HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-10-06, Page 7TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 All Pa ssengers Insured JIM CAMERON gME.1101111110.1110 PUR DON'S BAKERY 'PHONE 145 WINGHAM The Home of QUALITY BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY • We take orders Daily • (Saturday to 12 noon). • Montreal Life INSURANCE C9. Built on the solid' foundation of friendly and efficient service to Policyholders and Agents. Stewart A. Scott Representative 'Phone 293 Wingham EYES EXAMINED AT IISTOWEL J.A. Monaghan,R.O. Graduate of Ontario College of Optometry. Office: WALLACE ST. 'Phone LISTOWEL 534 Hours 8:30 - 6:00 •Evenings, by appointment CIGARS SMOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION NICKEL STILL BUYS REFRESHING PAUSE Authorized bottlers, of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 ERIE ST 'PHONE 78 STRATFORD risk for it eithi way ...both trade-marks mean the same thing. Cash For You! Old, Disabled or Dead Farm Animals With undamaged hides and according to size and condition COWS $6.00 HORSES $4.50 HOGS (300 lbs. each) $1.75 plus $1.75 per 100 lbs. for additional weight AT YOUR FARM 'PHONE COLLECT: Ripley 59 - 16 Wingham 121J Ingersoll 21 For prompt, efficient, courteous service FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE 'SERVICE PHONESUP-STAIRS189 FUNS RAL PARLOUR S. J. WALKER 106 WINGHAM L G. DRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT: FREDERICK A. PARKER* OSTEOPATH- Offices: Centre St, Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Nreat- ments, Foot Technique Phone 272, Wingham. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A. CRAWFORD, M.O. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 ' Wingham J. A. FOX Chiropractor' and Drugless Therapist, RAOIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 101. DR. W. M. CONNELL DR. B. Ni CORM PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone 19 THUS, FELLS AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE THE 131ST OF SERVICE PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE Whigham 'Phone 211 DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Comities of HURON & BRUCE AU Saks Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, Ontario JUST ARRIVED Fine English Dinnerware SERVICE FOR 12 84-piece Set Selston Maroon 94-piece Set Majestic Vellum SERVICE FOR 8 Wood's Spring Garden, Blue, 66-piece set Wood's Spring Garden, Pink, 66-piece set Tudor Maroon, 66- piece Set . • — Tudor Blue, 66-piece set ... • . d • fr Bancroft 53-piece set • .... xi II IR Saguenay Maroon 74-piece set l Mt. Vernon, 53-piece set .....—•.... 4.0 Aristocrat, 53-piece set .. — •-0 v... June Rose, 53-piece set ll • 6640,446 SERVICE FOR 6 Floral Pattern hand-painted 39-piece set . • .$28.40 TEA SETS at $18.40, $20.70, $24.75 a a . — lllll S62.80 6 •••61v4144,66.4 —$40•6:74 .$40155 .$55.00 — —$51,50 ...1; .—„$96.00 .$34.40 .$48.00 ,$30.40 p.., .PE. LL SHOP AIM titV011411000 Wednesday, October 6, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES b PAGE' SEVF:g AMIMS13101111111,1111•11.111•1110•1•0001nr Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F, F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston 6•110•11. L.;71) vision at the home of M Robertr. ibert ( Young People's Union Elect Officers The newly-elected officers for Young People's l'nion, Wroxeter *'cited Church, are as follows: Iron. Pres., I Rev. W. E. Cronhielm; Pr.,sident, Pete Dobson; 1st Vice-Tres., }l,.b Cunning- ham; Sec. Vice-Pres., ,Margaret Moff- at; Seey-Treas., Thelma Denny; Con- veners—Missimary, Lyle Hart; Cul- ture, Florence David; Fellowship, Gil- berta Hawes; Citizenship, Glen Mc- Michael; Pianist, Mary MacDonald; Assistant, Helen Sawtell. The first meeting of the season, held in the church school room Monday evening, took the form of a social even- ing, A short devotional period was conducted by the newly-elected Presi- dent, Pete Dobson. Games, contests, and refreshments completed the even- ing's entertainment, Weekly meetings are held Monday at S:15, All young people are cordially invited. Rally Day Service "Go, Teach All Nations", was the theme for special Rally Day Service held in the 'United Church school room on Sunday last at 10 a.m. The special order of service Was conducted by Su- nerintendent, Mr. Alvin Moffat. Jim Wylie read the first story, "The Llama and the Silver Bird". Donna Mac- Lean read, "flow the Good News Tra- vels in the Church Today". The special Rally Day offering from the Sunday Sahools across Canada will be used to purchase station wagons or Seeps for the Use of the Missionaries ht China, India and Africa, which will cost -$24,000. Forest Lodge Held Ladies' Night Members of Forest Lodge, A. F. & A. M. provided an 'enjoyable even- lag's 'eatertaiturtent on'Thursday night when Ladies' Night was held. Eighty- • WROXETER Mrs, Edith McCallum, Mrs. Jack Gallaher of Mount Forest; Mrs. Alex, Hill of Trenton, visited on Thursday K. M. MatENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office Witifile St. Opposite -andgitontilchh of the United PHONE- 198 Wingbam, Ontario operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, early last week. Her many friends hope for a speedy and com- plete recovery. Mrs. Robert Hupfer who has been a shut-in for some years, was able to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Mc- Cutcheon part of last week. Mrs. Hnpfer's friends are pleased to know her health is improved, Mr., and Mrs, A. R, Wells of To- ronto were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Q. A. Wearring, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and Miss Thelma Denny spent Sunday with friends at Fordwich and attended an- niversary services in the -United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Townsend and family of Belwood were guests on Sun- day at the home of his brother, Har- old and Mrs. Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Loutitt and daughter Carol were in Toronto on Wednesday of last week. The October meeting of Wroxeter Women's Institute has been postponed a week and will be held on October 13th at 2:30, at the home of Mrs. Vern -Denny. Theat will be an all- members program . Of special interest at Howick Fair on Saturday was the Manual Training Display- under the supervision- of the Manual Training Teacher for Howick Schools, Mr. Ken. Edgar. Wroxeter Schools came in for a fair share of the prizes. Favourable comment was made on the display of, windmills with the little man sawing wood; all three priz- es going to Senior Room pupils of Wroxeter Public School: 1st prize to Stewart Copeland, 2nd to Bill Brown and third, Jack Gibson. The boys and their teacher, Mr. Harold Hamilton are to be congratulated, Miss Frances Wylie of Toronto was a week-end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie. Mr, and Mrs, Rus Redler, Mr. Wm. Abram and baby daughter, all of To- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Dave Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Durst visited the former's mother in Stratford on Saturday. Miss Beatrice Wade, Fordwich, was a Sunday visitor with Mr, and Mrs. H. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Nixon and baby Norma, Wingham, -were Sunday guests of Mr., and Mrs. Charles Mc- Cutcheon, The W. I. Purchasing Committee of the Wroxeter Women's Institute are now busy making a new stage curtain to be presented the Town Hall, The curtain is of dark red velour. The newly decorated Town Hall and the long-needed stage curtain should add much to the enjoyment of the citizens of this community. Guests of Mrs. George Yoe during the -week-end were: Mr. and Mrs, George Yeo, Southampton; Mr. Gor- don Hall, Mr. John Hall, lilitevale; Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. George Wilkie, Creemore; Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Jackson and Mr. Reynard Wilkie of Arthur, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, llilly and Nancy, were Sunday guests of Mrs, W. E. Weir. The Sectional 'Meeting of the Worn- en's Missionary .Society will be held at Gortie *United Church on Friday, October 15th. Friends here. learned with regret of the death of Mrs. James Matthews of Fordwich, on Wednesday. Mrs. Ma- thews who was eighty years of age, suffered a severe stroke and lived only a short time. She leaves to mourn her loss one son Edward; her husband, the late James Matthews and a sun, George, predeceased her. Funeral ser- IlicTAVISII Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday aftern000n 1.30 to 4,30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 1203 J. W, ENFIELD, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etch., Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham ERA:IRON & HETHERINUTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eta. Wingham,Phone 48 3. H. ciwFoRD, x.c. R. S. HETHERINGTON, KZ. five drove out to. Salem to dinar pro- vided by the ladies of that church. The guests were welcomed by the Master of the Lodge, Leslie Douglas. J. H. Wylie moved a vote of thanks to the ladi9s for their delicious dinner, to which Mrs. Wm. Taylor replied on behalf of the ladies, Returning to the Masonic Rooms, prog?essive euchre and crolcinole were enjoyed. Mrs. Ewart Whitfield and Rev, J. L. Caley held the highest score in the card game; Mrs. Harvey McMichael and Gary Gibson werea prize winners for crokiuole. Later, members of the lodge provided music for dancing. Mrs. Les- lie Douglas expressed the appreciation of the ladies. Woman's Missionary Society "Bring Glad Offerings to Him Who theme of tilt October meeting of the with Gladness crowns the Year" is the W.M.S. of the United Church which will be held in the church parlours on October 8th at 3 p.m. Mrs, A. J. Sanderson will arrange the devotional period; Mrs. Howes will present a chapter of the Study Book; the roll call to be answered by a verse of Thanksgiving, All the ladies will be cordially welcomed at the monthly Missionary Meeting. Calf club Successful The new project sponsored by How- ick Agricultural Society at their Fair on Saturday proved quite an interest- ing attraction, Among the prize-win- ners was Miss. Erland Gregg, with her One-year-old Pol-Angus calf. This calf was, purchased from Harvey Timm of Spring Angus Farm, 2nd line of Turn- berry last spring, It was a beauty, showed every care and attention, and was well handled by its owner, Miss Gregg. There were many entries all worthy of mention. In the interest of agriculture this seems to be a worth- while project. Both the farm boys and girls are keenly interested. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie and Donna May, have returned from Kin- cardine, and Mr. Gillespie has been working on a ditch through Mr. Thos. O'Malley's and Mr. Charles Leavers' farms. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Underhill of Barrie, visited on Sunday with Bee- croft and McGee relatives in East \Va- wanosh, Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Ross and son, Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ross, spent Sunday at Owen Sound with the former's son, Mr. George Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick and sons, Wingham, and his father, Mr Earle Caslick, Culross, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn. Many in this district will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Murray is a patient in Wingham Hospital, Mrs. Murray went through a serious operation a few years ago on her back, and it has been bothering her again. A splendid crowd gathered in the Memorial Hall here on Friday even- Ong for the dance, with Farrier's or- chestra providing, the musk'. Mr. Jack Taylor has been going his at the home of Mrs. John Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs. F, L. Ferguson of Guelph were week-end guests of D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton, Mrs. Robert Gibson• underwent an Business and Professional Directory Mrs. Will Conn spent last NV in ,Lucknow, at the home of ter, Mrs. Harold johnst,,n. The regular in,uthly met-tin.; o: the • Women's Institute, will be kid next Wednesday evening, in the Mon,,rial ilali with Agricultural Representativv as guest speaker. The roll call will be answered by A Farm Pr,,bletn, anti the ladies are asked to please bring lunch. The ladies are planning to eat.'r , for the Federation banquet on Wed- nesday, October 20th, Mr. Myles MacMillan returned home front the West on Thursday last. Miss Olive 1 eritm, R.N., has been mirsing Mrs. David Cox of Palmerston during the past week, and Mrs. Mac • Ross visited there on Tuesday accom- panying Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra • Maier of Palmerston. Miss Martha Casemore of Wing- ham, is staying with her sister, Mrs. 'John Johnston, who has been very, poorly during the past week. Mrs, David Kennedy -celebrated her eighty-sixth birthday on Friday and her family gathered on Sunday to spend the day with her, Mr. and Nil's. Dutton. Kennedy,. Miss Annie Ken- nedy, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. Kennedy and soas, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorse Dttrnitt and sons of W. Wawa:- nosh, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tich- bourne, .Goderich. We wish her many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes -and children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j. M. 'Coultes of Mortis. Mrs. Cameron Simmons and daugh- ter„ Nancy Ann, of London, are spend- 'log this week at the home of her par- : ems, Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Martin. Mr, MacGregor who has been -at !Rao during the past two weeks, spent the week-end at his 'home here. 0001000001/00000110000110 100 10000.00010000.0401100.00M000111101100140011000000P0110,1411001001(1001.00000000 P 0 ,,,, 00001440000001100000010000000000,1U400.004000 " arm WO tt TELEPHONE 47$ WMHAM. Exhibition and Sale of OIL PAINTINGS SEPT. 29 - OCT. 9 Ind • Landscapes Seascapes Character Studies Dutch Interiors • From $7.50 - $250.00 RUGS - CARPETS Living-room Bed-room English Axminster Belgium • Bramtz Smyrna - Sizes 25"x42" to 7' 6" From $7.25 — $61.85 C. C. McKibhon • llllll .. llllllll 1111041 lllll 0 ll 0 llll 1.1110111110110 lllllll IMOD lllllllll 10111 llllllll llllllll llllllllllll 1 lllllllllllllll Mlft0.0110”inI llll Inglis Gain-A-Day it WASHERS PHILPS RADIOS Mantels - Conoles • .111•11.101•1 Goblin Vacuum Cleaners De Luxe and Standard A Good Stock of Appliances McGILL Radio Service Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean of Wroxeter, and Mrs. McLean left with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean to spend a week at the borne of her dau- ghter, Mrs. W. A. Gibson of Port Dal- housie, Mrs. Margaret Sheriff and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Sheriff of Burlington, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. R, Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeClenaghan "Oklat 40,50, GO?" — Man, You're Crazy returned home on Thursday after spending a week with Brantford rela- tives, LEON C. CANTELON Representing the Crown Life Insurance Co., of Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for Your Every Need" •••••••0••••••••••••• SUBSCRIPTIONS Taken for ALL Publications 'Phone 160 Box 297 WINGHAIVI - ONT. Edwards'. Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks 1 PARTS and ACCESSORIES fi m itatimiiiiiirminxiiicsimarilliwitmiimuntisivultrwmixtmarittin mint 111 110110101111111111,1110,11111111110111111111011110011$110111011n llllllll 1111,11011,1191100 llllll 11,11111110110011111~1110M011111001411U1nIP. or Vert Her sister, Mrs. Carl Nickel, Itr l'a:4421.41142rint,71" 61" °I1ZV 5°." liship.° anti his br,'timer, Mr. Walter Elliott, were the attend- ants, with her little niece, Miss June Stokes, as flower girl, and. with Rev. 1, C Torgelisen, ,,f Bluvt aay Presby- vices were held on Friday from her Aerian Church officiating. After their late residence, Internment was in the . honeymoon trip, the happy couple will Fordwielt Cemetery, reside in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geori.ie Migwehl of Is- Mr. John MacMillan was able u. ii ngt„n spent Nat o f last week with 'return home from kieneral Mr. and Mr ,. H. V. MacKtimwy. Hospital, on Friday la-t, and F E reddie Mr. ;n1.1 Mrs. G. Millar of Detroit ;Moore, on Thursday Iii.st. Telephone—Days 417 Wingham rounds filling silos in East aVawanosh, during the past week. Many ill this c3ninnuity will VN.it•iF,.. congratulations to Mr. Mrs. '\ Elliott, whose marriage was ,,o1- unitized 1111 Saturday, at 12tIO-7erflf,t3AgaaL11113-124aatt, arc peppy at 70. Try and :Nita-, Isaac Str dsias, Turtib v rn, °stre'li Tonto men Ybo'gigix tThrg :It the liante o f th e b lad e., vgitgautrgaa duo solely aTgloWiTAror task..