HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-10-27, Page 9• 4kji:L'e'Y LIMITED QUANTITY Due to govern- Motionsn , t it ls tun - likely tr- - likely that we will be able to import any fur-ther shipments this year, MOTO- MASTER ULTRA DE LUXE -S tyled for looks-Built for Comfort, It's the ultimate In heating, defrost- ing perform- 'nee, Heat s four car in louble - quick dm°. Complete pith multiple speed switch, fittings and de- froster blower, (Defroster out- let and kit ex- tra,/ , 27.95 A21.."-CTC presents a Super Value easily worth $35.00 Custom Styling - Universal Design to Fit all Cars and Models The .‘hottest heater value" in years! A mam-moth heating plant for your ear! Beautiful harmonizing finish! An outstanding per- former! HOT WATER HEATER FITTINGS HOSE-%", to fit all FAN BLADE „ „ , . , .41 makes. VENT PLUG-For releas- Rubber, ft. 12 ing trapped air in Cord, ft. 44 heater .19 HOSE CLAMP . .05 H E ATE R SWITCHES- SUMMER SIIUT-OFF, wing Variable speed, Illuminat-typo with detachable nip- eel and non-illuminat- pie 61 ed, UniVersal for under- MOTOR BLOCK TEE 76 dash or through-the-dash ADAPTER . 64 mounting. . - .49 to 1.15 HOSE CONNECTIONA Complete Stock of NM- ASSEMBLY .22 plea, Elbows, Tees, etc, Noessary to coin- plirte defroster in- stallation, KOSY STEERING WHEEL COVER Snug fitting, warm Mo- hair kills the chill of frigid steering wheels, Low priced at .... .44 Easy to give the "professional A coed-looking touch" to home painting jobs practical acces- with this fool-proof outfit, Paint eery. Brilliantly straight lines, curves, etd., on polished cars, bicycles; anyone can use .69 and ,s9 it, Only 1.49 EXHAUST PAINT STRIPING TOOL DEFLECTOR STRANGLES) BODY NEAR AYR BELIEVED .MISSING MRS, I'OHL -Central Press ,Canadian Held on a public mischief charge in connection with the disappear- ance of Mrs. Emma Pohl is William Stuart, 30 (above). His mother, Mrs. John Stuart of Galt, Ont., was first thought missing until she cabled her family froth' London, -Eng., is returning eo Canada as soon as passage is arranged. "I can't believe my son would get into trouble of that sort," she said, on hearing of his arrest. A badly decomposed body of a woman, believed to be that of Mrs. Pohl was found Monday night three miles- west of Ayr. Although positive identification had not been made at a late hour Monday, Chief Constable Cecil Pickett said he did not think there was any doubt the bNly was that of Mrs, Pohl, -Central Press Cs nadia r. A posse of 50 men have been unsuccessfully. searching for the body of Mrs. Etruria Pohl of Kitchener, Ont., shown with her chil dren, Beverley, 13, and Dennis, .nine. She has been missing from her home since Sept. 13 and announcement came from Deputy Chic! John Patrick of Kitchener that "We are looking for a body, not a liv ing women." U Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Flynt:mall Cars and Fargo Trucks iI PARTS and ACCESSORIES V Telephone-Days 417, Wingham iirsuiniamiputimmiarlionspuoisomilimmonsildlimilloinsousitimisin cooler than the kitchen." The great table for twelve or thin. teen men is spread in what she calls the back sitting room. She's had the doors closed arid the blinds drawn all day and when you go in it does feel cool and refreshing , - something to be appreciated after standing in a dusty mow for several hours. The men slip into the chairs. Jim O'Leary blesses himself . „ . Sandy McPher- son bows his head for a grace . , . a lot of the men just start reaching . because the food is on the table. There are great plates of sliced meat. . .fried, home cured ham . cold, sliced roast beef, ..platters of ripe, red sliced tomatoes. . . stacks of home made bread. . .Aunt Martha wouldn't think of giving the threshers baker's bread. . . . and fresh buns still hot from the oven.. . . mounds of white, mealy potatoes. . .pickles that almost break when you bite into them fresh cream and butter brought up from the•cellar ... and the tea cups seems to refill itself 'because Aunt Martha and a couple of the neighbour women just hover over that table. I Men don't talk at a threshing table just nod or grunt, ask something to be passed . . the fresh corn from the cob , . . the buttered beets or green peas „ and then comes the dessert. . „ apple and berry pie cut in four. pieces . , fresh chocolate cake and the perennial dish of preser- ves. , . . and time men eat rapidly and well and then get up and go out to sit on the lawn beside the house and smoke content and happy be- cause they've just had a masterpiece of a dinner as put up by Aunt Martha. PLAY SAFE YOUR CAR WITH B. F. Goodrich Silvertown Tires The new B. F. Goodrich tire has a wider, flatter tread that puts more rubber on the road. More rubber there means more grip ... more safety from skidding better stopping. More rubber also means more to share the wear ... less wear at any one point ... better mileage ...greater safety. We have SNOW-MEAD- TIRES IN STOCK MERKLEY OTORS HUDSON SALES and SERVICE TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM C sh For You! Old, Disabled or Dead Farm Animals With undamaged hides and according to size and condition COWS $5.00 each HORSES $5.00 each HOGS $1.50 per cwt. AT YOUR FARM 'PHONE COLLECT: Ripley 59 - 16 Wingham 121J Ingersoll 21 For prompt, efficient, courteous service Rubber Stamps and Stencils MARKING DEVICES of All Types We are Distributors in WIngham and District For these items which are essen- tial to your business and regular routine. Three bay Service On Rush Orders Also available are STAMP PADS, INKS, AND VARIOUS SUPPLIES ADVANGE=TIMES Telephone 34 Wingham When you allow starch to stand until cool, keep the vessel containing it covered (to avoid scum formation) until the so-lution is cool enough to handle. .......................................................... SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT -4• 11 4▪ 111. woao 1.1Rif a V4E14141 folk 401.0 DIAMONDS, COMES FROM CAROB, A BEAN. DO4S WORE. AR.MoR. IN samt IN ,DIE MIDDLE Aca,s IN E.119.0PE. SCRAP COSfil ME. WInkti MAIDENS of NAURU FOR% FISH DANCE IS coM POSED MOSfLY of REAL P1514 1 Mild ARE ENfEt•I AUDIENCE WHEN ?NE DANCE. It VINISKED' (Sala SLAT) 46'N MA11116141 • Of SULFUR WERE mita.D. .114t, OURIN4 WORLD W! 15i060j046k. LININGS RIVETTED to shoes for only 13i o per rivet, ,you can easily do the rest of the Rib your-self. Also complete relining 11 de- sired. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry 3 Boyle Can there ever be a feast like a threshing dinner'' bet. there are people in this world, constantly on the search for a meal to be remembered, Who cannot find for money what we farmers get every year at Aunt Mar- tha's place. The threshing dinner is the high spot in every year of opera- tions on that farm. The old dinner bell clangs on the back of the kitchen. The machine toots and settles off with the belts coming to a slow, slapping stop and the machine idling clown and suddenly stopping. The men come down out of the mows, 'The feeder jumps dowtt from his platform . the separator matt emerges from the (lest carrying his long oil can , , Uncle George comes out of the granary and says, "Well, come on boys, t guess we'll see if there's anything to eat", On a bench under the maple tree at the back door there will be a row of washbasins with a cake of soap beside each one and towels neatly stacked tip. Mies are tossed off and there it a great splashing of water. The white towels are soon stained, Aunt Martha appears at the side door, her ample flame COVered by a clean, starched gingham dress with a clean "pinny" she persists in calling her aprons, "Come in here men, I think it will be „,. Wednesday, October .27,. 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE NINE. a a a a a a (11 a a a a • a U a a a a a a a ai M I I N U N N • I I N • • N U U a N a n N p a n U a a N 1.1 N a N a The .score sheets of the opening Bridge Club game last week contain. abundant evidence that the summer lay-off lets dulled our bridge wits. To cite one example exactly half the de- clarers failed to make four spades on the following hand, West dealer. Both sides vulnerable. e A K 1Q 8 4 3 6 3 2 • A 0 9 5 4. 5 aA J 7 5 N A 6 3 A J 8 5 W y K 10 9 7 4 + 108 E K J 6 111 eje Q 9 6 3 IC 7 4 Q 9 3 V Q 7¤ 4 3 2 elte A 10 8 2 53 The bidding is quite clear-cut. rig West North East. South Pass 1S Pass 2S 8@ Pass Pass 3S Pass 4S Pass Pass Pass Pass El East should open with the six of spades, both to cut clown the cuffing values South has indicated by his bidding and because a lead from any other suit would be a hazardous guess. After winning the first trick, pro- bably all the declarers decided on the rather obvious plan of Puffing two hearts in dummy, and counting on the diamond suit for not more than two losers. Unfortunately several declarers must have drawn another round of trumps before leading hearts, without first reckoning the possible consequences. When the spades failed to break, and North switched to a heart lead at the third trick, he found that it was too late.. West won and returned his last spade, thereby reducing the dummy to just one remaining trump. This left the declarer with a second heart loser, Bad Weather Ahead! RELINE YOUR BRAKES FOR SAFE DRIVING with CHRYSIITILE BALANCED BRAKE SETS Chrysotilo "Gentle Pressure" Brdke Sets -The most outstanding safety develop- meat in years. Tougher, stronger-ready at the touch of your toe to give smooth, safe stops, Engineered for every Car and truck, Easy to install, Save Safely! Ford '28-42 2.35 to 2.95 Chevrolet '50-46 1.90 to 3.05 Plymouth-Dodge (most) , 2.25 to 4.55 Bulok '3046 2.30 to 5.25 Chrysler-De-Soto '80-40 . 2.35 to 4.90 Pontiac) '20.48 2.30 to 3.75 N a WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell GORRIE, ONT. Phone 38 -L • R. H. Carson & Son r11111111111M11111111111111111111111211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111S11111111113111110 and later two more in diamonds, The Roll Call was answered by sug- The declarers who properly led a gestions for local improvements. heart at the second trick could not be Mrs. C. R. Coultes gave an interest- defeated. ing paper on Armistice Day. Mrs. W. J, Moores conducted a quiz on the Greatest Book of the World. Mrs, Lawrence Vannan was the guest large attendance. Officers for the year were elected, and resulted as follows: Omit; .Citizenship, Gladys Campbell; Anderson, Elaine Walsh; Recreation, Pres., Wilfred Shiell; Secretary, erson. Conveners: Fell,•N'ship, Ada Church met on Sunday night with a Lloyd Anderson; Press Sec., Marjorie MacKenzie; Treasurer, .Muriel And- Dow; Missions, William Mc CI ena- Doris Shiell, George McGee; Refresh- Culture, Chester Higgins; Social, Ross man, Margaret Proctor, Jim Ander- ments, Jack Higgins, Eleanor Wight- son, Amy Smith; Auditors, Charlie Higgins, George Higgins. Young People from Brussels next byteriaa Church on Sunday owing to Monday night, November 1st, will be their Anniversarj, preacher. Anniversary Services being held in Melville Presbyterian Church in Brus- sels. Rev. A,. Nimmo of Wingham, . There will be no service in the Pres- The Yomeng People of the United President, Patsy Anderson; Vice- The Society will entertain the The Women's institute held their Young People Elect Officers Church Closed On Sunday Women's Institute Meeting speaker, she chose as her subject, "Books." She discussed the different kinds of books and stressed the fact field, Select books that tend toward W. Kelly and Mrs. W. Armstrong. that we should select the best in each the enrichment and enjoyment of life. family spent the, week-end at Mahon. and sang a number, "Don't be Afraid," Refreshments were served by the hos- tess assisted by 'Mrs. H. Procter, Mrs. Miss Patsy Logan spent two days with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vincent at with Iris father over the week-end. Place on Saturday. Byron. Saturday. He will live with Mr. David Scott. of Clinton, from the Blyth Calf Club ging Competitions held at the 0.A.C., class of 24. Congratulations. Borden Scott whose wedding took represented Huron County at the Jud- Guelph, They were placed 3rd in a A number of ladies formed a chorus Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pengelly and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent and Air. and Mrs. Jack Hunter of Dor- Dr. Kirkby moved to llelprave ,on Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McCrea Visited Messrs. Bill Taylor and Jim Snell Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Social Welfare meeting at the home chester spent part of their honeymoon of Mrs. George Michie. The Presi- with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and dent, Mrs. Stewart Procter opened Mrs. Melvin Taylor, the meeting with the Institute Ode, Bodmin Farm Forum will hold their and the Lord's Prayer. The business first meeting of the season at the home included the discussion on the Gov- Monday evening, November 1st. All ernment grant, the flower beds at the of Mr. and Mrs. James Coultes on cemetery and the Sewing Course, members are invited to attend. which will be held at the Forester's Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and Hall. Mrs, Gordon Higgins was ap- children of Thorndale, spent the week- pointed delegate to the London Con- end with Mr. and Mrs. George Martin vention, It was decid ed to cater to and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby, the Morris Federation Banquet, Mrs, Goldie Wheeler is a patient in Wingham General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald VanCamp of Lucknow, spent the week-end with Mrs, J. VenCamp, CONTRACT BRIDGE BELGRAVE including Coffee Makers, Casseroles, Tea l' Pots, Baking Dishes and all lines of ,-Glassbake. a BROWN TEA POTS, 69c a OCTOBER 21 to OCTOBER 30 a a I a THE VALL APER SHOP i i ppp ., iiii ,........,..,.."...,..i.,..w,....,..........i.m.,................ ......... 1.11111.11.1.1 ............... 1111.1 .......... .............. iiiiii .mq m1111111111111 iiiiii iiiiiii iiiii to make room for our New Christmas Stock ENGLISH DINNERWARE-25 p.c. Discount 39 pcs. Hand-painted Dinnerware 97 pcs. Grape Design Dinnerware 21 pc. Tea Sets 53 pc. Set Bancroft HALF-PRICE 'TABLE Table Lamps). Giftware, Vases, Pictures, Coffee Tables,' Glass Water Sets, Silver Casseroles, What-not Ornaments, etc. CLEARANCE OF PYREX WARE-1/2 PRICE Pre-Xmas SALE •