HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-11-10, Page 4'Dairid Crompton
Gifts For All Occasions
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Offices and
TASTE at a
Hastings Cameron
A (Met wedding was solemnized in
the Presbyterian Manse, VVingham,
on Saturday, October 80th, when Rev,
A. Nimmo, unitedQin marriage Marion
Ethel Cameron, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, W. D. Cameron, Markdale, to
Donald Ross Hostings, sop of Mr, and
Mrs, R, Hastings, Wingham,
The bride wore a powder blue street
length dress with navy blue accessor-
ies and a corsage of red roses. The.
bridesmaid, Miss Lois Cameron, sister
of the bride, wore a pink dress with
navy blue accessories and a corsage of
white carnations. The best man was
Wm. Hastings, brother of the groom.
After the ceremony, the wedding
dinner was Served, For a motor trip up
north, the bride chose a grey suit with
.pink accessories.
„Willits - MacMillan
A late fall wedding was solemnized
on the evening of Saturday, October
30th, at _the farm home of the bride,
when Donalda Jean, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. P. j. MacMillan of
West Wawanosh, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Walter Willits, yr urger
son of Mrs, Catherine Willits and the
late Mr. Melvin Willits of Turnberry.
Rev. J. W. Stewart of the Lucknow
United Church officiated. The weyling
music was played by Mrs. Isabel Mar-
tyn of. Ripley, cousin of the bride. Be-.
fore the ceremony and during the
signing of the register, Miss Mary E.
MacDonald of Toronto, sang "0
Promise Me" and "0 Perfect Love."
The bride was given in marriage
by her brother, Mr. Archie MacMil-
lan, and wore a .dress of Victoria wine
with sequin trim and a corsage of
Talisman roses,
Mrs. J. MacInnes, aunt of the bride,
received the guests, wearing a dress
of grey wool and a corsage of Amer-
ican Beauty roses. MrsJ C. Willits,
mother of the groom wore a printed
crepe dress with a corsage of Sweet-
heart roses.
A wedding dinner was served dur-
ing the evening to forty guests. Later
Mr. and Mrs. W, Willits left on a trip
to Chicago, the bride wearing a suit
of hanson green with a wine topcoat
and brown accessories.. They will re-
side on the groom's farm on the 6th.
concession of Turnberry Township.
TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7.30
pplompuppi 000000000 I oo ;pp 0000 oo 000 oo 1111•1•1111111$ oo 0000 PI oo PP .... IP o •?•0••1•POMPP .,10001.• ... ...... ... . . ....
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 11, 12, 13
`Green Grass of Wyoming'
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 16, 17
; •
For fifty years the HARTT name
has meant the best in shoemaking.
We will be pleased to fit you.
app 40/4 PAPER p131200CT 5
Styles Iiir..evpii.'busiriess.
Vario441406 and designs
Sam pls•,',;:s.46".'estron and
price..s,".Ciitliea.it obligations
UHK dooms 40,000 Ati0 tf CAN
)1/4F0101 MORE. SERIIC4
etetpf 4HE H '
\iek irip•S,4,4N4 14 46, •S
ONLY LIVIN4 1'tliuc 'NO CAN tit..114t-DIRte ENE.R.gy of ").114 CoMBIAL w1414
RAM MA1tstlM4
raolvt 1)4E CARO.
PLX/11.g 4
A ,}404. -PROPtRLY •rot,NNED
16 so
B Z11,1
Wednesday, November JO,. 1943
ASK FOR: Trusses, Lumbago Belts,
Abdominal .Supports., Elastic Stocls-
ings,.Stispensories, at Kerr's I D A
Drug Store,
Implements and Grain will be held
at Lot 26, Con. 10, West 'Wawanosh,
at 1 pan., on Thursday, Nov. 18th.
Terms, Cash. No Reserve as Farm
has been sold. Mrs. (co,, White,
Proprietress; Matt, Gaynor, Auct.
BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distribute
Our 250 Products: Toilet Articles,
Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor
Wax, Insecticides, Farm Products,
splendid assortment of Gift Boxes.
Our dealers make substantial pro-
fits, A customer in each home!
For catalogue and details, write to
FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier Street
Montreal, P.O.
meats, boots and shoes, rubbers,
some ,drygoods, rent $10 per month
on lease, newly decorated, well
equipped. Possession immediately.
Cash, Apply John D, Newlove, Tel-
ephone 4, Fordwich, Ont,
Co„ trained Corsetiere for Wing-
ham and surrounding districts. If
you need a new garment, any size
or type of figure at reasonable pric-
es. Call on Mrs. Win. Kennedy,
Corner Patrick and Minnie St.
FOR SALE-6 roomed frame cottage,
immediate possession, reduced price.
Apply Don MacLean, Albert St.
FOR SALE—New Singer Sewing
Machines, Electric Portables, Elec-
tric cabinets and Treadle Machines.
For particulars write Singer Ser-
vice Representative, Box SS, Ad-
FOR SALE-10 Purebred Oxford
Ewes, due to lamb in March. $20.00
each, also one Leicester Ram, one
Shropshire Ram. Apply Geo. Ken-
nedy, R. R. 1, Lucknow, 7 miles
West of Wingham.
FOR SALE—Twin Silver Fox Furs.
f Apply Mrs, Harold Foster, Joseph-
Me St.
FOR SALE—Fur Coat, brown seal,
full back tuxedo style. In good con-
dition, Size 14-16. Too small for
owner. Reasonable. pox J. Z. Ad-
FOR SALE-1947 Kaiser Sedan, per-
fect condition, air conditioner, gone
12,000 miles, leaving country. Apply
Mr. Hutchinson, Phone 192W,
FOR SALE—Calf, Phone 403r2.
FOR SALE—Extension Table and
Boards, Radio Battery, Toilet Set,
in green, all in good condition. Ap-
ply Mrs. H. Godkin, Phone 429W.
FOR SALE—English Riding Saddle,
Apply Heughan's Harness Shop.
•FOR SALE—Baby High Chair and
Commode Chair, also Electric Baby
Bottle Warmer. Phone 118.
FOR SALE-1939 Custom Six Hud-
son Sedan, paint and upholstering in
beautiful condition, new tires. Every
mile is recorded on the speedometer.
Priced for quick sale as the owner
has purchased a new car. Alex B.
McKague, Phone 96, Teeswater.
FOR SALE—Lady's Hudson Seal Fur
Coat, size 18. This coat is in new
condition. Apply The Wingham-
FOR SALE—Baby Carriage, Ivory,
complete with runners, like new,
2 coats, 1 blue chinchilla red plaid
lining, 12 years, 1 brown checked
tweed, fur collar, size 10. Phone
FOR SALE-1 Calf, 3 days old. Ap-
ply Bill Cruikshank, phone 377.
FOR SALE-6 pigs, 8 weeks old, not
weaned. W. R. Farrier, White-
FOR SALE-1934 Dodge deluxe
coupe car, motor recently overhaul-
ed, car in Al condition, good tires.
Apply Mac Johnston, Minnie St.
FOR SALE-1 Renfrew "Chateau"
Cook Stove, white enamel, used
only 1 summer, Apply Advance-
Times or Phone 627r3.
FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet, con-
goleum rug, 2 electric irons, desk.
Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE-1 large Quebec Heater,
in good conditidn, Apply David Fin-
FOR SALE-3 piece dinette suite,
walnut finish, good condition. Apply
FOR SALE-1 black broadtail coat,
size 16, good condition, Apply Box
W. A., Advance-Times.
FOR SALE-1937 Ford Coach, in
good condition, Apply Glen Van-
FOR SALE—Walker fox hounds, 15
months old, male and female, guar-
anteed from best strain money can.
buy, Apply Ross Taylor, Belgrave,
Phone 624r12,
FOR SALE-1927 Chev. Sedan, good
tires, priced for quick sale, Phone
4011-Z1t Winghatti,
FOR SALE-1931 Ford Coach, good
condition. Apply phone 477J, Wing-
FOR SALE-1929 Model A, Ford
Coupe, battery, snow tires, plugs all
new, 2 panel doors, out throw disc.
Apply Gdroon ,Mundell, Bluevale.
FOR SALE-518 H.P. Gas Engine,
good repair, Coleman Kerosene
Lamp; Hand WaShing Machine and
Wringer; water Trough neater,.
Frank Stamper, I. 1, Bluevale. . ,„
FOR SALE—Two root pulpers in
good condition, cheap for quick sale,
Jas. I4. Coultes, Phone 643r2.
FOR SALE-1941 Mercury Sedan,
Special De luxe, Radio and Heater,
Will sell or trade for 1 ton truck.
Apply Warren G. Zinn, R. R. 1,
Dungannon, Ontario, Phone 14r15,
HOUSE FOR SALE—In the Village
of Whitechurch, for particulars,
write, Mrs. A. J, Clarke, R, R. 8,
London, Ont,.
LOST—Red Leather Billfold, Finder
please leave at Advance-Times.
at Warren House, Phone 475,
Molasses; Big 3 Laying Mash and
Pellets 19% Protein; good feed- at
reasonable prices. Howson & How-
ality, Ostrex peps up weak, run-
down, anemic, exhausted men, wo-
men. New. "get acquainted" size
only 50c, Try Ostrei' Tonic Tablets
for new pep, younger feeling today.
At all druggists.
to perfect sewing by experienced
local mechanic. Phone 34.
WANTED—Used doll pram in good
condition, Phone 479J.
WANTED—Office Clerk, Female—
Junior Matriculation. Must be ac-
curate typist. Steady position to sat-
isfactory applicant. Apply in person
at The Hydro-Electric Power Com-
mission, Rural Office, WINGHAM,
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned up to November 13th, 1948,
for the Snow Plowing of Township
Roads for the Township of East Wa-
wanosh up to Jan, 1st. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted. For
further information apply
Stuart McBurney,
Root Superintendent,
Wingham, Ontario
Tenders For Wiring
Tenders will be received until Dec.
bat, 1948, for installing Electric Wir-
ing in S. S. No. 12, Morris Township.
Plans and specifications may be ob-
tained from Ralph Shaw, Bluevale,
Secretary Morris School Area.
Municipality Of the Township of
Howick, County of Huron
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 8 of the Voters'
List Act and that I have posted up in
my office in the village of Gorrie, on
the 29th day of October, the list of
all persons entitled to vote in the said
municipality at Municipal Elections
and that such list remains there for in-
spection and I call upon all voters to
take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law, the last day for appeal
being the 20th day of November, 1948.
Dated this 2nd. day of November,
Phil. Durst,
Clerk of 'Howick Twp.
Wroxeter, Ont.
Clerk's Notice Of First Posting Of
Voters' List; 1948.
Municipality of the Town of Wingham,
County of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have complied with Section 8 of the
Voters' Lists Act, and that I have
posted up at my office, Town Hall,
Wingham, on the 1st, day of Novem-
ber. 1948, the list of all persons en-
titled to vote in the said municipality
at Municipal ,elections and that such
lists remain there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law, the last day for appeal
being the 22nd day of November, 1948.
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk,
Town of Wingham.
November 1st., 1948.
Huron County Council
The next meeting of the Huron
.Cimnty Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court House,
Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Nov,
16th, at 2.00 p.m.
All accounts, notices of deputation
and other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later
than Saturday, November 13th, 1948,
N. W, Miller,
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ontario.
Mr. John J, Johnston and family
wish to thank relatives, friends and
neighbours for expressions of sym-
pathy and kindness extended to them
in their recent sad bereavement, Spec-
ial thanks to Nurse Terriff for her
Sam Thompson wishes to express
his sincere thanks and appreciation
to his many friends and neighbours
for their kind remembrances. He
would especially like to thank the
boys who were with him at the time
of his accident also Dr. McKibbon,
Mrs. Itforrey and the nurses in Wing-
ham Hospital. . .
The family of the late William
George Newton, wish to express deep
appreciation to relatives, neighbours
and friends for many acts of kindness
at the time of their bereavement, es-
pecially Rev. U. H, Cronhielm, the
pallbearers and those who loaned cars,
By Harry J, Boyle
There's something sod about auction
sales, That applies in particular to
auction sales which happen in the Fall,
Maybe, it's the • grey skies and the
touch of chilly weather that cause me
to have just a. bit of a blue feeling
when I go to an auction. That feeling
is deepened to a considerable extent
when I know that the farm is going
to stand idle or else be worked by
one of the neighbours, with nobody
living in the house,
Joe Carr sold out the other day. His
place is going to be worked by the
Hannigan boys who now operate over
six hundred acres of land in our town-
ship, That land was cleared by, Joe's
grandfather, a good many years ago.
His father built the stone house which
still stands, Joe built the steel barn
and put in the fine stabling which is
almost a model.
In the normal course of events,
young Ted would have taken the place
over. Ted won't be farming it how-
otter, because he fell at Dieppe. The
daughter, Kathleen, married a store-
keeper in town, After Ted was' killed,
Joe seemed to lose heart about farm-
ing. I noticed that he stopped talking
about his stock and the crops and sev-
eral times I've seen him coming out
of the doctor's office in the village.
Three weeks ago at a silo filling he
told me that he was going to retire to
the village and that lie was having a
sale to sell off his stuff. He put his
farm for sale and didn't get a decent
bid. The Hannigan boys finally came
along and made an offer, and 'as Joe
said, "I hated to take it. The first
thing they'll do is sell the house to
somebody and then strip the maple
bush from the farm. Then' they'll turn
all that power equipment loose on the
place. My father would turn in his
grave if lie knew that. I think he knew
every tree in that bush, and he would-
n't let the cattle in and every year lie
planted out a little more. That's how
those boys will make the price back.
and in five years they'll probably sell
the place for a Song and it will be a
poor grass farm, But what can I do.
I can't go on farming and I need the
money to retire on."
There wasn't anything I could say.
I watched on the day of the sale as
Joe led the big grey team out in the
ring. His face was long and, I guess
what you might call bitter. I could
see Mrs. Carr peering out the pantry
window and there was a sort of ache
inside me. All the years of good and
bad were coming to this, a sort of hol-
ow and miserable day.
I drove home and the chill of the
fall night seemed to get into the very
marrow of my bones. It was an auction
sale that I had no relish for at all. It
was all so hopeless, and I couldn't help
IN THE MATTER of the Estate of
Alma Scott, late of the Village of
'Blyth, in the County of Huron, Wid-
ow, deceased.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Alma
Scott, are required to send particulars
of their claims, duly verified, to J.
W. Bushfield, K.C., the solicitor for
the Administrator of the said Estate,
on or before the twenty-seventh day
of November, A.D., 1948, and that
after such date, the Administrator
will proceed to distribute the said
estate, having regard only to the
claims of which he shall then have
had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
second day of November, A.D., 1948.
J. W. Bushfield, K.C.,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
IN THE MATTER of the Estate
of Beatrice McKay, late of the Town
Plot of Wingham, in the County of
Huron, Married Woman, deceased.
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the Estate of the late Beatrice
McKay, are required to send particul-
ars of their claims, duly verified, to
3. W. Bushfield, K.C., the solicitor
for the Executors of the said Estate,
on or before the twenty-seventh day
of November, A.D., 1948, and that
after such date, the Executors will
proceed to distribute the said estate
having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have had notice.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
thirtieth day of October, A.D., 1948.
5, W. Bushfield, K.C.,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
IN THE MATTER, of the Estates
of Charlotte Ward and Harriett Ward,
both late of the Town of Wingham,
in the County of Huron, Spinsters,
pursuant to The Trustee Act that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estates of theIate Charlotte
Ward and Harriett Ward, are requir-
ed to send particulars of their claims,
duly verified, to 5. W. Bushfield, K.C.,
the solicitor for the Executors of the
said Estates, oil or befpre the twenty-
seventh day of November, A.D., 1948,
and that after such date, the Executors
will proceed to distribnte the said es-
tates having regard only to the claims
of winch they shall then have had not-
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
first day of November, A, D. 1948.
J. Buslifield, K.C„'
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the ExettitorS.
remembering one remark that I heard
Ole Swenson say on the day the war
ended. "This thing will never be paid
for, and I don't mean the national
debt either." I suddenly understood
exactly what he had on his mirid4,
Huron Co-operative Medical Servic-
es, who completed its first year on
July 31, held its first annual meeting
at Clinton last week.
A review of the activities of the first
year events leading up to the formation
of the organization were recalled, At
the end of the first year the organiza-
tion was able to report the receipt of
917 applications which entitles 2,728
persons to hospitalization, represent-
ing people engaged in various occupa-
Th8 services are operated on a co.:
operative basis, therefore after paying
102 claims, amounting to $3,602.14, it
was able to pay the members, a divi-
dend of 16.1 per cent. on their first
year's membership fees. The annual
meeting agreed that the dividend be
Atained by the orOniaation as a loan
to build tip a reserve before „returning
it to the members,
Following We- general business, Paul
Meehan, Secretary of Cumba Medical
Services and of the Co-operative Medn
ieal Services Federation, Toronto, and
Mr, Hughes, assistant secretary of Co-
operative Union, gave interesting ad-
dresses on Co-operative Medical Ser-
vices topics, They were introduced by
Mrs, 0. G. Anderson, ,
After the election of the directors,
who are; Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Wing-
ham; Earl Whiting, Centralia; Cleyt-
on Elliott, Varna; W. Forbes, Clinton;
Harvey Johnson, Blyth; Eadie,
Glenannan; Mrs, L. Taylor, Exeter;
Idenry Schilbe, Dashwood; Gordon
Kirkland, Lucknow; F. Clark, Goder-
ich; Russell Bolton, Dublin, and Bert
Irwin, Seaforth, a hearty vote of
thanks was moved by Earl Whiting, of .
Centralia, to the guest speakers, which
was conveyed to them by the presi-
dent, Mr, Bolton.
Major Kenneth S, Grills, secretary
to the British Advisory Council of the
United Emergency Fund for Britain,
flew back to London following a brief
stay in Toronto for a conference with
the members of the executive commit-
tee, of which Lady Eaton is chairman.
The Major is completing plans. in
Britain for the distribution of food
sent over by the UEFB immediately
after the-fund raising campaign start-
ing November 14th., is completed on
During the visit here of Major
Grills, he reported that the British
Government had granted an additional
concession to UEFB by offering to
defray all expenses for shipments
from warehouses in Britain to dis-
tributing welfare agencies in the Un-
ited Kingdom. This further reduced
UEFB shipping costs for the British
Government has already accorded free
ocean and inland freight, warehousing
and handling as well as exemption
front duties or excise taxes. This last
concession means that the UEFB can
place the qualified goods intto the
hands of the recipients at no cost for
freight or handling.
Meanwhile UEFB machinery is be-
ing set up to handle used clothing
donations, which will get the same
courtesies given food shipments.
However, it is stressed that the UEFB
will not be prepared to handle used
clothing until the early part of next
year, A plan is being projected where-
by all of the•VEVII medical supplies
and where feasible, the used clothing
operation will be conducted in con-
junction with the Red Cross.
In a six man rugby exhibition
game Wednesday, in the Wingham
Park, Seaforth High School defeated
the Wingham High School . 26-11,
This was the first game played by the
local school for years, It is planned
to interest schools in this sport, and
endeavour to form a loop next season,
Seaforth got off to a good start on
touchdowne*by Heuser and Sills, and a
convert by Sills, and were leading 11-0
at the end of the first quarter. In the
second quarter Wingham registered a
touchdown and a convert on passes
from Stainton to Bill and Tom Lock-
ridge. Seaforth added another five
points when Sills plunged over,
For the final half. Johnston wi
th Heuser starred for Seaforth with
touchdowns, while Ernest went over
for Wingham, after catching a pass
from Stainton. Seaforth appeared sup-
erior in their plunging plays while
Wingharn's passing looked good.
Wingham, Stainton, Gammage, Ern-
est, T. Lockridge, Richt, Gerrit, 13,
Lockridge, McIntyre, Newman, Cum-
Seaforth—McKindsy, Fienser, Sills,.
Plastic Wall Tile
Kitchen and Bathroom
Norman Rintoul
'PhOne 251 Wingham
ALTON—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Tuesday, November 2nd.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton, R. R.
7, Lucknow, a son.
CARTER—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Wednesday, November 3,
to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carter, (nee
Ellen Bailey) Wingham, a son.
JOHNSTON—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, October 28,
to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Johnston,
R. R. 1, Belgrave, a daughter.
MARTIN-1.n Wingham General
Hospital, on Monday, November 8,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Martin,
(nee Gertrude Brooks), a son.
PARKE—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Saturday, November 6th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parke, R. R.
2, Wingham, a daughter.
PIERCE—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Monday, ,November 8th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pierce, R.
R. 3, Wingham, a daughter.
SWALES—In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Thursday, November 4th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swales,
Wingham, a son.
STAPLETON—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, November 6,
to' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stapleton,
R. R. 2, Wingham, a daughter.
TIFFIN—In Wingham „General Hos-
COMPLETE FIRST YEAR • pital, on Wednesday, November 3,
to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tiffin, R.
R. 3, Wingham, a son.
All Sizes - - All Widths.
Rhys Pollock
"Shoes for All the Family"
Hackwell, McSpaddin, Wallace, Blan-
chard, Mills, Hackwell, Johnston.