HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-11-03, Page 12Sa. Fit 01 ii"c AT R E .11 VA-E TWELVE THE WINGHAM ADVANCE--TIMES Wednesday, November 3, 1948 a: AYERS BLANKETS 0. °V. BLANKETS E KING DEPT. 510It 40 "The Friendly Store" ,,,, , m,m140,1,, ,,,,, Appltft$414tim14.41;411,1111titt,tt1,4ttW..,1“1,‘,11,1,,,tt 10.111.1 #1.1•41, 111.•=1.1. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7,30 SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. .„,,,,,„,„„,„,,„„„„„„,„„,„„,„„,„,„.„„„.,,,,.,,,,, 01,!111/11,1111111/1110111,1 111 0 THURS., FRI., SATURDAY, NOV. 4, 5, 6 101.11•10 00.▪ 1081011 WINNE It•PONIS .1111•1110 ••••••• 11011111.110 •••01.16 MOM. 011101141111• NOININei MINNS 11111•10•1111 11.0111•1111 AMINE* 111111•11••• • 11•11111/11011 SNOWS 1110100M 1101.1•11 ANOMIE* 11••••• OMANI% 11.00011141 .1••••••• •••18.411 /01/0/••• TIME IS FLEET! n9L1!!Mt?1,3itts at Kings Quality Gift Merchandise now at its best MOO* WOO* *11.. 0•••••• 0.0m. •11▪ ••mi i•AmON eamio, •••••••• .0•••• Nolon. YOmm• ••••i••• /mom 1.•••0 sams1 momma M.NNOMI m.dm1.11 Mbomil •M•••• .0•Nle M•••0 •Imtos. ••••••• 11111..11 0••••4 nOOON ..•••• •40•1•41 NiMm•• ••▪ •••• •••▪ ••ft NA16110 10.11. •••••• •••••• `You Were Meant For Me' This year RUSTCRAFT CHRISTMAS CARDS are "Out in Front" with their Cards of Character! The Gleam 0' Gold Box Assortment will add a touch of Elegance to your Christmas.' They are the kind you will enjoy sending and love too receive. Each Gleam 0' Gold Card is beauti- fully reproduced on a gleaming golden backgro"und. 12 Golden Cards for $1.00 (Less than 10c a Card) The Beautiful SNOW SCENE CHRISTMAS CARDS give you all the rare enchantment of a snow-covered countryside. Everybody likes a white Christmas . . . and your friends will be delighted to receive your greetings on these lovely cards. Reproduced in their natural colours from original paintings by members of The Rustcraft Artists' Guild, 25 Beautiful Snow Scenes, $1.00 (Less than 5c a card) mons w oe. •••••• 110111.110 111/•••• 11111111.•111 JEANNE CRAIN DAN DAILEY J1t.1...tfitIttit111 1#0 .......... 11$.1#1110####### ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, , , ,,, # ,,,, , ########### ,,,,,, telfittflIttittialttetttltittftlftlttl =MEMO .1••••• 11010•••••• MON., TUES., WEDNES,, NOV. 8, 9, 10 "B. E'S DAUGHTER" ei•••••• YIP ••••0111 0141•111• sgAMsiniCkg-M-VereArfit4tVgsarat.T.N.-agltentgf.aettnt,07.0=-14K-KMWELMWMOCLEig-1,C-KgVqtar4cit .14 A•••••• 0.111mal •••••• .0.1m YID .11MN =WM MUM =NEM MIANM N UM •••••• .1100•6 !MOM =SM. =NM •••••• •••••00 mg•••* ••••••• fly .••••• •••••• OMR.. *mama ••••••• MINIM •••••• •••••• Ilma* MEMOS ••••Va 111•1•Nif .••••• ky••.1 ••••i• •••••Y. lammol0 0..000 Nouns tommao •mm. row. • 4mml. ••••••• •••••••• •••••• *Nom. 0iOn.•• ismimew W••••• W•v••• *•••••• V•OYED .•••1•• ••••=. Pure Wool COVERLETS- Full size, satin bound. As warm as a lamb in his own wooly coat. In shades Rose, Green, Maroon, Blue, Gold. Each $8.39 - $10.95 BARBARA STAN WYCK taXID'ataallaiNtraigraaaraaMIYATAATra\trikAltraWaNgiat•NrarNiaintaNtidiCtigittoNribilttivalaN7451/4c7 LOA LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. j, Greer is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. French spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryans, Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Carmichael. Miss Joan Hopper, of Exeter, spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss Jacqueline Currie, Miss Florence Barber of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss ,Minnie Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haney of Brantford, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haney. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hutchison, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin. Mrs. Alan Garniss and daughter of London, visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Kerr, Mrs. A. W. Irwin is visiting with her parents, Mr. and :\frs. Gardiner, Port Colborne, prior to their departure for Arizona, where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murray and daughter, Marilyn of Leaside, spent the week-end with Mrs. Murray's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Isard. Mrs, D. H. Sparrow of Toronto, also spent the week-end at the Isard home. Ittit411.4114114t 1,11111,14111,,,,,1,1, 0 „01, tttttitttillt ,,,,,,,, PURE .WOOL Reversible Blankets WEDDINGS McBurney - Grant In the manse of the Presbyterian Church in Listowel, Gertrude Olive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alex W. Grant. Teeswater, became the bride of John William MeBurney, son of Mr. and Mrs. James 1MeBurney, ham, Rev, Mr. Kelly of Listowel, of- ficiated. The bride wore a long, white satin gown with a sweetheart neckline and lily pointed sleeves, and Queen Anne headdress with shoulder-length veil, and she carried a cascade of red ros- es. Her only ornainent was three strands of pearls, the gift of the. groom, Mrs. Stewart Grant was the bride's only attendant, and was gowned. in turctuoise taffeta rind carried a cascade of pink roses. The best man was Lloyd Hamel, of Kitchener. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. After the buffet luncheon, the couple . left for a motor trip to New York, the bride wearing a. grey gabardine suit, with black ac- cessories. On their return they will reside near Wingham. Warmth and looks at its best -Full size and satin bound. In rose and blue, gold and rose, green and rose, each 10.9,5 - 12.95 SEE' THEM TODAY AT McKibbons ,,,,,,,,,,, ttitettilli ,,,,, ##.111 ,,,,,, MM. ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,, MI-110M ,,,,, WHITE BLANKETS- in rainbow borders or in checks. 100% pure wool with soft, warm fluffy nap. Each $10.95 Dann mar cf pearls, to the bridesmaid, a set of costume jewellery, and to the best 1-Ilan a key chain. A wedding dinner for the immediate families was,,served by Miss Eva Stackhouse and Mrs. Sam Sweeny, friends of the bride, at the hoine of the bride's sister, Mrs. James Brigham, HuIlett Township. The bridegroom's mother received in a black crepe dress with corsage of Better Times roses. The bride chose, as her travelling costume a loganberry wine suit with hat to match, black shortie coat, and black accessories. On their return from a trip through Nor- them Ontario they will feside oil the sixth line of East Wawanosh. youngest daughter of the late Mr. add Mrs. Charles Wightman, became the bride of Mr. W. J. Borden Scott, youngest son of Mrs. John Scott, East Wawanosb, and the late Mr. Scott. The bride chose a floor-length gown of mystic blue sheer with white head- dress and circular embroidered net veil. She carried silver sheen chrysan- themums. Mrs, Ivan Wightman acted as matron of honor gowned in pale pink sheer and a halo headdress of pink net. She carried a colonial bou- quet of white Killarney roses. Mr. Ivan Wightman, nephew of the bride, acted as best man, The bridegroom'.1 gift to the bride was a double strand I MI II 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 BAPTIST CIRJRCu PURE WHITE WOOLLEN BLANKETS-White /satin bound-one of the best. 64x90 inches, weight 31/2 lbs. Individually boxed $13.50 Plain Shades WOOLLEN BLANKETS-in blue, green, rose, fawn * $6.75 WOOLLEN MOTOR RUGS-Beautiful Rugs in authentic Tartans. Ideal for car, sports events, or an extra at home. 56" x 72" . ; . .$6.75 to $14.95 ..aboulcatatnaa.:Imr6,4b.,:sibaiRabi-Aboalbobaolbeviktbalszimi.Tetbaloibmaezamesh.N. A practical, beautiful gift. Warmth and beauty. REVERSIBLE Rev. 0. .1. Coupland, pastor 11 a.m.-"What Jesus Saw from the Cross". 7 p.m.-"What Shall I Do with Jesus". The Orange Order will attend the evening service and this ser- vice will be broadcast over CKNX Come and enjoy these services with us. Jesus said: "Verilyj say unto you, except ye be converted, and bqconte as little children, ye shall not enter into the King- dom (It Heaven", Matthew 18:8 Undenominational Children's Meetings beginning Friday, Nov. 5, 1948 at 7 p.m., continuing each week, in the Wingham Baptist Church. All children 5 to 15 years old, welcome. These meetings will teach girls and boys worthwhile things sec- ularly and spiritually. If you want your children really helped, send them each week. Scott - Wightman A pretty wedding took place at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. 3. Watt, Whitechurch, at high noon on Satur-• day, October 23, when Violet May, Mumma* Mo.= WAN. ••••••• •••1800 NON0A. Yomes endow •••••04 ••••••Y M40•••4 boa. 06•••101 MONO WW.VON 'men. Meam.• A•••••• ••••/0 •ow.o. .Are. ••••F• 0*. YeemmYA ••••••. Mom. ow..• .•••OM Woe.= W•ma.• ao• 1 ,00 • .gm 31.111111101=1111/1111111101111111•1101111111111111•111111111111111111112 Comforter We can give thoie old APPLIANCES a New LEASE ON LIFE! ATTENTION Westinghouse APPLIANCE OWNERS in colorful Rayon satin, filled with soft white wool, 64" x 70", in green and rose, gold and blue each $16.50 1.11so., 1. Bedspreads We are fully qualified to repair any Westing house appliance. If you have a vacuum cleaner, washer, iron, toaster, radio .. . anything that seems to be past the useful stage ... perhaps we can make it work like new again. You'll' save money and be sure of an expert job hi which only genuine Westinghouse parts ars used. Call us today without obligation. 41,11011 ••••••• .•14.741 LTA FOR EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE, BRING THEM TO Ideaniatl IPY Beautiful Rayon, Homespun, Chenille and Satin Spreads. 80" x 100".Srnart designs and colors. Streamline that in the modern manner. $8.95 to $18.50 Full size, bedroom •••••• ••••••• 1.••••• 10,111.1.1 NOM. ••••• 101•••••• TO THOSE INTERESTED IN NURSING The Training School Com- mittee of the Stratford Gen- eral Hospital Training School for Nurses wish to announce that a class of students will be accepted in February, '1949 APPLY-Superintendent, STRATFORD GENERAL HOSPITAL STRATFORD - ONT. Pa His o n TOWEL SETS Newly arrived, for the early Gift Shopper. Every set attractively cellophane wrapped. Towel and Wash Cloth to match, different sizes. Best quality Caldwell Towels, per set . . .$1.59 to $4.50 WABASSO SHEETS The, pick of the cotton crop. Smoothly woven, gliStening white, hemstitched. Per pair 63 x 100 $8.50 72 x 100 $9.50 81 x 100 $10.25 Pm* OK. 010•••1 m••••• im•Oom =Mom. •- 101 RADIO ELECTRIC motottts.amtwatmoma. Vt. 0101001ara mmoorsiON0O~mummonan ESTINOHOUSE RADIO & APPLIANCE SERVICE ••••••11 W▪ O* Orme. 11.00.1 1.•••• •••••••11 •▪ ••••••01 Wm. 111•1••••1 Nommul ••••••1 Mom* 1••••011 ales•MI- .1•••••11 Mom. WYNN. •11.001 10.1011t 110•00.1. N OM* 11.01M/0 1111.10W1 admila MOM% SHOP NOW! A full and complete assortment of practical merchandise in the better quality now on display for the EARLY .GIFT,SHOPPER. 'omitoc-tszteimItimwststagtswavogioc000ctoostammatatk..qctozzoogvilavtovektostometomes ••••••11 .10•101. •••••111. •••••11111 • ,,,, ittttottgtmt,at ,,,,, twItisttitts111,111$111ltlts ,,, t ,,,, 10,10 ,/1111 / ,,,,, 11M1.111M1/111M1101,1$,,,11 ,1 ,,,,, i/M/11.71,0 0",111,1,1,1 ,1,4 ,4+1,1r ,1,11/itt1Itittft1ittn4”11#1111(11111 II( ,,,, , ,,,,, t ,,,, 1111111111111 .11010.1 MORNING CHEER FOUR O'CLOCK BLACK OR MIXED T E 49c lb •=01•01 PIMPRO ••••.• 101011M COFFEE Ground Fresh. While You Wait 53c lb K. D. S. WABASSO COTTONS J. S. BROWN LINENS Smith's Economy Food Store Domestic Shortening lb. E. D. Smith's Pure 13 oz, bot. Tomato Ketchup . ..25c StOkely's Fancy 48 oz, tin TOMATO JUICE ..27c 39c ammuiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiminmoinmoininumiumfoommoomommoommummoommioominounmel FRUITS for Christmas Cake Robin Hood Quick Cooking Oats, 5 lbs 43c Mild Canadian NEW CHEESE lb. 49c Walnut Halves % lb 54c 1 /2 lb. pkg. Coloured Cocoanut 32c lh lb. pkg. Shelled Almonds 36c Seedless J Raisins, lb. 19c lb, Whole Citron Peel 53c Pitted Sair Dates, lb 23c V2 lb. pkg. Shredded Cocoanut 30c Cleaned Currants lb. 24k lb. Glace Red Cherries 72c White Raisins, lb. 25c 16 or, bat, Maraschino Cherries 69c pkg. Shelled Pecans 3 oz. 25c Huron Federation News evening, R, W. Morrison, Vice.Presi- es, dent of the Ontario Federation and Resolutions from Middlesex County The annual Perth and Huron Dis- Secretary-Manager of Ontario Cream and Grey Township were endorsed. trict Cream Producers Meeting held producers, the audience was treated A motion by R. IvIcItercher of Sea- in Clinton. la4t Wednesday, October to a most interesting talk of a recent fworth and Roy Strong of Gorrie that 27th, was a big success, A large delft extensive tour of Europe, Before the the farmers of Huron County coqtp- gation motored frosts Perth County, meeting adjourned, an hour was spent erate in saying Hydra Power Was Un- 'headed "by George Waldie, County in discussing the present and future animously gassed, Secretary-Treasurer, W. R. ,Lobb, of the cream industry and a resolution It was decided after some discussion .'resident of Huron Federation, spoke was passed opposing the tale of oleo. wouldgttattiontletoCtoltilentpyistr e Hogfinance a Producers' t Ie to the gathering, suggesting that More margerine in Canada, inter minty meetings be held and The attendance at the County Dir. meeting to be held in Walkerton on extending a warm welcome to the ectpr's meeting on Tuesday, October November 3rd. Perth delegation. The necessary husi- 26th, was poor, partly.due to the busy Huron County still has nine Co- itess of the annual meeting was eon- season, but mainly 'to the failure of operative Automobile Insurance shares ducted. Harry Goody Wroiceter, Township rederatious and affiliate ork to sell to meet its quota, &vet i\ district representative and member of gauizations to realize their tespoitsibil- Townships have failed to take a shaY4 the Provincial Board, reported for the hied, The County organisation can to date. These shares will bear '4% organisation and following' the intria- only function effeetively inasmuch as it interest 46 sobn a# the necessary re-d ottioh of the 1Guest Speaker of the receives Support from County affiliat- serves art built up. • I Dalton's Assorted Jelly Powders 3 pkg. 22c Campbell's Tomato Soup, tin 11c wxstimo WELL 30 on. bat. ORANGE .14c Plus 5c deposit Aylmer Pork & Beans 2 tins 27c oniimowlerimitatmnimminitiotionamoltuitsmatitaissiiii E. DAttith's Pure 10 isz, Pure Grape Juice 15c Polly Prim. Sweet Green lb, Whole . Orange ,Peel 39c WIZARD GLASS WAX lb. Whole Lemon Peel 39c PEAS 14d tin ,, .„ Ifs Newt For Glass or Silver 16 os!, 49c PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 161 ,,, ,.. irliftliiiiiiiii tiliilliiiillifilifillitililliiiiliiliiliti ,,,,,,,, O ,, ii ,1,,,u ,,, , , , W1140404'4 a C