HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-05, Page 2Telephone 475 Clearing Sale Cups, Saucers, reg. $2.25, $2.00 SPECIAL; $1.50 Pictures Wall Plaques Reg. $2.00 - $1.50 pr. Salad Bowls, reg. $2.65 for $2.00 Salt and Peppers ORNAMENTS REMNANTS Suitable for Cushion Tops, or Shopping Bags 'C. C. McKibbon Want A Healthy Bank Account Why are so many business men sending us their accounts these days? It's because they realize NOW is the best time to clear their ledgers of all past due debts. In a short time results may be less satisfactory. KELLY 8c. AIKEN The Collection Specialists Orangeville, Ontario Canada's Oldest Firm of Collectors Effective Reliable he eastr ow /4 imesai, 11,00 e ievstalle;; DUPLATE TUFLITE .. the high-test Safety Glass especially made for car windshields. Non-shattering. Ground and polished for. CLEAR vision! ... for car windows. Stands up under hard usage, is 5 times as strong as ordinary glass. Gives safety, maximum protection! 'Come to vs for AUTO GLASS service. Wingham Auto Wreckers Expert Radiator Cleaning and Repairing PARTS — New and Used Wednesday, ,January 5th, 1949- PAGE- TWO E WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIME$ Invitation To a Glance! Are you proud of YOUR HOME? Remodel with r4 PLYWOOD from The Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. We've Fir and Birch Ply- woods for you to choose from— both of them handsome, practi- cal, inexpensive solutions for tired-looking walls. Stop in this week 'and order your supply. S E E — Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS SAYER LumBER Closed Sat.' afternoons. WINGHAM - ONT. C. -A. Loucks, Manager Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by BARLING $3.50 Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP Sash of all kinds Storm Windows EGG CRATES CHICKEN CRATES Soft Drink Cases. Campbell &.Gorbutt SASH & BOX Manufacturers, Diagonal, Rd., Wingharn, CONTRACT BRIDGE 1 • • Polak. Is that North has a ,powerful. including VA 'playing tricks at !a heart contract, .and following almost 'any bid by South he should become 'very much interested in slam at once, !The "Blackwood" information that ;South has two aces seals the verdict. The Blackwood bids are not a sub- stitute for scud reasoning, but they ,are a useful adjunct in reaching slam contracts, Just in case this .important convention still is ant generally known ,and used, it will be explained in this t column --for a third time -- matt Week, GORRIE Mr, and Mrs. Woodrow Dustow, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs:Gordon'Vines, Wallace Township, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holmes and Dorothy, of Moles- worth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dustow at Christmas. Progressive Euchre The Gorrie Hockey Club sponsor- ed their second Progressive Euchre Party in the Orange Hall on Wed- nesday evening, Prize winners were Mrs. Manfred Irvin, Mr. T, L. Mc- Innes, Consolation Prizes, Miss Phyl- lis Ford and Sandy Edgar. In a draw for a turkey, Miss. Grace Harper held the lucky ticket. Mr. Carter McKee of Galt, was in town on Wednesday. Charles Day 'the death occurred on Tuesday evening at the home of his niece, Mrs. Gordon Underwood and Mr. Under- wood of Charles James. Day, in his 90th year. He had been in failing health for some time and for the past year confined to bed, He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Day, pioneer settlers on the farm now own- ed by their 'grandson, Edwin Day, con, 11, Howick. Deceased was born near Brockville and came with his par- ents when 16 years of age to Howick, where he has since resided for the past several years, living -in Gorrie. He was unmarried. One sister, Sarah Ann of Howick, survives, and several nieces and nephews. Deceased was an Anglican and fun- eral service was conducted at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Underwood on Thursday afternoon by his rector, Rev J. C, Caley. Interment was in Gorrie cemetery. Pallbearers were: Robt. Dane, Robt. Graham,Norman Nade, Frank Chapman, Wilbert Gallaway and .Burns Stewart. Miss Eleanore Carson of Toronto' Normal is assisting at the Gorrie Pub- lic School this week. Mrs. Bagnall of Toronto, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Earl Underwood. Mg. and Mrs. Les. Earl of Ethel, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T'hos. Edgar on Thursday. New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. cordon Edgar were Mr. and Mrs, Ken Edgar and family of Wrox- eter, Mr. and Mr's. Birks Robertson and family of Greenock were guests at the same home on. 'Monday. Mr. Robert Maguffin and Miss Jessie Maguffin of Marydale are visit- ing their brother, Mr. Jas. Maguffin and Mrs. Maguffin, Mr. and Mrs. Ait- chison Wallace and family, con. 11, spent Sunday at the same home. Mr. Wallace Edgar of Wembley-, Alta, has been visiting his brother, Mr. Gordon Edgar and Mrs. Edgar, also other relatives for the past couple of weeks.' , Mr. and Mrs. Ira MacLean and family of Wroxeter, were New Year's Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King. The Dominion Bank here is now open every week day with a resident manager, Mr. C. D. Walmsley in charge. • Mr. an& Mrs. Bert. Vodden, their sons, Murray and Ross, Mrs.. Michel Sr., and Mr. Clair Michel, all of Ethel, spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel. Mr. and Airs. Jas. Stewart and Mr. Clarence Grainger, of Wallaceburg, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger.. ' Miss Jean Campbell of Listowel, visited with her brother, Mr. Ron Campbell and Mrs. Campbell last week, , et Your • Studded Snow Tires,. Today — All Sizes Passenger Tires in Standard and Low Pressure Types TIRE CHAINS For Cars and Trucks — All Sizes Limited' FREE' Quantity of — GET YOURS i'ODAY Crossett Mercury Lincoln Meteor-. Sales and, Service Horse-drawn vehicles are becoming scarce in and around Witighatt, but it is still possible occasionally to See a fine team of horses drawing a sleigh or cutter, and to heat the sweet sounding, musical sleigh bells, Now is the thee to enjoy the thrill of a fast cutter or sleigh ride. * * * WEEKLY THOUGHT A day is Wasted if you don't see, read or learn something, new, Make each day worthwhile -Ayou never live long enough to see Of ktioiir eVetYthing, path should lead to slant The Main The effect of examining hands that have been played repeatedly (in dupli- cate games) is to select for review those that have met a sad fate, in the belief that they will be of most inter- est to readers. Td adhere rigidly to this policy would result in discussing slam bidding much too often. The bidding and making of slams being one of the enjoyable highlights of bridge, it seems especially unfortunate that a large majority of sound slain contracts are missed. Look at this example. Only three out of ten pairs in better-than-average bridge company bid this hand to slam; the other seven North and South pairs missed the fun. North dealer. North and South vulnerable. • 5 3 A KJ 1073 ▪ A 61/6. K (;) 654 • 8742 A K0963 1, Q986 N V DONE g 10 • K97642 sf• J108 S 4 7 8 4—Ak7 —ri 3 5 4 2 • S2J S 5 * A 9 2 The bidding: North East South West iS • 2N.T. Pass SC Pass 315 Pass 3H Pass 4H ' Pass 41N.Te ?ass 5H* A" Pass Pass Pats Pass *Blackwood Asking bid 'Response, showing Woo aces. There Ate, several Close decitintis in did bidding but any reasonably logical Rubber Stamps and Stencils MARKING, DEVICES of All Types We are Distributors in Wingham and District Pot these items which are essen- tial tc your business and regular routine. Three Day Service On Rush Orders Also available aro STAMP PADS, INKS, AND , VARIOUS SUPPLIES =TIMES Wingham • 41 CUM PI UM II III IIII 1111 111 WM PIM 1111 II ill I IIIII 111 • m - ea • I um 1 NI la a . DRUG STORES • . . . • • • • • • . • I. D.A. s . • • . ▪ MIDGET QUIZZ I . . • PROGRAM .1 • , . • IS BACK FOR ANOTHER SEASON! • • • • • • will receive a • Westinghouse Concert Master Automatfc • RADIO PHONOGRAPH • • • • • • • • • • • — • n • • n YOU Could Be A Winner This Season • err • • I Kerr's Drug Store! • Minimum Prices o • Courteous Service N 'PHONE 18 WINGHAM • • • • .riltripoloxn Advance-Times Published at. WINGRAM - ONTARIO W t B, Cool Editor and Publisher 1,••••••••,,,, Aathorlied as Second' Class Mail Post Office Department 8.0seription Rate .--- One Year $2,00 Sic Months VA° in advance - To LI,S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate .0.00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol, 76 — No. 16 EDITORIAL In this our first edition of the New Year, 1949, we reiterate the wish that each of our readers will enjoy a heal- thy, happy and prosperous 1949, * * TRAGIC ENDING TO THE OLD YEAR The old year, 194S, passed into his- tory with a dismal ending. Seldom, if ever, has there been such a toll of dis- astrous fires, tragic car and other ac- cidents, and gloomy world news, mark the ending of a year. The holiday sea- son in this country and in the United States resulted in so many fatalities, injuries and broken family circles, and in so much property damage that the Christmas and New Year festivities meant mourning and saddened hearts instead of happiness in far too many homes. And one cannot dodge the fact that WARREN HOUSE mixing liquor and gasoline, through driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages, was the cause of many of the traffic aecideuts. In spite of all warnings, .eNhortations and pleadings, in the press and over the radio, not to drive a ear if alrink- i or to drink if driving, many foe l. ish people still persisted in doing that very thing, with the almost inevitable disastrous results. Also it seems ap- parent that many other accidents and fir.es resulted from a too free use of strong drink over the holiday season. Judging frozp accounts of the more- than-usual number of rowdy drinking parties all over this country and the States during the Christmas season, one must sadly conjecture that the people in those homes have forgotten that Christ is the central figure in Christmas festivities, The word Christmas is derived from the Anglo Saxon "Christes Maesse" meaning mo....movimarramm0 REPAIRS to all kinds of Rubber Footwear EXPERT Skate Sharpening Dunne's TENDON GUARDS Protect both ankle and tendon. ICE CREEPERS. attached while you wait. BROVVNE'S SHOE REPAIR Christ's festival. It is au unutterable insult to Christ to turn Isis festival into an, orgy of wild debauchery for tBacchus the God of w i ne, This is a democratic country in which it is each person's inalienable right to do as he pleases as long 4S he does not break the laws of the country, ,and drinking intoxicating liquors in moderation, under certain conditions, is not unlawful. But laws are supposed to represent the will of the majority of the people enacted and enforced for the greater good of all, This is still A Christian ,country, de- spite the fact that many of our citi- zens have forgotten what Christianity means, and the will of the majority of our people is still Christian in nat- ure. Drinking and drunkeness have shown a steady increase from year to year, and drunken parties, disorderly conduct caused by drinking, accidents and crimes as the result of intoxicat- ing beverages, and broken homes be- cause of drink, have increased at an akirming rate. The people as a whole are becoming aroused and the result may eventually mean prohibition laws will have to be enacted and enforced for the greater ,good of the most of our people. Christians—and the people of this country are suppoed to be Christian—and especially moderate drinkers, are becoming aroused by this immoderate, uncontrolled drinking of people who cannot be called Christian in any sense of the word. Those who try to take the Christ out of Christ- mas had better go to an unchristian country or Christians will be forced to do something drastic to control these infidels. * * EIRE SEVERS CONNECTION WITH BRITISH EMPIRE Some people have been unduly dis- turbed because Eire (Southern Ire- land) recently severed its connection with the British Empire. There has in fact been no practical. change in Eire's relations with the British Com- monwealth. A few relatively unimpor- tant officials in Eire's Foreign Office had been ratified by the British King, but, to all intents and purposes. Eire has been an independent country for years. So much so in fact that she stayed strictly neutral in the last war and weakened the British Empire's cause by denying Great Britian and her allies the use of the vital ports of Eire. All Eire has now done is to sevei- the last meaningless link still theoret- ically, but not actually, connecting it to the British Crown and British Commonwealth of Nations. As in the past, a large number of the people of Eire are still British at heart, and in the event of another war there will again be many thousands of loyal Ir- ishmen from Eire or Southern Ire- land, who will willingly and valiantly die for Great Britain: In the British Isles an Irishman, whether he comes from Eire or still-loyal Northern Ire- land, is still a British citizen and wel- comed as such. The economic life of Eire is vitallly dependent on its trade with Great Britian and, now that the ,long, polit- ical friction has been removed, the re- lations of the two countries should be greatly improved to the great benefit of both. The lives of the two countries are so interwoven, interlocked and de- fensively dependent on each other that they are bound to work together.. Now they will be able to unite as equal al- lies, thus strengthening, rather than weakening, each other .by Eire be- coming absolutely independent. And, as an ally of Great Britian, Eire seems certain to remain in the great British Commonwealth of Nations, * * * UN ISSUES .HALT ORDERS AGAIN The Security Council of'the United Nations recently issued new halt or- ders to the Dutch in Indonesia and to the Jews in Palestine. It is doubtful if world opinion expects any better results from these orders than were forthcoming in the past, to the power- less, unenforced orders by the UN. Without a strong world police force or rigidly enforced, sanctions against an aggressor defying the orders of the United Nations, that body has . be- come of little importance. In Palestine the Jews seem to have the power and determination to con- quer all or most of the Holy Land, and have pushed their advance forces into Egyptian territory. It is unlikely that the Jews will give up any of their dearly-won territory although they may agree to a truce that gives them all they desire, which would be a hollow. victory for the UN. In In- donesia the Dutch have agreed to a truce or cease-fire on a date like an- other ettipty victory for the UN. The United Nations Security Council must back its demands with force or be.. come a mockery. • . • KNOW WINGHAM, n n • • • • Plus Two Monthly Jack I • N PI This year each Jackpot Winner • • N • n n n n n n n n n n n $100.00 Weekly i Cash Prizes I Winners will be announced each week on CKNX Saturday Night BARN ,DANCE PROGRAMME One of OUR Customers *as a WINNER last year. GET Your, ENTRY FORMS at KERR'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE Every Week. .Pot Winners