The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-10-06, Page 4Power Interruptions
Town of Wingham
C K. N X N ewscasts
When the interruptions of that day'and the following day will be announced,
Wingham Utilities Commission
FOR SALE-15 Rhode Island Red
Pullets. Phone 335.
FOR SALE-75 Barred Rock and
white Leghorn Pullets, 6 months old.
Apply Harold Elliott, Phone 609r4,
FOR SALE—Ladies Grey Tweed
"Tip Top" Suit, size 14. Black Wool
Whiter Coat, size 14. Phone 88.
FOR SALE-2 Ladies winter coats,
sire 14-16, (me, persian trimmed,.
thamios lined, tailored by Posatins,
one all wool tweed,. both in perfect
condition, Apply Advance-'Times,„ .
FOR SALE—Bed 4tet—a Simmons,
panelled top and bottom, good tone
dition. Rapp's Bakery.
OR SALE—Child's Snow Suit,
brown, size 4, like new. $5.90, Mrs.
Lawrence Plant, la R. 2 Bluevale.. .
FOR SALE—Black and white enam-
elled Cook Stove, nearly new; about
125 New Hampshire Pullets, approx-
imately 5 months old. Apply A.
Green, Wroxeter ?none 4r11.
FOR SALE—Boy's Bicycle, in good
condition. Apply Betty Casemote,
R, R. 4, Wingham.
FOR SALE—Guelph Wood Cook
Stove, with warming closet, and Re-
servoir, in excellent oondition. Apply
Ross Robinson,llel rave.
FOR SALE--alloy's Winter Overcoat,
size 10, in good condition. Apply
Mrs. Dote MacLean, Albert St.
'''FOR SALE-40 cord of mixed wood,
14” long, several cotds hard .matele,
body wood. Apply Frank Huber,
Mildmay, none 54r13.
FOR SALE-40X60 frame barn to
good condition, also low sled wheel
Wagon, with good hay rack. Apply
Hugh .Rion, Belgrave.
AGENTS—Door to door Salesmen
wanted to establish a business of
their own with our 250 Guaranteed
Household Necessities. Splendid
territories vacant in your district,
Unlimited possibilities for the am-
bitious person. Never a dull season,
Experience not essential but a car is
if you select a rural territory Very
little capital needed, BEST opportun
ity of starting a business of your
own. Write for FREE details and
Delorimier, MONTREAL.
ASK FOR—Trusses, Lumbago Belts,
Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock-
ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A
Drug Store.
Implements and Furniture will be
held at Lot 24, Con, B, Howick, at 1
p.m., on Thursday, October 14th.
Terms, Cash. Nelson Louttit,
Arnold Darroch, Auctioneer.
AUCTION SALE—Of Household ef-
fects will be held at the residence of
Mrs. Isabel Young, Belgrave, at 2
p.m., on Thursday, October 7th,
Terms, Cash. L. G. Bryce, Auct.,
Mrs. Isabel Young, Prop.
location. Apply W. F. Burgman.
BEAUTY and Natural Colour return
to greying hair with Angelique Grey
Hair Restorer. Try it. $1 at McKib-
bon's Drug Store.
is looking for a young man to work
in the store and learn clock and
watch repairing. This is an oppor-
tunity for you to take up a desirable
Brick Cottage in Wingham. All con-
veniences. Hardwood floors, Fire-
place. Furnace Heated. Good base-
ment. Garden, etc. Centrally locat-
ed. Occupancy, Oct. 15th next. Ap-
ply H. C. MacLean, Real Estate &
Business Broker, Wingham, Ontario.
Brick Dwelling, well located in
Wingham. 8 rooms, basement, small
barn. Good lot at rear. Immediate
occupancy given, Apply H. C. Mac-
Lean, Real Estate and Business
Broker, Wingham.
FOR SALE—Cabbages. Apply David
H. Finley.
FOR SALE—One set of Paperhang-
ing tools. Phone Brussels 15r17,
FOR SALE—Lady's Harris Tweed
Coat, Size 14. Apply Advance-Tim-
FOR SALE-1941 Chevrolet Truck,
good condition, good tires, with
stock rack, Stewart Pepper, Tees-
Hinks-Barnum—Married on Sept-
ember 30th, at the Methodist Parson-
age, Wingham, by the Rev, W. G.
Howson, Miss Minnie L. Barnum, of
Brussels, to Mr. James' A. Hinks, of
Elma Township.
Craig-McCutcheon—On Wednesday
of last week, Robert Craig, 5th line of
Morris, and Miss Ada May, daughter
of Frank McCutcheon, 6th line of Mor-
ris, were married at the home of the
bride, by Rev. H. M. Lang-Ford.
Town Council Notes—On motion of
Reeve Irwin and Councillor Nicholson,
the Mayor was authorized to call a
public meeting for Monday, October
12th, to discuss the question of a main
sewer and the general question of a
sewerage system for the town.
Personal—Mr. Jas. Anderson has
returned home after a several weeks'
visit in North Dakota. Mr. John C.
Currie has returned home after a few
weeks' business trip through the West.
Mr, Herb T. Hicks arrived home on
Wednesday from British Columbia
where he spent the past few months.
Mrs, Walter Paterson and Miss Edna
Paterson have returned home after
visiting in Saginaw, Mich. Mr, Pones
Pugh left yesterday for Kincardine.
Dr. Chisholm the Choice—There
was a good attendance at the Conser-
vative Convention held in Brussels on
Monday of last week. The election of
officers resulted as follows: Pres.,
Dudley Holmes, Wingham; 1st, Vice-
Pres., John. Wilford, Myth; 2nd, Vice-
Pres., Robt. Musgrove, Bluevale; 3rd.
Vice-Pres., H. H. Moore, Brussels;
Treas., Wm. Smith, Walton; Sec.,
Theo Hall, Wingham. Dr. Chisholm
was given an unanimous nomination
as a candidate for the Dominion
House. His nomination was hearty and
unanimous, he being the only men-
tioned, and a standing vote of every
delegate enhanced the enthusiasm, Ad-
dresses were given by Dr, Chisholm,
Jas, Bowman, Geo. Snotton, Dudley
Holmes, B. Gerry, J. Wilford and oth-
West last Saturday, Miss Laura Gil-
mar from north of Belmore, visited
her sister, Mrs. Ed. Bennett, recently.
Fordyce—Messrs. Geo. McRoberts
and E. J. Haines and Miss Wirmi red'
McQuillin spent the week-end at aur-
el, Amaranth and Caledon. Messrs.
Will Snowdon and Geo. McRoberts,
Misses Wintsifred Haines and Winni-
fred McQuillin and Mrs. Jas. Snow-
don, spent Sunday in Orangeville. Mr.
Chas. McQuillin spent the week-end
with his grandmother, Mrs. Robt.
East Wawanosh—Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin McDowell and Mr, and Mrs.
J. C. McBrien of Benmilier, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McGill
last week. :Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Olver
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Nethery visited
in Springfield one day last week. Mr.
Geo. Cook and family and Mr. and
Mrs. F. Cook, spent a day with Mr.
Kenneth Cameron recently,
* * *
Manners-Simpson—On Thanksgiv-
ing Day, October 9th, at the home of
the bride, Miss Ethel Simpson, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Simpson, Diagonal Road,
and the late Adam H. Simpson, was
married to Mr. Edward Manners, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Manners, Minety, WiltsMre, England,
by the Rev. L, H. Corric,
Walker-Walker—At the United
Church, Parsonage, Wingham, on Oct-
Ober 11th, a quiet wedding was sol-
emnized by Rev. L. H. Currie, when
Olive Teressa, youngest (laughter of
the late Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Walker of
Tceswater, was married to Mr. John
T, Walker, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Walker of Wingham.
Chopping Mill Changes Hands—
The chopping mill on Josephine St.,
owned by Allan Ramsay, has been pur-
chased b Russell Walker of town.
Bought Service Station—The Abell
Service Station on the Diagonal Road
was auctioned off on Saturday after-
noon, with Mr. Ed. Nash being the
successful bidder.
Played At Goderich—Four pairs re-
presented the local Bowling Club at
the Doubles tournament held its Code-
rid], Thanksgiving Day; W. H. 'Willis
and j. M. Graham; M. Teller and E.
Harrison; C. P. Smith anti D. Rae;
and Art Wilson and Wally Miller.
The last named pair took sixth prize
but the other Wingham entries failed
to qualify for a prize.
Wroxeter—Mr, and Mrs, Clarence
White and family, spent a day recently
at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W A.
Campbell, Bruce and Doris, of Tor-
onto, were week-cod guests of Mr. and
Mrs. G. S. &gaols. Mrs. Ed. Palmer,
Salem, was a guest of bee parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Bush, on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Velkat of Listowel,
Wert week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Timm.
Mitchell-Boateson-"Yates --- At St.
Andrew's Chtirch, Molesworth, Out.,
Dr. Howard Scott Mitchell, ii. A., lit
'charge of the Children's Memorial
hospital, Montreal, and eldest son of
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Mitchell, Moles-
worth, was united in marriage to
Elizabeth ilateson-Yata, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Bateson-Yates o'
Belfast, Ireland, by the Rev. T. W.
Bell and Rev. A. Leggatt.
Gorrie-Mr. and Mrs. Sydney
Holmes of Toronto, were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Dave Cathers.
Those attending the Deanery meeting
in Clinton on Wednesday last from this
parish were: Rev. B. S. and Mrs, Jon-
es, Mrs. Short, Miss Margaret Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor and Mrs.
Norman Wade, of Gorrie; Mrs. I,
Gamble of Fordwich, and Mr:S. Waller
and Miss Margaret Davey of Wrox-
Whitechtirch—Mr, arid Mts. 13. S.
Naylor, and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Naylor
spent last week-end in Chatham. Mr.,
and Mrs. John Falconer returned home
from Cakdon on Sgmlay. Mrs. Frank
Coulter and Alex, and Miss Florence
omtored Iiensall on Sat-
day. Mr. and 101, Cecil Wheeler
arid Mary of Morrii, spent Sunday
With her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Robinson. Mr, and Mrs, R. 3. Ross spent a day last week in Seeforth.
LaCOMBE—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Friday, October 1st,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. LaCombe, a.
METCALFE—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, October 2nd,,.
to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metcalfe,
R. R. 2, Wingham, a daughter.
lilts of leftover Jetty may be rued for,
:6:linking cake kingn Or whip until light.'
1dd a Dot apoonfula et whipPOlrelun. Arid seem al a tarnish for las avan*
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Bamford of
Preston, spent the week-end at his.
home here.
Mrs. Bert Taylor was a rcent visit-
or with her daughter, Miss Ilene, at
Jordan Station.
Mt. and Mrs. Herb Dainty of Camp-
Borden, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson,
and were accompanied home by their
sons, Billy and Gerald, who have spent
the past two weeks with their grand-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worsell of
Goderich were Sunday visitors with.
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Chamney.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henderson and
daugliters and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Robinson and son of Wingham were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, D.
B. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dow and
daughter of Munroe, were Sunday visie
tors at the Jefferson homes, and Mrs.
Jefferson Sr. returned with them fof-
a visit there and with Mr. and Mrs.
John Jefferson and family.
During the severe electrical storm
early Friday morning, the Thompson
Brothers, John A. and Donald, had
the misfortune to have their barn burn-
Bus driver—How old arc you, little
Little girl—If you don't mind, big
boy, I'll pay full fare and keep my
statistics to myself.
Wife Preservers ir,me
Plastic Wall Tile
Kitchen and .Bathroom
"Imiwimmi.imem•LompimerionErimmOr Imidomiondliwir
Mastic Tile flooring I;
for Homes, Offices and
Norman Ritdoul
Thenti 51 Wingtain
11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
FOR SALE—Coleman Oil Space
Heater. Apply Elmer Purdon, Phone
372, Francis St,
FOR SALE—Man's Bicycle, double
frame, in good condition. Cheap, See
At Merkley's Garage.
FOR SALE-10 acre poultry and
small fruit farm, with good build-
ings, being wired for hydro, on high-
way, $1,200 down, Allis Chalmers
Tractor, 575, half cash. W, B,
Thompson, Clinton, 21h miles west.
FOR SALE—Electric Milking Mach-
ine, used about six months. New
Gem Electric Oat Rollers and grind-
ers, new Conde Electric Milker,
immediate delivery, also new rubber
parts for all makes of milking mach-
ines. See John Butnstead & Son,
'Victoria St., Wingham.
FOR SALE-85 Rhode Island Red
Pullets, laying, from 300 egg hens.
Earl Toner, Gorrie, Ontario,
Frederick Q. Hooper
"'After an illness of four months, Mr,
Frederick George Hooper, passed
away in Regina Hospital, on Tuesday,
September 28th, The remains were
brought back to Welwyn United
Church where the funeral services
were held on Thursday afternoon at
2,30 p.m. by his pastor, Rev, Mr.
Robertson. He leaves to mourn his
loss, his widow, formerly Miss Rebecca
Mathers of Morris Township, a sister
of B.C., and a brother-in-law and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Owens
and a niece of Snyc Hill, Saskatchewan,
The flowers were many and beautiful.
Friends from a distance were Mr.
Henry Mathers of Bluevale, and his
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Barnard front B, C, and
many from Regina, Saskatoon, Spy
Hill and Dubeck. Interment was made
in Welwyn cemetery.
W. H. McElroy
William Herbert McElroy, died on
Thursday at his home in Blyth, fol-
lowing an illness of three months. He
was in his 59th year, and born in
Blyth, son of the late William H. Mc-
Elroy and Annie Herbison McElroy.
For some years he carried on his trade
as a cooper, and had a shop on Main
Street, but owing to his father's
health some fifteen years ago, he took
over his father's business as a coal
dealer. Mr. McElroy was a member of
the United Church and of the trustee
board of the church. He married
Emma Leith, only daughter of the
late George Leith and Mrs. Leith, of
Blyth. She predeceased him in 1945. In
1947 he married Mary Golley Rintoul,
who survives, with two sons, Barrie
McElroy of Palmerston, and jack Mc-
Elroy of Blyth, also one brother,
Leslie, Toronto, Funeral was held on
Saturday afternoon.
Heater, Congolcuin Rug, 9 x12, both
in good condition. Photie 891.
Elliott - Stokes
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Stokes, Glenannan, was tile scene of
a quiet wedding on Saturday, October
2nd., at high noon, when their young-
est daughter, Mildred Mabel, became
ployed as a moulder in the Western the bride of Gordon Mitchell Elliott,
WANTED—To buy or rent for win- Foundry. In 1906 he was. married to of Toronto, elder son of Mr. and Mrs.
ter, 200 gallon fuel oil tank or sev- the former Annie May Free, who sur- Gordon Elliott of Whitechurch. Rev.
eral drums. Phone 409W. wives. He was a member of the Ang-
WANTED—Modern Brick House, lican Church.
about 6 rooms, all conveniences. Surviving besides his wife, are six
Write j. 5. McCauley, 4200 Gray daughters, Mrs. Leonard (Beatrice)
St., Detroit, Mich. Shropshall, Mrs. Arthur (Lillian)
Stone, Mrs. John (Jean) McKay, Mrs.
YOUNG COUPLE WITH THREE Thomas (Gwendolyn) McIainney, all year old child, urgently require
light housekeeping suite. Phone 501, of Wingham, ',Mrs. John (Arlene) Hol-
cak, London, and Mrs. Frank (Ade- ask for, Mrs. R. A, Froorne. line) Gruen, Hamilton; two sons,
YOU CAN GET A GLISTEINTIIG Thomas of Toronto and Howard of
job on your car the economical way, London, Four sisters, Mrs. Albert
by using "TA.RN'OFF" no washing, Walker, Toronto,Mrs, Terry Gordon, '
the groom was a triple strand of pearls.
no polishing. Just rub on,and i Mrs. Carl Nickel, of Howick, was
wipe Toronto; Mrs. Elizabeth Tenkins, off. 16 oz. tin 60c, 36 oz. tin, 1,00. ..-. Mrs. . her sister's matron of honour. She
At Frank Caskanette Service Stat- avingham; Jack Kewley, Brant- wore a long pink dress, with matching
ion, Nash's Sunoco Service; Merk- fofd, and a brother, William of Brant- pink headdress and carried a bouquet
ley Motors; Robt, Hopper Sale & ford- ,, of pink roses. June Stokes, niece of the
Service. There are twenty-seven grandchild-
Court Of Revision
ten and two great grandchildren. He was predeceased by a son and blue floor length dress and carrying a
bride was flower girl, wearing a pale
tens. Town of Wingham daughter, two sisters and two broth- nosegay of pink roses and purple as-
The Court of Revision of the 1949 ers• Mr. Walter Elliott was his brother's
Assessment Roll will be held on Mon- Funeral services will be held on groomsman.
day, October 18, 1948 at 8 p.m., in Thursday at 1 p.m. from St. Paul's Mrs. Jorgensen played the wedding
the Town Hall, All appeals must Anglican Church, with Rev, E. 0.
be in the hands of the Clerk on Friday, Lancaster officiating, Interment will music, and during the signing of the
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCoot spent TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO
the week-end with Mr. and Mre. R. E.
Hopper, Exeter. Cattle On The Spree—Residents of
Will be held at
Miss Joan Haney of Brantford, spent a certain section of Greenock Town-
amongs the parties entitled thereto LOT 21 - 22, Con. 11, TuRNBERRy the week-end with her utscle, W. H. ship, witnessed a strange. and inter.
having regard only to claims of which
the executrix shall then have notice.
estitig performance on Saturday even- 2 Miles North of Wingham on and Mrs. Haney.
DATED this 21st day of September, O. 4, Hie-way Mrs, Kenneth Love of Toronto, ing when a herd of cows, owned by a
spent the week-end with her sister, farmer of that Township, came home At 1 p.m., on A. D., 1948.
IN Ingham, Ontario. The following is for sale:
drunk, It is supposed that the cattle CRAW FORD & HETHERINGTON Miss Dorothy Piper,
Solicitors for the Executrix, CATTLE—Cow, due in January, 10
years old;
Aug. 6th,'
mr.Nst.r..Na.ndT7:st.tiN..Vati. gJi.iiRitio.bert of Lis-
towel, were Sunday guests of Mr. and swamp and possibly they drank aeon-
due age Mrs. W. J. Wooda of duct. The animals acted in the, seine
siderable quantity of the stvoiap pro-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS 6 years; Cow, due ,May 28, 10 years ; Mr. and Cow, Dec.' 5' 9 years; -°w' Tweed, were guests last week of Mr. manner as drunken men, and whim
IN THE MATTER of the estate due Dec. 20, age 6 years; Heifer due , , .,, A. . „ ,., _.., ,,.
Donn _ervit iiss teturma 0 varthrride was flashed over the rural tele- of MARY JANE GREGG, late of the in January, 3 years; Cow, due lit Dec.- "n •'•rs. ' • " •maeunuga'
Huron, Widow, deceased. due in Feb., 8 Years; Cow, fresh, bred Woodstock, after spending a Week ' dents of the entire neighbourhood
lines of what had happened, resi- Village of Gorrie, in the County of 6 years;. Cow, fresh, not bred; Cow, ....M'ss a T - t
TAKE NOTICE that creditors and Sept. 11, 6 years; Cow, due Dec. 20, with her grandmother, Mrs. Arlie. rushed to the scene to witness the per-
others having claims against the es. 10 years; Cow, due Dee. 20, 4 years; Mr. Craig Armstrong of New York
ate of the said Mary Jane Gregg, de- Heifer, due in January, 3 years; Jersey City, is spending his vacation with his
ceased, are required to file their claims, Heifer, clue in Dec., 2 years; Heifer, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Arm-
duly verified with the undersigned on doe in Dec., 2 years; 8 Yearlings, about strong.
or before the twenty-third day of Oct- 800 lbs.; 16 Spring Calves, Mr. Phillip Galbraith of the Red ober, A.D., 1948, and that after said. HAY and GRAIN—About 40 tons . . ..... a ...
date the Administratrix will distribute of Alfalfa and Timothy; About 1800 Deer Advocate, and Airs. Galbraith,
the estate having regard only to the bushels of Mixed Grain. ,visited this week-end with their toils-
claims of which he shall then havel HORSES,--Matched 'ream of Geld- ins, Mrs. 'Geo. }tat= and Miss Fisher.
notice. I mks, weighing 3000 lbs., ages 8 and 9 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wight of Ar- At the last poultry fair over $50,000
DATED this twenty-eighth day of I
years; Horse; Coach Colt, rising 3 kona, and Mrs. Roy Adair of Wing- was paid to the farmers for dressed
September, A.D., 1948. years. .-Sow with 12 pigs, 3 weeks ham, visited on Thursday at the home 'birds, Each merchant gets a buyer to
A. II. McTavish, SWINE-
T. Appleby, Glen- come from a city wholesale house and
Teeswater, Ontario. old: Sow with 12 pigs, 3 weeks old; a'ntlfriNal ti r.' and Mrs. It
Solicitor for the Administratrix. Sow, due; 2 Sows, bred; 1 York Hog, ? they tonipete in buying the fowl. It is
13 Chunks,
IMPLEMENTS — laf e Co r m ick-
probable that a poultry fair will be in-
Deering Binder, 7-ft, cut, new; Mc-
ST. HELENS augurated in Wingliam.
12th Con. Howick—Mr. and Mrs.
NOTICE is hereby given ,that all CoTinielc-12eering Mower, 6 ft. cut, Ladies, Please tote that the October f3613 Baker visited at Mrs, Geo. Bak-
L°ade meeting of th e Women's Iustitute will , er's. Mt. and MrS. Follick of
demands against the estate of JOHN er, new; McCormick-Deering reertil-
Kiiicar- (Mors and others having minis or new; Mcuormick-Deering Hay
J. CASE MORE, late of the City of izer Drill, new; 1 Straight •Rake; Side- be... held at' the home of Mrs. R. 3, .dine and Mr. and Mrs. Tout Dane of
guests of Mr. James
Windsor, in the County of Essex, de. Delivery Rake; Wide Disc; Cultivator; Woods on FrIdaY afternonn' instead of T°r"to" were
ceased, are required to send full par- 1 2-Furrow Riding Plough; 1 Walk-
Stewart ou Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
. Mr. and ,'tars. Gordon Millet trd Henry Woods entertained friends from
ticulars of their said claims to the in Plough; 1 Corn Cultivator; 2 Sets
Crown Trust Compaoy, at the Security Bob-Sleighs; 1 Flat Rack; Cutter;
Building, Windsor, Ontario, on or be- Turnip Sower; Renfrew 'Cream Separ--
fore the 30th day of October, 1948, ator, nearly new; Harness; Numerous
after which (late the administrator will, other Articles,
proceed to distribute the assets of the Colony House, 10x15 feet; Colony
said deceased among the persons en- Ho se 10x12 feet; $OO L.S,B.R, Pul-
titled thereto, having regard only 0 lefts, S months old.
the claims of which it shall then have -TERMS a- 'CASH
notice, and the said administrator 'Is.0 RESERVE AS FARM IS SOLD'
shall not be liable for the said assets or ROY PORTER, Prop,
any part thereof to any person or per- MATT GAYNOR, Met.
at Warren House. Phone 475,
Cleaning, demothing, free estimates.
Write or phone William N. Gould,
314W, Clinton.
ROOMS FOR RENT—Suitable for
light Housekeeping. Apply Mrs.
Laura Finley John & William St.,
David Crompton
Gifts For All Occasions
Norman Baker
ROOM TO RENT—Apply Mrs. C.
R. Henderson.
After an illness of three years, the
death of Norman Charles Baker occur-
red at his home, R. R. 2, Wingham,
TEACUP & PALMISTRY READ- on Monday, October 4th. He was in
ing given by Experienced Reader. his 64th year.
For appointment Phone Brussels, Born in Wroxeter, he moved in early 89-23. Don't let problems worry life to Wingliam, where he was em-you. Miss I. M. Sellers.
L. C. Jorgensen, of Bluevale and Bel-
more Presbyterian Churches, perform-
ed the double ring ceremony, before
an arch of evergreens flanked with
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, wore a floor length gown of
white slipper satin with nylon yoke.
Her long, net veil was neld' with a
headdress of flowers, and she carried
a bouquet of red roses. Her gift from
FOR SALE-1935 Plymouth Coach, be made in Wingliam cemtery. The Teeswater, sang, "I'll Walk Beside
in good condition. Phone 188, at pallbearers will be nephews of the de- you:'
meal times. ' ceased,. A wedding dinner was served to th e
FOR SALE-40 gallon Hot "Water ' immediate relatives, after which the
Tank, with Electric Heater, Apply sons of whose claims it shall not then happy couple left for a trip to North-
DATED at Windsor, Ontario,
this ern Ontario, the bride travelling in a
FOR SALE—Chesterfield Suite, Kit- 1st. day of October, 1948.
pink wool dress, with grey coat and
chew Range, Coal Oil Stove, with - .17170,17; All persons claims against CROWN TRUST COMPkNY AD-
oven, Beatty Electric Washer,. other M INISTRATOR, On their return. they will reside in the estate of Robert Beavers Warwick, ,
late of the Township of Morris, in the Security 'Paildin 'Windsor Ont r; Toronto. articles. Apply Russell Walker,
Leopold St, Phone 189. CO unty of Huron, Farmer, who died ' n v -.„,-,1-4, ,,• rg,,, , i.. ,,,."',,,,,ity,.°,.•
• • •, • . • • on or about the 14th day of . Augusta -'-' e ""e", '''''", "'"w'• 1 '-••°11-1 •rel .
FOR SALE—Large size Quebec . 1948, ate notified to send to the under-i IJOCAL AND PERSONAL & cot:GI-mix, Its Solicitors.
signed, on or before the 9th day ot.
October, 1948, full particulars of their.
claims in writing. Immediately after
FOR SALE—Coal and wood Range, the said 9th day of October, the assets
Premier Vacuum Cleaner. Phone 841 of the said testator will be disributed.
October 15th, 1948, Ratepayers are register, Miss Mildred Ballagit, of
requested to govern themselves ac-
W. A. Galbraith,
Town Cleric.
Norman Rintoul, Phone 251. have notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Street Poultry Fair—Messrs. J.
Hirst, R. II. King, W. R. Hamilton,
J. W. Hanna and A. G, Smith motored
to Arthur on Monday afternoon. Their
mission was to 1001; into the workings
ofw the Christmas Street Poultry Fair,
which is an annual event in that town.
Larry, Miss Doris Taylor, student at
Wells' Academy, and Miss Margaret.
MaPliefson, student-nurse at St, jos-
eph's Hospital, London, were home for
the week-tad.
Mrs. Al. Martin. and Ned returned to
Toronto on Friday. They were ac-
companied by Mrs. E, 3, Thom.
Mr.:avid Mrs. Andrew Gaunt spent a Sunday, Messrs. Percy Copeland and
few days in Toronto this week. Anson -Galbraith returned from the
Clifford on Sunday, Mr. Dick Bennett
is away to-Manitoulin Island on busi-
ness, Mr. and Mts. Bob Patrick of
lituesele, called on Mrs. David Clegg
Salem—Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Mt-
(lien from south of Wtoxeter,
on Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fralick last