The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-10-27, Page 7Istrin 000 mom** o o aft 001000 00 o 0*****000000,!N,yO{1,01f0ti000tt00Ht01191P1****0NI.„100.i!}1,110 00**00"111010 n0u0011 Siner Sewing Machines • ALL TYPES AVAILABLE TREADLE 4nd ELECTRIC. We are the only official outlet for"New SINGER Mad-tines, Repairs, Rentals, etc., for Huron County. CONTACT — SINGER SEWING CENTRE 48 Ontario. St. t tt t t l hl I u tI II STRATFOR ej al on Guaranteed v.) PO Trust Certificates. ISSUED for any amount . .. for a term of fiveyears .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest Intereat cheques mailed to reach holders on dud date, or, at header's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, corn- panies; authorized by law for cemetery • boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING' TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 • 9Z years In Business d WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE COKE-REFRESH . pigs 2f1 wartime taxes and orders. 185X Ask for it either way . . , both ,‘ trade-marks mean the same thing. Authorized bottlers of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 ERIE ST 'PHONE 78 STRATFORD FIRST CLASS deli Repairs Owing to lack of space I an compelled to Online my repairs to WATCHES ONLY for the present time. Satisfaction Guaranteed George Williams John St., Next to. Masonic Hall Chesterfields and • Occasional Chairs Repaired'and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY -• 42 Brtunovick St. STRATFORD — ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at R. A. curries, Wingham, Arrange now to have that Chesterfield or Chair re-covered, before the pre-Christmas rush! S E E — Bennett 8( Casernore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS Herb „Icolib, R. A. Currie, and Mary Pattison, with Miss f3, F. Reynolds pl.anist, W.H.S. Rifle Team Wins—The Wingham High School Cadet Rifle Team that won at LondOn recentli. was composed of the following; El- mer Pardon, Harold Mitchell, Archie Will Robinson, sing Mac- Donald, Ambrese.,'Gitibons, Jack Field, Percy Johnson, Arnold, Kellly and Jas, Carr„ I3cnnett - Kelly—married a t th e Manse, Wingham, by Rev, Dr. Ferric, on Wednesday, October 24th, Win. CA Bennett, of 1‘40Killop, to Edna Eileen Kelly. A1cR,vi elop2ve lkh Williamson.-Galbraith—Married on Wednesday, October 1.7tli, at the Methodist Parsonage, Gorrie, by the Rev, W. A. Finlay, Emma A, Gal- braith, to Russel E.1Villiarrison, both of Howick Township. Belgrave—Mrs, W. J. Geddes is vis- iting in Detroit. Mrs. K. Hatigh of Wingliarn, spent a day last week with Mrs, j„*A. Geddes, Mrs. Blake .Elliott of Wingham, spent a day last week with Mrs. Joe Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gillespie of Whitechurch, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sturdy. Mr, and Mrs. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. B. Brandon of. Drayton, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. J, A. Brandon. Whitechurch — Messrs. Harold Spading and Sims left on Monday for Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Brown- ing of Kincardine, visited with Mr, and Mrs. George Cottle on Saturday. Messrs. Duncan MacGregor and Gor- don Small of Teeswater, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. andn Mrs. Thos. H. Moore. Mr. Jack Clubb of St. Marys, spent the week-end at his home here, * • * CRAWFORD & IIETHERECON Phone 48 S. R. CRAWFORD, E.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, X.C. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Wingham, ' K. M. MatENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office -- it. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 196 ifighani, Ontario T1103.'1ILLS AUCTIONEtii and REIAL'ESTATE THE BEST OP SERVICE 4).LENTY.10F EXPERIENCE 'Phone 231 Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham A. H. MIAMI Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday aftern000n 1.30" to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 120J YEARS AHEAD 64.144.6e 50 YEARS BEHIND IT ! .4 A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS People with an eye to the future are choosing the ear with a past—the big, exciting, dynamic Oldsmobile —latest achievement from the continent's oldest auto manufacturer. They're saying Oldsmobile is bound to be better, for Oldsmobile has-been building finer . and finer cars for over fifty years. So with this aura experience, it's just bathyal for Oldsmobile ' to stay out in front-46 be first so regularly with the features car buyers really want, like famous GM hydra-niatie drive.* Cheek every point that really matters: comfort, beauty, thrift, performance--you'll find that Oldsmobile wins easily! Then 'you'll know why it's smart to own an Olds. * Optional at Extra Con WINGI4AM MOTORS Wettuesoiay, October 27, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'ACE SEVEN Rev, W. J. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor, Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tay- lor, Westfield, and Mr. and Mrs. liott Taylor, of Ripley, were guests of Mr. annd Mrs. Chester Taylor on Sunday. ,k • Plans are being made for a tea and bazaar under the auspices of the wo- men's Associatioh to be held in the Auxiliary Rooms, Lucknow, on Sat- dims urday afternoon, Nov. 6th. a Ir wit a I a a Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton I 511111111111111111111411111111111111111110115111111111N1111191110 ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs, Win. Blue have re- turned to Detroit after a fisit with (Mrs. Blue's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. toeing invited for the special„,occasion i and stated that it was a result of a sermon preached in this church by Rev. S. M. Whaley in 1904, that lie had made his decision to become a minister of the Gospel. In the morning, Mr. Taylor chose as his text, "Upon this Rock I will build my Church," and in the even- ing, spoke on the subject, "Our Im- perative Need." Special music was provided by the, choir; that in the morning consisting • of the. anthems, Lover of My Soul" and a Men's chor- us, Blessed Assurance.' In the even- ing, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice sang, "Through Low to Light," the4tntheM by the ,choir Was "The Holy City, and a quartette, Mrs. George Stuart, Mr, and Mrs. Rice and Mr, W. I, Miller sang, "Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name, we raise." Special offering amounted to 8800,00. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Barbour of Guelph were week-end guests of Mrs. R. ,J, Woods. When they were returning tome early Monday morn- ing, their 1948 Dodge Sedan and a 1948 Ford Truck owned by M. Cliff Hackettl, sideswiped on the St. Hel- en's road, just sonar of the Boundary. The road has been tinder repair and the snow added to the hazard. Both vehicles were extensively damaged. Mr. and Mrs, 'Barbour and' Mr. Hack- ett and his son, Chester all received a severe shaking up, and Mrs. Barbour suffered injury to her knee. Mr. and Mrs. Barbour returned to Guelph Monday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Chas, MacDonald and daughters, moved last week to Wilson Wood's farm. . Mr, and Mrs, Jack Brendt of Det- roit, were week-epd guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon McPherson. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs, McFarlane, Rev. X' G. Newton preached at Dorchester on Sunday. He was ac- companied by Mrs. Newton and Miss Zana Newton, who visited friends in St. ,Thomas. Mr. 'Earl MacDonald was home from London for the, Week-end. REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Fry.. ;Gilchrist — A quiet wedding -was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Catharine Gilchrist, John St., on Mon- day, October 26th, when her second daughter, Miss Annie Beatrice, was united in marriage to Mr. Norman Lorn Fry, by the Rev. D. Perrie. Personal—Mrs: D. McLaughlin, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. P. McLaren. Mr. F, Buch- anan, Mrs. Homuth and Mrs. Ira Par- ker, are in Orillia this week attending the annual convention of the Provin- cial Sunday School Assdciation-,as del- egates from the Wingham Methodist Sunday School. Mr. John W. Hewer spent a few days last week at Tillson- burg. Mr. Robt. Lockhart was in Tor- onto a few, days last week. Grey—Alex Stewart, 16th con., has leased his farm to A. C. Dames, Alvin Barr and, family, 9th con., expect to remove to Olds, Alberta, the first week in November. W. L. McQuarrie and bride, of Prince Albert, Sask., are enjoying a honeymoon holiday with relatives and old friends in this local- ity. Mrs. W. Wark visited her son, Robert, in Torontto, recutly. Dr. Chisholm Elected—In the Fed- eral election on Monday last, Dr. Chisholm of Wingham, was elected. M..P. for East Huron by a niajbrity of 93 over his Liberal opponent, Mr. Arch. Hislop. Brussels—Tom McDonald is home from Torontto where he graduated from the Business College, Alex Nich- ol of Sunny Brae farm, 6th con. of Morris, brought The Post a whopper of a potato that weighed3,1/2 lbs. W. H. McCracken, the well-known gard- ener of brussels, attended eight -Pall Fairs, this season and captured no less than 250 prizes. * * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Buttery - Schlimme—The marriage took place in Windsor on Wednesday, 4......•••••••••••••••w Oct.▪ ..24th, of Mr Horace Buttery, son of Mr. and ,Mrs, A. Buttery of Wingham, to Miss Hazel Schlimme of Windsor, Personals—Dr. Parker was in Tor- onto last week attending the semi- annual convention of Ontario Osteo- pathic Physicians. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bryans and daughters, Marie and Jean, of Fordwich, visited on Sunday with W.. J. Gallaher. Miss Dean Geddes of Mount Forest, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGee, Mrs. A. G. Smith add two sons spent Friday in Toronto, All Aboard—The farcical comedy drama "All .Aboard", presented in Wingham Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings this week, under the auspices of Huron Chapter No. 89, Order of the Eastern Star, by local talent, was a scream and a huge suc- cess. In the cast were T. H, Gibson, Velma Johnston, Mrs. Oliver Thomp- son, Gordon MacLean, Bert Abell, Elizabeth Gilchrist, R, S. Williams, e. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO • Garrison Club Annual Meeting— The annual meeting of , the Wingham Garrison Athletic Association was held Thursday night last week in the Armouries, at which the following officers were elected for the term of 1935-34; Hon. Pres., Lt. Col. A. F. Sturdy; Hon, Vice-Pres., Major E. A. Corbett, Major • W. VanWyck and Capt. E.. S. Copeland; Pres., Capt. N, N. McLean; lst. Vice Pres,,, Lieut, H. Towne; 2nd. Vice-Pres., a.pt. G. H, Ross; 3rd. Vice-Pres., Lieut. H, Sherbondy. Sec,, Lieut. R. S. Hether- ington; Treas., Sergeant N. M. Wil- liamson; Director of Ath., Act., P. J. Bigelow. Walker-Stewart—A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, Oct. 25th, at the Presbyterian Manse, at Wingham, when Florence Elsie, youngest daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. I. Stewart, was united in marriage to Harold Jackson Walker, YoUngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Walker of East Wawanosh, Rey, K. MacLean officiated. Gorrie—Mt and. Mrs. Isaac Wade also Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade and son, Robert, visited in Chesley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest'Radford and son, Maurice, of Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,,Robert Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Day of Wingham, were Monday guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. Frahk Cole. Mr. and Mrs. J. Steurnol, also Mr, and Mrs. Robert Harriston, visited friends in Wingham on Sunday. Wroxeter—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Har- ris entertained a number of neighbors and friends to .an enjoyable house party on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. MacLaughlin spent Wednesday at Fordwich. Messrs. Norman Hall and Dick Bennett of Stratford Normal Schobl, were home for the week-end. Mr. annd Mrs. Robert Stock were in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann were in London a few days last week. Bluevale—Messrs, John L. Mac- Ewen, Stanley Gallaher and D. J. Fal- coner are in Goderich this week being called as jurors. Mr, and Mrs. Neil b. MeEachern of Mount Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Gar- niss. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Masters and family of Parkhill, were Sunday guests with relatives in the village. Mrs. J. Thompson of Wingham, is with her brother, James and Mrs. Nichol. .1001 lllllllllllllllllllll 1011 lllll lllllll 011000.0010000f EYES EXAMINED I AT LISTOWEL J.A.Monaghan,R.O. Graduate of Ontario College of Optometry, ST. 'Phone fice' ; WALLACE LISTOWEL 534 Hours 8:30 —6:00 Evenings, by. appointment IN iminginiminsiimanliontaiiiiiiri -14 FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. kw* .•... ., ..-- The fiftieth Anniversary of Calvin We realize our obligation when li Church was observed on Sunday with we fill your order for a mem- I very . successful and largely attended anal--and we provide only ma- it services, both morning and evening. terials of unending serviceability. _ A profusion of lovely autumn flowbrs Design and workmanship are of I added to the stately beauty of the it the finest, and our prices are . — fifty year old edifice. The special most moderate.. i CEMETERY LETTERING preacher for the clay was Rev. Wm. J. Promptly Done i Taylor of Dorchester. Rev. Taylor, who formerly taught school at S. S. All MODERN EQUIPMENT g No, 3, expressed his appreciation at FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS PUNE RAL PARLOUR S. .1. WALKER PHONES 106 WINGI1AM usiness and Professional Directory OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St. Wingham' Osteopathic and• Electric ,Treat- merits, Foot Technique * Phone 272. J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL DR. B. N. CONN J. W. BUSEIFIELO, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office Meier Block, Wingham N1110.01121%. moisierellamal.**morrol orminor ABONALD B. BLUE Expirienced Auctioneer Litensed for counties of HURON & BRUCE AU Sales Capably Handled 'Phone 49. Ontario Wirigharti. PIIVSICIANS and SURGEONS Plane 19 L li. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER Q.