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Flowicic lions Club
Amateur Contest
. in the TOWN HALL,
at 8:15 p.m,, cm
l'ida Nov. 26
• .s
Judging to be done by point system. Only first 20 entries received
will be accepted. No entries received after 6 p.m., November 24th.
ENTRY FORMS may be obtained from and returned to
— Get Your Entries in Rarity
ADMISSION—Adults 50c , Public School Pupils 25c
Pre-School Age — FREE.
At a previous performance over 100 ,,PeoPle were turned away.
Come early and be sure of a seat.
441-2 11111111111111111111111111111111Mill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r
due November 15, 1951
have been called for payment
November 15, 1948
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demption with all coupons of later date
attached. No further interest will be paid
on these bonds after this date.
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turn in their "holiday envelopes" for
this meeting. A dainty lunch was ser-
ved by the hostess, assisted by .
Chas. Lawrence and a serial
was enjoyed.
Mr. John Timm is in Listowel Hos.
pital. All wish for him a speedy re-
covery to good health.
Wednesday, November 17, 1948 THE WINGFIAM ADVANCE-TIMES
nn wtN> osionisis imixami wiloxgTER
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. De Stranlyn and
daughter, Edith of Shelbourne, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Townsend,'
Mr. Amos Denny, Fordwich, spent
the week-end-with Mr, and Mrs. Vern
Mrs. W. E. Hainstock, Fordwich„
spent part of last week with D. S. and
Mrs. MacNaughton.
Mr, and Mrs, Allen Munro and
daughter, Winnifred also Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Wright, were in Toronto
on Thursday attending the "Ice Cap-e
Mrs, Frank Sanderson spent the
week-end with her daughter, Miss
Eleanor Sanderson, Toronto.
Mrs. M, Sellers is a patient in the
Wingham General Hospital. Mrs, Sel-
lers suffered a heart attack. Her many
friends in and around Wroxeter, hope
for a speedy and complete recovery,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon and
Miss Norma Brandon also Mr. and
Mrs. Morris Sims, all of Toronto,
were recent guests with friends here,
Mr. George Harris has during the
past week moved the house purchased
from John Weir and has it placed on
the foundation which was newly built
on the farm he recently purchased
from Mr. Thos. Shearer.
Mrs. James Sangster is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Max Stewart, Moles-
Mr. Jim Rae and Mr. Russel Rae,,
Brantford, were Sunday visitors with
their mother, Mrs. D. W, Rae.
Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and daugh-
ters, Mary and Catharine, were Kit-
chener visitors on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington,
Toronto, were visitors in town on
Mr. Jim Rae, Brantford, suffered a
loss of about $800.00 when thieves
broke the lock on the back door of
his home. Mr. Rae and his niece, Miss
Joyce Rae of Hanover and a girl
friend, both Stratford Normal stud-
ents were having dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Rae when the break-in
took place. Both ladies had part of
their clothing stolen. Thieves have
been very busy during the past weeks
in Brantford city.
Young People's Union
The Young People's Union, United
Church weekly meeting took the form
Of a social evening. Pete Dobson pre:
sided over the opening exercises. Bob
Cunningham led in sing song. Ken
Edgar was Master Ceremonies for
a programme of games and contests.
Refreshments, were served at the
close. Plans were made by the mem.
hers to attend in a hody. The picture,
Kings of Kings to be held in Gorrie
Town Hall, Monday,. November 15th,
D.D.Q.M, Visits Lodge
Forest Lodge were honored at their
regular meeting, on Monday evening
by Rt, Wor. Bro, VanWyck of Wing.
ham,' District Deputy Grand Master.
Visitors from many lodges in the dis-
trict were present. A. social hour was
enjoyed at the close of the meeting,
when members of the, local Lodge ser-
ved refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs, H. V. MacKenney
were in Orillia over the week-end
Visiting the Tatter's sister, who under-
went a major operation on Thursday
Mission Band
Winnifred Munro presided over the
regular meeting of the Buds of Prom-
ise Mission Band on Monday evening,
at 4,15 o'clock; Donna MacLean acted
as Secretary. The opening hymn,
Around the Throne of God in
Heaven, was followed by repeating
the Purpose and The Lord's Prayer.
Jamie and David Sanderson, received
offering and thirty-eight embers
and visitors answered the Roll Call.
Mrs. Moffat read the story entitled
"Where can one find such a Story,"
taken from the Study Book. Around
the World with the Bible. The hymn,
Jesus Loves Me This I Know, and
the benediction brought the meeting
to. a close. Refreshments were served
with Mrs. Stuart Higgins and Mrs.
Harvey Reidt in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Durst, Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Durst, Larry and Lynda
spent Sunday with Stratford friends.
Women's Missionary Society
The November meeting of the W.
M.S. United Church was held on Fri-
day, November 12th, in the church
parlors. The meeting was called tr)
order with quiet music. Mrs. Munro
at the organ. The president, Mrs.
Harold Hamilton gave the Call to
Worship. Remembrance Day comes
back again. We gather in schools and
churches or around Memorials to re-
call with affection and pride those
noble souls, who died that freedom
and brotherhood might not perish
from the earth, on the battlefield,- in
the air, on the sea, and on the bomb-
ed places. Of many lands, these val-
iant hearts, fighting for an ideal gave
their lives without seeing their dreams
come true. They died before the dawn.
God grant that so far as we of this
generation are concerned they may
not have died in vain, Mrs, Harvey
Timm and Mrs. Roy B. Hunter, ar-
ranged the devotional period and the
Theme was " The Love of God." The
hymn, God loved the World, for Sin-
ners last was sung. Mrs. Timm read
the scripture tesson. Mrs. Hunter led.
in prayer. The Roll Call, A verse of
Remembrance brought a fine response.
The new Missionary hymn, "I will
not be afraid was suttee A Committee
was. pained for the packing of the
bale, Mrs. Hunter kindly invited the
members to hold the December meet-
ing at her home. Mrs. MacNaughton
read a poem on "Remembrance."
Mrs. Munro and Mrs. Hamilton gave
an interesting report of the recent
Sectional Rally held in Gorrie. Mrs.
Denny presented an interesting Re-
view of a chapter in the Study Book,
"West of the Gorges" which dealt
in part with the work of the late
Miss Caroline Wellwood, who labor-
ed for many -years as a Missionary in
China, Misses -Marilyn and Marjorie
Timm favored with a duet, J esus
Wants Me for a Sunbeam. The hymn,
Come let us sing of a wonderful love,
and prayer by the President, brought
the meeting to a close.
Mrs. Wm. Montgomery was called
to Markdale on Friday morning ow-
ing to the serious illness of her
mother, who is a patient in. Markdale
Women's Institute
The November meeting of Wrox-
eter Branch of the Women's Institute;
was- held on Wednesday at the home-
of a Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, The
president, Mrs. H. V. MacKenney,
conducted the meeting and Mrs. W.
T. MacLean presented the minutes
and correspondence, which included
a Thank You letter from Mrs. Henry
in England, who had received the sec-
ond parcel of food sent by the group
also tow pen pals in Scotland. A gift
of money was voted to members of
Forest Lodge Air. & A.M., who have
generously loaned their banquet hall
on several occasions for the use of
the W.I. A Committee was named to
-meet the village council re the install-
ing of the completed stage certaim
Mrs. Alvin Moffat gave interesting
current events, also Mrs. Vern Denny
presented Current Events, ,prepared
by Mrs. James Sangster, yam was
unable to be present. Mrs, U. E.
Cronbielm had charge of the Topic.
The Women of China, Mrs.. Cron-
who was a Missiofiary Nurse
for some years in China gave a de-
lightful and informative address and
her exhibit of clothing, ornaments,
ete.„ made by the Chinese added to
the interest. Twenty-sir members
answered the roll call. Customs in
other countries. sour visitors signed
the guest Book. rive young children
were welcome guests at the ,meeting.
Mrs, Lyle Brothers gave a delgihtful
piano All present signed their
names to a card of good wishes to he
sent to a member who is ill ht the
hospital, Mrs. M. Sellers. Delegates
attending District Conference, "bevel-
tfpuig CornmUnity Enter-01'1'0e gave
a a n a
a n a
a ill
a a
I a
a a a
a few of the highlights given by Mrs.
Clarence Hayes of Georgetown. Mrs.
R. B, Hunter moved a vote of thanks
to the hostess. Mrs. W. T. MacLean
and Mri. Harold Hamilton served re-
freshments and a social hour was en-
Lions Supper Meeting
Lion Cliff Rawlings, Windsor, new
District Governor will be guest speak-
er at the regular. Lions Supper meet-
ing on Thursday evening of this week.
He will also initiate two new meinbers
into the Howick Lions. There will be
a showing of the Technicolour film,
depicting the Lions District A Con-
vention held in Timmins last sum-
mer. Plans were completed at the
last business meeting for the Amateur
Night to be held in Wroxeter Town
Hall, on the evening of November
26th. Last years Amateur Concert
brought many more entries than
could be accepted. The Concert with
Ken Edgar as Master of Ceremonies,
was a real success, Everyone will look
forward with interest to the 1948
r'le i The Masonic Banquet Hall has been
loaned to the Women's Institute to
hold their second social event of the
season, a progressive euchre on Nov.
23rd„ at 8,30 p,m, These social even-
ings sponsored by the W.I. arc an
loupnpcoh,rtunity to meet your friends and
neighbours. Ladies are asked to bring
Ladies' Guild Met
St. James' Anglican Ladies' Guild
met on Nov. 8th at the home of Mrs.
Mary Archer, the meeting opening
With prayer. Minutes were approved
AS read. During the business session
plans were completed and committees
set up for annual bazaar on Nov. 27th,
At 2.30 p.m., in the church rooms.
Many fine articles were completed
and priced for the bazaar Aria the lad-
ies were kept busily occupied all after-
noon. Rev. 3, Coley spoke briefly on
being missionary minded and urged all
to adopt a missionary goal for the con-
to adopt a missionary goal for the corn-
ing year, he also reported on- the Dio-
sesan meeting at Clinton, which he and
the People's Warden, ,Mr. H. V. Mc-
Kenney, had attended recently. Roll
call was responded to by payment of
membership fees, December meeting
will include election of Officers. All
members are urged to complete and
Telephone 237
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