HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-05, Page 7fered by the Canadian Pacific. Mr and ars, Dave Draper and baby "Son, Wayne, were the guests of their respective parents in Toronto, during the Festive season. Mr. jack Edgar, Fort Frances, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. II. V, Edgar, for several days, during the re. cent Holiday season, Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Harris, were' Mr, and Mrs. Arnie Gadke and little daughter, Patsy, Lakelet, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hohnstein and wee son,Douglas, M also Miss argaret Hohnstein and her mother, Mrs, M. Hohnstein, all of Clifford. Miss Eleanor and Miss Betty Watts' of Weston, are the proud' sisters of a stew baby "Margaret Susan," born on Friday, December 31st., 1948, to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watts. Mrs. Watts is a niece of Mr, McKen- ney's and sister of Mrs, Dave Draper. Services at St. James Anglican Church on January 2nd., were con- ducted by Rev. J. C, Caley, assisted by Rev, Harry Jennings of Brantford. Recent holiday guests of Mr. and' Mrs. Chas, Lawrence were, Miss Edna Lawrence, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry May, Toronto, Rev. and Mrs, Harry. Jennings, Brantford. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J. Boyle When the weather is unseasonable for Christmas it takes the annual school concert to get you into the mood of the time. Somehow or other, the fact that Christmas was just peeking at us around the corner hadn't registered with me until I saw the hand printed sign in Tim Murphy's store announcing the annual concert. Our teacher this year is a fair hand Edwards' Motor Sal Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and. Fargo TruCks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone-Days 417, Wingham The ost Popular Thoroughfare in Town .10 Your Weekly Newspaper The .Most Effective Medium Through Which Advertisers Sell Their Goods—Take Advantage of it! It's a street of facts—your newspaper—and you, the readers, travel along its familiar path weekly. It is the thoroughfare which carries the news of your community into your home. It renders indispensable service to the home-maker, the worker, the businessman. It is the crossroads where customer meets merchant, learns his story, buys his goods. It is a leader -in your home-town, st, champion of democracy, the voice of the people. No. 34 The Wingham Advance Times Wednesday" January ..5th, 1349 TfIg W.:MGT-LW A' VAN-TIMES PA VPH I AI MUnkill","Alt 4,0 1,0 HOtql1,111 10 M 1114 ,101,4 10c311}P 10 44 lll IMI 110 ..MP 1101014 11#0.11 $10 1tOMMOWISOMMIP.‘IPPOlinglik.M.Irnti Service, January 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and Miss Thelma Denny, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Denny at Teeswater, Mrs. James Sangster and Mrs, Anth lAacDohald, spent part of last week in Toronto, Mrs,, Sangster Is' re- olaming fora longer visit, Miss Georgina McMichael of Tor- onto General Hospital Staff, spent INTew Years with her mother, Mrs. Thus. McgiehRel. Messrs, Jim mid Rosen' Rae, both of Brantford, sent Tuesday 'with their mother, Mrs. D. W. Rae. Mrs. George St, Marys and sons, Billy and Andy of Clifford, spent the past week with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Adams. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. 13, Hunter were; Mrs, Hunter's, sister, Miss Winnifred Stott and Mr. Mac McKee, both of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Weese of Ches. ley. Prayer Service A. service of prayer will be held in the United Church on Thursday even- ing 'of this week, Jan. 6th., at 8 p.m. Everyone in the community is cordial- ly invited to attend. ,Salem Annnal Meeting Salmi United Church -will hold their annual meeting on Friday evening, of this week, January 7th. Supper will be served at 7 o'clock. Business meet- ing to follow. d The Women's Missionary Society, Women's Missionary Society Wroxeter United' Church, will hold their first meeting of the New Year on Friday, January 14th,,at 3 p.m., at the home of the president, Mrs, Har- old Hamilton. 0 Women's Institute The January meeting of Wroxeter Branch of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Uri. J, N,-Al- len, on Wednesday January 12th,, at 2.30 p.m. The motto( The Best Things in Life are Free, will be taken by Mrs. Reg, Pacey. Miss Hazelwood will review current events. Roll Call, a baby picture contest. Topic, Home Economics by Mrs. R. B. Palmer. Hostesses, Mrs, Wearring, Mrs. Pal- /net, Mrs. Draper. • Rann - -Kirkpatrick On Wednesday at First St. And- rew's United Church, London, Norma Margaret Kirkpatrick, became the bride of Richard John Rann. Rev, Garth Cowper-Smith performed the ceremony, which united in marriage the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kirkpatrick, Waterloo St., to the son of Mrs, H. C. Barber, Horf St., and the late W. E. Rann. The bride, given in marriage by,her father, was charmingly Costumed in a frock of gray crepe with 'silver bead- ing studding her round, neckline and soft flare accenting her skirt back, the bride wore a etching hat with trim of dusty pink, a corsage of deep red roses completed her costume. Attending her, Miss Margaret Gould was frocked in' • wine crepe, with matching hat and wore a cor- sage of yellow roses. Barry Rann was best man for his brother. Receiving later at Lynn Lodge, the :nether of the bride was smart in a gown of aqua crepe with black ac- cessories and corsage of sweetheart and .Mrs. Hunter, were host and hos.: roses. The groom's mother wore a tess at a jolly Christmas party at black cape style suit with sequin trim, . their home on Tuesday evening, Dec. winter white accessories and corsage of red roses. For travelling the bride added a brown Muskrat top coat to her bridal ensemble. n their return from a wed- ding trip, the couple will live in Lon- don. (Note). The groom, a grandson of Staff. Refreshments were served by •the hostess. Business and Professional Directory Rev. T. M.Wesley Retired no,.know T, M. Wesley, a. former HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. O. , Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 'fourAppointment. 'mstortall WROXETER Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster were Miss. Beatrice MacDonald, Brantford, Mr. Alex Gray and Miss Gertrude Sang- ster, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stewart, Molesworth. Miss Eleanor ,Sanderson, Toronto, was a New Year's guest of her moth- er, Mrs. Frank Sanderson. Mrs. J, 5. Allen, Jimmy and Mar- jorie, returned to their home in Tor- onto, on Saturday following a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs, J. N. Al- len. • Mr. and Mrs, Reg Pacey, Mary , and ,,Richard, moved to their new home at Fordwich, on Wednesday, where they will live in Mrs Hain- ;stock's residence. Miss Beatrice Shearer has been ;holidaying for the past ten clays with 'her brother, Mr. Andrew Shearer and Mrs, Shearer at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. annd Mrs. A, B. Wearring of London, visited friends here during the holiday week. Mr. Jack McLaughlin, Toronto, vis- ited his friend, John IMacNaughton cu Thursday.. Mr. and Mrs. Alex' Petrie, Salem, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hooper. • Mr. Raymond Brown, Toronto 'Un- iversity, spent the holiday season with his mother, Mrs. Arnold Brown, Wroxeter, South. Holy Communion was ,observed in ;the United Church following morning Mr. D. W. and the late Mrs. Rano, is well known in Wroxeter. Friends here extend best 'wishes to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann for a very happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Leitch Honoured At Party Town Hall, Wroxeter, was the scene of a happy gathering on Thurs- day night when Mr.' and Mrs. Adrian Leitch (nee Norville Brown) of Fort William, who were recently married, were guests of honour. Dancing was enjoyed with Willbee's orchestra pro.. viding their usual excellent music. During the, evening an address was read by Mrs. Erie King and a gift of money, on lsehalf of neighbours and friends, was presented by Miss Isobel McMichael, Mrs. Harvey Mulligan presented an end table on behalf of the "Chivaree sGang". Mr. and Mrs. Leitch replied expressing their deep appreciation of the kindness of former neighbours and friends of the bride, who is a daughter of Mrs. Brown and the late Anrold Brown and grew up in this community. Refreshments were served by the ladies. Mr. R. B. Hunter, manager of the Wroxeter Branch, Bank of Commerce, 28th, when the staff were their guests. Games and Bingo were enjoyed with surprise packages for everyone. Es- pecially honoured were Mr. and Mrs. Reg Pacey w,ho left last week to make their home in a new community, and were presented with a lovely table lamp on behalf of the Manager and Friends here will be interested to Yes — more SHUR-GAIN Feeds are sold, in Can- ada than any other brand. Surely this is simple proof of their quality, the satisfaction they give to the farmer in increased profits and healthy live- stock: If you haven't been a steady user of SHUR- GAIN Feeds,' we feel you owe it to yourself to find out how you like them. We know that if you do try them you'll keep right on using them. SEE US TODAY CANADA PACKERS, WINNAlil BLUEVALE WLL1NFCO. LTD., BLUEVALE E. HEE BELMORE DAUPHIN & GRANT TEESWATER FEED THE BEST FOR LESS, Than Any Other Brand ore Shur-Gain Is Fed in, Canada YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 = point . Scientific Examine tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F, F. HOMUTII Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston General Accountancy BUSINESS & 'TAX SERVICE for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN S. 3. Pymm P. 0. Box 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW ONT. with paints and -she had painted a Santa Claus with a• face that even under the whiskers looked exactly like Tim o Nturphy, We all chuckled a bit at that and Tim gleefully said, "They tell me them big fellers in Toronto who buy pictures for the' Art Gallery' ar& =kin' bids on it." We joshed him and. Ed, Higgins said, "Oh you made a mistake Tim, It's the big museum in Toronto that wants the picture," The youngsters have been rehear- sing' now for about three weeks. The school children rehearse during the daytime and the older ones all go to the schoolhouse for their rehearsals during the evening. In my day that was always a great place for a little "wooing" on the side. In fact, people are now talking about the oldest Don- ovan boy taking the schoolteacher home after practise. They were giv- ing a real joshing at a woodbee .the other day, He was blushing and grin- ning but enjoying the whole thing. If he eats lunch with the teacher at the school concert, the older folks will have him "married off" by Easter. Driving home from town the other day I was surprised when the teacher hailed me. She's a bright looking girl with a pretty face and after a few lines of inconsequential chit-chat about the weather, she said, "I under- stand you sing." I almost fell off 'the load of chop, and took great pains to explain to her that I couldn't sing a note, She didn't seem to believe me and when I drove away I could see she was more than ever convinced that I was holding out on her. I was completely bamboozled -by the idea of where she had,ever picked that idea up, Everybody in our fam- ily knows that singing is an impossi- bility for rne, and my screechings are done at the back end of the long hundred when I am absolutely cert- ain there's nobody around, Some- body had sabotaged me. That was plain to see, So I didn't dare ask a soul because I knew they would laugh. Murder will out, as they say, and sure enough Ed. Higgins said to me the other day, "Hear you're' goin' to favour us with a song at the school concert." That was enough to let me know who the culprit was. Ed, is a great hand for kidding anyhow. Well, being secretary of the school board I get first crack at being chair- man for the school concert. I wonder how Ed. is going to feel when I call on him to say a few words. He hates getting up at anything like that. In fact, I think I'll announce that Ed is going to give a short discourse on The Art Of Singing In Public. . FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE ' UP-STAIRS FUNERAL'PARLOUR S. j, 'VALIUM PHONES 106 - 189 WINGHAM FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St. Wingham Osteopathie and Electric Treat-, inents, Foot Technique Phone 272. ° Wingham. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. '"` Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIt EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. L. G. BRYCE J. A. FOX PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS PhOne 19 Phone 150 Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H, C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. W. M. CONNELL DR, B. N. CORR1N WELLINGTON FIRE A. H. McTAVISH Wingham Barristers; Solicitors, Etc.' Wingham, Phone 48 H. CRAWFORD, s.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, X.C., J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C. GlithORD HETHERINGTON Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Office: Gofton every Thursday 4.30 and by Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, 'Wingham Phone — Teeswater 120J House, Wroxeter aftern000n 1.30 to appointment. minister of the United Church here, has now retired and is living with a sister at New Market, his home town, where he spent his boyhood years. Mr. Wesley, who is remembered with affection by many was minister here at the time of the first World War, enlisted and went overseas with the 161st. Battalion. His Health is very good. He is able to assist in church work and has charge of. the religious teaching hour in the sehoolS at New Market, Old friends here will join in wishing Mr. Wesley Good Health and many years of well earned retire- ment. The Ladies Guild of St. James, will. hold their first meeting of the New Year at the home of Mrs. George Ed- wards on Tuesday, Jan. 11th„ at 2.30 p.m. Come and bring a visitor. Mr. and Mrs, Elvin Keeteh, South Portage, Muskoka, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. H. V. MeKenney for Christmas week. They left Friday go- ing on . to Oshawa, Lindsay and Peter- boro, before returning to their home at Lake of Bays. Mrs, F. B. Millward, -Carol and Ernie, were in Toronto for Christtnas holidays. Mr, Miliward joined them for the Christmas week-end. The national. Board are pre- senting Moving pictures itt Mr. Hatt- ' MOWS. -room at Wroxeter School _on Thursday, January :6th at 9 pan. The two outstanding pictures will be "gar,. barn Ann , Scott" and "The Navy • Canadian Pacific Railway -operated it's first snow plow of,thc season on the Teeswater . Branch, New Year's Day, clearing the line, due to the dis. ruption of the -brit services, Many hot- idayers were happy to avail theinselv- ea of the reliable transportation of. DONALD B. BU IE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ontario Ks M. teLENNAN • THOS. FELLS Veterinary Surgeon Office litruile St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 196 *Leighton, .r. Ontari0 AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE THE BEST OF SERVICE PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham