HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-11-03, Page 3"Wednesday, November 3, 1948 THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE. THREE it • Prepare for a future without regrets—provide for It NOW by buying a CANADIAN GPVERNMENT AN- 000 r4Ciat.„5 NUTTY---you can pur- chase no finer protection against dependency in old age. by Mrs. Alex Taylor. A liberal collec- and account of expenditure. Perhaps tion was taken up. f-lyrim, "From All that dwell below the skies," reading by Mrs, John Harper, Hymn, "Fight the good fight." Tlie B.elrn6re ladies served supper to the large gathering. Among our visitors we notice Mr. Janips Findlater from the West, also Mr, John Batters, It is 58 years since l\ ir.Batters left for the West. Mr. Turnuch of Toronto, Miss Audrey Plunkin of Bluevalo, visiting her par- ents, Mr. Allan Darling is assisting Mr. Norman Newans build a verandah. The old ode built by Mr.. Robert Lane was quite pretty with skilled carving, Phil Cisifer, wants to know if the re can be a feast like a threshing dinner, just let him come to Salem supper and see, but there is no "Jim" O'Leary to say the blessing. Phil's last letter Was just to the poit\t as we remember it, and quite humorous, Mr, and Mrs: Wm, Mundell of Wingham, visited Mrs, Hakney on Friday afternoon, Rev, and Mrs's Martin attended a congregational meeting in McIntosh Church on Friday evening, • A low-cost Canadian Government Annuity guarantees you as much as $1200 a year for life. • No Medical Examination is required. •' Your Annuity cannot be seized under any law. You cannot lose your money even if your payments fall into arrears, • Anyone, from 5 to 85, is eligible: this is "muddling through" but- ex- perience is a great teacher and we tend to rely more -upon it than facts and figures. - The garbage can is always an in- dication of your economy. Check your food supplies constantly and never, never, throw out anything because of neglect. Keep your garbage tin free of wasted food and you will have more money in your,, purse. With fats more expensive than ever and a supply to be collected daily we review "Care of Fats." 1. Be sure to measure meat drip- ping for gravy making---do not guess and waste it, 2., Render meat and fowl trim, nings by putting through the grinder and heat in double boiler or slow oven. Strain and store in refrigerator. 3, Watch temperatures in oven, skil- let and broiler to see that you do not scorch dripping, 4, Chill soup stock and stews so that the fat floats to the top and forms a firm layer which can be easily lifted off, 5, Keep home prepared fats cover- ed in the refrigerator. Strain through cheesecloth before storing to remove any sediment. HOT WATER GINGERBREAD 2 cups less 2 tbsps, sifted pastry flour, 1 tsp, baking soda, % tsp. salt, 1 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp. cinna- mon, Va tsp. cloves, 113 cup 'drip- ping, 113 cup granulated sugar, 1 egg, 213 cup light molasses, 213 cup hot water, (simmering temp- erature.) Sift flour, then measure, add bak- ing soda, salt and spices and sift to- gether onto a piece of waxed paper. Cream shortening until fluffy, grad- ually add • sugar, mixing until creamy. Beat egg until light and add to cream- ed shortening and sugar mixture and beat together well. Combine molasses and hot water. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture, alternately with molasses and hot water, starting and ending with dry ingredients. Fold in gently after each addition, `Turn batter into a greased and floured 8x8x2-inch cake tin and bake Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister A. MocNAMARA Deputy Minister RHYS BACKER of Hagersville, Ont., winner of the Esso Championship at the International Plowing Match at Lindsay, is shown above re- ceiving the congratulations of Roy Sitter, Dominion Royal Tire dealer. The award entitles Mr. Becher to an expense-free trip to. compete in plowing matches in England and Ireland. Mr. Becher uses Dominion Royal Farm Tractor Tires, and he pays high tribute to the extra pulling power of their "Backbone" tread. Mail this Coupon today POSTAGE FREE Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa. Please send me COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Annuities. NAME (PRINT CLEARLY) ADDRESS 6 BELMORE Opening hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers" Scripture in unison, prayer by Mrs. Doubledee. Mrs. Sangster on behalf of the McIntosh Auxiliary gave an address. Hymn, M'y Way, not Thine 0 Lord,", followed by an address by Mrs. Rev. Martin. Solo, Mes. Allen White, "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere," followed by an address All roads. led to Salem on Monday evening, to that big fowl supper. The Salem ladies know bow to feed the men:, Nightly meetings were held the past week in • the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Peters, Rector of Chalmers Chruch, London, conducted the meetings. • ,McIntosh W.M.S. was well repre- sented at the Missionary meeting of the United Church, held on Wednes- day afternoon, at the home pf Mrs. John Farrell. Belmore Auxiliary hav- ini!s the first part of the programme. Leader, Mrs. Thomas Abraham, Mrs. Newans, organist. Mk. • cant, a NM mote pa", 212 aza airxezig. Pay aifteit ClaY2 nUe" substitute sauce for use instead of cream. VR FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Bricks always available MEALS LUNCHES SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre Our stock of CANDY is complete—Bulk and box CHOCOLATES 9 Men! Want pep, vim normal vitality? Thousands Regain Vigor, Easy Way cult feeling wen-, peple, worn-out, rundown, older than your years. Try a little "veinal'g up" with stimulating, invigorating, revitalizing, blood. regenerating Ostrex. Especially advised for men. women of 4)). SU or fill. casts tittle. New ..,tee acquainted' site Only 500 Try Ostrex Tonle TA-lets to renew pep, vigor, vitality and feel years younger, this very lay 41 all druggists, Yes ... Chevrolet alone gives the Big-Car Quality and Big-Car Value that have,caused more people to buy Chevrolets than any other car! Chevrolet alone gives these Big-Car Advantages at lowest cost! EYES EXAMINED AT LISTOWEL J.A.Monaghan,R.O. Graduate of Ontario College of Optometry. Office: WALLACE ST. 'Phone LISTOWEL 534 Hours 8:30 - 6:00 Evenings, by appointment ,,,,,,,, ......... Ittotttilltint .... Otto . ............ moot ........ 0111111•11111111111111111111111E1I1110111111111111111111111111111111P1: a a iii vaidza •'• • • aompeag ••• • • at 350 degrees. in electric oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Serve warm with Banana Sauce. MEXICAN CORN CHOWDER 6 slices bacon, chopped, 2 cups (1 can) corn, 1.2 cup chopped onion, 112 cup chopped green pep- per, 1 cup small potato cubes, 12 tsp. ,salt, 118 tsp. pepper, 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp. sug- ar, 1 cup thick tomatoes, 1 cup canned consomme, 126, cups rich milk, 2 tbsps. flour, 2 tbsps. drip- ping. Cook bacon for about two minutes. Add onion and green pepper and kook 2 minutes. Add corn and pota-i 'toes along with the seasonings, tom-l atoes and stock. Cook for 30 minuites 'covered. Blend the milk and. flour. • 1Add to the hot mixture, bring to a 'boil, and cook for 5 minutes. Add but- ter and serve hot with crackers. Ser- ves O. OXTAIL SOUP 1 large oxtail, 3 tbsps. butter, 11.4'. quarts boiling water, 2 tbsps. barley, 1 tsp. salt, 1 onion, finely diced, 1 carrot, finely diced, 1 tbsp, chopped parsley, 1 tsp. Wor- - cestshire sauce, Have the oxtail cut into sections. wipe off and roll in flour. Melt butter, add the oxtail and brown well. Add the water and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer slowly on electric element turned to low. At the end of an hour add the barley and salt. Cook for 112 hour and add the diced onion, carrot and parsley. Add Worcestershire sauce and cook 112 hour longer. Sorhe people serve this strained, To me, straining detracts from the homemade flavour—so serve it with all the 'good in it. Serves 4 to 6. FRIED GREEN TOMATOES Wipe tomatoes, do not peel. Cut in 113-inch slices. Sprinkle with salt; Allow to stand 1 hour. Dip slices in seasoned flour and saute in hoe fat until tender (about 8 minutes). Serve in platter around meat. STUFFED CUCUMBERS 6 large cucumbers, 213 cup min- ced cook meat, 213 cup boiled rice, 1 tbsp. minced parsley, 1 tbsp, minced onion, 1 tbsp. minced cel- ery, 1 teaspoon salt 14 tsp. _pep- per, 1 egg, 1 cup tomato juice. Peel cucumbers, cut in halves leng- thwise, remove centre. Boil for 10 minutes iii 1 quart water to which has been added 1 tablespoon vinegar. Drain, blend the meat, rice and seasonings with egg and stuff hollows Of cncutnbers. Place in buttered bak- ing dish, pour in tomato juice, cover and bake for 112 hour at 350 degrees. Pour off stock into saucepan, add 1 tablespoon butter blended with 1 tablespoon flour and cook until thick- ened. Serve the sauce with the cucum- bers, Serves 6. CONSERVATION SUGGESTIONS TO shorten time of cooking--.-soak rice in cold water for 2 hours, 2, Make drop cakes instead of large square cake to save time and elec- tricity. 1<eop a check on the foodstuffs in the refrigerator and use leftovers and perishables in order that refrig- erator does not have to operate overtime to keep them, 4. Honey iii grapefruit juice it a good aoinecf-"Pac." r-1-1 CHEV4OLET—andOniv ircRiviforh% —IS FIRST! A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS a a a a We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials "a of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING 1. Promptly Done al All MODERN EQUIPMENT • Wiugham Memorial Shop 9. 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton • P.46111161111111111111111111111111111611111111111111111•11111111110 C-164SB WINGHAM MOTORS • TELEPHONE 1.39 WINGHAM aliSSislaipsisssa_ass t Att;t„, IrsaLS! aillaSiaste s ,se. Wins International Plowing Match HYDRO HOME ECONOMIST Hello Homemakers! The home- maker is the true home economist of the nation and, there are more women engaged in this active profession than in any other occupation. We probably do not consider our Jobs as glamorous as the Varied careers pursued by some of our sisters, but, like them, we must give our best efforts if we wish to be successful. Although we try to keep food bills within our allowance, most of us are too busy to keep a regular budget Vitale Vague in All-round Safety! It's a comforting feeling to know that once you have purchased your Chevrolet you and your family will have the triple protec- tion of the Unitized Knee-Action Gliding Ride, Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes and Fisher Unisteel Body Construction! These super-fine safety factors combine to form another Big-Car Value, found only in Chevrolet in the low-priced field I I4're ValAte in Performance with Economy! Chevrolet valve-in-head "World's Cham- pion" engines have delivered more miles, to more owners, than any other automobile power plant built today I With this engine you get performance and pleasure . . you get thrills and thrift—for in Chevrolet the valve-in-head engine (employed only in Chevrolet and in costlier cars) has been de- veloped and improved to top-flight seffi- ciency! Vote 'Niue in Riding Luxury! Your own tests will prove that Chevrolet has more riding comfort! One reason is Chevrolet's Body by Fisher better by far. Another, the gliding smoothness of Chevrolet's Unitized Knee-Action . . proved and improved by Chevrolet's experi- ence in building 6,000,000 Knee-Action units in use today. These two great contri- 'butions to riding luxury are offered only by 'Chevrolet in its price field! Waite Vaicee in Tasteful Beauty! On the highway and on the boulevard your Chevrolet will command attention for its smooth over-all design and its world-fam- ous Body by Fisher, With this most-desired of all car bodies supremely beautiful in- side and out, and available only on Chev- rolet 9nd higher-priced makes you will be'sure of beauty-leadership as well as fine workmanship and sturdy construction! .4)