HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-11-17, Page 4Sturdy MEN'S and BOYS' LEATHER HIGH-CUTS by •Sisman and Greb WOMEN'S Slide-Fastener RUBBER BOOTS for those slushy days that are coming. Sizes 4 — 9 MEN'S; BOYS' and CHILDREN'S All-Rubber Bdckled GOLOSHES Rhys Pollock "Shoes for All the Family" 11111111111! BOOTS WE HAVE TiplE114! Stormy weather ahead .. be prepared Get your rubber footwear NOW! WANTED TO RENT-3 rooms or house, Phone 477W. NOTICE TO CREDITORS PICTURE FRAMING — A specialty November 1st., 1948.. at Warren House, Phone 475. All persons haying claims against the estate ,,f John McGill. late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the second day of Octriber, 1948, are notified to send tr) the un- dersigned in or before the fourth day of December, 1948, full particulars of their claims in writing,. Immediately after tie said fourth !lay of December. the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claim.: of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATE!) this 12th day of Novem- ber, A, D., 1948. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THEMATTER of the Estate of Alma Scott, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Wid- ow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims, against the Estate of the late Alma Scott, are required to send particulars of their claims, dule verified, to J. W, Buslifield, KC., the solicitor for, the Administruor of the said EState, on or before the twenty-seventh day, of November, A.D,, 1948, and that !After such date, the. Administrator Municipal Notice Township Of Morris I hereby give notice that the Nomi- nation of a Reeve, Four Councillors. and Two School Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1949. Will he held at the Township Hall, Morris At 12.30 p.m. to 1.30 %tn., Friday, Nov. 26th, 1948 If demanded a Poll will be opened on Monday, Dec. 6th, 1948 Polls to be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. George Martin, Returning Officer AUCTION SALE Of Restaurant Equipment in the Twn of Goderich, at the Venus Restaurant, on the Square, on WEDNESDAY, NOV; 24th, 1948 at 1.30 p.m., Large Restaurant Cool( Stove, with coal or oil, Steam Table with coil, Electric meatslicer, Meat block, Walk- in-Frigidaire, Eureka, 360 cubic ft, 7x1.0x9 Dish washer, Kitchen Cook- ing equipment. 100 Ire Cream glasses, 6 dozen Restaurant Cups and Saucers, dozen 6" Bread anti Butter Plates, 5 doz. 8" Plates, 10 doz. 10" Plates, 5 doz. 12" Plates, Pots, Pans, etc., 12 Steam Table Crocks, Kitchen Tables, . . Service °tinter with Water Tap and Cooler, 6 Hall Trees, 8 Restaurant Tables, 32 Restaurant Chairs, 16 Res- taurant Walnut Finish Booths. Wood- work and Trimming, $ large Walnut Finish Mirrors, 1 large Ceiling Fan, 2 Exhaust Fans, 16" and 22", 10 Ceiling Light Fixtures, 22 ft. Counter I) Stools, Soda Fountain, complete equipment, Back Bar Counter with 8 FOR RENT—One car araze on Maple St. Aoply W. J. Clark. FOR SALE—New Singer Sewing Machines, Electric Portables, Elec- tric cabinets and Treadle Machines. For particulars write Singer Ser- vice Representative, Box SS, Ad- vanc'-Times. FOR SALE—Good farm wage. Phone 618r12, ASK FOR—Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stocks tugs, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A Drug Store, BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distribute our 250 Products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecticides, Farm Products, splendid assortment of Gift Boxes. Our dealers make substantial pro- fits, A customer in each home! For catalogue and details, write to FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier Street Montreal, P.Q. BUSINESS FOR SALE—Grocery, meats, boots and shoes, rubbers, some .drygoods, rent $10 per month on lease, newly decorated, well equipped. Possession immediately. Cash. Apply John D. Newlove, Tel- ephone 4, Fordwich, Ont. CABBAGE FOR SALE—Now is the time to make sauerkraut. Also tulip bulbs. Apply David Finley. CHARIS FOUNDATION Garment Co., trained Corsetiere for Wing- ham and surrounding districts. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonable pric-• es. Call on Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Corner Patrick and Minnie St. FOR SALE-8 Pits ready to wean., Apply Jask Wickstead. Phone 32-191 Brussels. R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR QUICK SALE — 1931 Chev. with or without radio, Al., shape. A.G. Aitchison, Fox 156, Lucknow.l FOR SALE-4 Good used 600x16 tires. Avedy Advance-Times, FOR SALE—Lenard Type Boiler,121 ft by 4 ft. Apply D. F. Anderson, R.R 3, Lucknow, Phone Dungannon "se 68-13 Phone 371. FCDR. S•kI E—Green tweed winter coat size 14, too. small for owned 1 FOR SALE—Hudson Seal Muff. In good condition. Phone 349. FOR SALE—Some good Durham Cows, due to freshen soon, Ap- ply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-2 story 7 roomed frame house, hardwood floors throughout, built-in cupboards, Leopold St, Ap- ply John McKay. FOR SALE—Good used folding go- cart. Phone 409J. FOR SALE—Philco Battery Radio, in good condition. Apply Geo. Baird, Lower Wingliam. FOR SALE—Boy's grey tweed suit, 2 pair trousers, size 10 or 11 years, like new. Phone 371 after 5.30. FOR SALE-3 Pure Bred Hereford Bulls, with papers. Apply Alvin Clark, Listowel, R. R. 2, Phone 535. FOR SALE-1934 Dodge Coupe Car, completely overhauled, new tires, heater, very low mileage, in Al condition. Priced for quick sale. Apply Mac Johnston, Minnie St., Wingham, Phone 32. ft. Frigidaire, Marble Top, Pie Racks, Dish-Racks, Tobacco Cabinet, Mahog- any Finish; 1 Milk Shake Mixer, 9 Window Light Fixtures, 2 Mahogany Pillar posts with Lights, 2 .doz. 6" Meat Platters; 8 doz. 10" Meat Plat- ters, 3 doz. 8" Meat Platters, 2 doz. Small Tea Pots, Ice cream Dishes, Knives,. Forks, Spoons, Trays, Host of other articles used in a restaurant, Terns - Cash Thomas Manjuris, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, ;Clerk. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. John E. Allen wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the kindness shown them during their recent bereavement. They would especially like to thank the pallbearers, the Supt. and Staff of the Wingham General Hospital, Mrs. Win, Elston, Dr. McKibbon and Rev. Mr. .4foores. IN MEMORIAM MILLER—In loving memory of my , Husband, Benj, H. Miller, 'World War I Veteran, who died at Detroit, Mich., November 19th, 1947. Since you have gone so far away, the world is like a .golden clock that God forgot to wind. —His wife, Mary. Tenders will be received until Dec. 1st, 1948. for installing Electric Wir- ing in S. S. No. 12, Morris Township. Plans and specifications may be ob- tained from Ralph Shaw, Bluevale, Secretary Morris School Area. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Beatrice McKay, late of the Town Plot of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that ail creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Beatrice McKay, are required to send particul- ars of their claims, duly verified, to J, W. Bushfield, K.C„ the solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the twenty-seventh day of November, A.D., 1948, and that after such date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the said estate having regard only to the claims Of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this thirtieth day of October, A.D., 1948. J. W. Bushfield, K.C., Winghain, Ontario, Solicitor for *.the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estates of Charlotte Ward and Harriett Ward, both late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Spinsters, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the estates of the late Charlotte Ward and Harriett Ward, are requir- ed to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, K.C., e solicitor for the Executors of the said Estates, on or before the twenty- seventh day of November, A.D., 1948, and that after such date; the Executors will proceed to distribute the said es- tates having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had not- ice. DATED at Winghp.m, Ontario, this first day of November, A. D. 1948, J. W. Bushfield, K.C., Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the. Executors. Tenders For Wiring Ctri.ECZ' still sells for • CP-16 PAGE FOUR THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, Noveniber 17, 1948 business part of the meeting the min- utes of the past meeting were head and approved. The roll' was called, each .one answering with a verse of scripture. Letters of appreciation were read from Mrs. Wm. McVittie and Mrs. Frank Campbell. It was decided to have lunch at the Christmas meet- ing at which the ?hen would be invit- ed. It was decided to get green velour curtains for the choir haft windows. The election of officers is as follows: President, Mrs. Wm. McVittie; 1st. Vice, Mrs. Gordon Snell; 2nd. Vice, Mrs. Hugh Blair; Recording Sec., Marvin McDowell; Cor.-Sec., Mrs. Frank Campbell; Treasurer of W.M.S., Mrs. Stanley Cook; Assist- ant, Winnifred Campbell; Treasurer, of Ladies Association, ;Mrs. Alva Mc- Dowell; Assistant, Mrs, Jack Buch- anan; Christian Stewardship, Mrs, Fred Cook; Stranger's Sec'y., Mrs. Jack Buchanan; Supply, Mrs. Walter Cook; Mission Band Secretaries, Mrs, Norman McDowell, Mrs. Chas. Smith,. Baby Band Secretaries, Mrs. Gordon. Smith, Mrs. Fred Cook; Temperance,. Mrs. J. L. McDowell; Missionary- Monthly, Mrs. Norman McDowell; Press Sec., Mrs. Stanley Cook; Pian- ists, Winnifred Campbell, Airs. Wm.. Walden, Miss A. Hewitt, Mrs. How- ard Campbell!. Ladies Aid represen- tative to official Board, Mrs. Frank Campbell; Group Committee, Mrs.. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Hugh Blair, Mrs- Melvin Taylor. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Hewitt. Mr. Ross Taylor was fortunate its catching 14 fox on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell,. Mrs. Frank Campbell and Miss Win- nifred, and Mrs. J. E. Ford motored!. to St. Thomas on Saturday. Mrs. F, Campbell and Miss Winnifred stop- ping off at Clinton for a couple of days on their return from St. Thomas, Mrs.. Ford returning to her home at Com- ber. FOR SALE—Norge large size oil burner, with oil quota, grey Baby carriage, play pen, two gold seal congoleum rugs 7 x 9, kitchen cab- inet, with table and chairs. Call Andy Lunn, Minnie St., 283J. FOR SAI.E-1937 Chev. Sedan, beat- er, good tires. Apply W. F. Burg- man. FOR SALE—One large Quebec , Heater, in good condition. Apply David Finlay. FOR SALE—Dark roan shorthorn bull, 8 months old. Apply Gordon McBurney, phone 620r22. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that Is have posted up at my office, Town Hall, Wingham, on the 1st. day of Novem- ber. 1948, the list of all persons en- titled to vote in the said municipality at Munieinal elections and that such lists remain there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- FOR SALE—Small 3 piece living, cord in g to the last day for.appeal room suite, mahogany finish. Apply t being the 22nd day of November, 1948. Mrs. Ben Rich. 2nt Cemetery, Toronto on Monday. omissions corrected according to law, Gifts For All Occasions Canada for approved recipients in the last day for appeal being the 26th David Mrs. Walter Paterson, Wingham, and • Crompton a former resident of Bluevale, is a sis- Dated this 5th day of November, ter, Mrs. Beacock formerly Bella Ann 1948, W. R. 'Cruikshank, Clerk of Turnberay Twp. VOTERS' LIST, 1948 Municipality Of the Township of Turnberry, County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act and that I have*posted up in my office, on the 5th day of Nov- ember, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection and I call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or day of November, 1948. will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the, claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this second day of November, A.D., 1948, J. W. Bushfield, K.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, T \\:. A. Galbraith, Clerk, own o f Wingham. of the. Women's Institute, conducted by the President, Mrs. Carl Johnston. Over 30 responded to the roll call by naming a Cabinet Minister member and his department It was agreed to have the Blue Cross Hospitalization payments made semi annual. The sew- ing course in "Modern Dressmaking" was announced for Nov. 22nd.; to 26th inclusive. A Euchre party was ar- ranged for The evening of November 19th, in the Community Hall and dur- ing the winter a party will be held `every month. Mrs. Harvey Robertson 'convener of Citizenship, introduced .Mrs. James Armstrong, District Pres- ident, and Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, Dis- trict Secretary-Treasurer, Brussels. Mrs. Armstrong spoke on Education for Citizenship. The making of good citizen; starts first in the home, then through school days and in the churches. She spoke of Juvenile De- 'litiquency as a great menace. Mrs. ),Vheeler gave the highlights of the London Area Convention, which she attended, After singing the National Anthem, lunch was served, assisting the hostess was Mrs. W. H. McKin- ney, Mrs, George Hetherington and Mrs. Roy Turvey. Election of officers- for the was held in the vestry of the United Church on Friday night. Miss Wilda. Breckenridge was re-elected president and Miss Roma Breckenridge secre- tary-treasurer. Christian Fellowship convener, Miss Mary Darling; Christ- ian Missions, Mrs. J. A. Burden; Christian Citizenship., Fleming John- ston; Christian Culture, Alan, Brec- kenridge; Press Reporter, Miss Mary Duff; Pianist, Mrs, W. j. Johnston. Meetings will be held Sunday even- ings, at 8 o'clock, beginning on Sun- day, November 21st. Rev. J. A. Bur- dee closed the meeting with prayer. The Mission Band of the United Church met in the Sunday School totitti this week, The president, Jean Hall conducted the meeting. All join- ed in singing a hymn and repeating The Lord's Prayer. The Mission nand :Ptirpose was repeated and Eleanor :Smith led in prayet for Missionaries. Tn response to the roll call each tile mentioned one of the Beatitudes. 'Birthday. greetings were sung for Elizabeth McKinney, Karen Burdett, and for one of the leaders, Mrs, Jfnt The United Emergency Fund for Britain started a three-week appeal for funds to aid needy Britons on Novem- ber 14th, continuing until December 5, according to an announcement made at the executives offices in Toronto. UEFB has establsihed its nation-wide organization and now has chairmen in every Province' with local committees in many cities and towns across Can- ada. After months of extensive effort, devoted to setting up its provincial ad- ministrative bodies, machinery for the co-ordination of all Canadian aid to Britain started functioning immediate- ly upon completion of the fund raising campaign. UEFB enjoys the co-opera- tion and aproval for this movement of a large number of leaders in govern- inent, religion, education, industry, fin- ance, labor, social and welfare groups in Canada and the United Kingdom. Plans and objectives of UEFB, as outlined, include an overall voluntary aid to Britain campaign. Donations to the fund will be used to make bulk purchases of food and other supplies in Canada which will be shipped to UEFB warehouses in Britain for gen- eral distribution under the direct sup- $87.50 be absorbed by the British govern- ment, who will also provide free dock- ervision of the organization's advisory council. Ocean shipping charges will age, handling, inland transportation and warehousing in the United King-- dom. All such gift supplies will be exempt from customs and excise dut- ies, materially reducing costs and pro- ducing more relief for every dollar contributed. UEFB will also forward, without cost, parcels packed by organizations 'Johnston, was born on the, 6th line of Britain if delivered at L'EFB ware- WINGHAM PHONE 59 'Johnston, 1 Turnberry. Her father, James John- houses in collective shipments. Stan- ston, BLUEVALE was clerk of . Turnberry Town- dardized UEFB packages, in various ship for many years in the early days. sizes and prizes, containing selected Rev. 'William 0. Rhoad of Ashfield foodstuffs for deficient diets, are being Mrs. Charles Bosman was the hos- Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Rhoad and prepared and will be available shortly. tess this week f or th e regu lar meeting family, spent Remembrance Day with Arrangements are being completed to Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Jorgensen. Mr. Pearson Rolph, who was a pat- ient in Winglfam General Hospital, for part of a week was taken to Lon- don to consult a specialist and is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mrs, Raymond Elliott has returned home after spending a holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Blackmore and Rev. Wm: Blackmore at Elk Point, Alberta.i She also visited Banff and other points of interest in the Rockies. Mrs. L. C. Jorgensen, Miss Afa'ry Duff, Mrs. ,R. F. Garniss and Miss Olive Scott were recent visitors with Miss Florence Fowler at Seaforth, Mrs. J. C. Higgins is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Higgins and Vernon in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Chapman and family of Stratford, wer& Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. R. J. McMurray , Mrs. M. L. Aitken spent the week- end ,.with her daughter, Mrs. Street and Donald at Kitchener. Mr. Joseph Chilvers,. Kincardine, 'called on friends the village on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Kirton of • Loring, Parry Sound, are visiting with John and Miss Bella Kirton, in Turn- berry. There were 80 adults and children, at the 1st. line of Morris Farm Forum meeting, on Monday night at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKer- cher, Jamestown. Following the radio 'broadcast on the subejet, "Would a t aim business agreenient between father and son bring more satisfhe- ,tiou to both," it was decided that with such an ;agreement the son would show greater interest% and could carry on with better results when the father was linable to do so. • The question of co-operative auto- mobile insurance was discussed but no definite decision was made and will ,be discussed further at the next :theetiog, which' will be held at the Aidme of Mr. and Mrs. Spading John- ston, when Billy Robertson and Ken Johnston will act as the „recreation committee, Progressive' euchre was played when. Mrs. R 3. Mclennan !arid Fleming Johnston held' the high- est score. lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Jack Nichol- 'son, Mrs. Harry Wright and Mrs. Bill ;King, DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS Johnston, After singing the Temper- ance song Miss Margaret Curtis told the story "Bolomba and Impoku find a Way," All took part in a black- board exercise. Mrs. W. J. Johnston conducted the Worship service and closed the meeting. , Mr. and Mrs." William Elston open- ed their home on Wednesday evening for a community gathering in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar, on the eve of their departure for . their new home on Scott Street in Wing- ham. James Elston reail an address land Mrs. Melville Mothers and Afrs. Bill Elston presented Mrs. Edgar with a China Tea Set and Mr. Edgar with a bronze smoker. Mr: and Mrs. Edgar have been resi, dents of the 2nd. line of Morris for over 30 years and during that dine have proved themselves . to be good neighbours and kind friends and will be missed in the neighbourhood. Cards were played, lunch served, and a social time spent. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson opened their home ,on Friday evening for the annual social gathering, spon- sored by the members of the Morris group of the Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church, when they en- tertained their husbands and families. The members were all present Games were played and the ladies served a sumptuous lunch. Mrs. Beacock, wife of the late S. J. Beacock of Toronto, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Step- !hensen, Newtonbrook, in her 86th year, and was buried in Mount Pleas- Miss Edna Moffatt, teacher of S. S. No. 6, attended the teacher's conven- tion at Clinton on Friday. Mr. Kenneth Campbell was a Clin- ton visitor on Friday. Mrs. Leonard Cook of Blyth, Mrs. Robt. Riley and children of Hullett Township visited on Tuesday with Russell Cook and babe 'at the home of Mrs, Douglas Campbell. Messrs, Victor =and Cecil Campbell and Mr. Bert Taylor were Hanover visitors on Tuesday. A birthday party was held on Wed. 'evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I F red Cook in honor of Mr. David Cook, who celebrated his 75th birth- day, on Wednesday, Noy. 10th. Pres- ent at the party were: Mr. and Mrs. James Book, of Lucknow, Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Cook and Lois of Belgrave; Mr- and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mr. and ,Mrs. Jack Buchanan and family of '\Vestfieid. Mr. Cook left on Thursday :for his home at Eight, Manitoba. 1 On Thursday evening 23 members of the Westfield choir met at the home of Miss Winnifred Campbell, organist. In some time was spent in practice after which a social time was spent in play- ing games, A most enjoyable lunch was served by the members of the choir. The regular Meeting of the W.M,S. was held on Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. McVittie in charge of the programme. The meeting opened by 'singing "Will Your Anchor Hold." Prayer by Mrs, McVittie, Responsive reading, Our Refuge, was taken from Psalm 46, II Chronicles 16, Acts 17, ;1st, Peter 3, II Peter 2, Psalm 9. Mrs. ;Hewitt gave a report of the sectional meeting, held at Hackett's Church, es- ,specially Mrs. Taylor's address. Mrs. :she of England gave an address, told bow people appreciated and 'were so grateful for the food and ;clothing parcels which had been sent from Canada. She told of some of the `suffering of the people (Whitt the war and since. She said the standards brought about by the war. During the A handle donations of used clothing, bedding and similar items, also with- out cost to the sender, early in the coming year. Stinday visitors with Zr,.S and Mrs, Earl Hamilton and family were.; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Adams, Mr. .and Mrs. ;Clifford Adams and 'two child- Ten of Londesboro; Miss Jennie Mc- Evers, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs, Wal- ter Hamilton and family of Listowel. Mrs, Andrew Lamont of Brussels, is spending a few days with her sis, ter, Mrs. Peter S. MeEwen, Ur. MC* .Ewen was taken to the Winghant. General. Hospital on Monday, where he will be under observation and re- ceive special treatment, „ Cameron McDonald, a former Blue- vale boy, mining engineer at Favour- able Lake, accompanied by his wife and uncle, Robert C, King of Toronto, visited relatives and friends in Blue- vale, Brussels, Clinton, Wingham, and Goderieh recently. Ur, and Mrs. McDonald are moving to Noranda. Rev, J. A. and Mrs. Burden and Mr. and Mrs. Healey Burden attend- ed a packed meeting in Wesley Willis Church, Clinton, on Sunday evening to hear Rev. Franklin Ou of West China Mission, The 1st. line of Morris Farm Forum is having very largely attended meet- ings, The 1st. and 2nd. at R. Ruttan's and Walter Smillie's had 76 and 80. WESTFIELD 5* CLASSIFIED ADS, TOWN OF WINGHAM Clerk's Notice Of First Posting Of Voters' List, 1948. Municipality of the Town of Wingham, County of Huron CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham UNITED EMERGENCY RIND .FOR BRITAIN