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interment in the Fordwich cemetery,
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Calmer and
Gary, of Toronto, were week-end visi-
tors with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grant and fa-
mily,• from near Bluevale, were visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl King spent the
week-end in' Toronto,
Miss Myrtle Short spent several
days of last week in Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Hastie, of Tor-
onto, and Mr. W. E. Stewart of Stoney
Creek, were week-end visitors at the
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Wingham Advance-Times
--denting Pratt OtyroUllkia
Varrne"°.*rs throughout Canada exhibittd at the Royal Winter Fair
in Toronto, Ont. during the past week. Agriculturists exhibited the
finest products of their toil at the fair. The above entrant was Basil's
Tillie, a prize Jersey shown with Jean
Authorized bottlers of Ccita-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd,
700 E/2/E ST '131-10/1E S STRATVOItTh
• mg WINGI-IAM ADVANCE-TIMES Weilnesday, November , 24; IOW
If your nose some-
thnes fills uP with stuffy transient pen-
gestien—put a few drops of Vaatro-nol
in each nostril. at quickly reduces con.
gestion and makes breathing easier in
a hum . . . gives grand relief from
sneezy, stuffy distress of head
colds.Follow directions in the package.
Visitors in Toronto and attending
the. Winter Fair were Mr. and Mrs.
Don. Campbell, Mr. Harry King, Mr.
and Mrs.* Glenn Johnston, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Wade, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Robinson and Mr. and Mrs,
Gerald Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe, of
Glands, spent Friday with the Misses
Week-end guests at the home of
Mrs. Robt. Ashton were Mrs. Wm.
Jacques, Lakelet, and Mrs. Ernest
Sad ford, Palmerston.
Mrs. G. G. Howse was a week-end
visitor with her daughters in Brant-
ford. •
Mrs, Etta Pyke, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff.
Pyke and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitch, Belmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown and John,
also Mrs. Wilfred Hoy of Ethel, spent
the week-end in Rogersville.
Billie Keil, the elder son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Keil, was operated on
for appendicitis in the Listowel Hospi-
tal on Wednesday. His, condition is
good and it is expected he will be
home On Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. C. CYKrarka visited
friends in Owen Sound on Sunday.
Miss Emma Irwin Was purchased the.
residence of the late Geo. McKee and
will move in this week. 111r. and Mrs.
Bower Parrish and Kenneth will also
be moving to the same home.
The Molesworth Connnunity Hall
was destroyed by fire believed to be
caused by defective wiring on Tues-
day afternoon, Nov, 16th.
Deputy Reeve Hartwell Strong was
in Goderich last week attending Hur-
on County Council,
Mrs, W, C, King visited relatives in
Toronto for several days last week.
Mrs. Reg, Wilson of Ailsa Craig,
Mrs. Alex. Reid of Parkhill, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Fergu-
son over the week-end. I1Ir. and Mrs.
,Tack Ferguson and Lynn of the 16th
con., Mr. and Mrs. Don Ireland and
family of Tegswater, spent Sunday at
the same home.
Mrs. 3. Hamilton and Miss Etta
Burns visited Mrs. Len Schmidt and
other friends in Clifford last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Martin, Guelph,
spent the week-end with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gal-
We extend sympathy to Mr. Mel.
Gilkinson who recently suffered a dou-
ble bereavement. On Monday, Nov.
15th, his brother, Mr. John Gilkinson,
who died on Friday at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Stewart Gordon, of
Harriston, was buried in Fordwich,
and the same day his sister, Mrs.
Charlotte Catharine Wieler, 72, wid-
ow of th7 late Thos. Wieler, Howick,
passed away at the home of her dough
ter, Mrs. R. Nickel, con. 17, Howick.
Funeral was held on Thursday from
the M. D. Irvin ,,Funeral Home, with
boo* of Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl jacklin and, fam-
ily of Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Chas. Kitchen,
Mr. Ernest King, jr., of Detroit,
was a week-end visitor with his par-
ents, Mr. Ernest King, sr., and Mrs.
Howiek Township will hold nomin-
ations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Coun-
cillors and School Trustees on Friday,
Nov, 20, at 1 p.m., in the township
Mr, Herb, Neill spent Wednesday
in Goderich,
Nelson Gowdy
The community was saddened to
learn on 'Saturday morning that Mr,
Nelson Gowdy had passed away at the
Wingham General Hospital at 1 a.m.
Although he had not been in good
health his condition was not thought
serious until the last few days. Fun-
eral service was held on Monday after-
noon at the United Church. The sym-
pathy of the community goes out to
Mrs. Gowdy and the family,
W. I. Concert and Dance
On Tuesday evening, Nov, 16th, the
township hall was filled to capacity
for the Inter-Institute concert contest
sponsored this year by the Fordwich
Women's Institute at which a half
hour's program was presented by the
Wroxeter, 'Gorrie and Fordwich In-
stitutes. The large attendance at this
third annual concert shows the popu-
larity and enjoyment of home talent.
Rev, J. C. Coley acted as chairman.
First prize went to the Wroxeter In-
stitute in a variety program of musical
selections, readings, etc. Second prize
went to the Gorrie W. L, who present-
ed a minstrel show, and third to the
Fordwich W. I., in an. Institute meet-
ing of fifty years ago, with members
wearing old time costume. Dancing
followed with music by Mr. and Mrs.
Sam. Tinim.
in the Orange Hall on Thursday .ev-
ening with. a fair attendance. The fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
coming year. President, Mr, Warren
Zurbrigg; Vice-Pres., Mr, Harold
Robinson; Sec,-Treas., M. Roy Strong,
County Director, Mr, Roy Strong, •
Delegates to attend the Huron County
Annual meeting at Clinton on Thurs-
day, Messrs, Roy Strong, and Warren
Women's Association
The November meeting of the Wtp
men's .Association was held at the
home of Mrs, Jack Toner, on Thurs-
day last. The meeting opened with
the hymn "We plough the fields and
scatter the good seed 'oat the land,"
then all repeated the Lord's Prayer,
Mrs. Howse read the 24th psalm.
which refers to God's Lordship over
the world. Take time to be Holy was
sung. Mrs. M. Irwin gave a splendid
report of the Fowl Supper. Mrs, E.
Whitfield reviewed a former chapter
of the book," "Zonga" and read more
Of it. The meeting (dosed with the
Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was serv-
ed and a social time spent.
"The King of Kings"
On Monday evening, November 15,
Capt. Alex Turnbull of Listowel, pre-
sented the splendid moving picture
"The King of Kings," in the township
hall to a large audience. The life of
!Christ was beautifully portrayed, the
healing of the sick; the cleansing of
the Temple and His death'. on the
Cross, It was a picture that will be
long remembered by those who had
the privilege of seeing it.
Harry G. Strang, of R. R. 1, Hen-
son, won first prize in Region 7,
comprising malting barley grower's it-I
Huron and Perth Counties, in the
Ontario Sections of the $15,000 Nat-
ional Barley Contest at the Royal
Winter Fair. Mr. Strang's entry of
Montcalm Registered Barley won him
$60.00 and placed him among the best
grain growers of the more than 175
entrants in the Contest.
This was the third annual National
Barley Contest of the Barley Im-
provement Institute, sponsored by the
brewing and malting industries of
Canada and conducted by the federal
and prOvincial departments of agri-
appt4y4L pAPE:R j213,CIDUCT5
Styles for every; business.
Various colors and designs
SampIes> .suggirstioris and'
orickia-:vithour "obligations.
The Advance-Times
Phone 34.
E041 to- Wie
culture and the agricultural colleges.
• Other prize winners in Region 7,
were: Second Prize, $40., W., J. Alex-
ander, Henson; Third prize, $20. Alex
E. Anderson, R, R. 4, Stratford;
fourth prize, $15„ George R. Menzies,
R. R. 3, Brussels; fifth prize, $10.
Russell T, Bolton, R. R. 1, Dublin,
For the past three years the 'Nat-
ional Barley Contest has been a feat-
ure of the Grain Show at the RoyaV
Winter Pair. Total prize money for
the Contest this year was $15,000 for -
the five competing provinces. The
Contest, to be continued again in 1949,..
was started by the brewing and malt-
ing industries to encourage produc-
tion of high-quality malting 'barley for
use hi commerce, and to stimulate the•
use of pure varieties of seed.
Young People's Union
The Gorrie Y. P. U, met, at the
home of Edith Hastie with 24 present.
The meeting opened with the hymn,
"Blest be the tie that binds", business
was under the direction of the presi-
dent, the meeting was then in charge
of the fellowship convener, Kay La-
thers. Scripture was read and follow-
ed by a poem and the topic. Bible
study was under the direction of Rev.
Howse, The hymn "We give Thee
but Thine own" followed and the ben-
ediction by Rev. Howse brought the
meeting to a close. A delicious lunch
'was served by the hostess, The next
,meeting is at the home of Audley
,Hastie, on Sunday, Nov, 28th, at 8,30
St. Stephens W. A.
The W. A. of the Anglican Church
held their regular meeting on Friday,
Nov. 19th, at the home of Mrs. J. G.
Underwood with .12 members and 5
visitors in attendance, The president,
Mrs. H. V. Holmes, took charge of
the meeting which opened with prh-
ers followed by minutes of previous
meeting and roll call. Mrs. F. King
read the scripture lesson, Psalm 28:
1-10. The next meeting will be the
annual, when the theme will be Christ-
i mas, Mrs. P. C.. Taylor gave a very
interesting and inspiring address tak-
l ing for her subecjt "Strength", which
was the theme for the clay. ,She said
I in part, we find the word strength
fifty times in God's word. We think
d the power of the holy spirit when
we think of strength. Rev. Caley clos-
ed the meeting with the benediction.—
1 A lovely lunch served by the hostess,
'completed the afternoon.
Federation Annual
The annual meeting of the Howick
Federation of Agriculture was held
will speak on
the subject
Development in
CKNX 920
8:30 p.m.
Tues., Nov.. 30
Progressive-Conservative Party