The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-10-06, Page 8KING DEPT STORE 1.• • Ma "The Friendly Store" 1111(1111.11.111.111111.! FALL FASHION PARADE MM. For those who appreciate Finer and Newer E Fashions, KINGS arelnow showing =Iamb MOM. the newly arrived laMMO WWMW .M=1 ilaandia .10MMO OmalOW alma. WINNOW limmMO reaai 0100a =amok 8:30 to 5 Mon.—Tues.—Thurs.—Fri, Store Hours: Wednes., 8:30-12 Sat., 8:30 • 10 ll i l ilitli.111110411411.411.111101.111. ll llllllllll lllll K. D. S. 0111.1••• SNOW. 1.100111 ...--SM11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 Mama leMaa MOMS 1111•Ma IMMO. *Mania 11••••••• PAGE GHT THE WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, October 6, 1948 i Mrs. Wolfe Mrs. W. Heimpel; Seed .Onions, Mrs. Wolfe, lst. and 2nd.; 'Onions, from Dutch Sets, Mrs. W. Helm.pel, N, Wade; Collection of On- ivaSs . Mrs,. Wolfe, Mrs, W. Heinwel; Parsnips, Mrs. Geo. Baker, . Ewart Whitfield; Musk Melons, Elmer Giles, Mrs, Wolfe; Pumpkins, R. Hibberd, Mrs. Carl Geiger; Pumpkins, (Pie), Mrs. Carl Geiger, Mrs, R, Milligan; Citrons, Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mrs. Wolfe, Long blood Beets, Mrs, Wolfe.; Tornip Beets, E. H. Strong, Geo. Baker; Tom- atoes, Mrs. R. Milligan, Mrs. Wolfe; Cabbage, white, R, Jlibberd, E. li, Strong; Cabbage, red, Mrs, Wolfe; Red Peppers, T. j. Salkeld; Squash, yellow, Mrs. R. Milligan, Mrs, Wolfe; Squash, Hubbard, Elmer Giles, Geo. Baker; Cucumbers, Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mrs, R. Milligan; Table Corn, Mrs. Wolfe, Spence Brears; Field Corn, E. H. Strong,•Mrs. Wolfe; Butter Beans, Geo. Baker, Mrs. Wolfe; Farmer's Basket of Vegetables, Mrs. ;Milligan; Collection of Field Roots, Mrs, Milli-, gan, Special 23—Best collection of Vege- tables, Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs, R, Milligan. FRUIT Winter Apples - Ontario, T. j. Salkeld; Northern Spy, T. J. Salkeld, W. F. Campbell; Rhode Island Greening, T. 3, Salkeld; Wagner, T. J. Salkeld; King of,. Tom- kin's County, T. J, Salkeld; Russet, T. J. Salkeld; Baldwin, T. J, Salkeld; Peewaukee, T. J. Salkeld; Tallman Sweet, T. J. Salkeld, \V. F. Campbell; Coll. of Winter Apples, 6, T. j. Sal,. keld. Fall Apples Delicious, T. j. Salkeld; Alexander, T. J. Salkeld; Snow Apples, T. J. Sal- held; St. Lawrence, T. 5. Salkeld; Wealthy, T. Jr, Salkeld; McIntosh Red, T. J. Salkeld; Gravenstein, T. J. Sal- held; Coll. of Fall Apples, 6, T. J. Sal- held. OTHER FRUITS Crab Apples, T. J. Salkeld, W. F. Campbell; Plums, purple or black, T. j. Salkeld, Mrs. R. Milligan; Pears,, Mrs. R. Milligan. PLANTS .KND FLOWERS Dahlias, Mrs. A. Stinson; Sweet Peas, S. Brears; Rose Bloom, Norman Harding, Mrs. A. Stinson; Gladiolias Spikes, Mrs. A. Stinson, T, j. Salkeld; Bouquet, for living room table, T. J. Salkeld, S. Brears; Bouquet for dining- room, T. J. Salkeld, S. Brears; Basket of Annuals, T. J. Salkeld, S. Bream; Pansies, S. Brears, T. j. Salkeld; Pet- unias, Mrs. A, Stinson, Norman Har- ding; Phlox, perennial, S. Brears, Mrs. Geo. Brown; Zinnias, Norman Harding, T. J. Salkeld; Marigolds, French, T. 3. Salkeld; Snapdragons, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. A. Stinson; Salpyglossis, S. Bream; Horne-made Corsage, Mrs. iGeo. Baker, T. J. Salkeld; Collection of !House Plants, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. Geo. I i Brown ; Begonia, Rex Variety, Jack .Winter; Begonia, other fancy leaved variety, Mrs, •Geo, Brown, 2nd.; Gera- niums, best collection, Mrs. W. H. 'Wolfe; House Fern, Mrs. Geo. 'Baker, M rs. Geo, Brown; Foliage Plants, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. Geo. Brown; Hanging Basket, for verandah, Mrs. Geo, Brown; Window Box, Mrs. W. H, Wolfe; Scabiosa, Mrs. \V. H. Wolfe, T. J. Salkeld, Special 25—Best Basket of Flowers, I FAIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiimmumiiiiiiiiimmiiiimumunomiumiiiiiiminimminumminummumminumnimus LYP.F4irt7tRi TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7,30 SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. ..... .. I .. ..... MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED., OCT. 11, 12, 13 'Summer Holida ' MICKEY ROONEY GLORIA D'EHAVEN THURS., FRI., SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 15, 16 431 'It Had To Be You' 171. GINGER ROGERS CORNEL WILDE .411,4 -iiirria.tetivretirawaRramataniireariorieNcidatapirwverrigariiatinforteavrriaisitisvviivorritai. HOWICK FAIR WAS HELD ON SATURDAY made Tea Biscuits, R. Hibberd. —Home-made Bread, Mrs. R. Milli- gan, Horne-made Apple Pie,. Mrs. R. Milligan; Plain Cake, Mrs. Geo. Bak- Special 19—Baked with Purity Flour er. Special 20—Best one-half dozen tea biscuits, baked with Blue Ribbon Bak- ing Powder, R. Hibberd, R. Gibson, Mrs. M. McKercher. Special 21—Magic Baking Powder Layer Cake Competition—Alex Tay- lor, Mrs. W. Heimpef, Special 26—Best 2 loaves of Bread, 1 white and 1 brown, Mrs. Geo. Baker. Special 29—Best Fruit Cake, Mrs. Geo. Baker, ,Mrs, Milligan. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes, early variety, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Elmer Downey; Potatoes, late . variety, N. Wade, Elmer Downey; Swede turnips, for feeding puri2(tses, Mrs. 12.:. Milligan, E. H. Strong; Swede ,Turnips, for table use, Mrs. R. Milli- • •gan, ;Mrs. Jeff Musgr,oe; Mangulds, yellow, R. Hibberd; :Niangolds,• white, S. Robinson; Carrt,ts, 'garden, N. ade, Mrs. Milligan; tarrots. ;Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs. Milligan; Fodder 'Corn, E. H. Strong; Celery, R, berd, Ewart Whitfield; Potato k.ThiOnS, KITCHEN SPACE LIMITED? You Can Still Enjoy Westinghouse SUPER-ACCURATE COOKING Here is a Westinghouse Electric Range specially designed to meet the needs of kitchens where space is an important factor. The Model A4M Range includes every Westinghouse quality feature . . . roomy TRUE-TEMP oven with superaccurate hy- draulic heat control that ends guesswork...four five-speed heaters ... smokeless broiler ... porcelain-enamelled body and cooking top ... in fact, it's the ideal compact range for eve'', kitchen. Drop in to our showroom and ask to see the Westinghouse A4M Range. Pei-thou Radio & Electric "We Service Everything We Sell" iehreve‘;‘, a WestiAghoujse im.....1.....111.11111.1.1,11141101.10.111111.114114.1811.1.01404. Now Going On THE ORIGINAL Wed., Thur, Fri., Sat., OCTOBER 6, 7, 8, 9 AT McKibbons suitable for church decoration, Mrs. A. Stinson, LADIES' WORK Living and Dining Room Furnishings Fancy Pillow, Mrs, W. Heimpol, Mrs. M, McKercher; Luncheon Set, Mrs. W. lieimpel; Afghan Wool, cro- cheted or- k'nitted, j. Salkeld, jaek Winter; Crocheted Lace Table Cloth, Mrs. W. Heimpel; Chesterfield Set, Mrs. W. Heimpel,d Mrs. M, McKer- cher; Buffet Set, Mrs. W. Heimpel, T. j. Salkeld; Bridge Set, T, 3. Salkeld, Mrs. Clark Sharpin; Bridge Table Cover, quilted, Robt. Gigson. Betlroom Furnishings ' Towels, embroidered, T, 5, Salkeld, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Guest Towels, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Hot Water Bottle Cover, Mrs, C. Gei- ger,. Mrs. W, Heimpel; Pillow Cases, embroidered, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Pillow Cases, any other kind, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. W, Heimpel; Sheet and Pillow Cases to match, Mrs, W. Heimpel; Boudoir Pillow, Robt. Gibson; Vanity Set, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs M, McKercher. Ladies Personal Wear Ladies' Night Dress, Robt. Gibson, Elmer Giles; Ladies' House Coat, Mrs. Clark Sharpin; Ladies' Pyjama Suit, T. 3, Salkeld, Mrs. W. Heimpel; Ladies' House Dress, Mrs, Clark Shar- pinNElmer 'Giles; Convalescent Jacket, Mrs. C. Geiger, T. 5, Salkeld; Service- able Kitchen Apron, T. J. Salkeld, Elmer Giles; Ladies' Knitted Pullover, Mrs. Margaret Farr, Mrs. W. Heim- pel; Ladies' Bag, fancy, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. M. McKercher; New Style Shop- ping Bag, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. W, Heimpel; Ladies' Slip, Robt, Gibson, T. J. Salkeld. Children's Wear Child's Dress, made from used cloth- ing, Mrs. W. Heimpel, T. J. Salkeld; Child's Sweater, knit or crochet, Mrs. Clatk Sharpin, Mrs, G. Geiger; Smock- ing on Child's Dress, Mrs. W. Heim- pel, T. 5. Salkeld. Domestic Needle Craft Comforter, hand made, wool filling, Mrs. Clark Sharpin, Robt, Gibson; Quilt, pieced cotton, Mrs. Clark Shar- pin, T. J. Salkeld; Quilt, applique, Mrs, M.- McKercher, Mrs. Clark Sham- pin; Quilt, fancy quilting, new style, Mrs. C. Sharpin, T. J. Salkeld; Bed Spread:- new idea, Mrs, W. Heimpel, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Men's Hand Knit BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Pastor , Special Thanksgiving Message and ,M usic. 11 a.m,—"Real Thanksgiving". 7 p.m.—"The Bible View of Thanksgiving". Come and enjoy these services "What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me. I will take the cup of salva- tion, and call upon the name of unto the Lord now in the pres- ence of all His people". Psalm the Lord, I will pay my vows 116 :12-14, Smith's Economy Food Store FREE DELIVERY TELEPHONE 161 Ready-tut I Mild Canadian MACARONI, 2 lbs. 21c New CHEESE, lb. .49c STAFFORD'S SUNDAE SAUCES Chocolate Pineapple Strawberry Marshmallow lb. tin 30c lb. tin 39c lb. tin 39c 13 oz. 30c MAPLE LEAF Wishing Well (plus deposit) Choke Ginger ALE, 2 qts. 25c MINCEMEAT 2 lb. tin 41c E. D. Smith's Pure Tomato KETCHUP, bottle 25c Domestic SHORTENING, lb. 39c Blue Ribbon 3-minute FUDGE, pkg. . , 29c GROUND FRESH, W.HILE YOU WAIT! Morning Cheer Coffee It's Newt WIZAED For Dishes and Laundry GLASS WAX, bot. 49c mg, pkg. . , .39c For Floors and Woodwork Lasco or Big 5 SPIC and SPAN, 25c CLEANSER, pkg. 07c Hawes Paste Floor Wax, lb. tin 49c 2 lb. tin 93c StokelY's Finest Tomato Juice 48 oz. tin ...27c Smith's Four O'Clock TEA, 112 ...49c 'PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY COURTEOUS SERVICE laiiiiimunlIttiiisousition0AWAAAH l iliAiltolvifiornitioutstomitheioAfAllicurAm.,ifitioriumniti ll Ito l r • 4.4 (Continued from page five) Heimpel, Mrs. R. Milligan; Tomatoes, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Mrs. R, Tomato Chili Sauce., Mrs. G. Baker, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Relish for cold meat, Mrs. W. Heimpel; Pickles, sugar substittue, Mrs. W. Heimpel; Pickles, sweet, Mrs. R. Milligan, Mrs. Geo. Brown; Pickles, mustard, Mrs. Gen. Brown, Mrs. R. Milligan; Maple Sug- ar, E. H. Strong; Maple Syrup, T. J. Salkeld, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; Strained Honey, T. J. Salkeld; collection of Jelly, Mrs. R. Milligan, Mrs. W. H. 'Wolfe; collection of canned fruit, Mrs. R. Milligan, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe; col- lection of pickles, Mrs R.. Milligan: School Lunch, Elmer Giles, T. J. Sal- held. Special 18, Baked with Robin H)od Flour, Home-made Bread, R. Ilibberd; Home-made Sponge Cake, Mrs. M. McKercher; Home-made Apple Pie, Alex Taylor; Home-made Oatmeal Cookies, Mrs. R. Milligan; Home- Dalton's Assorted JELLY Jelly Powders, 3 pkg 22c Australian SEEDLESS RAISINS, lb. . . .19c TIP TOP CHOICE QUALITY Ungraded PEAS 20 oz, tin 16c lb 49c • .aaraara mma Mane mama OM.= MOOMIal 1.0•Mal MEMO. MIMMe MOWN • Coats, Suits, Hats, Etc. lidanale aMelan •••••• ••••••• 00•••ir 11•1••••• Maall lemaa fAime Paw.* 11••••• MII•aa Waal% 101.101101 11111Mel 11••••• yams. mama ammo. mama am.. amam ma.. amaa Tailored or Fur Trimmed. Fashioned on soft, ample lines. New and important. Fitted or flar- ed, Tweedy or casual. Luxurious warmth in coats designed. with that new feminine mode of fashion. All Chamois lined. Priced from $35.00 to $95.00 Day time or date time! Smart, Crepes, Bengalines, Taffetas or wools. One of these dresses would be your pet through the Fall and Winter festivities. You will love the sophisticated look and the newly narrowed fit. Priced at $15.00 to $22.50 DRESSES For Fall Superb COATS . ACCESSORIES HANDBAGS Newly arrived Handbags to add charm to a Fall ensemble. The finest in durable Plastic, Leathers, English Morocco, genuine Calf. All in new styles, colors and shapes, including Over-the-Shoulder Bags with adjustable straps. In green, brown, red, maroon, black. $4.25 to $11.95 1110110•1 4.=4444. 1111 0111•1•11111 MINN. MINIM* 11011000 eemiala mama mma• ame. OIMWM .ming W OW= .101010 M.OW .MMO GLOVES The importance of smart Gloves cannot be over- emphasized. Kid, Chamoisette, Doeskin, in black, brown, Pacific green, steel grey, white and natural. $1.60 to $4.50 111411111111111.1.iliiiikliiii1.11114111M 111111.. lllllll l lll lll lll ll VISIT KINGS lfamOus f.or fine Quality, foremost Fashions and Friendly, Courteous Service. Choose a style•wise Fall Ensemble with a real future in your wardrobe. Mmaa Gloves, Mrs. W. Heir/Tel, Mr.s, C. Geiger; Braided Mat, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Mrs. W. Heimpel; Hooked Rag Mat Mrs, W. Heitnpet Mrs. W. IL Wolfe, Mrs. Heimpel; Mett's Socks, fine, Mrs. Margaret Parr, T. J. Sal- keld; Ladies' Knitted Wool Gloves, Mrs. C, Geiger, Mrs. Heimpel. Miscellaneous Needle Craft Specimen Needlepoint, T. 5. Salkeld, Mrs. Heimpel; Hand-made Toy, cot- ton, Eobt. Gibson, Mrs. W, H, Wolfe; Hand-made Dressed Doll, Robt. Gib- son; test Article Boys' Clothing, made from old garment, Elmer Giles, j. Salkeld; Single Piece, tot listed above, T. I, Salkeld, Mrs. Heimpel; Tatting, Mrs, Ileimpel, Mrs. Margaret Parr; Best Article Girls' Clothing, made from old garment, Mrs, Heimpel, js. keld; Lace ,Crochet,, IVIrs. Margaret McKercher, Mrs, Heimpel: Howick Residents Only Quilt 'Blocks, Robt. Gibson, Mrs. Heirripel; Infant's Jacket, Bonnet and Booties, Mrs. C. Geiger, IMrs. Farr; Child's Sweater Coat, Mts. C. Geiger, Mtg. Farr; Cotton Quilt, pieced, Mrs. Clark Sharpin, Mrs.I M. Meltercher; Ladies' Knitted Sweater, Mrs, C. Geig- er Mrs. Heimpel; Pot Holders, Jack Winter, Mrs, Heimpel; Hooked Rag Mat, Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. Geo, Brown; Button Holes, Robt. Gibson, Mrs, Heimp•el; Men's Woollen Mitts, Mrs, Heinmel, Mrs, G. Geiger; Pillow Cas- es, any trim, Mrs, Ileimpel, Mrs. Farr; Tea Towels, -new idea, Mrs. C. Geiger, Jack Winter; lvlen's Socks, fine Mrs, Margaret Farr, W. F. Campbell; 'Men's Socks, coarse, Mrs, C, Geiger, Mrs, Iteimptl; Men's Sleeveless Sweater, hand knit, Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs. C. Gel- ger; IVIen'S Long Sleeve Sweater hand knit, Mrs, Farr, Mrs. Heimpei; 'Latin- dry Bag, Mrs. Clark Sharpin, P.obt. Gibson; Laundered Tablecloth, Mrs. G. Baker, W. P. Campbell; Teg Apron, Mrs, C. Sharpin, Robt. Gibson; Hobby Display, Mrs, Margaret Farr; Robert Gibson. Specials Lady's Cotton Rress, T. J. Salkeld, Robt. Gibson; Display of Hobby, Mrs, Margaret Farr, T. J. Salkeld; Union Jack, Robt. Gibson; Novel Table Centre, Itobt. Gibson, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE Girls, 12 to 19, Howick Twp. residents Salad, individual, Jean Lohr, Ruby Taylor; Tea Towel, hemmed by hand, Jean Lohr; Darning on Wool, Jean Lohr 2nd, 'Ladies over 65 years Best Piece of Work, Mrs,' Jeff Mid, grove, Mrs, M. licKercher. Special—Decorated Bicycle, Phyllis Keith; Sheila Denny. Mee.* mom.