HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-12, Page 2correct response to show no ace (or king), the next lowest possible bid to show one ace (or king), etc. To illustrate., if either partner bids four clubs he is asking his partner to tell him how many aces he holds, The' lowest possible hid over four elubS is ;four diamonds, so if the partner has n% ace his response is four diamonds. If he has one ace his bid is four hearts, with two aces four spades, and if he has three aces he responds with four lite trump. Following this asking bid and re- sponse, if either partner bids five clubs he is asking for kings, and again the response to chow no king is five diamonds, one king five hearts, etc. In the event that the club suit has been bid at a lower level than four, or that the preliminary bidding reached- a level above four clubs, then the or- iginal Blackwood' asking bids of four no trump and five no .trump are used, The responses are based on exactly the same principle. The lowest pos. sible bid over four no trump is five clubs, and therefore 'no ace is indicat- ed by bidding five clubs, one ace, five diamonds, etc. Bridge is a hobby, not. a vocation with this writers and he makes no pretense of being an authority on the game. Within the limits of his ability,- however, he, will be glad to answer any inquiries or deal with any phase of the genie, either in this column or by personal reply, Address any in- quiries to Contract Bridge, The Ad- vance-Times. WESTFIELD The Mission Band met on Sunday afternoon with 18 members present and Ruth Cook in charge of the meet- ing. The 23rd. psalm -was repeated in unison. Mrs. Norman McDowell led in prayer, A reading was given by Gerald McDowell. The Study Book was given by Mrs. Charles Smith and a Ten perance story was told by Mrs. Norman McDowell. The meeting clos- ed with prayer. Mr. Win. McDowell spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse ,of Brucefield. Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Bosnian and baby of Beigrave, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian. Mr. Lloyd Walden visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Har- born of Hensall. Mr. Ross Radford of Blyth, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snell. Mr. and Mrs. James Boak of Gode- rich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell, Mr. W. H. Campbell of Auburn, visited on Monday with Mrs. Frank Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. MauriceBosman visit- General Accountancy BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE for the SMALL BUSINESS MA/4, PROFESSIONAL MAN S. 3. Pymm P. 0. Box 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. that made the hearts of tnankind fear- ful for the future. In" Canada, - future generations of school children wilt read of 1948 as the date when Newfoundland decided to join Confederation •as the Domin- ion's tenth province. It will also be known as the historical date when two major political party leaders emerged Fresh shipment of English Pipes made by I3ARLING $3.50 Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP Sash of all kinds Storm Windows EGG CRATES CHICKEN CRATES Soft Drink Cases Campbell Gorbutt SASH & BOX Manufacturers Diagonal Rd., Wingham AMW WARREN HOUSE RUGS CARPETS RUNNERS BELGIUM - ORIENTAL - DOMESTIC From $6.50 - $87.75 WIDE COLOUR RANGE Wine, Blue, Rose, Green, Multi-color, Tone on tone I Watch Repairs George Williams IS NOW LOCATED IN MASON'S Store FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at Moderate Prices. • Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY. AI PROMPT SERVICE AMmovegeenweamiaenfroislweeleweeswewsoafle•ciewoemes•soeseol. Rubber Stamps and Stencils MARKING DEVICES of All Types We are Distributors Wkngbam. and District Pot these items which are 4•80U tiai to yOUr business and legalist Potable. Three Day Service On Rosh Order' Also available are STAMP PADS INKS, AND VARIOUS SUPPLIES ADVANGE=TIMES Telephone 34 WinghaM ,Get Your tires Studded Snow Tires Today 'in All Sizes Passenger Tires in Standard and Low Pressure Types TIRE CHAINS • For Cars and Tricks — All Sizes QII1,114.ed yof PREST NE GETIYOURS TODAY .--- rossett Mo :or Sal-es Mercury 4 Lincoln 'Meteor Sales and Service ed on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol of Walton. Mr. Victor Campbell of Goderich, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell. Donna and Garry Walden have been confined to their home this past week with mumps. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Stackhouse, Miss Eva of Brucefield, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell. Mrs. Earl Wightman and Mr. Har- vey ,Wightman visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers of Lucknow. Mr. Wm. Carter, Gordon, Bobby and Jimmy, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ament of Hul- lett Township. Mrs. Carter returned home with them, after spending a few days with Mrs. Ament. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Mcl3rien of Goderich, visited on Monday with Mr. Gordon Snell.h,Mrs. Mci3rien staying for a while. Mrs. Jean Kechnie returned to Blyth, on Sunday after spending sev- eral weeks °with her sister, Mrs. Wal: ter Cook. REPAIRS to all kinds of Rubber Footwear EXPERT Skate Sharpening Dunne's TENDON GUARDS Protect both ankle and tendon. ICE CREEPERS attached while you wait. BROWNE'S SHOE REPAIR "BOO JEES"(h/e. 2901) 25,000 int. Units calcium penicillin—sufficient for effective treatment. N d a ee n n a n n n n n a ▪ - DR. BELL'S • REMEDIES. • • SHIPPING FEVER I3ACTERIN . CALVITA CALF SAVERS DR. HESS REMEDIES • rACE TWO Tfig. WINGHAM ,ADVANMTIMES Wednesclay, January IZ, 1949 C. C. McKIBBON U a a a U n a a U WIngham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM ONTARIO W. a MeCool, Editor and Publisher Authorized as,Second Class Mail. Post Office Department Suhscription Rate — One Year $3.00 Six Months $L00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 Per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 76 No, 17 104$ WAS A GOOD YEAR FOR CANADA Most of 1949 is still future and no Man can foretell what it will bring for good and for ill to mankind, On the other hand, 1948 is now history and its records known to all who have taken an interest in the daily happenings and events at home and abroad. In retrospect, it must be re- cognized that 1948 was a prosperous and memorable year in the annals of the Dominion of Canada, even as it is also true that, in the larger field of the world, it was a year of wars and rumors of wars, troubles and want S E E — Bunnell & Odseumre 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS ton the Pederal stag one as Prime 'Minister and the other as a elnilleie, ger to that office. Statistically, it will be reckoned a banner year in which ,the number of Canadians at work reached an all-time high, the national income, according to an estimate, pase- led fifteen billion dollars; total export !end import trade approached six bil- lions; wages were good, and industry was little disturbed by strikes. Right now, Canadians vemember ;1948 gratefully as a year in which bountiful crops were harvested, trade l and industry flourished, employment was high and the country progressed lin many ways. Housewives still have ;very vivid recollections of the high cost of living, about which all are !agreed, but they are divided in their opinions about the momentous decis. ion of the Supreme Court on the oleo- 'margarine ,question. Most wives , of I 'farmers and dairymen think that the manufacture and sale of margarine will be detrimental to the dairy in- dustry, while most other housewives believe they should have the right to choose between butter and margarine as they see fit. e The year just passed will also be noted as one in which the national treasury collected a. huge surplus of revenue over expenditure, truly a sign of good flutes, but a heavy bur- den to the tax payers. And, as this winter wanes and spring approaches, thousands of people in danger areas will remember the, disastrous floods of last spring,' and hope for no repeat performance by the weatherman along that line. 1948 was not all sunshine for Canadians, but taking everything into consideration, it was a good year for Canada. * * * DROUGHT SERIOUS IN UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA The Union of South Africa is exper- iencing a severe drought over most of its territory, which has become so serious that Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan, appealed to all demoninat- ions for a national day of prayer for rain, Latest reports say that although drought and heat are worst, in agri- cultural areas of the Union, the con- dition extends in varying degrees over the whole African continent as far as the Equator with water sources drying up, crops shrivelling and cattle dying or deteriorating. Heavy crop and livestock losses threatened. In many parts of the huge maize-producing areas of the Orange Free State no rain has fallen since March or April of last year and it now is almost certain the 1949 crop will be insufficient for internal requirements. Prolonged conditions of excessive heat, hot, dry winds and dust storms are forcing many farmers to start trek- king with their cattle in the hope of finding grazing land, while in other areas cattle are in poor shape. In some part of the Free State, the water supply failed three months ago, and animals are lying around the veldt too weak to move. In the native areas of Natal and Transvaal .where the staple diet is maize, crops already have been practi- cally wiped out, and in parts of Trans-• vaal, a vast trek of farmers is under- way in search of water and grazing, but stock losses, are expected to be heavy. In the northwest, the Cape Orange River has ceased to flow and Lucerne wheat crops are threatened as the soil crumbles under the burn- ing sun. In other parts, rivers, foun- tains and boreholes all are dried up. The only hope of avoiding a nat- ional crisis now lies in rain falling within about 14 days, when by the wonderful recovery powers - of the South African , veldt many crops in the Union's 500-mile maize belt, now regarded as lost, may yet be partially saved. Eastern Transvaal now is the only area of the province which can be expected to yield a reasonable crop, ee 'but even there production will be well a below normal. * * A, RECORD CASH VALUE OF CANADA'S CROPS The Government's latest statistical review disclosed recently, that 'Can- ada's priticipal agricultural crops reached a new high in gross cash val. ue in the 1947-48 period, reflecting general Canadian prosperity. In that period the farms produced $1;595,000,- .4.. The review said, greater production, urged by offileals as the only means of fighting inflation, made possible the increase in value of the crops from the 1947 do the 1948 period. However, it ' added that the long run increase which has taken place since the prewar per- iod, while due in part to greater pro- duction, is largely attributable to price boosts. Only in two other bountiful harvest years, 1920 and 1941, has the gross value of field crops ever reached $1,400,009,000. The gross cash value of Canadian crops is the total value of crops pro- duced on farms, and includes pro- duct consumed by farmers and re. maining on farms as 'well as the part that is sold. In the general,productive picture across the country, only New Brunswick and Prince Edward Wand showed decreases in the gross value of crops in the 194148 period, * * * : XNOW WINGHAM The Wingham Arena is now the centre of hockey and Skating activities for Wingliant and district, The ice Mutate is large, the class of hockey good, teetipetitiOtt Iteett and seating ac. contriedation eXtellente so players and fans have 'all the ingredients necessary Feel Anchored To an Unattractive Home? Don't let those drab, uninterest- ing walls get you down! Re- model with MASONITE It's easy, inexpensive, can be used in its natural state—a warm woody color—or painted to fit Your decorative scheme. MA.. SONITE'S ideal for every room in the house, living room, bed- room, bath, kitchen. Stop in at The Beaver Lumber Co. and see our supply, this week. BEAVERLUMBER ti 0;4.1 Closed Sat. afternovas WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager If you sail, read Mid 4,etereDara AMONG THE 1,000 ISLANDS Everything you want from a summer holiday you'll find in the 1,000 Islands with breathtaking beauty and a sense of history thrown in. But small boat sailing is tops. Want to know more? Write to the Chamber of Commerce at Gananoque, 'Gateway to the Thou- sand Islands'. First class rail and road service, as Gananoque is on the main line from Montreal and Ottawa to Toronto and Windsor. You'll meet many visitors from the U.S.; make them feel welcome to hospitable Ontario. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! CONTRACT BRINE There' are two CONSECUTIVE steps in slam bidding, namely: 1, To decide that the combined strength of your hand and your part- flees (as indicated by his bidding) is sufficient in honor tricks and playing tricks that a slain is a definite possi- bility. 2. To find how many aces and kings there are in the two hands, in order to determine that two tricks Will not be lost before your long suit or suits can be established. THE BLACKWOOD CONVEN,TION The BlackWOod 'convention is the favourite method of checking aces and kings at the present time. It is much easier to learn, to use and to remem- ber than any other slain -convention. When first inteoduced„ the "ask-' ing" bid 'for aces was lour no trump, and for kings five, no trump. Now the variation generally used that the asking bids are four clubs and five clubs (when the bidding situation per. ,nits). This keeps the bidding down, to a lower 'level The responses to these asking, bids are the simplest bids In bridge, 'There is no need fo Memierite than', in fact It would be a footfall waste of time add effort to do So. All that need be remembered is that, whatever the asking bid may bey tile' lowest 1)684, Bible bid over itt aSkitig bid is tbo U a a a U U 000 worth, unparelleled in Canadian = agricultural history, and exceeding the previous peak of 1919 by about $58 for a winter of good hockey and skat- ing. * S. WEEKLY THOUGHT The Bible is'h•good -book to read. If you doubt that, brush the cobwebs off the long-neglected family Bible and look into it. • • n n n n n n n n n iI • • 111 a • • n n n • rINIIIIIIIII0110111111111111111111111111/11111111111111.11111111111111111111111111N0111114 • • aim Minimum Prices • 'PHONE 18 • - • n n n a a kgarget) • ▪ To control mastitis • • • • KILA-LICE, 2 lbs. 75c • COOPER'S DRI-KIL: 2 lbs. 75c n 141 DR. HESS LOUSE KILLER, 2% lbs. 90c Kerr's Drug Store • New Reduced Prices • Package of 6 $2.50 arm INSECTICIDES Get Your I.D.A. MIDGET QUIZZ ENTRY FORMS Each Week. PRATT'S REMEDIES n • al n • n n • Courteous Service •n FLEMING'S REMEDIES WINGFIAM n n • n 111 • g •