HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-25, Page 4f ainton's •••=1:r.,...101.1.:,.. • 11,1 11•11,,,,MOMIN FIREPLACE BASKETS-20 finch , , $7,95 24 inch 1 $9.95 FIREPLACE SCREENS, 25 x 31 $5.90 31 in. square $6.50 Brass Trim, 31 x 37 $7.95 ROLBRIK SIDING, red and buff, per sq. .. .$4.75 Brantford Sealed- in SIDING, red or Buff, per square . .$14.50 2-ply ROOFING' per roll $2.45 BELGRAVE ' Mrs, C. R. Logan1 and family are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Les, Vincent in Byron. Miss Fairy Fells of Barrie, is spend- ing her holidays with her uncle, Mr, David Scott. Mr, and Mrs, C, A, Stocks of Wind- sor, spent a few days,last week with Mr, and Mrs, L, Vannan, Mrs, R. Cannon, Mr, and Mrs. J. Riven, all of Hamilton, called on Mrs. A. M, Perdue on Monday, Rev. Townend, -former. minister of the United Church in Belgrave, will , preach here this coming Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Taylor and daughter of Toronto, are visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Orval Taylor. A shower was held in the Forester's Hall last Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Kelly, Mr, C. R, Coultes presented the couple with a purse of money also other gifts, on behalf of the large crowd, McDow- ell's Orchestra supplied music for dancing. Miss Elaine Walsh, Miss Lois Kelly and Miss Jean -Yuill, Brussels, spent a‘week at Pinehurst Lodge, Port Elgin, Ontario. a a a a F-_ • a a a a a a a a a U U No. 1 Freestone PEACHES, lb. or basket. Sunkist Size 344 ORANGES, doz. , .23c Golden Ripe BANANAS, lb. ....16c Firm, Dry Cooking ONIONS, 10 lb. bag 37c Pride of Niagara 20 or. tin Canada Blended or Spirit a TOMATO JUICE —1Ic VINEGAR, gal., ..„43c -St. William's 20 tar. jar Whole Mixed 4 or. pkg. Black Raspberry „ .33c PICKLING SPICE 09c Picnic Sweet Mix 24 or. jar Blue and Gold 20 or, tin PICKLES ..... ...30c Fancy PEAS ......18c CLARK'S with Chili Sauce 15 oz. 2 for 25c tin Pork & Beans a • a U David Crompton Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. 1Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Windham LADIES READ THIS! a a a n U a • BROWN PAINT, to Clear-1 galon $1.98 ROOF COATING, 1 gallon 89c PLASTIC CEMENT for Eavetroughing, Roofs, and around Chimney, quarts 45c 5 gallons $4.25 IVORY and CREAM PAINT—to clear7,—gal. $3.00 STOVES Used COOK STOVE, fol ft o Enamel Front, medium a ize $40.00 ai, USED COOK STOVE, it Enamel Front, large Fr size $69.00 a it Westinghouse MOTORS, IA h.p., 60 cycle . .$22.00 1/3 h.p., 60 cycle $26.50 CROCKS-1 gal. 50c, 5-gal. $2.50, 6-gal. $3.00 CIGARS SMOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP Washable PLASTIC COVERS for BREAKFAST SUITES and KITCHEN CHAIRS GIBSON'S h sP ock TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM 0". tetriftviti,tiviN4titlitiViiiiiVtiltfitoffl 11101410iftf Ili Mother wants Quality, Ex- pert Pitting, Style, in her Children's Shoes, That's what you get when you buy them here. Shoes construct- ed for young feet at young prices. PAGE FOUR. THE WINGHAM APV4NCE-,TIKE$. Wednesday, August 25, 194$ 111111111., OntarL,, L.:I- the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • IN THE MA-1."fiER ci the Estat a , ,f R t ld.::::',urney. late the Town 1.71 fau% C uuty of Huron, ill I Rettre 3 izo:r.tner, :ease 2. N4...1,T:4.:E IS ii'ER.Ei2Y pursuant t::.1 the "Trustee Act that al -kg cre att3 t:thers haying claim a.gairst the Esate ci the late Robe: 1!,,rEtr.rrey., are red red to send r t...T "- tiza".ars duly verified ":42; KC. the c- —• • "e the Eve _.:x c! the sa;..3 be: -e* twenty.eigntii day ci A V.. 1948 ani that after sur.I,late the ette:titrn pr:zeed to tt..e s.atcl estate, having re- t t_ ".`.°e ea'_rns which she the: have Ea] n.ttize. D. D at Win -:itarn. Ontariti, this nth lay:f Atti.,ust, A.D., 1945. N.. W. Ell:SHE:1E1.D. K.C., Wingloz.n. 109.r.tariz,. f..-r the E.vecutrin. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claime, against the estate of Samuel George McKee, late of the Villiage of Gorrie, in the Lounty of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 6th day or July, 1948, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 28th day of August, A.D., 1948, full partic- ulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said 25,th day of WANTED—Lady for full or part i August the assets of the said testator FOR SALE-1937 Dodge Deluxe Se- • time housework in town. Apply at o will de distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to .]aims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this 29th day of July A.D., 1943. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Winehani. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. !NOTICE TO CREDITORS :1SAR 1111111111113.111111111111.1111:1111111111,11i1,1111,K11111MIKIIIII M t 1 IN TH of WILLIAM EARL E. MATFER E ta'e z =. it late t,f the City ei St. Catharines. in to = n the County of Lincoln, Labourer, de ceased. .1 NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN that all pers::-.ns havizz any claims c. demands against the .are WILLIAM MI EARL GROVE: who died en cr. iii t about the 25th day of April, A.D.,i 11 1948, at the Township ci Grantham,I -__—lin the County of Lincoln, are required !+ Elio send by post prepaid. or to delivert • 1 to the undersigned Solicitors fcr the i---- = Administratrix, their names and al-0 'I dresses and full particulars in writirti,q alof their claims, and statements of their WI 'accounts, and the nature of the secur I ities, if any, held by them. li„. ' And TAKE NOTICE that after the ii- 15th day of September, A.D. 1948. the Administratrix will proceed to die- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims, t,,f which she shall then have had notice, ii , and that the Administratrix will act i 1 be liable for the said assets or any •:,-_. i part thereof to any persons of whot.e .....1 claim she shall not then have notice. -di DATED at St. Catharines, Ontarse, •=4 this 13th day of Augitst, A.D., 1945. ilill TRAPNELL FLEMING, HARRIS • !' & KERWIN, 'ii Queen Street, .=-- ,' ST. eATHARINES, ONTARIO. PISdicitors kr the Administratrix. WI "N OTICE='. TO CREDITORS ji iii. IN 'THE MATTER of the Estate of t-L Amanda 1.. Eadie, late of the Town, .,"! ship of Turnberrv, in the County of ii ri Huron. Widow, deceased. ,: NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, S pursuant to the Trustee Act that all 1: creditors and others having claims is 'against the Estate of the late Amanda —,.. L. Eadie, are required to send particu- 1 • lays of their claims, duly verified, to J. ill,: W. tuslifield, R.C. the solicitor for the _.---.:,, ExecutQr of the said Estate, on or be- lt'fore the twenty-eighth day of August, A', A.D., 1948, and that after such date ra the E or xecut wall proceed to distribute •-!i - . -, tie sat41 Mate, Laving rep.rd only to 17' the claims' of which he shall then have had notice. ,...,=: DATF,D at Wingham, Ontario, this Ai ninth day of August A.D. 1948. I 3. Nv% By -AFIELD, KC., _ . CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE-9 Pigs, seven weeks old. Apply Harold Dennis, near cote- CARETARER—$1080-$1380, tery. ham. Full particulars on posters in missi.ai, Toronto, Application forms, not later than August 28th, 1943, Post (Wire or Civil Service Com- obtainable thereat, 81iould be 'filed with the Serve Commission, 465 Bay St., Toronto. FOR SALE—One and a half storey frame house on Bristol Terrace, red asphalt tatting, new asphalt roof, Apply Robert CAsesnore, Winginon. FOR SALE—Mitre machine, good condition, Apply C. C, McKibbou, Phone 475. Phone 630r5, Wingham. thin, good condition. Apply Phone 1 Punkin s bakery, Al in taro. 335I, 11.1 a a a rl a a • a a a a a t‘i RED ROSE TEA RED LABEL, Pltz• 49e oRxxcai PEKoE, s 02% pkg.. 57, Aylmer oc„ tits V E L Infant Foods ....3 » 25c Large pkg. . — —35c St:,kely's 13 or. bet. Giant pkg. — .70c Tomato CATSUP ..20c Quaker 4 on. pkg. PUFFED WHEAT 10c. Palmolive Soap, reg. IOC Giant For Sandwiches 3 or. tin Palmolive SOAP .14c PARIS PATE • .13c SUPER SUDS L e. pkg. Sc3 Giant 73c l MUFFETS, pkg. .. 12c WESTON'S Plain or Salted Soda Wafers 6 oz. pkg. 14c Streamlined Assorted Sandwich Cookies pkg. 21c Valu Ali rterch mignon* LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Lealr Currie has been holiday- ing in Toronto for a few days, M'rs, V. R. VaonNrman has return- ed after visiting in Toronto and Big Bay Point. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. ill. Spittal and family, of Brantford, are visiting friends in town, Norman Mundy and Walter Bur- gess are enjoying a two week's motor trip to the Maritimes. Dr. and Mrs. Messersmith of Kitih- ener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Armitage, Mrs, Grant MacLean and son, Don- ald, of Prescott, spent a week with friends and relatives in town, Mrs. Jessie Waram of Toronto, is visiting with friends in town after • spending- the past year in the West. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Christie and son, Graeme of Toronto, are visiting Y. at the home of Mr. andMrs. W. 13. I Mc Cool. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Busch of Evanston, Illinois, and Mrs. M. Conn- er of Clinton, are renewing acquaint- ances in town. Mr. and Mrs. David Currie have returned home after spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Eric El- liott at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gotikin and 111 MiFs. Agnes Williamson enjoyed a 1 i inctPr trip last week to North Bay, !-1 ;:- Midland and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Fenshan anti din loci, Linda, Toronto, spent the ''(.4.011011111:Iiii1111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111•111•1111111111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111,1k past week with Mrs. Fenshan's par- 41111111111111111111111111(11111111111111•1111111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/41 eats, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snatch, Carl- 11 iircr, Terrace. Mr, and ;..\frs. Correll and two tz-, children of Port Credit, visited with tree .atter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Hetiglian, Carling Terrace, this ; last few weeks. • N rrlwartej• ha ; '7u.r4Arec:' 1.nstaa7:4` fr'n11 Miss Mary Ross returned home last — mace, arms„ ',cgs. with Flash, Hair Re-'weer: after 4* rucver. Harra'.ess—leave-el skin soft v.- •I weer: stera...ing two tr*nths and ,ztn.roth. Y:u cant Ic.se. Monev'f"g sway . Her . tsc., pronirttl.- reittred if hair c.rows back XatcY Caire N ftt:tattzatr,, wee attl mrs. Telephone—Days 417 r axle treatment 42 t` :s.—Postage extra J. J. M.:liatt were Mr. Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. and tnA3ter. Mrs E .Pttrec3: of Haul- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110n 111tISINIIIIMIS1,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept 436> ittin, and: Mr. and Mrs. Ciot',rge .watt Grosse ante, Mich. Mr. aral Mr'4. T. Janis and visited witis reative in tywn week. Mrs. A. H. Simpsm returned Mrs Kate Pr cock flernts. Children's SHOES for with them E. 7 a etf weeks. • Mrs. Wm, Williams :it has been II vistir..: its KitChetter with tler ter, Mrs. E. Zeic.,,ter returnee over the week-end. Mrs Zeiler ,„...in,,.:attle41 he: and Mr. A. Wiliiatas"ri it of Tcr,,,ntc',„ also spent the week-end with his rivAher. send particulars ,:f their claim*, duly said estate, .. a or before the twenty-, LEDIETT-4" loving memory '-' " that after such date the Administrator' old Lediett, of the Seafortit High-' l', eighth day of Augult, A,D., 1948, and' dear s:-n and brother, Preston ITAr- mu 111 proceed to distribute the said es-, 127'f-us" t4' €a of wc.-'''t"Is iii i ate, having :cord only to tole I ,I.,i which he shall then have had notice. l'e'a sad an'Ti ::1!),ellY years have passed, sixth day ci August, .D., 1948. • lenry Breckenridge, are required to ,:—Ever remembered by the -family. oli:itor ft.-r time Administrator cf Gel , 4 i erified, to J. W. Buslifieldl, K.C., the ';ACTIVE SERVICE MEMORIAM l' i editors ,and ,--thers having claims, Still in itientory v.:'',..t are with tin ARNARD--In loVing ritenixy ef. Dad, Sisters and Br,.,thers. linst the Estate of the late William,' As :.•,,..-1.1 alwalys were bef,re. DATED at Wingharri, Ontario, this Since LI:•!* •r,'Eal: s.'rr'Ac i'O• DATED UPHOLSTERING and Phone 260 Maple St. Win ham wit , t asse,I away, ate year ago, r. J, \ . ...A.. 11The shock that we received that , Wingh:Ini, Ontario. How: his life was shed we know trot, .2 s '. tt.r for the Administrator. What his 'east word, look or thought,: REPAlk SHOP HAUGH —In k.vitig inenicry of a IN MEMORIAM "Died as he bravely fought. A . Only that he did 'his daty e claims, _ ta,ly, -kt:!.ust 28th, 1944. , August 19th 1947. ,!= '—LoeinOy remembered by :Moth* Dear :a, titer, :4 r_,s are not Lrgotten, We still remember well. . dear nt,-ther, 'Mrs. Catherine Hallie.l, Tim -...tit n earth 3.eti are to =ore, , ; — -f. r 1: - P17,1 Officer Russell D. Barnard.; CARD OF THANKS wit.) was killed in the Service of his Country, August 2.6111, 1944. i 2 hen carve the call, the parting and Viola Mothers and the Warwick, the pain, tantilies wisti to, thank their relatives: c.cai 1r hands gene, had voice to say friends ao neighbours for their en- ozz1-1*e, pr essi:Itis of l.rripatity and kindrioss4E. Now death has- trampled down the extended to theta in their recent sad,,' bereavement • in the death of Mr. Robt.t Womick. Lowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. Further particulars can also be obtained from undersigned,. Nelson Gowdy, Road Superintendent, Township of Flowicic, \Vroxeter, Ontario, AUCTION SALE At Lot 30, Concession 3, Township of Icirdoss, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1948 at 7.00 P.M., This valuable farm property of 100 acres, more or less, will be offered for sale, subject to a reserved bid. On. the property is a good frame barn, approx- imately 45.05 on a concrete founda- tion, There is also approximately four acres of hardwood 'bush and ten acres of elm and cedar. There is also a creek and a good dug well and the land is well drained. Located 1 114 miles East of Langsid.e Store. TERMS—Ten per cent of purchase price on day of sale and balance in 30 days at office cti Ross H, Martyr), Notary Public, Ripley, Ontario. POSSESSION—on payment of De- posit. Dated at Ripley, Ont,, August 23, 1948. Gordon Scott, Ripley, Ontario. William M. Scott, R. R. 5, Luck- now, Ontario, Executors of the Estate of Walter J, Scott, Donald B. Blue, Ripley, Ont. Auctioneer. PALMISTRY & TEACUP RE.W- ings given by noted. Experienced Reader, Why Worry? or be in Doubt.? For appointment Phone Brussels 39-23, ASK FOR—Trusses, Lonthago Belts, • FOR SALE—Two Spring Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock-1 Phone 637r12, Wingiam, ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A • . — Drttg Store.— FOR SAL 1;—Water bowls for 21 • head of cattle, also Num truckwag- B()4 )KKEEPER WANTED— Male on. Applycias, Mathers, R. R, 2, or Female, everieuee t i, full tune. Bluevale, Phone Brnssels 7185, Apply in person. Edwards Motor Sales, Wingleun, Ontario, Calves. FOR SALE-1 used M.H. Binder in good running shape, also used air compressor anti spray gun. New rubber wagons for immediate deliv- ery. John Bum:stead & Son, dealers in Cockshutt Machinery for Wing- LE'r ANGELIQUE GREY HAIR ham and district. Restorer. return the natural beauty and colour of your hair. 5,1 at Mc- DOUBLE 13E1)R00"111 for Toronto Ribbon's Drug. Store. Exhibition Visitors, close to groun d. FOR SALE—Cinder 131ochs. Apply Harold Finley, Delmore, Phone 15, FOR SALE-1941 deluxe Mercury PICTURE FRAMING a Specialty at` Sedan , in Al- condition. Good tires, Warren House, Phone 475, built in radio, anti heater, Apply Marvin Smith, week- day evenings POSITION WAN'Il-11)—For light or Saturday afternoon, l Housekeeping. Phone 4711\', . ham. FOR RENT—Two furnished House- t keeping Rooms, with grill. Apply TWO YOUNG WOMEN WANTED Mrs, E. W. Sellers, illuevia4 ,' for general work, Apply Courtlier- ] cial Hotel, Illyth, FOR S LE—Illaek Chesterfield Fall Coat, Drown Tweed with Fur Trim, WANTED—Used Walker or Play Beige, Al inter Coat, brown fur Pen, Phone 505m, Wingham, trim, all sirt. 14. Phone 2113. s FOR SALE—R enfrew Cook rite Range, with warming closet. Phone 600r31, Wingham, FOR SALE-1929 Chev. Co ope,best cash price. Apply Scotty Ross. HORSES WANTED—Apply Laid- law Fur Farm. Phone 866j, Wing- ham, HOUSE FOR SALE—in Teeswater, iii good repair, also 1 Sow and 5 stickers, Model T, Ford Car in good shape, Apply Stewart Pepper, Teeswater, IS IT PAIN FROM CORN Okl— Callous yon have? Then get 'foot- happy' with Lloyd's Corn Salve, 50c at McKibbon's Drug Store, MRS, J. M, ERN EST—Teacher, Piano and Theory, will resume tea- ching Sept, 7th. Telephone 223, Frances St. FORLE C SA-1930 o M ,invertible od , Tenders For River Channel el • "A" 600x16 tires,good condition. , Tenuers will be received by the Apply :Alit ance-Times. . undersigned for diaging channel and FOR S \1 E--'1+13(3 Plymouth Coupe, filling in old river bed at McCallum motor recently ,,verhatiled, new Bridge, Concession C. Howitk Town- iiaint job, radio. Phone 152, Wing- -ship. Tenders „to he in hands of un- ham dersigned by September 2nd., 1943, . 1111 a a U U a a a a Clover Leaf CUPS and SAUCERS Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks dwards' Motor Sales PARTS and ACCESSORIES 39c 14; a Fr it Wingham lllllll 1111 lllll 1111111 tttttt 111111101111 tttttt 1 llllll 11111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111 llllll 11111111 llllll 1 lllll 01,411t1414 lllllllllll to et:tit:1g tlrite.Sstu day, &rims 191$ sold at your Darnir.icr. Store is =Conditionally arattevd to give 100): salisfaOtiort yea ed all pursuant to The Trnstet Act that all Arid all,rny palacesin ruin lie, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estat William Henry Breckenridge, late Township of Turaberry, in the ci Huron, Retired Famuer, 1CTICE IS TrIEREBY GIVEN, golden grain, O costly that sazriirce has tvcn, The throne is empty! I have tit my u. son. s He shall net grow old, as we wit:, are :eft, Age -:.all not weary hint, the years c sr. d emit, - I At the g4 in • down the snti, and - in tue We all remember him. 4.atry missed by his mother and i s IN MEMORIAM 4ID 0.)