The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-12-22, Page 8ONTARIO
The regular Scout meeting was held
in the Armouries on Tuesday evening.
Following the opening ceremonies
nailing and tests were studied. An ne
hour of boxing was participated in by
the following Scouts; Harold McClure
vs. Reggie Baker; Mac Cameron vs.
Ronald Murray, Lowell MacDougal
vs. Bob Bushfield, the first named be-
ing the winners. Jack Hobden and
George Porter's bout was a draw,
and all were three-rounders,
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE TIMES • Wednesday, December 22, 194$
Special Holiday
caution urged
A, Co Ashforth
General Manager
At, the annual meeting of The Directors of The Dominion flank 112r, -C, I-1, formerly President,
Iloard, Mr. Robert Rae, Vice-President and General Manager, was elected President. Mr, A, C Ashforth
ago. Mr, T. Wilding was appointed, Assistant to the President.
(Intended for last week)
Presbyterian W.M.S.
There was a good attendance at the
vitsual meeting of Knox Presbyterian
71111731.S. in Belgrave, on Tuesday, Dec.
"514h. The meeting was held in the
arareh and was opened by the Presi.
elent, Mrs, R. J. Scott with the reading
•.arr a poem followed by prayer. Mrs.
'Bruce read the scripture lesson and
;dyer was offered by Mrs. Anderson.
Sash of all kinds
Storm Windows
Soft Drink Cases
SASH & BOX Manufacturers
Diagonal Rd., Wingham
C. It Carlisle
Chairman Of the toard
Miss Agnes Mason had charge of
the topic taken from the concluding
chapter of the Study Book, and con-
taining a strong challenge to ,W.M.S.
workers to increase their efforts to
meet the great need for the gospel
which exists in all parts of the world
Reports of the year's, work were
most encouraging, A bale containing
a quilt and used clothing, as well as.
a sum of money were sent to the Sup-
ply Secretary. Many visits to the sick
and shut-ins were paid, and cards and
flowers were sent to members and
Home Helpers, who were sick or who
suffered bereavement during the year..
The attendance at the monthly
meetings had been good, and contri-
butions by members and Home Help-
ers were so generous that more than
our Presbyterial allocation was 'sent
to the treasurer. Much credit for this
is due to the untiring efforts of Mrs.
R. J, Scott, who has been our Presi-
dent for several years and to her goes
the sincere appreciation of the mem-
bers on her withdrawal from the office
this year. We feel keenly the loss' by
death of two faithful Members, Mrs.
Win. J. Geddes and Mrs. Wm. E.
Mrs. Anderson was asked to con-
duct the election of officers for 1949;
These are as follows—President, Mrs.
J. Dunbar; Vice-Pres., 'Mrs. R. J.
Scott; Secretary, Mrs. Athol Bruce;
Treas., Mrs. Jas. Leitch; Glad Tidings
Sec., Mrs. R. J. Scott; Welcome &
Welfare, Mrs. Art. Scott; Supply, Mrs.
Leitch, Home Helpers, Miss Agnes
Mason; Organist, Mrs. Bruce; Assist-
ant, Mrs. A. Scott; Auditors, Miss
Mason and' Mrs. Anderson. The meet.
ing;was closed by prayer by the presi-
Sixth Line Forum
The sixth line farm forum met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Orval Tay-
lor, with an attendance of 22, discus-
sing the topic "Let's go to the Mov-
ies." It was thought that one third
of the shows at the local theatre were
We occasionally have an opportunity
to see educational and documentary
films, but we do not think we can see
enough of this kind. When there is a
really good show on we enjoy taking
the whole family to, see it.
Gaines and contests were enjoyed
under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs.
Mel. Bradburn, The next meeting will
be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Cook with Mrs. Cook as leader,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wildfong and
on, Roger, of Kitchener, spent the
week-end with Mr. amid Mrs. Jack
Miss Lorna Dunbar of Victoria
Hospital, London, spent the week-end
with her patents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos.
Miss Lois Kelly of London, spent
PO\ week-end at her home,
Wotnen'a institute
The Women's Institute net at the
home of Mrs. W. 3. .Moores op Thurs-
day, December 16th, for their special.
Christmas meeting, convened by Mrs.
George Weide. Mrs, Stewart Procter,
the president, was in the chair, Mrs.
Kenneth Shurrie, Brussels, gave an
interesting demonstration with recipes,
on icing a Christmas cake. Mrs. Nor-
man Keating, Wingham, told a Christ-
mas story, Five Brussels women, Mrs.
Shurrie, Mrs. Cuchnore, Mrs. C.
Davis, Mrs. W. Kerr and Mrs. O.
Hemingway, as the Excelsior Hotshots
and dressed in hillbilly attire, delight-
ed their audience witle,a ;Umber of or-
chestral selections, using toy instru-
ments. The refreshment .committee was
composed of Mrs, Norman Walsh,
Mrs. John Anderson and Miss Edith
Procter. A special treat of Christmas
cake was served, Christmas Carols
were sung throughout the meeting,
with !Mrs. J. M. Coultes at the piano.
S. Sr No. 9 Concert
On Thursday, December 16th, the
pupils of S. S. No. 9, and S, S. No, 11
presented their Christmas concert
under the leadership of their teacher,
Miss Gwen Finnigan of Dungannon,
The following is the program present-
ed; Opening Chorus, Chairman's ad-
dress, Carols, (these are to be .sung
in a pantomine), Recitation, Barbara
Coultes, play, How Ben was hung,
solo by Mary Taylor; Flashlight drill,
recitation, Jack. Johnson; double duet,
reading, Mr. Lawrence Taylor; sing-
ing all; Little Red School House; re-
citation, Mary Pocock, Tea Pot song,
duet, The Rivett girls from Dungan-
non; Play, "Why Paul didn't Run
away", •Toylnad; Xmas play, duet,
Rivett girls, Dungannon; chorus, Old
Fashioned Way; recitation, Wilfred
Pocock; closing chorus, solo, Marjorie
Currie, Jingle Bells. Santa Claus dis-
tributed the gifts and brought a lovely
radio for the children.
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. Mary Payne who spent the
summer at her home here is visiting
with her, daughter at Chesley.
Mrs. Robert McDonald and son,
Clifton, spent Saturday with her
daughter, Mrs. John McCleary in
Mrs. David McLennan visited for a
few days recently with Mrs. William
Balfour. in Listowdl.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacFarlane
and children spent Sunday with friends
at Luiknow.
The Christmas Tree entertainment
at S. S. No. 4, Grey, will be on Mon-
day evening, December 20th. •
There, was no school last Monday,
Dec. 13th, at S. S. No. 4, Grey, owing
to the election.
Huron - Bruce Forum
inn MIISIdal
The Huron Bruce Farm Forum met
at the' 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Campbell on Dec. 13th, with an at-
tendance of twenty. Mrs. Oscar Holm-
es was• discussion leader.
The subejer for discussion was
"Lets' Go to the Movies." Our forum
think that the films shown at the
Lyceum Theatre are very good and
Chesterfields and
Occasional Chairs
Repaired and Recovered
Free Pickup and Delivery
42 Brunswick St.
Enquiries should be left at R. A.
Currie's, Whighani,
Arrange now to have that
Chesterfield or Chair re-covered,
before the pre-Christmas rush!
kif them to be shown as they are of
particular interest to rural People!
next Meeting will ,he bog at.
the home of Ur. and Mrs; Harold
McCormick on December 20th.
For the recreation period, the dis-
cussion leader gave a humorous read-
ing which was much enjoyed, and four
tables then played progressive euchre
with the high pries going to Mrs.
Ross King and Bill King and the low
awards to Pete McKague and Harold
McCormick who played as a lady.
A tasty lunch served by the hostess
brought the very onojyable evening to
a close.
Din & PONT'S
On the Care of Cul Flowers
For maximum length of life, keep as
much of the flower stem under water
as above. If flower's show sign of
wilting cut about 2 inches from stein
and plunge into cold water almost to
the 'bloom but do not wet the bloom.
Leave in a cool place free from drafts
for a few hours and you will be sur-•
prised at the quick comeback. Keep
the room where flowers are placed at
a natitral temperature. Over or under
heated rooms will shorten the life of
your flowers.
When flowers are received cut a
small portion from the stem with a
sharp knit' and at once plunge flowers
into cold water. Some, such as poin.
settias, dahlias, delphinium, etc., have
a tendency to bleed. To prevent' this,
sear the bottoms with a lighted match
or candle to seal.
.Roses--Immediately upon receiving
roses, cut the end of the stems slant
wise, place loosley in a vase or bowl
filled with fresh cold water. Stems
should be cut every day and water
changed at least twice a day. At night
cover with damp tissue paper and place
in a cool spot,' Do not leave your
flowers wrapped or in a box on the
table while finishing your dusting.
This is a most common error and
'causes many disappointments.
Compliments of Lewis Flowers.
This hand is intended as a Christ-
mas holiday diversion for those who
enjoy double-dummy teasers.
North is the declarer at _six no
trump. The opening lead is the five
of clubs, but East and West find that
they cannot defeat the contract.
3 KJ1095
¤ 310 92
N 46 AK Ql°7 6 3 2
S R. 10 9 752
A AQJ985
3 8 4
• A K Q 8 7
If you wish to tackle the problem,
don't peek below this paragraph before
you have solved it, or given up.
First, North 'leads out all his clubs,
discarding high diamonds from ,dune-
my. His next move is to play the jack,
ten and nine of diamonds, discard the
remaining diamond and the two hearts
Montreal Life
Built on the solid foundation of
friendly and efficient service to
Policyholders and Agents.
Robert /tat
This is an urgent appeal to all citizens, motorists and pedestrians alike
to co-operate earnestly in keeping down the death and accident toll
on Ontario streets and highways. 3
Care and caution in driving and walking are necessary at all times
but particularly so in the holiday season.
December is a dangerous month, with more hours of darkness and
changeable weather conditions. Preoccupied shoppers, young and
old, are abroad in great numbers. In the excitement of Christmas
time, people sometimes tend to forget their,customary caution.
As the end of 1948 approaches, let us all join together in determining
that for the whole Province we will make it a safe as well as a happy
Christmas and New Year,
Be Courteous
Be Alert
Be Careful
T.. Wilding
Assistant to the President
was elected Chairman d the
was appointed General Man..
a number of the shows are educational I from the South hand, and then throw
for our young people. However, we
think they movies have very little in-
fluence on rural fife in general.
A number of the forum have seen
a few films put on by the National
Film Board' and sponsored by F.O.A.
but in this area very few are shown,
and the lotum's request is for more
A 76432
4. 6 543 ▪ 8 643
Stewart A. Scott
'Phone 293 Wingham
Merkley Motors
In appreciation for your
valued friendship we wish to
express pur sincerest wishes
for A Merry Christmas
and A Happy New Year.
Dropping needles or leaves of
Christmas trees, which strip the trees
of. color and litter the floor, long
have been a Yuletide bane. Therefore
the discovery of a New York State
College of Forestry that water glass
spray will prevent the spruce leaves
from falling comes as welcome news
to family and housewife alike.
Besides preserving the foliage, the
waterglass spray adds to the decora-
tive effect of the spruce by leaving a
slight silver sheen to the green of the
West on lead by' continuing with the
two of diamonds, discarding dummy's
five of spades on this trick. West is
obliged to lead a spade, and this lead
through his partner's king-ten gives
South tire remaining tricks.
Treating Trees To
preserve Needles
needle-like leaves. The waterglass also
has been found to be a good fire re-
The college found that the shedding
of spruce leaves also can be retarded
by placing the- base of the tree' in a
bucket of moist earth, peat moss or
water. Users have reported the bile-
cess of this treatment.
Rubber Stamps and Stencils
Also available are
of All Types
We are Distributors in
Wingham and District
For these items which are essen-
tial to your business and regular
Three Day Service
On Rush Orders
Telephone 34 Wingham
Get tour tett° it te
Studded Snow Tires
- Today
All Sizes 6u Passenger Tires in
Standard and Low Pressure Types
Crossett Motor $aleg
Mercury LinColn - Meteor a Sales. and Service