HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-12-22, Page 11;,;'4r4irpt4i'iP
family, 'spent a day last week in Lon-
Three lucky families in our village
are assured of a ,.turkey dinner on
Christmas, Mr. Bil Newton won a
20 lb. turkey on .a draw made in Har-
riston, Mr. J. H. Wylie held the lucky
ticket on a draw sponsored by the
legion in Wingham, and Mr. Harvey
Wright won the draw made on Satur-
day at the Wroxeter Community Club
Christmas party.
Mr. Wm. Fraser and Mr. Douglas
Fraser, both of Ridgetown, were Sun-
day guests of Mrs. J. Lovell, who re-
turned home with them, where she
will spend the winter season.
The January meeting of St. James
Guild is planned for January 11th.
Mrs. George Wylie Sr., has arrived
back home following a six weeks visit
with her family at Lucknow and other
Mr. John McBurney was the lucky
winner of a five pound box of candy
and Mr. Wm. Salter, a one polind box
in the draw held by Pete Dobson on
Farm Forum Entertained
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Stamper open-
ed their lovely new home on the sec-
ond line of Turnberry on Monday
evening last, for the weekly meeting
of the Third Line of Morris Group
Farm Forum. About 30 former friends
and neighbours of Mrs. Stamper, wIan
was the former Bertha Souch, were
guests. Following' the usual broadcast
and discussion, progressive euchre
was enjoyed. Mrs. Russel Bone won
highest score for ladies and Mr. Wil-
fred Warwick held highest score for
Clothing For gort Stewart
Mrs. H. I. Durst and Mrs. David
Draper packed 180 pound of good used
clothing for Fort Stewart last week.
This 'project Aponsored by the Wo-
men's Institute will' provide warm
clothing for several families. The
members of the Women's Institute
are grateful to all who contributed to
the bale, which has been forwarded
in care of Mrs. Marian LaVoy, Fort
Emergency Fund For Britain
Members of tine Women's Instiute
under the chairmanship of its presi-
dent, Mrs. H. V. MacKenney, have
completed their canvas of the village,
and report the amount of $88.30 col-
lected for the Emergency Fund for
Community Club Xmas Party
More than 20 children were on
hand Saturday afternoon to enjoy the
Christmas party sponsored by the
Wroxeter Community Association,
Mr, Roy was present with interesting
pictures among them pictures of the
Royal Winter Fair. Rev. I, C. Caley
conducted Community Singing, A
Christmas Tree and a visit from
Santa Claus delighted the. children.
Tickets were drawn for the turkey
and goose, liarvey Wright won the
former, Tom Brawl held the lucky
ticket for the goose.
Mission Band
The Buds of Promise Mission Band
held their Christmas meeting in the
church school room on Monday. Quiet
music brought the 'meeting to order
with Shirley McMichael at the piano.
President Winnifred Munro conduct-
ed the meeting and Donna MacLean
presented the minutes. The Purpose
was repeated followed by the Lord's
Prayer. Mrs. H. Hamilton told the
Storyf roni the Study Book entitled
"The Boy from Ewa", A group of
girls sang "Away in a Manger," The
children sang, While Shepherd's
Watched and other carols throughout
the meeting, The Mizpah benediction
brought the meeting to a close, Mrs.
A, j, Sanderson and Mrs, Hamilton,
on behalf of the Women's Missionary
Society presented the children and
their leaders. Mrs. S. Higgins and Mrs,
Harvey Reidt with a Christmas treat,
Christmas Service
Rev. V. Cronheilm was in thaw
of the Christmas service in The 'United
Between all points in Canada and to all
United States border points
Good going daily until 12 noon
Saturday, January 1st
RETURN: leaving destination not la-
ter than midnight, Mon., Jan, 3, 1,90
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was chairman and Principal Harold
Hamilton on behalf of Mrs. \Warring'
and himself welcomed the parents and
friends, 4 full house listened to the
following numbers. Songs, Junior
room, A Merry Christmas, The Dear
Old 'free, Who is Coming on Christ-
nine Eve., Welcome, junior Boys;
Carol Singing, Senior room pupils,
The Holly, and the Ivy, .Shepherd . -
shake off your drowsy sleep, Deck the
Hall, Playlet, The Christmas Spirit;
piano duet,'0 Shirley McMichael,
Donna Copeland, recitation, Winnifred
Munro; rhythm Band, •Grade H;
logue, The Merry Maidens; dance
Senior Girls; Song, senior room pupils,
Sweet Bells of Christmas; recitation,
Bernice Grainger.; solo, Catharine
MacDonald; recitation, Jim Harrison;
rhythm Band, Grade I, recitation by
Jean Thompson, dialogue, The Min-
ister's Mistake; Sr, room, rhythm
Band., Grade III, piano solo, Donna
Copeland; drill, recitation, Mac Wylie,
solo, Ruby Sanderson, recitation, Mur-
ray Montgomery. The closing panto-
mine, Silent Night, Holy Night, was
most effective. House lights were
dimmed and a blue spot light used
while, the words of the Carol as a solo
gave background to time pantomine.
Santa Claus was given a great wel-
come and distributed gifts and' treats
to the children. The proceeds amount-
ing to $45.00 will go to the work of
the Junior Red Cross. The teachers
and the accompanist, Miss K.,„Hazel-
wood are to be congratulated on .the
evening of good entertainment.
Women's Association
The Women's Association of the
United Church held their annual meet-
ing on Tuesday, December 14th, in
the church parlors with 15 members
present, the president, Mrs. Wm. Hart,
The opening hymn, "It came upon
the Midnight Clear" was followed with
prayer by Mrs. Cronheilm. The scrip-
ture reading taken from Matt. 2, was
read by Mrs. C. McCutcheon. Mrs.
Jas. Allen favored with several
Christmas Carols. A Christmas Story
was read by Mrs. L. Douglas. The
roil call was answered Eby a verse con-
taining the word, "gift." The minutes
of the last annual meeting were read
by the secretary, alsb the secretary's
report, The Association had a mem-
bership of 29 members with an aver-
age attendance of 15. During the year
12 quilts were quilted. Dinners were
served to Lions, Insurance Men and
Presbytery. Christmas cards were also
sold. $100.00 was donated to the
Building Fund of the church as well
as considerable redecorating done at
the manse. The treasurer reported a
balance of nearly $280.00 for this
year's work. $25.00 was voted to the
Church Funds. A committee was form-
ed to purchase silverware for the
church, The election of officers then
took place, which resulted as follows:
President, Mrs. Wm. Hart; Vice-
Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) U. Cronhielm;
Sec'y., Mrs. Les. Douglas; Assistant,
Mrs. F. Montgomery; Treas., Mrs.
Chas. McCutcheon; Assistant Treas.,
Mrs. Freida McDonald; Organist,
Mrs. J. N. Allen; Assistant Organist,
Mrs. H. McMichael; Flower Commit-
tee, Mrs. J. W. Douglas, Mrs. J. N.
Allen, Mrs. F. McDonald; Manse.
Committee, Executive; Auditors, Miss
G. Bush, Mrs. T. McMichael; Care of
Cutlery, Miss M. Jardine.
The President expressed thanks to
the members for their kind co-opera-
tion in the past year, and hoped for
the same in the year ahead. The
hymn, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem,"
was sung followed by a closing prayer
by Mrs. (Rev.) U. Cronhielm. A social
period then followed when a dainty
lunch was served.
The Sunday School Anniversary
and Christmas Tree Social on Tues-
day December 14th, at St. James
Church, when over a hundred were
present, was a gala affair with fun for
all. Mr. F. B. Millward, superintendent
mentioned with pride, the many things
accomplished in the one short year
of Sunday School re-organization,
congratulating the children on their
thirst for knowledge of the spiritual
life, which is best gained by regular
attendance at church and Sunday
School. Each pupil being presented
;with a small gift and a St. James
Sunday School pin, voiced their pleas-
ure in receiving,The Cradle Roll mem-
bers were suitably rewarded too. Mrs.
Chas. Lawrence favored with a read-
ing for the children, 'Little Nell."
A program of recitations songs, rhy-
thm Band, organ solo, and specialties,
was carried out by wee tots to seniors,
with a fervotir that warmed the hearts
of all present. !Margaret Paulin drew
the ticket on a beautiful satin cushion,
Mr. J. Jacklin being the lucky winner.
Rev. J. C. Caley gave the Christmas
story in a very stirring message. Santa
Claus is coming to Town, was the
song that brought Santa to the party,
he greeted every little. girl and boy,
with Merry Christmas and from a dec-
orated and well laden tree, presented
a hag of the Season's Goodies. Joy
was unconfined from the moment of
his arrival. Singing' of many Christmas
Carols, made everyone realize this
was truly the Christmas Season. A
special treat will all enjoying ice
cream ended the party, The committee
wishes to say a sincere thank yon to
all who in any way contributed to the
success of the evening's program with
a. wish to all of a Merry 'Christmas.
Christmas service and Holy Com-
munion was celebrated and well at-
tended at St, James Anglican Church,
December 1901, Special Christmas
hymns Were, sung with a duet of
"Away in a Manger" being coutribut-
ed by. four -molars of the: Shoday
School, Nancy Newton, David
We take pleasure in announcing that on and
after 3rd January, 1949, 'business will be
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Church on December 19111, at 11.
o'clock. The theme of ids message
was come True Meaning of Christ-
mas," The speaker said in .these busy
days of celebration, feasting and ex-
changing of gifts, Christ the gift of
God, who came as a Babe at Beth*
lehem, was crowded out. It we would
know the true meaning of Christmas,
We must seek quiet places, where we
can praise and adore Hint .as the
Shepherds and Wise men of Old, Miss-
es Jean Moffatt and Margaret Wear,.
ring sang a duet, "0 Little Town of
Bethlehem." "0 Holy Night" was,
sung by the choir, On Sunday next,
Dec. 26th, there will be the usual
morning at 11 a,m,, and in the even-
ing at 7.30 a Carol Service to which
all are cordially invited.
Howick Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
On Tuesday, December 14th, the in-
stallatiOn of members of the newly
organized Ladies' Auxiliary to the
Howick Branch of the Canadian Leg-
ion was held in Gorrie. Miss Dorothy
Houte, Zone representative of Strat-
ford, installed 20 members. The fol-'
lowing is the list of officers and ex-
ecutive of the Auxiliary.
President, Mrs. Wm. Austin; 1st.
Vice Pres., Mrs. Win. McCann; 2nd.
Vice, Mrs. Reg Pacey; Secretary,
Miss Thelma Denny; Treasurer, Mrs.
Howard Wylie; Standard Bearer,
Mrs. Reg, Newton; Executive, Mrs.
Emma Williamson, Mrs. Bert Harris,
Mrs. T. A. Roberts.
A social time was enjoyed,, after-
wards with the legion members. The
regular meetings of the Auxiliary are
to be held on the second Tuesday of
every month.
Young People's Union
The regular meeting of Wroxeter
Young People's 'Union was held in the
Church school -room on Monday even-
ing, president, Pete Dobson, presided
and the meeting opened by the sing-
ing of Christmas Carols, including
"Away in a Manger"; "It Came Upon
a Midnight Clear", and "Hark, the
Herald Angels Sing". The scripture
lesson taken from 2nd. chapter of St.
Luke's Gospel, was read by Margaret
Messer, who also led in prayer. The
sum of $25.00 was voted to the M.&.M.
Fund of the church. The next regular
meeting was arranged for January
3rd., 1949, with Lyle Hart in charge.
Come Let Us Sing of . a Wonderful
Love, was sung. Bobby Gibson gave
a very interesting Topic on the sub-
ject, "Real Religion," Rev. U. E.
Cronheilm conducted the half hour of
bible study. The hymn "Blest be the
Tie" and the Mizpah benediction
brought an interesting meeting to. a
Lane's School Entertainment
The 1948 Christmas Entertainment
at Lane's School was by all reports
the best yet. Held on Tuesday, Dec.
14th, at the school which was crowd-
ed to capacity. Mr. Walter Woods,
Reeve of Turnberry, was chairman
for the following programme. Dia-
olgue, Family Fliver, welcome by Ad-
delle liVestlake;• Chorus, A Merry
Christmas and Santa Claus is Coming
to Town ;Piano Solo, Berva Gallaher,
"My Happiness." Two part song by
seniors, " A Christmas Prayer." The
juniors sang a group of songs, includ-
ing, Away ill a Manger, and Hurry
Mr. Clark; recitations were given by
Keith Woods, Elwood Fitch, Margaret
Hays, Shirley Simmons, Joyce Haugh,
George Merkley; Drill by Senior
girls, A piano solo, Doris Doubledee;
reading, Thelma Simmons; piano duet,
Doris and Thelma; Dialogue, Dad's
Quiet Evening; Pantomine, Helen
Parker, "0 Little Town of Bethle-
hem"; Duet, Apple Blossom Wedding
when Mae Doubledee and Kenneth
Hays were bride and groom; closing
chorus, Who is coming on Christmas
Night? and Here comes Santa Claus.
Marjorie Kiefer gave the closing
recitation, Sancta Claus arrived and
delighted the children with. gifts and
treats from the lovely Christmas Tree.
Refreshments were served by ladies
of the section and a dance enjoyed.
The pupils and their teacher, Mrs:
Wm. Wright, also their music teacher,
Miss Helen Sawtell, who was accomp-
anist, for the evening, are to be con-
gratulated on , their entertainment
which was so well' prepared and pre-
Wroxeter Public School Concert
S easonable decorations including a
nicely decorated Tree made the Town
Hall, Wroxeter, a lovely 'setting for
the annual school 'concert. The high
quality of -the programme proved the
value of teaching music in the schools.
Special mention should he made of the
costuming for the different numbers
which added color and interest, Miss
K. Hazelwood. was accompanist for
the evening. Rev. U. E. Cronhielm
• ••••eri•A,e•
Carol Millward and Betty Newton.
We are glad to hear Mrs.
Miss Lenora Higgins, R.N., of Higgins is recovering from her re--
London, spent the week-end with her cent heart 'attack in Wroxeter.
yaf' akkft
tril",, Vi4
May the joy and peilce of Chris:snot
be wi/h you through the New 1,..
Phone 184
nobin E. Campbell
Phone 38 -IL R. H. Carrion & Son
7L, Of
God grant ye joy this Christmas Day,
May every heart be jolly,
Love kiss ye now beneath the bough,
Of mistletoe and holly,
The long, hard year of toil is done,
Today the bells are ringing,
Put down your burdens everyone,
And share the Carol singing.
Christmas Greetings to All.
Mr. Leslie Hetherington was a vis-
itor in town last week. Mrs. M. Sel-
lers, who has been a patient in the
Wingham General Hospital for some
weeks returned to' Toronto with him,
where she will spend the • winter
Mrs. • Peter Hay of Niagara Falls,
was a recent visitor with her cousin,
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Martin and child-
ren, Peter • and Patricia, Toronto,
were recent visitors with Mr, and
Mrt. J. H. Wylie.
Members of Wroxeter Branch of
the Women's Institute please note that
the January meeting is postponed until
January 12th, and will be held at the
home of Mrs. J. N. Allen.
Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Wright were: Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Maclntyre of' London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm and
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy
.r• •••• •••
CIO •Ci /0
... May the Yuletide season be
the hat'oinger of a year of peace
and ity for all our friends.
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A Very Merry
Wednesday, December 22, 1948 Tx wINGBANI ADVANCE-TIMES
SAGE giLnv