HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-11, Page 10ONTARIO HOLIDAY CALL it Land O'Lakes or Land of a Thousand Lakes, it still adds up to the Rideau take district where lakes are regularly stocked with game fish. Relax on shady beaches, chart a canoe trip, play golf or tennis, you'll find the Rideau Lakes a per- fect vacation land. For routes and accommodation details, write to Ontario Holiday, Roorn100,1, Victory Building, Toronto. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK Let's see they get the best we have to offer. Everyone benefits from the income tourist business brings to Ontario. So it's in your in- terest to encourage friends from other parts to share our Ontario Holidays. TOURIST BUSINESS It GOOD BUSINESS United Church Services During the absence of the minister, Rev, U. E, Cronhielm for the month of August, the following services have been arranged: Aug. 8th, the speaker will be Rev. H. Watt, of Whitechurch; Aug. 15, no service; Aug. 22, Mr. Gor- don Hargrave, Fordwich; Aug. 29, a Representative of the British and Foreign Bible Society will be in charge. WESTFIELD (August 4th Budget) Misses Norma and Dorothy Neth- cry, Mr, Harry Kerr, of Hamilton, vis- ited last week with Mr. and Miss Fred Cook. Miss Ila Taylor spent last week at a cottage at Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs. I)ouglals Macintosh and babe of Kitchener, visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- yin McDowell', Mr. and Mrs. John Gear and Mari- lyn of Kitchener, visited over the week-end with Mr. aud Mrs. J. 1.. McDoweln anti Mrs. Thos. Gear. Mrs. Gear and Marilyn remained for a long- er visit. PUBLISHED N THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Pree Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD — ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at R. A. Curne's, Winghatn, WILLIAM :STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL; ONTARIO Cash For You! Old, Disabled or Dead Farm Animals With undamaged hides and according to size and condition COWS up to $8.00 HORSES up to $7.00 HOGS (300 lbs. each) $2.00 plus $2.00 per 100 lbs. for additional weight AT YOUR FARM 'PHONE COLLECT: Ripley 59 - 16 Wingham 121J Ingersoll 21 For prompt, efficient, courteous service 3 i& on Guaranteed 10 Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount ....for a term of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest . . . . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. • An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies. ' authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. • THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto I 37 years In Business • Delicious refresher • 'Take Home a handy Carton today ! Employment Office, Dept. 0 Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada, Limited, Chatham, Ontario. I am interested in working in Libby's Food Processing Plant during the coming Tomato season and want more information: Name Street or Rural Address Town Phone Age (if over 65) LH 1-48 111 HERE'S A FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN, WOMEN, TEEN-AGE BOYS AND GIRLS TO Earn Some Extra Money during late August and the month of Septemberf doing pleasant and very important work processing tomatoes at the food processing plant of Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada, Limited Chatham -' Ontario 300 MEN and 300 WOMEN WANTED WEARING MINIMUM RATES OF PAY: $0“ Day Shift Shift Night Shift Women .55 per hr. guaran. .60 per hr. guaran. Men .70 per hr: guaran. .75 per hr. guaran. HOURS OF WORK: Day Shift Night Shift Between the hours of Between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. . (approximately 101/2 hrs. paid time per shift) REST PERIODS: Two-15 minute Rest Periods per shift. LUNCH PERIODS: One-30 minute Lunch Period per shift. CAFETERIA FACILITIES: Hot meals at very reaspnable prices served in Cafeteria during Lunch Periods. Soft drinks, milk, coffee, tea, etc., .may be purchased in Cafeteria during Rest Periods. - TYPE OF WORK: For Women: Such work as trimming Tomatoes on the inspection lines, operators on labelling and packing machines, empty bottle handlers on Catchup lines, etc. All work is of a light nature under experienced super- vision. For Men: All types of general labour in connection with the handling and processing of Tomatoes for Libby's "Gentle Press" Tomato Products. WORKING CONDITIONS: Working conditions are good and every convenience is furnished to make working conditions as pleasant as possible. Fully qualified" instructors will quickly train new workers to do the jobs required safely and efficiently. Female Registered Nurse on duty in First Aid Room. For Women: Women may bring their own aprons and head coveringsor they may purchase same from the Company Storeroom. For Men: Ordinary working clothes or same may be purchased from the Company Storeroom. BUS SERVICE Richmond Street bus stops at Libby's for pick up and discharge of passengers. Lodging Places Arranged in Advance for Workers From Out of Town r Do Not Delay. .. Fill Out and Mail the Blank Below 1 PAGE TEN THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, August 11, 1948 Mr, Lloyd Weir who has been for several months stationed at Vancouver and Winnipeg, as auditor for the Christie Brown Biscuit Co,, also Miss Pearl Bullough,' Toronto, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. w, E, Weir and other friends, Week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. T, MacLean were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Patterson of Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. Freda Bowker and daughter Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Martin, Peter and Patsy, all of To- ronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Wylie, at Amberley, Rev. U. E. and Mrs. Cronhielm, David and Mary, are holidaying for the month of August in Northern On- tario. - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm and family were Goderich visitors on Sun- day. Miss Norma Brandon, Toronto, is spending a week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter and son Scott have returned from an enjoyable holiday at Red Bay, Bruce Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Brothers have for their guests Misses Dorothy, Sel- ena and Mildred Richardson, of Que- bec; also Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanton, Rosemount, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jackman, To- ronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. Dr. George Brown and Miss Dor- othy Tummon, both of Selby, spent several days last week with Dr. Brown's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Stanley and daughter Phyllis of Clinton, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Durst; Phyllis remaining for a longer visit. Mrs. March of Bramp- ton was also a guest at the Durst home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smeaton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Draper, all of Torontb, were week-end geusts of Mr. and Mrs. David Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Durst, Larry and Lynda spent last week at Amberly +B each. Jack Town and two children of Mansfield, Ohio, called on friends lhere one day last week. Mr. Town is a former resident of Wroxeter. Miss Mae Davidson is a visitor with ,her neice, Mrs. Stuart Sanderson of London. Mr. Harold Durst is quite ill .and is l under the doctor's care at his home !here. His many friends will hope for `a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Magee and }children, John and Helen, spent last week with the former's mother at Bay- Institute Picnic One of the most enjoyable picnics in the history of Wroxeter Women's Institute was held on Thursday of last week at Amberly Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro opened their cot- tage "Suits Us" where pot-luck supper was served. President Mrs. Mac- IKennv held a brief business meeting !for the purpose of naming a delegate to Area Convention, September 1st and 2nd. Miss Hazelwood was named; -Mrs. W. T. Maclean and Mrs. G. A. `Wearring as alternates. Mrs. Lyle Brothers and Mrs. John Calwill ar- ,,ranged and carried out the following 'Airograintne. Races, ages, S, 4, 5: Dar- lene Brothers, Nancy Palmer; 6, 7, 8, Marjorie 11mm, Patricia Bowker; 9, 10, 11, 12, 'Misdirect Munroe, Marilyn Timm. Married women's race, Mrs. J. H. Wylie; married men, Mr. Redge Pacey; three-legged race, Mrs. H. Timm, Mr. A, Moffat; balloon race, Ruth Shelburne; life-saver race, Mrs. MacNaughton, John Calwill; enmities tion race, Mrs. it Timm; passing par- 'al game, Mrs. A. Moffat. The com- mittee practiced some "black magic" which livened the party, Horse-shoe pitching was enjoyed by the geode- men. The picnic was brought to a close with a sing-song which con- eluded with the singing of Auld Lang Tyne and "For They Are Jolly Good Eellowe, The Group appreciate the kind hospitality shown by Mr. and Mrs. Munro and are grateful to Mrs. Brothers and Mrs. Calwill for prepar- ing at interesting programme. Misses Edna and Audrey Walsh of Hensall, spent the week-end with Mr. ST, HELENS (August 4th Budget) ,Mr. and Mtg. Ronald Rothwell and Nits, WM, Gallaher of Norwood and 1--rz W 04r e realize our obligation when we fill your order for a mom- onal—and we provide only nia. = ▪ terials of unending serviceability. s. Design and workmanship are of MI the finest, and our prices are et most moderate, I CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done • MODERR EQUIPMENT • ghat . Memorial Shop Phone 256 'R A. Spotton 141111111111811111111111111111iMii.11111111111111011111115 WROXETER: SAugitst 4th Iluiliset) Mr. and Mrs. A. H..use arl.1 child- ren a Stult,ur!.-. are sisitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T..mmy Park- er. Mr. House is llicsri,ar Master Merismie, Alsoma District. C.P.R. Week-end guests .,f Mr. ax,i Mr, "hint Nichol were Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Barrett Stratic.tfl. also Mr. owl Mrs. Wilfred Smith, Aswoetl. ilisrn—At Louise Marshall Hospital, .M.snnt Votest, j.siy 20th, 1948, two Mr. and Mts. Nelson Bend- er thee Dort thy Green, Wroxeter) twins, son and daughter. Mrs. D. W. Rae is enjoying a holi- ilay with her brother, Mr. Duncan MacDonald, Port Elgin. e, Nfts and Mrs. j, Mowat and two grandehildren, Joan anti Caroline Mowat of Milton spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Mac- Naughton, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat are spending a week's holiday at the d- Erich beach, Mrs. Earl Wightman anti, Miss Mar- garet were Lucknow visitors on Fri- day, Dr. James McClinton, Mrs. McClin- ton and children of Timmins,. Miss Chris McClinton of Goderich, called on Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell on Saturday. Wedding Bells are loudly 'ringing. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford and Miss Shirley of Blyth, visited on Sun- , day with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell, Miss Donna Walden spent a few days with her cousins, Misses Rena S E — Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS and Gladys McClinchey of Auburn Mr. and Mrs, Al Marton and Neddy Road. of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McVittie of and Mrs. E. J. Thom. On their re- Clinton, visited on Sundap with Mr. turn, Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell were and Mrs. Wm. ,McVittie. accompanied by their little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harbourn and Rosemary. children of Hensel'', spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Staples of Utica, end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Walden. Midi., and Mr. and Mrs. George Cald- well of ' New Baltimore, Mich., were callers on Mrs. K. Cameron and other and Mrs. A. E. Walsh. friends. Mrs, Staples was formerly Mr. Win. McDowell visited on Sun- Miss Madeline Hennessey. day with ,Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent Mrs. John Skelly of Timmins, (for- of Marnoch. merly Miss Bertie Haines), and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Mr. Ada Haines of Hamilton. were guests and Mrs. Bud Johnstaon, Tommy and of Miss Beatrice McQuilliii last week. Barbara, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. anti Mrs.. Fred Cook. Mrs. liud. Johnston and child- ren remaining for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Voting and family of Mullett Township, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 'McNichol and Phyllis of Walton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak of Mea- ford, Mr. A, E. Cook of Myth, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook, Rev. Wm. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor wad Miss Kay of Dorthester, visited on. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tay- lor. The Westfield school along with other schools in the East Wawanosh School Area, have been receiving a coat of paint, both inside amid out. ,Mrs. McLennan of Chicago, Miss Coline Clark of St. Catharines, Miss Anna Clark, Toronto, Mrs. Macintosh of Kitchener, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Marvin McDowell and Mr. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, Miss Winnifred visited all Sunday with Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Wilson of Brus- sels. Mrs. Clarence Cox visited on Sun- da!) with het aunt, Mrs. Mellriert Ripley. On Monday Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Cox attended the 'funeral of Mrs. John Gillespie of Whitechurch. Mrs. Cox visited recently with Mrs. John Piegland Londesboro. The Mission Band met on Sunday afternoon with 14 members present. The meeting was led by Bobby Carter, scripture lesson was read and follow- ed with prayer by Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowell. Readings were given by Ger- ald McDowell! and . Barbara Smith. Story was told by Mrs. Norman Mc- Dowelll, and the Story Book Was tak- en by :ItIrs. Chas, Smith. 0