HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-11-17, Page 6DEAD OR ALIVE! We will pay for old, disabled or dead COWS $5.00 ea. — HORSES $5.00 ea. HOGS $1.50 per cwt All according to size and condition Phone, COLLECT, for prompt, courteous service Ripley 59 - \Vingliarn 121.I Ingersoll 21 E. t. litIPPER 41) make a VS% coy Wit I F, LIKE MOST PEOPLE, you find saving money to be too much like wishful thinking, why not discuss the problem with your friend at Canada Life? His training has specially fitted him to show you how to make saving sure and certain. He can help you select a Canada Life contract well within your means that will provide you with adequate saving both for the immediate proterlion of your family and to guarantee you a life income when you retire. He will be glad to talk to you without cost or obligation. CANADA LIFE; BRIGHTER TOMORROWS FOR YOU AND YOURS! WILLIAM STONE SONS*LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AN ALL-CANAbIAN FIRM, ESTABLISHE151970 • ; IvimpinillorpoputtipliFiemalianimignminoilipmicriuttiumpultioNnint. Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone---Days 417, Wingham impansimintintmcitimpaniviiiinninsdponlismaninsionsiiiiiludg Howse, The meeting closed by sing- ing From Greenland's Icy Mountains and a benediction given by Rev. Howse. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held on Sunday, November 21, at the home of 4tdith Hastie, Miss Alma Nash of Toronto, was a recent visitor with her mother, Mrs. T. Nash and other relatives. Rev.J. C. Caley„Messrs. H. V. Holmes, E. H. Strong, Harry King and John Dinsmore were in Clinton. on Monday night attending a meet- ing of Huron Deanery Laymen. Mrs. W. McMillan of Listowel, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IL V. Holmes on Wednesday, Mrs. F, DoWdell and daughter, Audrey of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ashton of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mrs. Robert Ashton. NOMINATION' NOTICE is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, that in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf, I require the presence of the said Electors at the TOWNSHIP HALL, GORRIE, in the said Town- ship of Howick, at the hour of 1.00 o'clock p.m., on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1948 for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Three Councillors; also Three Public School Trustees in each School Area, for the Township of Howick; of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices are nominated, and make the requir- ed declaration, polls will be opened in the following paces:—No. 1, in School No. 1; No. 2, in School No. 2; No. 3, in Township Hall, Gorrie; No. 4, in Continuation School, Fordwich; No. 5, in School No. 18 ;No. 6, in Orange Hall, Newbridge; No. 7, in Township Hall, Wroxeter, in the said Township of Howick, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1948 and will be open from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m., and no longer. Given under my hand this 3rd. day of November, 1946. PHILIP DURST, Returning Officer. • Wondethrood built to sustain the sow and produce healthy, rugged litters. • Wonderween — from the 3rd week on—gets your pigs away to a fast, safe start. • Wendergrow — for the farmer with lots of grain—the, perfect balancer, made for Western Ontario needs. • Wonderhuild — a complete hog grower, that (lets your hogs to market in 5IA. to; 6 months. ROE FARMS MILLING Co. ONTARI O "SALAD 111 TEA Outstonding Quality • Delicious Flavour 011111111111111111•1111111131111101nnionoilIPI PI 'IN U U U ty!, 411**7 A. - We realize our obliiation when I we fill youwreoprdroervi jeor only a mem. terials of unending serviceability.a- Designh and workmanship are of most moderate. our prices are NI CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done = ▪ All MODERN EQUIPMENT IT" I U U Sash of all kinds Storni Windows EGG CRATES ' CHICKEN CRATES Soft Drink Cases Campbell Garbutt SASH & BOX Manufacturers Diagonal Rd., Wingham 41•14 1.1•11.1.0100 Avet",„.45efiroorre THE WORM OVER. PHILIPS CO m gi I N AT i N WITH EXCLUSIVE "FIDELITY CONTROL Here is a combination that brings Philips quality at a popu- lar price. /Beautiful cabinet of choice woods. Advanced 5- tube, 5-waverange chassis with • trouble-free, dependable auto- matic record changer. Amplifier and cabinet acoustically matched for finer reproduction, 1/01PAYASMAT McGILL Radio Service WHEN COLDS CAUSE y hs relsef evith orings everY breat h! Mother, you know what com- forting relief you get when you rub on Vicks VapoRub! Now ... when your child wakes up in the night tormented with a croupy cough of a cold, here's a special way to use Vicks VapoRub. It's VapoRub Steam —and it brings relief almost instantly! Put a, good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer. Then ... let your child breathe in the soothing VapoRub Steam. Med- icated vapors penetrate deep into cold-congested upper bron- chial tubes and bring relief•with ICKS • every breath! VAPO Rue REG. TRADE MARK PAGE. SIX THE WINGITAM ADVANCE-TI1VIES Wednesday, November 17, 1946 Elmer Wilkinson - 'Phone 228 - Decorator The Wallpaper Shop ing am Memorial Shop 'Phone 256R. A. Spotton 7111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 CONTRACT PRIME It is unwise to overbid the general strength of a hand in order to show either a second biddable suit, or trump support for partner's suit. , 'West dealer, Both sides vulnerable. A A K 10 8 3 A5,, 40 J8 * 9 72 44 0 9 6 5 4 K J 10 9 3 N 9/V 76 65 23 off ?102 g • A 9 7 3 A 8 •Tn' K J 7 • Q J 4 Q 8 4 • K 6 5 4 A1032 At Bridge Club lastwe,Ak this hand was bid to game in spades or no trump at four out of ten tables, and was held down to the proper level of one just twice. The hand should be Passnabsti d— 1 N.T. Pass Pass Pass West North South Pass 1C South has the strength for one bid ;only and therefore he should use it I to give North the best possible des- cription of his hand. One no trump is the obvious answer. North has no further bid. South's one no trump precludes the possibility of game and warns of three to four honor tricks in the hands of the op- ponents. A bid of two spades has al- most nothing to gain, and instead could lead to a killing penalty double. If South's first bid was one diam- ond, North would rebid one spade, and South should respond to this with one no trump, not two spades. South's normal spade support is a small con- sideration compared with his weakness in honors and in distribution. Penalties were collected by East and West at seven tables, but fortunately for North and South the opponent's strength was too evenly divided for either of them to double. It is not al- ways so. HOWICK COUNCIL The Council met in the Clerk's Office according to adjournment, the Reeve John Winter in the chair. All members present. The minutes of the last regular meeting, special meeting and Court of Rvision were read and on motion of Gowdy and Zurbrigg were adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Strong and Zurbrigg that the Clerk be authorized to prepare a By-Law to establish a Committee for the Memorial Park in Fordwich, con- sisting of the Deputy-Reeve, Chair- man of the Fordwich Police, Village Trustees and one to be appointed by the Municipal Council. Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Strong that the usual Grant of $100.00 be given the Township Library Board. Carried. Moved by McCallum and Zurbrigg that the road accounts as approved be paid. Carried. Moved by McCallum and Strong that the following accounts be paid. Carried. Relief, $23.14; P. Durst, part salary, $70.00;, selecting and preparing Jur- ors, $8.00; $20.00, express, 36c, Reg. 78c, postage $5.00, ink $1.40, $105.54; A. Forrester, Lambs killed by dogs, $40.00; R. W. N. Wade, robbery insurance and Fidelity bond for tax collector, $37.50; Fox Bounties, Wilfred Brown, $3.00, Gordon Adams, $6.00, John Koch, $3.00, Lloyd Hupfer $3.00, W. B. Stewart, work on Hastie Drain $79.50; W. B. Stewart, work on Hastie Drain with Tractor $29.00; Watt King, work on Hastie Drain, $42.38; M. Nash, work on Hastie drain $53.25; Fred Feigal, work on Hastie drain, $6.75; K. Hastie, work on Has- tie drain, $39.75; J. Koch, work on Hastie drain, $27.00; J. T. Shera, fixing iron for Hastie drain, 50c; R, J. Hues- ton & Son, cement for Hastie drain, $2.00; S. Strong, trucking tile for Has- tie drain, $3.20; N. Gowdy, Road Sup- erintendent, cement for Hastie drain, $2.10; Howick Township Library Board, Grant, $100.00; Howick Agri- culture Society, Grant, $100.00; P. S. Ashton, Salary as Assessor, $300.00; G. A, Wearring, pt. salary as Tax Collector, $160.00. Total, $1,106.61. Moved by Gowdy and Strong that we do now adjourn to meet again m Clerk's Office, December 4th, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried, P. L. Durst, John Winter, Clerk.Reeve: GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacklin and fam- ily of Brussels, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kitchen on Sunday. Mr, Ray Phenell of Toronto, spent the week-end in Gorrie. Miss Mildred Phenell visited over the week-end in Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grainger of Wallaceburg, called on Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Grainger on Sunday. Tragic Beath Howick residents will sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Justin Will and Men! Want pep, vim normal vitality?, Thousands Regain Vigor, Easy Way JMNIMI•6,•,1i1101. Mutt teeing *tax, lienlessr Vffirn-ent, rundown older then your years, Try s little "pOPPIng nit" with stimulating, invilteretleir reyltaliting, Werra, 0 reeeneratiug •Ostitz. Especially edvMd rot men, Women of 40, /50 or (Si,' Coates little, New "get tittniainttd" sizo Only He. Try 0 trex Tate Ttip m ., lets to ov On, visor, vitality and loot years younger, tow very lily At An druggists, purchased the farm of the late Bert Langley and at the time of the acci- tient was here *Mug fall plowing, Ho expects to move here later, Miss Rosemary Adams, Wroxeter, was a week-end visitor with- her sister, Mrs. Earl King and Mr. Xing. We welcome some new residents to the village: Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ford and family have moved from Hanover to the former Gregg home; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dustow, 16th con, to the house they purchased from Mr. How- ard Cowan, and the Misses Fannie and Nellie Longley, 15th con„ who have taken up residence with Mrs, Eliza- beth Armstrong. Mrs„ Geo. Oakley of Freeman, call- ed 'on friends on Tuesday. Miss Ila Campbell of Toronto, sp'ent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Don- ald Campbell. Beverley and Fraser Ahston, Luck- now, spent Thursday and Friday. with Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ashton. Miss Frances Longley. of Toronto, and Mr, Elmer Ballagh of Belmore, called on the Misses Longley on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H, V. Holmes and Miss E, Perkins visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Foster in Elmira on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fullerton of Walkerton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott of Strathclair, Manitoba, have been visit- ing friends and relatives on the 2nd. con. of Howick. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pennington, of Teeswater, Mrs. Frances Strong and Mr. Roy Strong visited friends at Paislely on Tuesday last. Messrs. Cameron and Andrew Ed- gar, Wm. Edgar, 'Fortivich, Mr. ,Jas. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. W1p. Wright of Wroxeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Muir Anderson in Guelph on Saturday.. . Mrs. John Gowdy, Wroxeter, is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman. Miss Eleanore Carson of Toronto, visited over the week-end at her home. Members of the Howick Legion at- tended a -Memorial Service at McIn- tosh's Church on Sunday afternoon. 'Mrs. A. Toner and Mrs. John Hyndman are visiting in Toronto. Miss Doreen Harrison had the pleasure •of broadcasting over CKNX on the Hay Loft Hoe Down, She was also the recipient of some nice gifts. Miss 'Bessie Wylie and Mr. Jas. Wylie of Toronto, visited over the week-end with their mother; Mrs. Jas. Wylie. Miss Cora Scott of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mrs. R. -H. Step- hens, Mr. Telford Montgomery and fam- ily of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery on Sunday. Mrs, T. Montgomery returned home with them after spending several' days here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evers of Tor- onto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Irvin. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. VanRyn and family of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lynn. The W.A. of the United Church will -meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Toner on Thursday, November 18th, at 2,15 p.m. All the ladies are cord- ially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bolton of Wing-- • ham, spent the week-end - with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anger. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Manned Monk- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dil- worth were Sunday guests of • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman. Mr. Leonard Armstrong of Lapeer, Mich., visited Mrs. Elizabeth Arm- strong last week Fractures Kneecap - Bill Stafford while playing rugby at the Wroxeter Continuation School on Tuesday suffered injuries to his lcneb. He was removed to Wingham Hospital where X-ray revealed a frac- tured kneecap. He was able to return from the hospital to his home on =RI Monday morning but will have to have his limb in a cast for several weeks, "Girls' Auxiliary The !Girls' Auxiliary met at the home of the .President, Miss Edith Dinsmore on Wednesday evening, with a good attendance. Following the business sessioii, Rev, J. C. Caley continued his '"Old Testament Stud- ies." Lunch was served by the hos- tess. Mrs. Cecil Grainger and Al*, vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs, Irving Toner on Sunday and Mrs. Win, Gamble visited with Mrs. A, Miller Sr. Unveiling of Honour Roll At the Presbyterian Church on Sun- day afternoon an Honor Ron with names of members who served in World War II was 'unveiled with Mrs. Robt, Earl and Mr, Nelson outitt assisting Rev, Mr, Hutton, Mr, and Mrs. John Warrell and Miss Catherine will reside in Ford- wich for the winter months. They have taken an apartment in MisS Es- ther I-lardings home in Fordwich. The Gorrie ?.P,U. met at the home of George Gregg on November 14th, with 23 presant. The meeting was in charge of the Missionary Convener; Audrey Hastie. After the call to Worship business was discussed, The hymn Coma Let Us sing, of a Won- derful 5ovc, which was followed by the, scripture, A prayer and the topic were then given. Hymn, The Chureh's One Voun tiation was .sung followed by the Bible Study conducted by Rev, Wallpaper Special! HEAVY EMBOSSED Sun-Tested PAPERS suitable for Living Rooms, Dining Rooms or Halls 29 per Colours: Green, Blue, Peach or Tan Shades THESE ARE NOT REMNANTS— BUY ANY QUANTITY YOU WISH! • SUN-TESTED CEILING TO MATCH e 15c per roll family in the sorrow they have suffer- ed in the tragic dad: of their 12-year- old son, Clair, He and a claim, 12.tis- sel Waites of Staples were bhrned to death -on Tuesday evening of last week when a tractor they were driving over- turned and exploded at the stock load- ing yards at Staples, about 10 miles north Of Leamington. Mr, Will has