HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-11-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, .November 11, 194g• 'the community hall. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd and clul- Oren were week end visitors with Mr. 'tad Mrs. D. Todd. Messrs. F. C. and Tom Todd and Andrew Gatlin are attending the Roy- al Winter Fair, Toronto, as exhibitors. Miss Beatrice McQuillin, Mr, Char- les McQuillin and Mr, Graham Mc- Donald attended the Teachers conven- tion in Clinton on Friday. enunimmonnumunnimummumininunniminiuniumnionnuommummounmum - -- w a = ...... a KING DEPT. STORE . a = = __PimEgre, HAPTIST CHURCH. Rev, 0. J. Coupland, Pastor "The Friendly Store" TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7.30 SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p,m. ...„„„„„„„ ,,,,, , , llll 1.....1.. lll l lllll 111411.111111.11111111.1111.111.11.111 THURS, FRI, SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 19, 20 Special Services Sunday, Nov. 21 at 11 a,m, and 7 p.m. MORNING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKNX with Rev, John Honeyman (Presbyterian Minister) of Lon- don Bible Institute Faculty, preaching, and L. B. I, Students singing duets, solos, playing piano accor- dian, and speaking. Don't Miss These Meetings. UNDENOMINATIONAL CHILDREN'S MEETINGS each Friday, 7 to 8 p.m. All Children, 5 to 15 years old, welcome, Craft work, flannel- graph Bible Stories, coloured pictures, object talks, If you want your children helped in a secular and spiritual way, send them to these-meetings in the Church basement. ••=1•11111 111111111, 110•1111•11 1111•1111 111.11111 .. .. 1 .. 1 ... 1 . ... ...... Pl1.11111 ....... ... . . iiiiiinmineit1111011 • IC Li Men's Wear Dept. BIRTHS CARTER-In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, November 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Car-' ter, Teeswater, a daughter. COUTTS-4n Ottawa, on Friday, November 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Carman Coutts, a daughter. METCALFE-In Winghatri General Hospital ; on Saturday, November 13th, to Mr, and Mrs. Leonard .Metcalfe (nee Myrtle Cathers), R. R. 1, Clifford, a son, PALMER-In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, November 15th, to Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Palmer, Wroxeter, a son. WALL-In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Sunday, November 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wall, R. R. 5, Lucknow, a daughter. "WILD WEST" - Prepare for Wintery Days ,- EDDIE DEAN 1••••••• men's Overcoats MON., TUES., WEDNES„ NOV. 22, 23, 24 1•4•11.11I 11.11M111. 111MOM11 011•11•01• OWN= ••••••I "Captains from Castilla" 11.1111•1•• 1111.• 11111••••• MOM. ALPACAMA Fleece. Canada's most fam- ous coat. Lightest, warmest, longest wearing, too. Mohair and Woollen in a fine weave. Extremely well made and well lined. Silver grey, brown tones, and fawn = 1113•1••• WINN TYRONE POWER JEAN PETERS CESAR ROMERO 111•101•••• •11=1•11 IMMO 1.1•••1111 1111111111M 13, ZiiiiiittiAriatioxitt•aninr•Xiteivrriii,temtriiltreiVirirritiiir417(*VriiiltiZTWZ17.&7.0v,t 42.50 Men's SUITS The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries istry in Medicine was given. Mrs. A. Gaunt presided for the W. A, meeting that followed. The theme of the service was 'Judas, the betray- er'; Mrs. H. Webb read the scripture lesson and Mrs. W. A. Miller the les- son thoughts; Mrs. E. W. Rice gave a reading "What you can do with Jes- us" and Mrs. T. J. Todd on "Let's". Mrs. Newton read part of the poems "The Fallen" and 'In Flander's Fields' Two minute silence was observed in commemoration of Arimstice Day, af- ter which Mrs. Newton led in prayer. Mrs. T. J. Todd and Mrs. j, Cameron were appointed a nominating commit- tee. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. G. Stuart. Mr. Charles McQuillin was home from Zurich for Remembrance Day and the week-end. All the members are requested to attend time annual meeting of the beef ring tomorrow (Thursday) night in ST. HELENS 11111011•11 111.10•II1 Sixth Line Forum The regular meeting of the 0th line Farm Forum will be held in the School House at 8,30 p.m., on Mon- day, Noyember 22nd.. The Members of Westfield Farm Forum will be guests, Special speaker. Refreshments, Mrs. Stanley Todd was hostess on frhursd.ay afternoon for the meetings of the W. M. S. and W. A., when 20 ladies were in attendance. The theme of the worship service was "Thy King darn Come through the healing Minis- try of the Church". Mrs. W. I. Miller the president, was in the chair lnd the scripture lessons were read by Mrs. E. Barbour and Mrs. Charles McDon- ald. It was decided to have the candle Eghting service at the December Meeting. Mrs. A. Gaunt, Mrs. H. Webb and Mrs. G. McPherson were appointed a nominating committee to bring in the slate of officers for the next meeting, Mrs. S. A. Todd re- poited as herald for China, and Mrs. Cameron for home missions. An in- teresting synopsis of the chapter from the study book in the Christian Min- Maj. and Mrs. Simister, Hamil- ton will conduct Sunday services 11:00 a,m.-Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.-Gospel Service. Monday- 7:00 p.m.-Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:30 p.m.-Home League. Thursday- 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. •11mIMI 111111iM11 1•111•1=11 111111•MI 111111.1•1 11111111104 Select now from a full range of Fall Suits. Fine English Worsteds and Baratheas. In single or double breasted styles or in the long roll lapel. Stripes in browns, blues and greys, baratheas in the new teal or brown tones. Pleated trousers and' zipper fly. Sizes 35 to 46 Priced from 37.50 - 55.00 110.111•••• BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. Wm, VanCamp and Kay, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Davison, Glencoe. Mrs. John McGill and Mrs. D. Armstrong spent the past week at Hamilton, Dundas, Toronto, Niagara Falls, N.Y, Last Sunday night the Young People's meeting was held in the basement of the 'United Church. Bill McClenaghan was in charge of the meeting which began with a sing song of hymns. Brtice Scott led in prayer, with Trevor Moores taking the scrip- ture. The business was in charge of Miss Patsy Anderson .It was decided to set a charge of 20c and 40c for the PARKAS for work or dress They are tops for cold days-Can't be beaten for looks and warmth. NOTE THESE FEATURES Closely woven wind and shower resis- tant cotton poplin. Detachable fur- trimmed hoods. All red wool or heavy doeskin lined. Elastic at waist for snugness and full zipper closing. Four pockets. In brown, fawn and green. Sizes 34 to 46-Price $14.95 to $19.95 Sheep-skin lined HEAVY DRILL COAT Sheep fleece lined for about 25 inches. Heavy' Cotton Drill Exterior. Large brown Mouton fur collar. In grey and navy. Sizes small, medium, large $19.95 People on the 26th of November. Rev. Mr. Newton will present motion pic- tures in the place of the regular meet- ing on the 28th. It was decided to invite the public to view time pictures. A solo was rendered by Marjorie MacKenzie, accompanied by Elaine Walsh. Mr. Moores gave an interest- ing talk on China. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Athol Bruce enjoyed NOON. M••••• Iminalms mm•••I ••••••• •••••••• •• 6•••••••• 401.M Immo. •11••••• 111110. 1••••10110 noram 1••••••• 114•11•••111 OlomMi• •••••• III••••• I play, being sponsored by the Young -a holiday over the week-end visiting PERSONALITYP PLUS" BY WESTINGHOUSE • t • • or • 423 • • IS FOLt 11•11•01,01 •••••• =as* •••••••• mar ommws 01•1••••• UM.= t Lv 1011•1111111 111••••••• MOON. Convenient Christmas Shopping mamma Imm•11 011M =MI • a NEW, MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR-All-wool Heavy Ribbed. Shirts double front. Shirts and Drawers each, $3.19 Combinations $4.89 MEN'S FLEECE COMBINATIONS and TWO-PIECE UNDERWEAR--,- of close woven cotton jersey arid soft fleece lining. Combinations . . . .$2.98 Shirts and Drawers $1.65 •••••••• •••••••• 1116.Mmilut It Ise Boys' Warm Winter Apparel 1 THOUGHT YOU TOLD ME TO TURN ON MY "PERSONALITY". McKibbons 111 •••••=1 PARKAS- in heavy brown cotton twill. Will keep out the wind and rain. Elastic waist, full zipper closing, four roomy pockets, detachable fur- trimmed hood. In red quilted or heavy doeskin lining. Ages 6 to 18. Price $10.95 to $13.95 BOYS' HEAVY BREECHES -in Humphrey Tweed or Freize Cloth. Double seat and knees-from age 6 to14 years $3.98 to $5.50 MTN. 1••••••• 1•10••••• .mm.1 MOONS 010•1••• 111•1111an ••••••1 te••/•• 1111••••• •••••••• •▪ ••••••M •••11.115 Rase./ • WA•mill• 1•11•11=0 1111111•NM 41.1•11.• 1111••••• MONIIMPI• 1••••1•11 0.111••••• 11.111•11111 10.011•6•1 %m.o. two.. •••••••""'"' fdir•••• Noma 11,•••••• bell•••• .1.11.11 11•••••• %mama In•••101 11•01•••111 1••••••11 ••••••011 1•010.110 1011•••• Immo. mimm• 00 IP 44° Novo 11 Isom Radio it Electric 'BOYS' Fleece COMBINATIONS UNDERWEAR In Penman's or Dodd's knit; sturdy and warm. Age 6 to 14 years, $1.98 ' BOYS' PENMAN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR The right garment for the active Boy. Sizes 24 to 32. $1.69 - $2.19 Inm•MI) VINO llllll 1 ............ 1.11111111111111111 ....... ................ i f 11111111111111 I I II `` h a l a l 1111111111111111lllllllllll 11111111111.11.1.11...1.11111111111.1111 lllll 1111111111w lllllllll llllllllll 111 llllllll 111111111.11111 llll 1 llllll 1.1111. lllll 1 ...... 11.111 .................... ....... ....... ......... iv ......... FRUITS for I.••••• ..••••• gmemp• 1.114=0 ••••.•• IMMO. flooma. Lushus Assorted 'Jelly Powders .. ...12c 'BOYS' ALL-WOOL PULLOVERS nr••••• asPrOM ••=11.111 OHM. .18••• •••••• 1•001110 11111.1•••• Mil•M•11 III•••••• 11.01.1•111 011•1•01•• .01,111.1 Christmas Baking RAISINS, lb. ' 16c Choice Currants, lb. 20c 1/2 lb. Shelled Almonds . . .36c Bar effect in three colors, a dandy school sweater Age 8 years to 14 years McLaren's 16 oz. jar Nut Crush . .49c .1.11.00 1••••••• Mi•/•• 11•••••• .11.0.111 0••••••• Smith's Economy Food Store $3.98 Planter's 12 oz. jar Peanut Butter 37c .101411•111 OMNI.= ••••••11.1 in••••• NO••••• MAPLE LEAF Choice Quality MINCEMEAT 2.1b. tin 41c Boys' MAPLE LEAFS HOCKEY SWEATERS In true Maple Leafs colors. Heavy Wool, com- plete with Maple Leafs Crest. Ages 6 to 14 years each, $3.25 TIP-TOP Choice Quality UNGRADED PEAS 20 oz. tin 16c Tip Top Choice tin Cream Style Corn ..21c N INO. IM10.• .1•1••••• MONO. •••••••• 111•11111.1111 ••••••• Malin* Omni COCOANUT, lb. 30c 11111111•011 /Rif LI FEBUOY SPECIAL 1116.111•111 %MONO MAYO 11.011••• 1111.0. 111•1•••• •••••=11 N OM. .010.4 01•01•11.41 ONION 1110011000 Wan./ Pitted Sair Dates, lb. 23c Ground FRESH While You Wait! Morning Cheer COFFEE, Special K Do S • 53e lb. SPECIAL PRICE-ROBIN HOOD QUICK OATS, 5 lb. bag - 37c California ICEBERG' HEAD LETTUCE, ea. 14c California EMPEROR GRAPES, lb. ti..... .....15c SPECIAL! Size 96s GRAPEFRUIT-5 for 25c Cut Mixed Peel, lb. 39c 1111•1•Mil O 11111MIN 111=111111. 111•111111•111 ••••••• •••••• 11111111011111111 Walnut Halves, 1/2 lb 54c Mominummillommuommuillimmlimmuniquomminimmummillimmuniummompommoommoiri 1/2 lb. Cut Mixed Fruit • ...25c cent and Murary, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vincent. Mrs, Norman Walsh and Miss Mary Lou Hallahari, were patients in the Wifigharri General 'Hospital last week. MC, Tommy Thompson had his friends in, and around Guelph: Mrs, Will Vincent and Hubert, Mr. and Mrs., Bartley and children of Dashwood, Mrs. Wallace and Arthur of Sestet* Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, Mrs. Kenneth Cameron of 13elgrave, Mt. and Mrs. Harold Vin. tonsils removed in Winghant General Hospital last week, The sympathy iof the community is extended to Mrs, Thotrlas and family in the death of her filth(' Mist Lois Kelly of London, i spending a week at her home. Li Shelled Pecans, 3 oz. 25c ORANGE or LEMON PEEL, lb. , .....39c PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 161 .. ... Moat ..... ..... ... ................... ... iit .... filsOistsii ... Witt .. .. .... ..... ... ................ .... OHM . ti .. ..