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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-25, Page 6
N N U N N U U • N N N U N a MILKING MACHINE REPLACEMENT PARTS 11 3SU , for SQRGE 2R for ' PERFECTION NONTGOMERI, WARD I , RS for Earl and v . SIAM PIM, I2SU for''' SURGE 3R for PERFECTION RIFE WAY 1915 WARD'S ANDERSON IDEAL a U6M for UNIVERSAL and Di LAVAL" Imatenicl r$1 06S for UNIVERSAL evisal bus 10, 176R for EMPIRE ANDERSON CGRMIGIG DEERING PINE TREE 83 'for COOM vi 1C14 c OtER pmec !l3R for COM 08D for DE LAVAL.4, % I 111111T tatUW : s and Select Your Milking Machine Rubber Replacement Parts from this Sample Board We can make immediate deliveries from our stock.. There it nothing better than Crown Brand milking machine parts regard'. less of name or price. John Bumstead & Son VICTORIA STREET WINGHAM 46, In the best looking, most practical clothes in any class! That's how you want your young scholars dressed this busy new season -- So make us your "Back to School" Headquarters . . . Everything' for the Kinder- garten kiddies through to the College Crowd, "Elementary" Prices BOYS' OVERALLS Styled and tailored for active boys, from Sanforized Herringbone Denim, in Blue' only. SCHOOL SPECIAL—Reg. $2.75—SALE $2.29 JERSEY PULLOVERS A selection of cool Short-sleeve Jerseys composed of a wide variety of lines, many up to $1.50 values. SCHOOL SPECIAL 59c SLACK SUITS Tailored from long-Wearing Royal Blue Drill . . . Short Sleeve Shirt and Longs . . . One suit to a customer—Reg. $3.95 SCHOOL SPECIAL $1.99 BOYS' FINE SHIRTS WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS by FORSYTH in Young Fellows' style—Sizes 12 to 141/2 Price .. 4 4 4 4$3.25 SANFORIZED WHITE BROADCLOTHS by Warrendale Sizes 11 to 141/g. Price — • — ..........$2A9 PRINTED BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Expertly tailored from Sanforized Broadcloth in a wide variety of patterns and shades. Prices .$1.69 — $2.95 BOYS' STURDY LONGS Neatly tailored from worsted' over-check cotton drill. Ages 8 to 16 — — —$2.50 V-NECK SWEATERS A practical and favorite sweater style for Boys a Rennie Knit Style—Reg. $2.95 SCHOOL SPECIAL — — — — ..$2.49 CHECK DOESKIN SHIRTS FOR BOYS Extremely popular for play or ..school. Expertly cut from good quality doeskin and taifored with dress collars . .. sizes 12 to 40 —Trice — .$1.79 STUDENTS' ANKLE SOX A grand selection of colors and patterns . a man- ufacturer's clearance of seconds . . Values tip to 89c--SALE SPECIAL ........ y — — .25c BOYS' LONG PANTS Long-wearing Bays' Trousers in all the popular styles and shades . . plains . checks . stripes $3.95 to $5.95 0 CkTo- VALUES Wednesday, August 25„194g PAGE SIX been visiting there for 1.4 past two weeks, accompanied them,. and 'net her parents Mr; and Mrs.. G , A. Mae- Laeghlin thereI and returned home with them. Mrs, Clarence Chanute>, spent Sun- day in Goder#1, with her mother, Mrs, John Johnston. Mr, Fred Leaver of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Chas, Leaver, The W.M.S. of the United Church met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J, G. Gillespie and entertained Mason, the Mission Band and the Mothers and Baby Band, Mrs. Victor Emerson had charge of the meeting, 'and read the scripture lesson and Mrs. (Rev,) W, J, Watt led in prayer, After this meeting the programme was turned over to the Supt, of they, Mission Band, Mrs. ST, H, Moore and the children gave a splendid program of dialogue numbers,--readings, and sing songs, Mrs, J. D, Beecroft bad charge of the story, telling of the Life of Samuel, and the meeting was closed by all re- peating the Lord's Prayer in unison., Lunch was served of sandwiches and cake, with a treat of ice-cream for all, The children enjoyed the games on the lawn and all enjoyed the outing. Mr's. Ernest Beecroft and little son, John Kirk, retunred home from Wing- ham Hospital on Sunday. GORRIE Mrs. j, H, MeErtrick of Chicago, DI, spent last week with her brother, Mr. Harry Hastie and Mrs. Hastie. Mrs. Hemmingway of Grand Val- ley, visited Mrs. Jas. Edwards on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McGrath of Toronto, have been visiting friends here There was ideal weather for the sec- ond night of the Howick Lions Frolic at the park Wroxeter, Tuesday and a fine attendance. Carman 0, Nickle A private funeral service was held at the M. D. Irvin Funeral Home on Thursday last, at 1.45 p.m., for Car- 011MMEMONMMUMIMIU NI MMIROMM UNINNONSINgit man , , of . Mrs, Rob t,G Nick le 17th son cm 7, , 11 who and passed n • n n COMPLETE 1111 n n n n a a n n n ild a la a a a a a III II a a a im a MI la II who attended the trousseau tea at the a •,... home of Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer, a 2 winghain, on Friday, is spending two ii111 •weeks at the home of her brothers, Mr. Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks El E mi Cecil and Mr. James Falconer. imminiiminimminmmanniiimmiummis Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of Blyth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer on Sunday, Mr. Pat Coulter of Chatham, has • been holidaying at the home of Mr. Sam Coulter of E. \Vawanosh. Mr. John McGee had charge of the service in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday morning and MI:. Fred Newman gave the address. Rev. \V. S. Sutherland will again have charge next Sunday. Mr. Sutherland had charge of the Church of the Air on Slonday morning, using some of the Choir re- cordings made in the Presbyterian Church here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron of Lucknow, left on Thursday for Pow- asson to visit at the home of their son, Mr. Glen it Cameron and Elaine IPurdon, who had been visiting here for a few weeks and ,Myrna Stockill accompanied them, returning to their homes at Powasson, Mr; Cecil Falconer and Mr. John Falconer, Wingham, spent Monday in Guelph. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and family spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lien McClota- ghan, and Barbara Parker, who had been visiting here, returned home with. them. Miss Faye McClenaghan of Lon- don, also spent the week-end here. Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan return- ed home from Wingham Hospital on ,Sunday and her sister, Mrs. Gowdie of Kitchener, is visiting with her this week. Mrs. Campbell and Miss Hazelwood of London, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross ''this week. Mrs. John Carruthers of London spent the week-end at the borne of her 'sister-in-law, Mrs. GeorAe Fisher. 1 1 Donald Stewart (4 Kinloss met with ,a nasty accident on Saturday last, at the barn of Mr, Bert 'Moffatt, when 'the load was out Donald climbed to the ridge of the barn to do something to the block of the car track, and fell heavily to th.e floor, His wrist is now in a cast, and his feet and face were injured, hut it was a miracle he wasn't skilled by the fall. Mr. and Mrs. joint S. Craig accomP- unied Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall to Acton t on Sunday to visit with Mr. Hall's another, Mrs. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baird, and ills sister, Mrs. Harriet Keener of 1 sister, iFlint, Mich., spent the week-end at 'the home of their uncle, Mr. Adam Robertson, and with other relatives in !this community and with Baird .'ela- 4ives in Win.ghant. The Mi.ssion Band of the Presbyter- ;tan Church met on Saturday at the Iteatte of the leader, Mrs. Dawson Crai,, with Miss Jean Gaunt in charge of the meeting, and giving the call to. `worship. Billie 7.Newman read the Scripture lesson from Mark 10, and Jim Gaunt led in prayer. Rithard Neiv- man took up the offering, and Betty gave the offertory prayer. Mrs. Craig told the Story of How the Artist for- got four colours. The artist painted the children's faces all white, and these Please 'tint me Your new tats siring toaI ininernation concerning wands nude 1,1 Saskatchewan Wool PrOclucti, Name Address grMi3 4644 Mama Mat 5:14halfr SASKATCHEWAN WOOL PRODUCTS Owned and Operated by the People of SaskatcLewan tq`NN'Artle;' rt3o ,f BRAMPTON, ON'TARIO trigtit atafittTect, "SALAD ©LIMN IPIEM ®A Wingham Motors Telephone 139 attention to every point . . . and thorough workmanship by experts, using genuine factory-approved parts, your headquarters is ready to serve you. We've got the facilities to handle every possible job on any make of car or truck. You'll get SATISFACTION when you Come Here CAR SERVICE for n away Tuesday morning at 'the ▪ erton Hospital as a result of injuries • sustained in a car crash early, Satur- • day morning at the age of 25 years. a He served in the army in World War and was a prisoner of war in Ger- i many for many months. Besides his • parents, he is survived by a sister, • Mrs. Harold (Verna) Boyd of How- W ick, and a brother, Howard, of Kit- • chener. Public service was held in ,the Belmore United Church and burial n was in McIntosh. Cemetery. Howick N Legion attended in a body. • • WHITECHURCH 111 • Mrs. Andrew Wilson and James, • and her sister, Mrs. Macphail, left one • day last week to visit with- Manitoba II relatives, and then on to Vancouver. • • Mr. Alex Coulter accompanied them N and will visit with his brother, ;Mr. • • Chester Coulter in Vancouver. • Mrs. Lorne Johnston spent a few • days last week at the home oT her sis- ter, Mrs. Fred Plaetzer of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Coultes spent the week-end with Paisley relatives. Mrs. Elgin Wellwood of Caledon, n • • • H. J. HEINZ CO. of Canada Ltd. MALE HELP is required at the Leamington Factory to process the 1948 Tomato Crop. • • • Howson & Howson WINGHAM ONTARIO • FREE SLEEPING QUARTERS GOOD PAY EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS S For further information, contact 'You cut itso Alain From your WOOL, and attract wool knitted Goode •nLAVITS • CA ROMS • SKI CLOTH • sun= CL.011.1 • PINGEIUNG YARN Every home can use extra blankets... soft, fleecy blankets in glowing Jewel colors .. whipped edges or satin bound. And these blankets are MAU FOR YOU ... front your own WOOL,... or front your salvage wool knitted goods. This service, in great demand hi the west, is now available to eastern Canada through the opening of our depot in Brampton. Ontario. Let us send you full particulars. 1?z.t made tiour CLIP AND MAIL TODAY • I 1 N N N N N I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N •313.9113•11.113.0•111191131111MAIMMINitiluartiliflatilintriifidiamillifin•Mfilltritlikilitit anna's Young Canuck :Shope BASEMENT DEPT. Clothing Headquarters for the "Style-Conscious" Student Huron-Bruce Clothiers • a Alain mittarritmorustanii N N N i. • n fri • U N N a N N U ii I U U I were Goats children, but Jesus painted in the other colours, red, brown, yel- low and black, The meeting was closed by all trepeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Lunch was served and the children enjoyed the g,arnes and social time together. The Triple V. Class of ilelgrave, ad charge of fire service in Brick nited Church on Sunday.. • Mrs. Hugh Halliday of 'Toronto, and and Mrs. Harvey Leslie of visited on Sunday at the horne..1-11 - former's brother, Mr. John N31-3.310 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ,0,94.1,941Ntolonowimouro . .4m1"041...?mqp*41/0/ 41/71liaren woe 'PHONE 475 INTERIORS '. Drapery Slip Covers Rugs Venetian Blinds Cornice Boxes GIFTS BOOKS GREETING CARDS TALLY CARDS PLACE CARDS PARTY INVITATION ANTIQUES Picture Framing a Specialty .41•1041MOMMA.11.04111. Mr, Lloyd Mason of Listowel, spent the week-end at.his home. Lloyd tries his exams for a licensed mechanic in Kitchener this Thursday after five years training. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney and Ann, motored to London, on Sunday. Miss Joanne MacLaughlin who has