The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-10-06, Page 6Let us give your worn and run down footwear a "New Lease on Life"—at reasonble Prices. BROWNE'S SHOE REPAIR on Guaranteed Trust certificates ISSUED for any amount for a term of five years „ guaranteed both as to principal ,and interest .. , Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies. ' authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees.' THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 37 years, In Business 'AGI SIX WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, October 6, Mg' Outstanding Quality • Delicious Flavour R. A. Reid, R.O. Optometrist Coming to Wingham. R. A. REID, R.O, will be at his Wingharn Office in CROMPTON'S Jewellery Store, on WEDNESDAY OCT. 13th from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 noon, to EXAMINE EYES and FIT GLASSES where necessary. Possibly last visit this year. John Strong, Tara, and' Mrs. W. J. Strong, Fordwich, were also visitors for a couple of ,days.last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Dickison and Mr. Elymer Dickson, Teeswater, visited Mr, and Mrs, Percy Ashton on Sun- da.ly riends of Mrs, R. J. Hueston who has been a patient in the Wingham General Hospital since last Wednesday Suffering from a heart eondition,, will be glad to learn that there was some improvement in her cOndition aver the \"ek an nd. ,Mr, Mrs. Robert Featherston (nee Isabel King) of Orillia, were week-end visitors with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank King. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hyndman and children spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Eldon Mann, Monerieff, Mr. Carl Cook, Bob and Bill Nay, Kitchener, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Musgrove on Sunday. Mr% and Mrs-Ernest King and 14r. and Mrs. W. C, King visited with Mr. and Mrs. Torn McDonald of Moles- worth on Sunday. Mrs. Lafayette Darling, Treherne, Man„ and Miss Ellen Longley, Salem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Trimble. Mrs. Darling is leaving Tuesday for her home in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Martin, Guelph, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowdall and Audrey of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and ,Mrs. John Hyndman. Mrs. Fred Hann and Miss Lillian Harm spent a few days with Rev, and Mrs, Howse recently. Thanksgiving service and the Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in the United Church next Sunday, October 10th., Miss Janice Strong of Kitchener, Mr. Mac Hutchison, St. Catherines and Mrs. A. Tbner, Thamesford, were home for the week-end and attended the Fair at Fordwich on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pennington of Teeswater spent Sunday„ with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong. Mr. Wm. Spotton of Mount Forest and his son, Mr. Ar- thur Spotton, Toronto, were visitors at the same home on Saturday. Mr ,and Mrs. Charles Moore and son Ronald of Whitechurch, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edgar. Mrs. Russell Pollock of London spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Corbett. Mrs. G. R Stronach, Edmonton, her son, Mr. Jim Stronach and Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto called at the Corbett home on Sun- day. Mrs. Stronach is a sister of Mr. Corbett and made the trip from Ed- monton to Toronto by 'plane. Mrs. Mabel Stewart and Mrs. Arch. McMichael, Wroxeter, visited friends in Harriston on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Shera of Wingham called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shera on Sunday. . Mrs. Wm. Earngey and Miss Muriel Lambert of Guelph spent the week-end with Miss Kate Earngey. Mr. and Mrs, Telford Montgomery and Grant, Kitchener, and. Miss Lois Montgomery who is attending Strat- ford Normal, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John MOntgomery and attended the Fair on Saturday. Miss Myrtle Short spent Sunday with friends in Fergus. Little Judy Smith, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bill Smith, Con. 1, Howick, returned home from Listowel Hospital on Sunday, where she had been receiv- ing treatment for burns on her arm and hand which she suffered on Wed- nesday last at her home. Mrs. Perry -of Brussels visited her sister, Mrs. Alex Edgar sr., and Mr. Edgar for several days la-st week. Mr. Max Bell, 10th eon., held an successful auction sale of farm stock and implements, etc., on Tuesday of last week. Born—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on. Monday, Sept. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, B. Bennet, a SM. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Masefield, of Wallaceburg, visited on Tuesday and Wednesday with Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Caley. Rev, and Mrs. Lancaster and" Robert, were also guests at the rec- tory on Wednesday. Born—In Listowel Memorial Hos- pital, on Tuesday, Sept. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs, Glean Johnston, 9th line of Howick, a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Bean and son, of ; Auburn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowan. Miss Elizabeth McKee of Toronto,1 is spending a few days in town. Attention Seed Growers! WE ARE BUYERS OF Timothy, Red Clover, Alfalfa CONSIDER THESE ADVANTAGES: • • The exhibit of Manual Training, taught in Howick Schools by'Mr, Ken Edgar, was much admired. The prize winners itt, the Howick Calf Club were: Dairy type calf, Bill Strong; Showmanship, Bill Strong;. Beef type calf, senior, Miss Erland Gregg; Showmanship, Stewart Strong; Beef type, junior, Calvin Ashley. Oth- er, prizes were given but we have been unable to secure names of all winners, Laymen's Banquet Rev, J. C. Caley is to .give the ad- dress at the HUron Deanery Laymen's Banquet which will be held at Trinity Church, Fordwich, on Wednesday ev- ening, October 13th at 7:30 p.m. A cordial invitaton is extended to all laymen of the Huron Deanery to at- tend. Presbyterian Anniversary Anniversary services will be held in the Gorrie Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 10th at 11 a,m. and 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker for both services will be Rev. L., C. Jorgensen of Bluevale, and the Choir will be as- sisted by the Elgar Quartette of Kitch- ener, at both morning and evening ser- vices, Fire Prevention Week All across Canada and the U, S. Fire'Prevention Week will be observel from October 3rd to 9th. With fire losses at a record-breaking high,, in- tensive observance of Fire Prevention week assumes greater importance this year than ever before. It is the duty of every man, woman and child to•en- deavour to eliminate the annual loss which in 194q amounted to over $57,- 000,000 in Canada, an increase of $7,-- 600,000 over 1946. Ontario's luss am- ounted to 813,974,719. This tremen- dous loss means that,many are out of a job and home, taxes are increased, insurance rates are raised, etc, This taken to prevent the destructive band means that every precaution should be of fire from falling on the lives and property within our keeping. Gorrie Y. P. U. The Gorrie Young People's Union held their first meeting of the season on Friday, October 1st, at 8 p.m. The meeting opened with the hymn "Take Time to be 'Holy". This was followed by the Scripture, John 1:1-12, read by Rev. Howse, after which he -led in prayer. Election of officers followed: Hon. Pres., Rev. G. G. Howse; Pres., Geo. Gregg; Sec'y-Treasurer, Marie O'Krafka; Pianist, Patricia Strong; Assistant Pianist, Marie O'Krafka; Christian Fellowship Convenor, Kay Cathers; Citizenship, Tom O'Krafka; Missions, Audrey Hastie; Culture, Da- vid Neilson, Motions were made to hold a meeting on Friday night at 8 p.m. sharp at the home of David Neil- son, also to get two new books for the Seel-Treas. A new manual is to be ordered. The offering was received and the meeting closed with the bene- diction. Residents From Europe Mr. Heinrich Mundt recently arrived here from the U. S, Zone of Germany and is with his half brother, Mr. Fred! Feigel, Con. 2. It may be of interest to many to learn of the meagre ra-1 tions in Germany. Each person re- • Newest and best equipped plant in Western Ontario Seed picked up free anywhere in Western Ontario Higheit Cash Prices — Prompt returns Free Storage for growers wanting to hold seed, All growers' seed fully insured. Write or Telephone This effective special pene- trating-stimulating action works for hours during the night to relieve distress of colds while your little one sleeps. Results are so good often by morning most misery of the cold is relieved. Try VICKS It tonight! vApoRu:/ Q Jones, MacNaughton Seed Ltd. P. Cl. Box "H" - 'Phone 207 EXETER, ONTARIO OR CONTACT HAROLD COURTNEY, RIPLEY, ONT R. N. ALEXANDER, LONDESBORO, ONT. "I WANT ATO KNOW... and Mr. Mundt had not tasted meat ceives pound of butter a month for four years until he boarded the steamer for Canada, The flour from which their bread is made is inferior to that fed to pigs in this country. Mr. Feigel forwarded passage money to his brother in May. ,Mr. Harm Dunnink who has pur- chased the former Tom Padfield farm is a native of Holland, but has been in Canada for twenty years. His bride, also from Holland, came to Canada only two months ago. Women's Institute The October meeting of the Gorrie Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, October 10th, at the home of Mrs, A. Thornton at 2:30 p.m. The program will be 'under the direction of ,Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Convenor of Agri- lethure and Canadian Industries. Roll 1Call, My favourite job on the farm, 1Cars to leave Stephen's store at 2:15 p.m. M. S. The Wotnan's Missionary Society of the United Church will meet at the Iwitne of Mrs. Alex. Taylor on Thurs- mormniummosionsamimem.gooksimrommi,........L....mmtj "day, October 7th at 8:30 p.m. This is t an: all-members' program and the roll 61n1111111111111111111111011101111111111111131111111111111111111111111111111111111111151 c all is to be "A Thought on Missions", •1 The Huron Presbyterial Section W. GET moRE OUT OF YOUR CAR n r g • .M. S. meeting. wilLbe held in Gorrie N :United. Church on October 15th. The iadies of the conregation will serve the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. John MeDermitt ref ra PAY LEss OUT OF n YOUR PO The Fan mee KET •1 tingof the Dean- Huron 11111 Grainger on Sunday. IICPaisley visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil cry will be held in St, Thomas Angli- • • a,cati Church, Seaforth, on Thursday, October 7th. 1111 The W. A. of St. Stephen's Church meet in the Orange Hall on Fri- ll day afternoon for quilting. A full m- il tendance is hoped for. The Girls' W. A. met at the Rectory n ;on Friday evening, when a quilt was 111 quilted. U i Mrs. John Ball of Kincardine called on friends here on Friday afternoon. .She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Robinson, wheti remained over the • iweek-end' and was a guest at the home II of Mr. and Mrs, H. V. Holmes. Miss 1111 :Nellie Ball of Wingham was also a 111lIvisitor at the same home on Sunday. .011 1 Mr, and Mrs. Phil Willows of Vic- : toria Square spent a few days with the 11 ;lattet's niece, Mrs. Fred Feigle and Mr. Pelee. NI, Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid and Mrs. Ethel • Lindsay of Toronto spent the week- n d 't1 rs.Frances Strong and Mr. al - .ltoy Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy 516hriston and Wilma Jean were guests ' You an she obtain from yaw WOOL and salvage wool knitted Goods: • BLANKETS • CAR ROBES • SKI CLOTH • SUITING CLOTH • FINGERING YARN Every home can use extra blankets ... soft, fleecy blankets in glowing jewel colors ... whipped edges or satin bound. And these blankets are MADE FOR YOU ... from your own WOOL . or from your salvage wool knitted goods. This service, in great demand in the west, is now available to eastern Canada through the opening of our depot in Brampton. Ontario. Let us send you full particulars. IOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Bricks always available MEALS LUNCHES SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre Our stock of CANDY is complete—Bulk and box CHOCOLATES What this new "Security Plan" will do for him The Mutual Life of Canada's "Security Plan" enables you to start your child's insurance at a very early age, and at a low cost. Protection starts at 5100 at birth, increasing annually to $1,000. nt age 9 and grading up to $5,000. at age 20. If money is required for educational purposes when the child reaches university age, the policy may be surrendered forits cash value, otherwise it may be continued at the very low premium rate until age 60 or 65 when a retirement income is available. The Cash Value increases yearly, and dividends are paid annually as declared. Ask a Mutual rePrestntaave to sire you 411 the fasts. Please tend me your new eatalotut, giving full Information concesning products made by Saalnuchewan Wool Product‘ THE EirvAL OK CANADA HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. Providing life Insurance service since MO Address Eg Man Peat afterty DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES: M. 1VicPHAIL, WINGHAM WM. WEBSTER, LUCKNOW, R.R. T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW NORM. CLEGG, GORRIE ROSS H. MARTYN, RIPLEY .;:`SASK'AT 'CHEWAN WOOL PRODUCTS Owned and Operated by the People of Saskatchewan DEPOT - BRAMPTON, ONTARIO BELMORE :1-...111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 1•111111111g. When the Editor takes a trip, Belmore news we see, All the towns have their space, - We wonder how this can be. We want to keep our town alive, Though we are very few, It certainly is great fun, To tell what our neighbours do. Mrs. Allan Darling,. was hostess to a shower on Monday evening for Miss Mildred Stokes, bride elect. • U N U MONUMENTS a A family plot should be graced = with the shrme.like beauty of a • monument which will be ever- PI lastingly a tribute to those at rest, We have many classic a 111 Styles to suggest, and will -work '2 with yott on enstorn designs. II Exceptionally Low Prices. fi Wm. Brownlie 7;- i Box 373 'Phone 450 Li Alfred St. Wingbam tie a Inscriptions II Sandblasting MtmoRrieaPlasith iI ig n n SAVINGS IN FUEL AND OIL BILLS • • are yours as well as new pep and efficiency • • from your car when you see us regularly • • for an • • • n ENGINE TUNE-UP • • • • Drive In Today • • • n jutio Wingham 11• 10717 Motors Tiii5540.060At vi r age • Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks the tattle 'Mule On Saturday, Mrs, p Friday evening -a' gathering was held in the school room, when Mr. and Mrs. Allan Darling were the honored ones. Preparatory services were held in the United Church on Friday evening. Communion nit the Sabbath. Mr. Harvey Ballagh and Myrtle, motored to Toronto on Monday. Mrs, Win. Edwards spent a few days With Mrs. George Edwards, Wroxeter, Mrs. Scott with Mrs. Robt. *Breen, of Turnberry. Owing to the salt; of Mr. Dick Jeff- ray, the Missionary meeting falling on the same day was postponed to a later date, Miss M. Jeffrey visited with. Mrs. A 25 years experience 'Robt. Nichol on Tttesday. Mr. Wm. 'Th6 latest in Portable Sandblast fi 11/47ithol"s 'poultry yard is otfite an at- Exittionient traction, as it will soots he Thariks,giv-' An work Personally Execwwtcd 1 in bents. Mr. Nichol fed ft thousand male ! -41101111111111111111114111111111111111111111,11111111111141 ;Misses ratios, and .1.-11m1 Longley Telephone 139 Odor today tom WALTER WOODS, WINGHAM, ONT, JOHN C. SPEIR, .2, BRUSSELS, eINT:., se "SALAD TEA 41111111•••••011MINIMNIMINIMIMI. GORRIE was one of the highlights of the Fair. Prize winners for projects were:. 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar, accomp- The British Empire, No. 7, Gorrie Sr. anied by Mr. and Mrs. James Easton. room, Miss Jean Spading, teacher; Pi Toronto, enjoyed a motor trip last 2nd, Products of Trees, No. 11, Miss week in Northern Ontario, as far as Margaret Harding, teacher; 3rd, S. S. North Bay. No. 5, Holland, Mrs. J. A. Ireland, Howick Fall Fair teacher; 4th, No. 7, Junior Room, Gor- The 89th Howick Fall Fair was held rie, Here We Go, ,Mrs. K. McDonald, In Fordwich on Saturday with a splen- teacher; 5th, No, 4, Pioneer Life, Mrs. did attendance despite the cool weath- McLean, teacher; 6th, No. 6, Nature er. The work of the school children and Science, Miss M. Irwin, teacher. THEYr .044.EY4110011ES':: • Oa .... LONGER MILEAGE az LOWER COST "e4t te ra9 B.E Goodrich TIRES ID Silvertowns are made with tougher, cooler-running rubber - they're designed and built differently. Their wider, flatter tread puts more rubber on the road - - distributes the wear more evenly, and assures you of added protection against skidding and blowouts. MERKLEY MOTORS ' HUDSON SALES and SERVICE TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM held a sale on Thursday afternoOn, they don't know as yet where they will reside as their farm is sold, Mr, Thomas Appleby, .Glenannan, visited with the Misses Stokes on Fri- day: Mrs. gdwards with Miss Minnie Jeffray. Mr. and Mrs, Webb will move into the cabin beside Mr, Press's store.. Although small, Mr. Allan Darling is making it comfortable. The United Church will hold their Anniversary on October 17th, Keep the, date, Relieves DISTRESS Child Cold As He Sleeps Penetrates deep Into brow chial tubes with special soothing medicinal vapors. 4 ev.„ Stimulates chest and back suf. faces like a warm. Ing. comforting Poultice.