HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-11, Page 120 MIN= MINN* .11111=0 IMMO 11111•1- , 111•111111 ••••••• ••••••••1 /NOM. 16•11Ma• •1116 11111=11111 111111111=11 MINIM N OIR. MINIM ••▪ •=1- 1 mm.• 111•••••• g: LINENS direct from Northern freland •••••• :14 •11,1••••• .1•••• 0•41•110 MOON 1111••=11 111.10 11100••••• 7 You'll love them—Your guests will admire -them—and you'll choose them for that very special Wedding or Anniversary Gift. IRISH LINEN DOUBLE DAMASK. 0.11M111 ••••• 411••••1 114 41,14101!!!!1.40,11$1!!.01104.1141144111010001,101,04100 11101A1A011111411010144411141/1.41041141.,Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 4 444 4 !!!!!.4,144i44141,,A.1 12-cut Heavy Rubber Rings, 3 doz. 25c For Jams and Jellies CERTO, bottle ....25c 11111111MIMPOOPOIMIMIllft•••••••••11110. Heavy Grade Zinc Rings, dozen • .37c Aylmer Pork 84 Beans, 2 tins 25c GROUND FRESH WHILE YOU WAIT MORNING CHEER COFFEE special 49c Durham or Canada pkg. Corn Starch, pkg. . .17c Ivory Gloss 1 lb. pkg. Laundry Starch . . . .17c • SPECIAL • AYLMER Spaghetti 16 oz. jar 1•11111111111111101•11.• 10c Salted or Plain McCormick's SODAS, 1 lb. pkg. 27c 1/4 lb;'pkg. 10c Whole Mixed Pickling Spice Durham 1/2 lb. tin Mustard Compound 27c Whole or Ground SPICES, pkg. • SPECIAL * SPIRIT or BLENDED Vinegar 49c gal. Plus 15c deposit on jug 5c Red Cohoe Salmon Red Sockeye Salmon SPECIAL — DALTON'S JELLY POWDERS 3 'pkgs. 22c (Raspberry, Strawberry, Orange, Lemon, lime) '4121MIN11•1 •1011011.1.1•111111MCIWIMI. • SPECIAL • ALLEN'S Apple Juice 48 oz. tin * SPECIAL • Four O'Clock Black Tea 1'2 lb. 25c 49c HOME-GROWN TOMATOES — Market Price lllllllllll lllllllll lllllll IM lllllllllllllll I llllll 11.114..11 llllllllllllllll !!!, lllllllllll ,,!!! lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Smith's Economy Food Store FREE DELIVERY TELEPHONE 161 gives you the rose from each snapshot • Special care is taken with each roll of exposed film that goes into our modern finishing plant in order to produce the best possible snapshots for our customers. Bring your films to us for prompt, quality service —reasonably priced. And don't forget to order extra prints for friends and relatives. They will enjoy your favorites as much as you do. McKibbons lommink CREAM EMBROIDERY LINEN for drawn work or cut work, 27" wide, Per yard lllll — lllllllll 89c WHITE IRISH LINEN of even quality and texture. Ideal for luncheon cloths, in extra wide width, 54", per yard .... — — — — .$2.49 SHOP FOR THE FINEST IN John S. Brown's LINENS Direct, from NORTHERN IRELAND AT • =_--. ON.01•0 tmd•••• 111•••••• mom= BAPTIST OM Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Pastor Assistant Pastor, Mr. R. Bruce Foster preaching at 11 a.m.— "A Compromising Church" <Broadcast over CKNX) 7 p.m.— Visiting speaker, Rev, Glen Wardell of 'London, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. STUCKEY-4n Wingham General Hospital, on 'Thursday, July *29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Stuckey, a son, YUILL—lot Winghant General Hos- pital, on Sunday, August 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yuill, 11.„ R. 5, Brussels, a soil. r. Killed By Bulldozer Lorne Turvey was killed on Thum- day, when a bulldozer he was drixing rolled over into a gravel pit at Flesh- erton, 90 miles south of'Owen Sound, Mr. Turvey, a gravel Contractor, jumped from the machine as earth around the pit started to give way but was struck •on the bead by one of the bulldozer's levers. His two sons, William, 21, and Jack, 1:/, witnessed the accident. served by Mrs. K. H. Wheeler, Mrs. J. C. Procter and Mrs. Stanley Cook, BELGRAVE Miss Blanche Bennett of Wingham, spent the week with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Procter. Mrs, John McGill attended the fun • - eral last week of her brother, Nelson Williamson, who died suddenly of a heart attack The Women's Institute which was to he held at the home of Mrs. J, M. Coultes on Tuesday, August 11th, will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Logan instead. Mrs. C. R, Coultes will he the 'convener. The (411 'Call, A Current Eve at in ,telation to Citizen-', ship. The reading will be given by ;Miss Edith Procter, address by Mrs. W. H. Scott, A demonstration will be given by Miss Patsy Anderson. A contest by Mrs. L. Bolt. Refreshments VAGB TWIMVE THE WINOHAM. ADVANCE-TIMES 'Wednesday, August 11, 1948 Einiiiimmummumminommiumuunummiiiminiuniummiumuilliuminuommillimmumiiiimoniffir4( MOMS 1100•1•10 ••••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ••••••• 011.11110.1 KING DEPT. STORE = "The Friendly Store" TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT starting at 7.30 NO Saturday MATINEE during July and August 411P, ,, ! , 111 ,,, , !!!!141414i Ai 11 AA 111 llllllllll AnotaAAttA4AAAAmAIA.1011110 l lllllllll I 011.14111.11140 i1,11110111111,4111110i111 llllll THURS., FRI., SAT., AUGUST 12, 13, 14 "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" JUNE HAVER MARK STEVENS REGINALD GARDINER „„„ lllllllllllll llllll 11111111$11111111111A1 111Iu II llllllllllllll lllll I ll l Ill, A1111111111111111A0 lllllll 111111111111111.11111 MON.,' TUES., WED., AUGUST 16, 17, 18 "I Walk Alone 11 (Adult Entertainment)- BURT LANCASTER LIZABETH SCOTT WHITECHURCH levelling at the church and members of the staff of CKNX made record- ings of choir anthems and male guar- Who noticed the half circle of rain-ot }tette numbers for use in "Church of bow directly overhead in the sky the. Air"services for the Presbyter- Tuesday morning? It was um a quite un- Broadcast. usual place, for a bright rainbow. Miss Helen Thompson, Health ! ..\fr. Elmer Shell of London, spent the week-end at his borne in East' Nurse at Windsor spent her holidays Wa- with her parents, :%,,fr. and Mrs. Frank wanosh, Thompson. The Women's Institute held their Miss, Gwendolin Irwin of London, !summer picnic at the home of the spent the week-end with her parents, !President, Mrs. Ben McClenaghan on Mr. and Mrs. Hersotc Irwin, and Tuesday. Master Jimmie Cane of Toronto, also Mr. Harvey Lauzon, foreman of the visited there last week, !Ford Motor Co., Windsor, and Mrs. The choir of the Presbyterian Lauzon, spent the week-end at the Church here assembled On Monday lif,nte of Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Stead. ' CLOTHS They gleam with beauty 'rine Ouality— Snowy White 68 x 88 $16.95 - 70 x 106 $17.95 HEMSTITCHED LINEN DAMASK TABLE CLOTH and 6 SERVIETTES Attractively boxed. John S. Brown's Linens imported from. Ireland 54 x 72 — Set complete $16.95 IRISH LINEN BORDERED CLOTH—Linen centre and smart woven col- oured border combine' to make a smart cloth for everyday use in dinettes or kitchens. Border colours of Blue, Gold, Green-54 x 54, $6.25 54 x 72, $9.95 LINEN LUNCHEON CLOTHS in Card Table size—Pastel shades and at- tractively hemstitched, with FOUR SERVIETTES. Boxed for gift-giving. From $4.95 up' IRISH LINEN DUCK TOWELS Lovely Linen from Ireland, with hemstitched hems, 18 x 33, each $1.75 LINEN GUEST TOWELS in all pastel shades. Hand-embroidered design to make an attractive remembrance 75c up LINEN TEA TOWELLING Direct from Ireland! A thrill for the housewife who knows quality. Strongly woven with attrac- tive borders—Red, Gold, Green, Blue. Per yard — — .79c to $1.10 1101•••• 1••••••1 ••••••M 44 .1I•••• 1•••••• Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston, 'Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Johnston and Violet, Airs, Ted Robinson and. Jim- mie, spent Friday at the 'home of their daughter, Mrs. Stewart Smith of Kit- chener. Little Donald Smith, who had been holidaying here, returned home Mr, and Mrs. Elliott Johnston and Viokt, 11 bids, tr, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, \N'1 !oil and Billie of Seaforth, spent List week at the home of their par- cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston. 'r. and Mrs. Chester Longman, Jack and I). Aug, her father, Mr. Wm. El- 1:•,;t Ali Winlsor, visited there for a with. them to Kitchener.• 4 few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cantle Elli-tt and daughter of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robin- Mr, and Mrs. \\m. -AVassman, of son and Jimmie of Donnybrook visited windsoi., have been visiting at the there ott Sunday. home of the former's sister, Mrs. Tom Vittie and Mrs. Vittie. Congratulations to Mr. Dean Earn- gey and his bride, the former Kay Willits of Brussels, who were married r.n July 28th at Wroxeter. Miss Marie and Mr. Tom O'Krafka are In ditla:t in.; at Sauble Beach. GORRIE LINEN YARDAGE FROM IRELAND — Worthy of your finest embroid- ery and hemstitching. You'll make charming pieces for home or for gifts = WHITE HANDKERCHIEF LINENS—For handkerchiefs or dresser sets— The finest in snowy white linen, 45" wide, per yard $1.75 estinghouse APPLIANCES Expertly Repaired BIRTHS Winghain Genera! t Hospital, a ,n Monday, Aut.tust it. Mr. amid Mrs, Wilfred Caslick, a CASKANE'll'E—In \\Ingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, Aut..ust 2nd., t,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cask's- ! note. R. R. Ulentuinan, a son. ° !DOWN EM—In Detroit General Hos- ' pital, on Friday, July 306, it, 1\lt, and Mrs. J. D. Downem (net, Max- ine Thotutt-on), of Berkley, Mich., a son. ERRINGV 3N—In •Winghant General Hospital, 441 Sunday, August 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ErrinOon, Wroxeter, a For.. FALCONEIR—In Wingham General Hospital, •4n Saturday, July 31st., to Mr. and. Mrs. Lester Pallconer, R. R. 2, Te(swater, a son. URNEY — in Winghatn General Hospital, ont Wednesday, .Aug. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Burney, a dattglater---Elizabeth Rae. GIBSON—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on :Saturday, July 31st,' to Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Gibson, a datigh- t pr. HOTCHKISS—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, August 1st., to Mr. and Mrs...George Hotchkiss, a daughter. HALL—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Sunday, August 1st., to Mr, and Mrs. Willis Hall, a 'daughter. NESB ITT—In Wingham General Hospital, on Wednesday, August 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Nes- bitt, R..R. 1, Blyth, a daughter. TAYLOR—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, August kb, to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Taylor, a son, ,EIGHTHOLM-4 to Win gham General Hospital on Monday, Aug- ust 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm, R. R. 1, Formosa, a son, STIYERNOL—In WittgItatit :General Hospital, on Tuesday, 'August to Mr. and Mrs. Mae Stuernol, 1/, 1, Wroxeter, a son. K.D.S. rc Tor just a few dollars we may be able to put that old Westinghouse Vacuum Cleaner, Radio, Washer, Toaster or Iron in perfect shape again. Our prices are moderate and we use only genuine Westinghouse parts. We will be glad to talk over your repair problem with you at your convenience. CHECK UP SERVICE We will be pleated to mains e complete, expert check- tip of any Westinghouse appliance at a nominal charge. This service may help you get more value hem your appliance's and save 'you money in repair bilk later PURE WOOL BLANKETS ENGLISH LACE TABLECLOTHS • AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOOtE RADIO & APPLIANCE1ERVICE iittiso u RAMO 'SERVICE "Serving You Since 1935" We now have Genuine General-Electric Parts to service Hot ‘Point and G.E. Appliances (Ranges, Irons, 'Toasters, 'Clocks, Etc.) 1 Used General-Electric Washer, 60 cycle • I Used Hotpoint 4-burner Range