HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-05, Page 3bilierkley Motors Stokely's Golden Cream CORN, 20 oz. tin „ . .21c Glenwood FRUIT COCKTAIL, 20 oz. tin . .. 39c Catelli ALPHABET MACARONI, box 15c Van Camp's PORK & BEANS, 2 20-oz. tins . 29c Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato SOUP, 2 tins . 19c MOP STICKS 29c ark • scLE et sEavE Lord Fairfax CHOICE PEACHES 28 oz. tin 27c Dr. Ballard's Health DOG FOOD, 2 tins , 29c Kellogg's CORN FLAKES, 2 8-oz. pkgs. . .29c Ellmarr Homogenized PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. jar ..... ,39c Royal York Orange Pekoe TEA, 1/2 lb. ,47c Hillcrest SHORTENING, lb. carton 39c Lily CHICKEN HADDIE, tin 27c v , .1 IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN WE DELIVER—RAIN OR SIIINE LL Lunching of the morning's catch near Port William ."'irizegt AT THE LAKEN AD Every year artists, camera enthusi- asts, hunting and fishing sportsmen enjoy the varied vacation opportuni- ties in the Pt. Arthur, Ft. William area. It's a delightful two-day cruise to the Lakehead through the locks at Sault Ste. Marie, from Georgian Bay and Lake Huron ports. There's year-'round, 24-hour train service and it's just C, hours by plane from Toronto! Or the adventurous, in. In Ontario we have a holi- day paradise . . , let's all do all we t'an to encourage visitors .from .aeross the border. Published in sup- port of the tourist business by John Labatt .Limited, summer, can drive the new Trans- Canada Highway—allow 6 days from any city in Southern Ontario via Highways 11 and 17, There are lots of cabins, resorts, hotels and camping grounds along these roads, Write the Ft. William Civic Tourist Bureau, or the Pt. Arthur Chamber of Commerce for further details on takehead holidays. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME .BACKI with the ONE and ONLY FERGUSON SYSTEM 11 . Grhater Power with Continental valve-irk-head engine. Greater Speed with four-speed transmission. 4 ii Greater Safety with both rear individual wheels braked by a single pedal, plus turning brakes. Greater Convenience with tip-up hood giving instant access to engine, radiator, fuel tank, air cleaner, etc. It's power farming at its best with the new Fe ith many rguson firacto wry t It's a powerful, rugged Power farming machine w negh- performance features designed front the experience of fe over 300,000 Ferguson Systemusers. It's a tractor we are proud to ofr for safer,- easier, lower-cost farming. Be sure to see it at y tuniiy our very first oppor , we'll gladly arrange a free demonstration on your own• farm. COME IN . . . NO OBLIGATION 1 WE HAVE A CARLOAD OF TRACTORS AT OUR SHOWROOMS WE WILL HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS Also PARTS For Implements and Tractors " FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Our Men are Factory.Trained to Service the FERGUSON TRACTOR Be assured of Spring Delivery by ORDERING NOW We cangive IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON A LIMITED NUMBER Merkley .Motors TeTelephone $4 Witt gitatit Ft iiiiii iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii • IS, TIP; WINIGHAM ADVANCE-MIYIES will be held on Thursday, Jan. 6th, at 2.60: p.m., at the home of Mrs. P. C. Taylor, The theme will be the Epiphany and, the New Year. United, ..Church The, W,M,S. will meet at the home of Miss Margaret Dane on Thursday. An.. 641, at 2.30, p.m, Roll Call, New Year's Thought. At the reception service on Sunday morning the following members were , received by reception, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dustow, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ford, Phyllis and Kathleen. Friends Will be glad to know that Mr, Tom. Hutchison, gad. eon., who has been a, patient in the Listowel Hospital for a short time is making good recovery. The item reading "Mrs. Wm. Nash returned from Wingham Hospital" in last week's paper was an error and should have read Mrs. Wm. Jacques. Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Finlay Harriet Reid, wife of Rev, ‘V, A, Finlay, died at her home in London on -Friday, Dec. alSt, in her 75111 year. Surviving besides her husband, are two sons, Ruskin of Listowel and Wendell of Toronto. Funeral service was held on. Monday with interment in London, Mrs. Finlay was a former res- ident of Gorrie, when her husband was pastor o# the United Church ,over twenty years ago. They also served on the Wroxeter circuit. Women's• Institute The January meeting of the Gorrie W. I, will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 11th, at the home of Mrs, W. C. King at 2.30 p.m, Roll Call, My problem in Housekeeping, Misses Helen Strong and Grace. Edgar returned to London on Sunday, after spending the holidays at their homes, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Edgar and fam- ily spent Sunday in London. Mrs, Jen- nie Edgar' accompanied them and is remaining for some time, Mr. Elgin McInnis spent a few days of last week in Toronto. GLENANNAN (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jeffray spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Jeffray of Stratford. Miss Margaret Baird spent a few days, with her sister, Mrs. Fred Lewis I Mrs. John Mulvey and son, Mr, Stew- art Mulvey of London, are spending a ifew days with the former's daughter, Mrs. Dave Eadie. Mr. and Mrs. David Breen of Grand Rapids, Michigan visited with old neighbours and friends before leaving for California where they in- tend making their home. ,Mr, and Mrs. Harry Brown and Shirley of Mahon, are holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln. Miss Mabel Dunkin and her pupils deserve much credit in having such a fine Xmas Concert on Wednesday last. The school house was crowded to full capacity. Miss Ileen Underwood of Montreal, and Miss Jean Underwood of Toronto, are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Under... wood. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tone and family of -Toronto, are spending the holiday with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace •Morland and • two children also Mr. Jas. Morland of Kincardine, were week-end guests of Mrs. Morland's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Appleby. GORRLE We extend congratulations to 'Mr. Wrn. H. Marshall, who marked his 85th birthday on Monday, jannary Announcement has been made of the. appointment ,.of C. M; Ferguson, a„ graduate of the Ontario. Agricultnral College, as director of extension of the College of Agric., Ohio State Univer., sity, Professor Ferguson is a brother of Prof, Fred L. Ferguson, head of OW drainage division of O.A.C. and of Mr. Harry Ferguson of town, Tom O'Krafka is caretaker of the rink for this year. Manfred. Irvin and G. D'Krafka are manager and coach respectively of the hockey team, Some of our readers may be inter- ested to learn that early application is accessary to receive young trees for' reforestation. Orders should be for- warded to the County Agricultural Rep, by Jan, 15th. Howick Legion sponsored a dance on New Year's Eve, Mrs. W. J., Greer and Mrs, Hinde of Wingham, were` guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes on Friday and Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Carl jackliu and fanc- ily of Brow's, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Kitchen on Wednesday, Miss Marlene Tolman of Milverton, was a guest of Karen Michel last Week. ;Week . Of Prayer On this week of the New Year,r,Prayer, services will be held in the Anglican Church At on Tuesday evening and in the United Church on Thursday evening at the same hour.. Women's AuidliarY , The first meeting in the New Year Kincardine, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fal- coner. Neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j, D. Beecroft on Friday evening for a euchre, Mrs. 5. D. Bee- croft and Mr. James Falconer held high points and Mrs. Jas. Falconer and Mr. John Purdon held low points. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and fans. ily of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ale- Lean. BELMORE The United Church Sabbath School under the direction of Mrs. Carl Douglas, presented a splendid concert on Wednesday evening. Talent from Lan's .school was especially good. We wish our little bride and groom many years of happiness. • Mr. and Mrs. James Antsia cele- brated theirt Golden Wedding Tues- day last, when sisters and brothers and guests sat down to a fowl dinner. There has been only one break in the family, Mrs. Appleby of Glenatman, having passed on a few years ago. 'Guests of Mrs. Wm. Edwards on Boxing Day were, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Edwards and baby of London, also Hairy, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Ed- wards of Teeswater. Mrs. Herb Miller motored to Lon- don, her little daughter, Irene, having trouble with her eyes. Mr. and Mrs. McKeitney of Wrox- eter, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Press on Tuesday evening. ;Mrs. Webb has returned from Wingham, since the death of her hus- band,. Those taking Christmas dinner with friends were: Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Zinn, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray at Irwin 'Zinn's, the Darling relatives, numbering about 80 at Roy .Rtither- ford's, Mrs. Win. Edwards at George Edwards, Wroxcter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Bailie and Mr. Reid of Wing- ham at jack Reid's, Harry and Mary Abram of London, with their parents, Mr. Stewart Mulvey with relatives. Miss ;Minnie Jeffray with Misses Mary and Hannah Stokes. WHITECHURCH The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be herd next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, 'George McClenaglian, with the roll call, "Something I admire in the lady at my right," Mrs. Dawson Craig and Mrs. Jack Ryan will be the hos- tesses, and Mrs, Lorne Johnston will be in charge of the paper. Miss Winnifred Farrier returned to her position m Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Carman Farrier to New Toronto on Sunday after spending their holi- days with their parents here, Mr, Donald Watt returned to Tor- after spending the holidays with his onto Medical College, on Monday parents, Rev. and Mrs. W, 5. Watt. Miss Muriel Watt, nurse-in-training in Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs Robert Laidlaw and sons, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kerr, of Blnevalo. Mr. Bill Matheson of Chcsley, re- turned from his home on Sunday to re-open school at S. S. No, 10, Kin- loss, and Miss Grace Moir returned from Toronto to re-opch S. S. No, 9. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt and children, and Mr, and Mrs. John GaGunt and children spent New Years with their father, Mr. Thos. Gaunt of Wingham. Mr, Alex McKenzie of Kinioss; also spent New Year's there. Mr. Thos, McCreight and Mr. Al- fred MeCreight are having the tele- phone installed in their homes, and Robert Laidlaw had the telephone installed in his home last week 614118. Mr, and Mrs. Rain Welwood spent New Year's at the home of their son, Mr. Norman Weiwood, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes and children,. spent New Year's at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coultes, 'Beigrave. Mr. Thos. Robinson spent fast week With, his family At Belgrave, and Mr, and Mrs. Mason Robinson spent Sun- day with Mr, mid Mrs. Calvin ttob- inson at Peigrave. Mt and Mrs. Charles Paleoner is proud to announce appointment as authorized dealer for ( Norsimostamsammaysawavatio SELF SERVE mnyirm•••••••n ••••••• 'A VITAMIN B'F001; NMI y ... Ememulammla 8 qt. bag 30c Silverbright SALMON STEAKS, lb. . 49c Smoked Kippered HERRING, lb. 33c Golden Net or Oak Leaf Finest RED COHOE SALMON, 1/2 lb. tin 37c 39c TUNA FISH, solid meat, 7 oz. tin .......45c 7 lb. bag 44c Adherents of the United Church gathered on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred Johann and pre- sented Stewart and his bride with a gift. The evening was pleasantly spent in social conversation. There was a short program after which a lovely lunch was served. Stewart, now of Teeswater, thanked the people for kindness. Mrs. Webb is having a sale of her household effects. WeanesclaYfr January $th, 1949