The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-11-03, Page 5fd Set fotlikiteiD Canadian Tire has everything you need for your ear # . . end She CTC label means top quality at worthwhile savings. . ORLS:itit ANT579frlilf DON'T 7414141ff /1 : CZGHT "COLD" l.141 4. Fill your radiator NOW with MOTO. MASTER, , and know Vriere SAFE Ifor all Winter driving, MOTO-MASTER" 'gives poiltive protection because it is specially processed to inhibit rust, corro. Mon and to retard evaporation, We the surest safeguard for your money, QUART .56 GAL., 2.19 "Save Safely" on these Winter Beaters 46 9752 3 1087 • K 8 5 4 ▪ 9 3 SPECIAL!. Quick Quaker OATS • Hawes' Lemon Oil 3 lb. box 25c Furniture Polish 12 oz bot. 25c 35c Sani-Flush, tin 29c HaWes' Floor Wax 1 lb. tin 49c Green Giant Golden Wax Beans Fancy Cut 20 oz. tin 17c 0101111•111= Campbell's Tomato Soup - 2 tins 21c Libby's Deep Browned Beans 20t n . oz 18c Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 14 oz. pkg. 22 c ///1 IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN 5 O a& 534-535 WE DELIVER-..RAIN OR SHINE, Colgate's Toothpaste large 29c giant 45c *Superfine:Heavy Wax ed Paper iriEnrt; 31c ,V-8 Veg. Juices, 20 oz. tin 17c Interlake Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 32c SPECIAL! Ellmar Peanut BUTTER 1s oz. jar 33c 39c GET ENTRY BLANKS HERE .SELF SERVE immumtali Food Market Motorists---W,e invite you • to take advantage of our Wheel Balancin li • N M MERKLEY MOTORS HUDSON SALES and SERVICE ;Z.. TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM k1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111131111111111111111111111111111mmuumnitimmiorn !! • I I I I I I Service • It will Save your Tires and you will enjoy safe, easier steering 1-1 and Alignment Wednesday, November 3, 1848 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE VIVE 1111111111111111, U U N M I N W a U I tree, high speed, to ensure DEFROSTER FAN - Vacuum clear vision under all eondi. IN Hens 5.45 U U U n U 1-1- mohair ...... .44 • KOZY STEERING WHEEL COVERS-Snug fitting, worm ▪ OVERNIGHT ELECTRIC EN- GINE HEATERS - Universal • type: easily installed. Low N Operating cost. Makes non- ins easy . . 4.55 KEROSENE ENGINE HEAT- 1 BUS-Simple and safe 3.98 1 MOTO-MASTER ZERO OIL- Flows fast in aero weather, 1 100% pure Pennsylvania. The safest oil for your enal^e. ifi Gallon .. , . 1.39 i RADIATOR WINTER FRONTS -Speedr up engine warming and increase heater efficiency. i Fully adjustable zipper open- ing , .. 2.25 a"2.40 i n n U I U _ BELGRAVE Mrs. Osborne Johnston of New Westminster, B.C., was the guest 'of Mrs. A. ,M. Perdue for a week. Mrs. Wm. Hood and Mrs. Arnold Darroch of Clifford, spent a day with Mrs, Perdue and Mrs, Vannan. A.Y.P.I.T. Social The Anglican Young People's Un- ion held a social and Hallowe'en party in the club rooms. After a parade of masqueraders through the village, prizes for costumes were awarded as follows; best couple, Peggy Nethery and Muriel Brydges; best comic couple, Norma Brydges and Ferne Nethery; best-dressed man, Joan Brydges; best-dressed woman, Shir- ley Bradburn; best comic man, Mar- jorie MacKenzie; comic woman, Harry Brydges. Games were played and re- freshments served, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Keith, spent the week-end at Delhi, The Orangemen sponsored a most successful Euchre and Dance in the Forrester's Hall on Friday night. Jackson's Orchestra supplied the mus ic. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. KanCamp of Exeter, are spending this week with Mrs. J. VanCamp and calling, on other friends. ° Mr. James Anderson was in Low- ell, Mich., attending the funeral of his brother, Mr. Peter. Anderson, Mr. An- derson was the older son of the late Mr, and Mrs. James Anderson., He is survived by his wife and three dau- ghters, his brother, James and sister, Marian on. the homestead. The funeral was held on Sunday, October 01st. Young People's Social The Young People's Society of the United Church held a Nocial on Mon- day night when they entertained the Brussels Society.. The Brussels group put on the programme with Charlie Thcimas presiding. Mr. W. G. Burton of Wingham, a special guest of the evening led in the recreation period, Refreshments-were served to bring a pleasant evening to a close. Guests with 'Mrs. Harry Campbell were, Mrs. Henry Smith, Mrs. Fred Reason and two children, Mrs, Gerald Campbell, and children, all of Hickson, Mr. and Mrs. „David Redpath and daughter, Nellie of Harriston, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, David Armstrong. Mrs. H, Campbell and Mrs. R. Chamney spent a few days with ,Mr. and Mrs. Alton Baynes at Belmont. Successful Tea Held The W.A. of Belgrave United Church held a successful tea and bazaar in the Sunday School rooms, which were decorated with black and yellow streamers. The sale of aprons was in charge of Mrs, J. M. Coultes, baking in charge of Mrs. J. C. Proc- ter; miscellaneous table, Mrs. Norman Walsh. fish pond, Mrs. W. J. Moores, The prettily arranged tea tables were in charge of Mrs. R. Nicholson, Mrs. L. Hopper, Mrs. Fred Cook and Mrs. J. Wheeler. School Masquerade Held A beautiful autumn day added to the festivities of the Hallowe'en Party held at the Belgrave school. A parade of about 60 children in costume was held through the village. Billy Coultes, as a ghost, was awarded first prize for boys; and Eleanor Walsh, as a witch, won first prize for girls. The judges were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coultes, H. Wade and Vic. Ray. The party con- cluded at the school with refreshments Donald Mansz, Stratford, is the teach- er. School Fair Meeting The School Fair Directors met on Wednesday evening to make plans for 1949. It was decided to 'hold the Fes- tival around the first of June. The Sec- retary was instructed to write Mr. Ray Fenwick, Toronto, re adjulicat- ing. The Prize List for Fair 'was re- vised. It was decided to have prize,. list printed in book form. Committees were ,formed to secure Special prizes also to make arrangements for• pic- tures to be taken 'at next year's Fair. CONTRACT BRIDGE Today's hand was selected from the Bridge Club's "guest night" game a week _ago. 'Just,. two of the fourteen North and South pairs contracted for the small slam in hearts. Tile majority of bridge players are timit, and uncer- tain in bidding to slams and thereby miss some of the thrill of the game. North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. ote k 10 6 3 3 A K J 4 3 # A 7 6 4. 5 J84 • 92 • Q J Q J 10 8 6 4 4# A Q • Q 6 5 • 10 9 3 2 .. A K 7 2 South has enough honor tricks to jump to three clubs as his first' re- sponse, but the denomination (which suit, or no trump) of the final contract is still quite 'uncertain in this case, making it unwise to jump a round of bidding at this stage. The following bidding is suggested: North East South West 1H PasS 2C Pass 2H Pass 4H .Pass *4N'r Pass * **5FI Pass *5NT Pass .**6D Pass 6H Pass Pass Pass *Blackwood asking bids, ""Responses, showing respectively two aces and one king. After South's jump raise from two hearts to four North should boar in mind that his bidding to that point has revealed much less 'than the ,full strength of his hand in both honor tricks and playing tricks. Consequent. lY he must make some slant invitation- al' bid. It nuty be pertinent to mention that the success of the slam is not Open- dent on the jack of spades falling on the third round, Instead, the plan should be to ,cash. the queen of hearts, play the ace and „queen of spades, re- turn to the North hand with a trump and lead the ten of spades, ,ruffing it with the dummy's last trump, The king of clubs affords a diamond dis- card. BLUEVALE • Church Services At the United Church on Sunday morning, Rev. J. A. Burden spoke on the theme,-"Divine Riches of Inherit• ante" using the text 2 Corinthians 2-9. "For your sakes he became poor." The W.M.S. Thankoffering meeting is an- nounced for next Sunday evening, when Mrs, J. A. Burden will be the special speaker, At"..the morning service at Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen preached on the subject, "Has ' God's Hand Become Weak,' based on the text slumbers 11:23, and the Lord said unto Moses, Is the Lords Hand Waxed Short. He pointed out that murmuring, complaining and fault finding is displeasing to God. The choir sang "Tile Way of the Cross Leads Home." Womens Institute The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held on held on Thursday, November 11th, at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Chas. Bosman, 2nd. concession, Morris. Roll Call, Name a Cabinet Minister and the work of his department. Discussion on "the Value of Good Reading" led by Mrs. J. H, Smith, Mrs. Jas. S. Arm- strong, District President, and Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, District Secretary- Treasurer, of Brussels, will be special and will address the meeting on Citi- zenship. Lunch committee, Mrs. Geo. Hetherington and Mrs. W. H. Mc- Kinney. Visitors are always welcome. Junior Red Cross The Junior Red Cross Society met at the school on Friday afternoon with the president, Jean Hall, in the chair. Following the reading of the minutes by the secretary, and some business discussion, a program of songs, read- ing and costume dancing was present- ed; Prizes were awarded as follolws: best. Hallowe'en costume, juniors, Ian Mundell; seniors, Joyce Hoffman; the witch dance, Carol Greig and Jack El- liott. The pupils were hosts to their mothers and to children of pre school age. Lunch consisting of sandwiches, cookies and candy was served. As Mr. Welwood, Bluevale Road, was motoring past the Presbyterian church shed on Sunday afternoon he noticed smoke issuing through the door. He gave the alarm and men from near by homes were soon on the scene and found an old, wrecked car, which had been stored in the shed, in flames. Fire extinguishers were used and the blaze was soon under control.' The biul,ding was not damaged. The cause of the fire is unknown. Mts. P. S. MeEwen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff at Brus- sels, the the anniversary services at the Melville Presbyterian Church where she was a member for many years before cominz to Bluevale. Mr. Ward Caldbcck, I3oissevan, St. Laurent in London Manitoba, and and a former resident'of the 2nd line of Morris, visited Mac Black and other friends in this locality during the week. It is over 40 years since Mr. Caldbeck left Mcirris town- ship to make his home in Western Canada couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Murray Cole, Toronto. Mr. W. G. McNall was in Toronto the latter part of the week in connec- tion with his work as representative of the Agricultural Development Board We understand Mr. McNeil is receiv- ing quite an advance in remuneration for his work. He justly deserves this consideration for he is a faithful ser- vant of the Board, Anniversary services of .the United Church were held on Sunday, with Rev. Harold Snell of Exeter, as guest speaker. Large congregations attend- ed both services. The sjieaker gave a fine discourse on the "Nazareth Plan" taking his text from St. Luke 4;1849. The choir under the leadership of Mr. Alex. Cook, was assisted by a male quartet and a solo by Mr. James Sims. The choir contributed several anthems. The auditorium has now stained glass windows placed to the emmory of a deceased friend and will enhance the beauty of the place of worship. Dr. and Mrs. Timid left a few days ago to visit friends ill Hamilton, prior to leaving for his mission field in Labrador. Mrs. John Pitts attended the funer- al of the late Mrs. McBrien at Ripley. 1Deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Moore, former residents of this vicinity. t herior MOTO . MASTER THERMO- STATS--Aceurate, long life. For all ears ancfrtrucics. • ' • ' 1.15 4° 3.50 WINDSHIELD DEFROSTERS Glass shields with electric elements, 4 'suction cups ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ......... 2.98 ELECTRIC DEFROSTING FAN -HI-speed motor, guard for blade. Silent and efficient 5.95 CLEAR V ISION FROST SHIELD SETS-Prevents frost- ing on doors, windows, etc. Set .39 TIRE CHAINS - Emerzencr strap-ons. You need four; six will do a better Job. To fit 4.40 to 5.25 ea. .18 To fit 5,50 to 8.00 ea. .96 To fit 13.50 to 7.50 ea. 1.12 ANTI-FREEZE TESTERS - Gives accurate reading on Alcohol, Prestone or Glycerine solutions .59 DIOR-POWER BATTERIES - Fast starts on zero days. Guaranteed 2 years or more. For cars, trucks, tractors, etc. CTC saves yoU up % to 30 . From 11.50 BATTERY BOOSTER - Keeps your uatterY loaded with power. Costs little ,to operate. Charges battery while in car .. 10.95 HOT WATER CAR HEATER - The Moto- Blaster Ultra de Luxe has oversized capacity to supply ample, quick heat for heating, dd- frosting and feotwarming. Complete with fittings. (Defroster kit and heater outlet extra) 27.95 M O T 0 - MASTER SPARK DEFROSTER KIT - Fits most car heaters. PLUGS---Intense spark saves Custom built for each make and model oar battery. Identical to original 'equipment, 75o quality, CTC Price HEATER I1ITTINGS AND REPAIR PA 3 R . T 8 S- 9 A complete stock. • i it i -0,10.,, ii it ffiltil---------&- DENIM WINGHAM, ONT.. I Phone 184 Re.bin E. Campbell L-1: j GORRIE, ONT. Phone 38 -1. R. H. Carson & Son if = • gill1111111111111111111•1•111111111111111M111•1•1111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 WE OFFER YOU , MODERN BANKING SERVICES In the 78 years this Bank has sarved Canadians, we have always been proud of our reputation for efficient, courteous and competitive banking service... at moderate rates. We appreciate the business entrusted to us and the confidence shown in our integrity to handle customers' banking affairs in a strictly confidential way. NEW ACCOUNTS ARE INVITED THE DOMINIQN' BANK Established .1871 Wingharri Branch: G. C Garnrnage, Manager SELF SERVE Mr. Roy made his regular visit to the Community Hall on Friday night with the National Fillm Board pictures. There was a large crowd in attendance and the pictures were enjoyed. Fol- lowing the showings games ill keeping with Hallolwe'cn were arranged for the children. Members of the Wom- en's Institute .served lunch, Mrs. Alex, Smith, Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lillow, Strat- ford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. .and Mrs. Arnold Lillow. Rev: J. A. Burden and Mrs. Burden were Toronto visitors last week. Pearson Rolph, who has not enjoyed .. very good health for the last few months, was taken to the Wingham General Hospital, where he is receiv- ing blood transfusions. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coultes, List- owel, visited with Miss Mable Coultes. BLYTH The condition of Mrs. Garfield Do- herty, who has been quite seriously ill in Clinton Hospital, is showing im- Provemcnt, which fact we are pleased . to report. Mr. Glen Kecknie visited his wife, who is confined to Victoria Hospital, London, the latter patt of the week. The patient is showing marked int. provement, Mn Phil, Phillips returned last week to Copper Cliff, after a week's visit 'with his parents, J. H. and Mrs. Phil- lips, Mr. James Sims of Seaforth, was re- newing acquaintances in Blyth on Fri- day. A very enjoyable evening for the kiddies was sponsored by the Myth ,Lions in Memorial Hall on Saturday I hight, There was a good attendance 'of both old and young. I Miss Mary Milne is spending a -cerium Press Canadian Louis St. Laurent, acting prime minister of Canada, is shown after he had conferred ,with British Prime Minister Cleeint Attlee on matters relating with Canada's 'role lo the resurgence of the British empire as a dominant economic force in the world, Mr.. St Laurent is taking the place of Pritrie Min- 'ister Mackentie Icing, Veteran statesman, now ill, who is scheduled :to retire shortly after more than a quarter century of political service,