Roy Thom- Dennis and Clayton Dennis, as Upper, youngest son of Mrs. and the late David Upper of Listowel, by Rev, E. C. Smith Yeo .Jewitt—The Parsonage at, Bluevale was the scene of a pretty er a'service was held in the Anglican wedding on Saturday, January 6th, Church, on Tuesday evening with Rev, when Cora May, youngest daughter J. G. Cagey in charge and, Rev. G. G. of Mr. and Mrs. David Jewitt, of Howse of the United Church giving Blues-etc, was united in marriage. to the address, The Thursday evening George Clettdon Yeo, son of Mr. service was cancelled owing to storm and. Mrs. Geo, Yco, B. Line of Turh- and icy roads. berry, by the Rev, A, M. Robb. The inauguaral meeting of the Gorrie—The regular meeting of the Howick Township Council was held Y,P.S. met in the schoolroom of the on Tuesday, Rev. G, G. Howse was in Gorrie United Church on Wednesday attendance and offered evening, and the following officers prayer. Two were elected for. new councillors were welcomed; Mr. the ensuing year: Ivan Haskins and Mr. Harvey Mc- Hon. Pres., Hr. Cooke; Pres., Miss Michael, Mr, Anson. Galbraith receiv- Evelyn Dane; 1st, Vice-Pres„ Lloyd Ashton; • Sec., Hector Hamilton; Treas., Harold Robinson; Com. Con- veners, Library, Miss Velma Lennox, letter was react by Mrs. H. V. Holmes front Rev. Mr. Zimmerman of the Mohawk Indian Residental School at Brantford thanking the W. A, for their donation of quilts. The President and Assistants, Mrs, J. Edgar, Mrs. spoke of the F-PitthanY season and its A. Weaning, Mr's, Martin, Miss missionary significance. Mrs. Gc0- Maude Milligan, Miss Eva illusgrove, King react a New Year's picin. Rev. Miss Peterson, Mrs. W. S. Mel< crch- C. Coley closdct with the 4 benedie. en', Mrs. R Stocks, Mrs. Wendt and tion. The hostess served a delicious Miss M, Weight: lunch and a social half hour was en- JAVEX, 16 oz. hot. 15c 32 oz. 24c Smart's SAUER KRAUT, 28 oz, 17c Royal York ORANGE PEKOE TEA, % lb. pkg 47c is the story of Canada's growth and development, the opening up and settlement of the West, and the pros and cons of the ubiquitous tariff ques- tion. ,In terms that are intelligible and interesting to the general reader, the author traces the influence of agricul- tural mechanization on the world's economy. As a footnote to Canadian h•ietory it is a new and illuminating picture of Canada's social and economic develop- ment, hitherto a largely neglected field, that will prove of absorbing interest to the general reader. The book is highlighted by sets of illustrations based on authentic historical meets and records. KYRON Now Available In Canada Science Discovers New Easy KYRON Dietary Way to Reduce Fat Pleasingly Plump or Adorably Slender Yes, you can now lose ugly fat—up to 7 pounds in 7 days—with the KYRON Slenderizing Diet plan, a You'll be thrilled as pound after pound of unsightly fat seems to melt away froth hips, waist, bust, legs, arms. Today's styles demand slender lines. Please the man in your life by reducing disfiguring bulges. KYRON Dietary Plan is intended for people whose excess weight is due to over-eating. It aids in re- tarding appetite and Makes it easier to eat moderately, Take tablets as directed on package and follow food regimen, MAKE THIS 7.,DAY TEST Purchate a package Of Kyrott at your Drug Store, Cheek your weight' before and after using. If tot satisfied return empty box to your Druggist, who will refund full pUrthase price, Ityron may be purchased at, 0101 a E E a a a borough ;Harold Finlay, Cecil Jacobs, Arthur Stokes, Harry Baldwin, Al- bert Campbell, -Stanley Henderson, Fred Finlay, Larry Campbell, Arnold GORRIE In observance of the week of pray- ed the appointment of Road Supt, Women's Auxiliary The W. A, of St, Stephen's Church Christian lOWShiP, Miss Mink held their regular meeting at the home Douglas; Mission, Miss Marjorie of firs, I C. Taylor, on Thursday Baker; Music, sMiss Evelyn Stephens; last. The work of the afternoon was Citizenship, Elmer Butt. • piecing blocks for quilts, The Presi- Wroxeter—The annual meeting of dent, Mrs. Norman Wade presided the Sunday School was held in the for the business and devotional per- 'schoolroom of the Wroxeter United.si°d, opening with the Epihany Hymn, Church on Wednesday evening, with 'As, with Gladness, Men of Old." . Rev, W. FiUlay presiding and the .Roll Call was answered with verses following officers were elected for on the Epihany and New . Year the ensuing year; Supt., Robt, Stocks,iThoughts, Mrs.- G. Underwood read Assist. Supt,, R. J. Rann; Sec.-Treas., 'the lesson from Matt, 2:11, All join- Ken Edgar; Assist. Sec, Treas., Geo, ed in repeating the •members prayer Brown; Cradle Roll Supt,, Miss Ger- and the Epiphany collect was read. A tic Bush; Mission Sec., Miss W, Rae; Temp, See., Mrs. W. S. MeXerchted; Pianist, Mrs. J, Wendt; Assist Pianist, Misa Isobel Auditors, Mr. Finlay arid 'Me, J, Adams; Teachers a Ten Men Leave For Gov't. tamp— joycd. I In arrangement with the Government The first Hockey Match of the- Winghallti 11 the following ten WitighAtu ,inetti, to a evening when Teeswater played with GoivernMent Camp at Miti(411 Palls, the local team. The score was C;tit.tio,: , amomil94000niviOnummouilimimowilifittuo4110**0400440iiciiiimonniitiiikiiiiiiionlionioimoisiliiiwoloiwoiliniontomoisfiliiimioriOalmottilititolliii*Wia Otit,, about 20 miles north of Peter- 7; Tetswatcr, 1. Johnson's GLO-COAT, pint tin Y . 59c PARD DOG FOOD 2 tins 27c Aylmer VEGETABLE SOUP— Two 10-oz, tins 19c "Harvest Triumphant" "Unaccustomed as we are", says William Arthur Deacon, Literary Ed- itor of the Globe and Mail, "to indaste rial history, it must come as a sur- prise that the most important historic- al narrative published in Canada this year is tine, story of Massey-Harris. Still more surprising is the fact we have here no mere vaunt of success in dollars, nor only information about the mechanical improvement of mach- ines, but social history of an engross- ing nature," Tile story written by tire facile arid foreeltd. writer, Merrill Denison, auth- or of Klondyke Mike and otherbooks, with the ONE and ONLY 4 FERGUSON SYSTEM Greater. Power with Conthiental valve-in-head engine. Greater Speed with four-speed transmission: ,4 Greater Safety with both rear wheels braked by ,, a single pedal, plus individual turning brakes, 4 Greater Convenience with tip-up hood giving instant access to engine, radiator, fuel tank, air cleaner, etc. It'spower farming at its best with the new Ferguson Tra.ct newrl It's a powerful, rugged power farming machine with many high- performance features designed from the experience of over 300,000 Ferguson System users. It's a tractor we are proud to offer first for sa ppor- fer; easier, lower-cost farming. Be sure to see it at your very o ; : we'll gladly arrange a free demonstration on your tunny : own farm. , COME . IN 4... NO OBLIGATION! ttttttt ...411111.110.110 ttttt tt tttttttt 11411 ttttt WE HAVE A CARLOAD OF TRACTORS AT OUR SHOWROOMS I WE WILL HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS Also PARTS For Implements and Tractors FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Our Men aye Factory-Trained to Service the FERGUSON TRACTOR Be assured of Spring Delivery by ORDERING NOW We can give 1114MEDIATE DELIVERY ON A LIMITED NUMBER. c. •