The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-11, Page 9Wartime Taxes and Orders 4, • Ask for it either way . , . both trade-marks mean the same thing. CP-13 ",Wednesday, August 11, 1948 THE WINGITAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE NINE CONTINUOUS. QUALITY ...STILL SAME PRICE . I VI •••11. 111.0.1 OM. 1.•••1 f•l• Miss Vivian Fisher left on Tuesday land Dianne 9f Toronto, spent the to spend a week in London at the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. home of her aunt, Mrs. John Carruth. ers, Rev. and Mrs. W, S. Sutherland left last week on their holidays. They will visit at the home of his mother at Finch, near Glengarry, and Angus will sfay there far his holidays, The service in the Presbyterian Church here ott Sunday was in charge of Mr. Fred Davidson, and Mr, John McGee gave the address, , Mrs, Roy Cringle of Detroit was home for the Old Boys' Reunion and visited with her brother, Mr. jack Mr. Roy McGee has returned to his position in Toronto, on Wednesday, after spending his holidays at his home he .,irs. Chas, Shiell visited for a few days this week with Mrs. Gossell of Ripley and attended the Old Boys' Re-Union. Miss Creyke of the Dept. of Agri- culture, Toronto, from the Women's Institute Branch of Economic Servi,Ce, has been at the' Memorial Hall' ]this week teaching a course in Dress- making, Those who were able to at- tend were, Shirley and Beverley Casemore, Rena Moore, Helen Wal- ters, Leona Pickeill, Mildred McCleln- aghan, Mrs, Edward Mcaenaghan, Helen Louise Pocock, Mrs. Alex Rob- bertson and Mrs. Will Henry. . Miss Annie Kennedy was able to return to her duties in Wingham (Gen- eral Hospital on Monday. Mrs. Cherry, who has been visiting with Mrs. Victor Emerson spent last week with Mrs. Russell Ritchie of Langside. Mrs, Jack Ryan and Leroy, Mrs, Lorne Johnston and Miss Grace Mc- Kinnon, spent last week at a cottage at Kincardine. Miss Elaine Purdon of Powasson, is visiting at .„the home of Miss C. Laidlaw, with ''leer grandmother, Mrs. FLIES CARRY DISEASE! FLIES CARRY POLIO! FLIES POLLUTE! FLIES ARE FILTHY! FLIES KILL! FLIES ARE YOUR ENEMY! • .1.110 IMM•11 11111. •••••• 11••••• Do Your Part to Make the Campaign a Success 1 Use Fly Spray Freely in Your Home. 2 Wrap Your Garbage Carefully. 3 Burn Refuse that Attracts Flies or Bury it. Annie Henderson. Authorized bottlers of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 ERIE ST 'PHONE 78 STRATFOR.D OF nil:: Let Us Make Wingham as Fly Free as We Possibly Can! ca, 4aam Mom. Emma am. ram. Imma ••••.. mom. Mpar. Voffe.• moor. wow.. oars OM. am. Mime Ma. .•••• •m•••• .1= 1=d• IP.M•= 1... 1.••• 0.••• ••••••• *ma •nome M./MI ••• ,•• 1Ww.••• Awra •••••• av.r• ftorar arm wasp SPONSORED BY THE Groskorth, and Dianne stayed to spend two weeks here, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Tieecroft and sons of Ottetiville, have been visiting at the home of his father, Mr. John Beecroft, and Mr, and ,Mrs, Hector Hamilton and son, Ales, of Gorrie, visited there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John Mason and fam- ily visited one day last week at the home of her sister, Mrs, Arthur And- erson of Kippen, and Mrs. Mason, and her daughter, Mrs. Parker Campbell of Wingham, visited on Tuesday at the home of her sister, Mrs, Kilpatrick of London, Mn,i Lloyd Mason of Lis- tbwei, has been spending his two weeks' holidays at his home here, Rev, and Mrs, Henry Martin of Belmore, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin and attended the funeral of/ the late Mrs. John Gil- lespie, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Martin and family were in Kincardine on Sundap attending the family re-union of the Johnston family, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elliott, Karen and June of Ottawa, who spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Currie of Wingham, will spend the month of August in their cottage at Bruce Beach, Little Miss Janet Gaunt is holidaying there with them. Miss Grace McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Johnston, Mr. Orville El- liott; and Mr, and Mrs, Russell Far- rier and Miss Winnifred Farrier, spent the week-end at Lions' Head. Mrs. Bernard Hall of Blyth, and her sister, Mrs. Olive Gibbas of Det- roit, visited on Thursday last, with their aunt, Mrs. A. Kirk, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Beecroft. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Laidlaw and daughters, of London, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, and with her parents in Ashfield. Mr. Charles Falconer has been very Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes, Jackie ill with an attack of jaundice. and Marjorie, spent Sunday at Hai-- Mr. Norman Coultes of E. Wawa- boar Park, .Goderich, with Mr, and nosh, is able to be out again, after a Mrs. Jack Coultes of Morris, and Mr. severe attack of measles, with pneum- and Mrs. Alex Leaver and Evelyn, onia. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walker of Reeve and Mrs. J, D. Ileecroft at- E. :Wawanosh. tended the County Council picnic at Miss Lettie Fox of Hamilton, is Goderich on Wednesday last. spending her holidays with her Mr. Fred :Moss and Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs, A. Fox. Harry Moss anti baby, Benny of Rev. Graydon Cox of Conniston, is Bright, and Mr. Irwin McClenaghan of St. Thomas, anti Barbara Parker of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Miss Audrey Irwin spent last week with, f riends at Toront-, and Fort Erie, and this week with her parents, Mr, anti Mrs. Herson Irwin. Miss Bar- bara Irwin is 1#fsiting with relative,: at Galt and. Rockwood. anti Mr. and Wingham Chamber of Commerce. WHITECHURCH (August 4th Budget) Miss Joyce Robinson is spending this week with relatives hi Toronto, going there .:Nn Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lettner and Rose Marie and Jimmie, who spent the week-end at the home of her brother, Mr. John Boyle. Mr. Thos. Morristm had the mis- fortune to break his rieht arm la.1,.w -the elbliw ,,ne day last week, when cranking a ear. Miss Eleanor Wig-Ian:an of E. Wa- -wanosh reeeiveti word that she had passed her Grade II Theory E mtm , with first class Honours, having N •I G into t rs. or, on Cane at Mrs. Alex Nether] ,:f Hamilton spent ar; the week-end here, before holidaying = spending this week here with his \rue, whit has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mac Ross. Mr. Stanley Moore who to'i",k the contract for paintine the outside "i the Memorial Hall, C.4 •Inuivneed paint- ing this week. A miscellaneous shower *Ira , hehl at the hi tut, of Mr. and Mrs. huhu ("ride; Tint:okay evening for Mi ,s Velma Scoot of Winghant, in honour of her approaching arrie:. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Marcelle Philion and Betty Anne of Tilsonburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson, Alice and Dianne of Tilsonburg, spent the week-end at the home to their grand- father, Mr, Thos. Robinson anti witl: other Robinson relatives in K Wawa- nosh and Wingham. Jas, Laidlaw has been a patient in Wingham tiVneral durin e the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Rt:bert Purdon and ,Archie. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rio-- tout and Leroy and Garry, visited on Sunday at the home of the former's daughter, Mr, and Mrs. FI,,yd Butt Belwood. it itrIl tikli 61 I et M°.k Man You're vaV.z.:a -4 trati rat isftla tal drug 11:.:::La'Cr•C-UV-CZI4 e r. and, Mr., Clayton Lawrettes. Dianne and 15onalti :,f Toronto, at•eNi11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)1111141111111111111!1111111111111WMPFtl, - Nixt.,,,,i,)1,,ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. come them tiled renew 4/1,1 :.-to-imiitat- :,wi.i.-4-1.1...! ;:itii. thf,' La VI 7 , ;;;,il'clit ,... Mr. ,,r i!..a... l'im service ht 1441 ]'wit' I (lure?, '''''s'tit';:::(,serat11':.:„.1 (.'‘t'ri‘i:it*.,1r41.,1.1:11:117.11,::1,.,:i:!1:1;."'Itrrt,;.:!„1.1.'':'.ii .1":i I I'S:. 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Mt,. 1"":. 11.s. lass Mrs, bilk-1,k, ..1., @ :MN... a7,-.t.1,4t -1 , • 1‘,11:-. 71 ' :Nod.. ST.Latte .4 1 lairti7t ;Lg. i.• at ir,..r7Q on is latibluti the nuirrat ,7 i.. 1- .1 /41!... Talc ,... LittiV M“ri12.11 :47:itl'.1 ..,i F.:. WollAol- * . v4„1„ ., li.,*1.. i!, Vi,iitin,..; wit;:iivr .,.ritt2.11;....e",U!.. M.•.„ t 1 ,•,;:,,,1 *'. ‘‘...,!!,.. 1 1. 71k,•, : Mr. .Simi 'Sirs, 1.:;114**-. t.%-1:,T...x.;1 4 t •,,14,14',.4. ,4••,:*•,,,,, I . LII:L.111• 'IN. c...3 v.4tr.... iIri-. 'Sell Mae' 3. lial.l • i Cilrit .1%•• • NV. J. 'A .e.t. , ,,,, Sa.l.., t i..itt-.1 id'4 l'nt -lay at t7, NI r. toi. t M ,..,,.. N't , .- to..ms. i it Mt.. and Mrs. Rliert R- .-... t t- ls•ri,-.. .....7 !tft a .. ,:..t•-.? Nr.p..•- Mr . and Mts. It..ss rets•s.,l w. . T.1 it , ru 4 :st,„.. • C•tir s4:, ht.:n.1111. the 'at iavi 1-1,,,-.% at C.A. ..•itus, •r....-n.• ..art. M"-. sent . ri 1p.lice w •ih N%r,ti, .t ....1"--Ui• • i C, net 7,i r,,,_ it:silivtf• 6..4n I Ittaw.i. t- ,r,, ii‘. i t- “ • 1;t-... 2 i..!V.1114 .t. p.liee at theSearitn, -tai:. chell F 4 ri: ,A,lf ,111.;:r4:%‘:1,!rii„:111i' w"..' 17'h lit-1 1"t'Iv -7111171111-01- 1 ill .Nlil NI IT IIII•illit 111111111111111111:111t1111311111111 MINI Ili traTictinmuisai lu— Wiltla Dou,..'.'is ot; Vt. at,l,;;:s... ?I_ N. isitti :: lie 1133 L1,4 Vto eV!. UM!, Mr. .4.nd 1.1.1! Mrs. Russtli R. ,s:, and with t'aslic7. iiiii ..,.. ..... , d A. t . ... ti.lart‘ vs in Cuiross awl A in,....1!ant. ii • -••• . al Mr. liar, 4.1 A alkur lags lilt:, t.yrs:e..: "Hi • 1,4 ivtatril t.1 lad tii4itin. trio. I:it- ttult.:.- .-...-_- Chrysler, Plymouth Cars awl Fat Trucks It a tafive tel l by the hi , r'Ith /h ., tun., . tZ4 HANDS AT WORK • lot' ON-TA 'CIO 6 +5,41444 LEARNING PHOTO INGHAVING • • • • • • • t. n • a 6 Moir might he the nett victim of fire-fire that me -quickly destroy your home, yottr htsiness, yotir prop, your whole life's work. Let Pilot Insurance actept tlye risk-ready, ana rinick to vEr any just eJairtt. The cost 14 very low. We write Pilot ItISUronet to cover Selected risks in Automobile, Pe, Personal Property floater, Durgin% Plate Class, Pub- lic Liability and other general insurance. doivrAmoN products are desired and purchased by people all over the world and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic welfare of every titan, woman and child ivithitt her borders, Because the sale of every article produced in Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Provoke, we all are more assured of job security! .. and we and our children can have more of the bettor things in life. To produce such goods in sufficient -quantities, skilled labour is vital. That is why every single'one of us should be glad that war -veterans are constantly being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by Ontario industry, They receive ON TIIE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario factories. This training, provided through the co-operation of the Department 'of 'Veterans' Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Ethrea- tion, starts veterans on the road to Okillecl craftsmanship, Taught to use their hands in such jobs ,as routing, etching, stripping, bnritishing and finishing, they will eventually become photo engraving craftsmen. 13teause of the increasing im• portanee of this trade, every effort of these newly-skilled workers helps to snake ()Mad° a finer place in which to live and contributes to the elfare awl happiness of all her citizens. TOE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) • A. W. I<AIL, GOIMIE 14, C. MaCLEAN, WINGHAM Rept eseutin g C. Smith, 22, of Toronto, an II.C.A.F. veteran, is shown routing a plate in a large Toronto photo -engraving plant. During their training,veteraus tired:lifted from one job to another to familiarize them with all phases of photo eogaving. Many -veterans subsequent. ly obtain full tiine employ. merit in the factories where they receive training. PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY ....*5540645 Mr, t.1.0-ke Mact in...or , 4 1411-. 131,,: II is siNeudilt: his lit:lid:I:vs at his 1-,,,n:, ,I PARTS and ACCESSORIES iii 1:,,,,, and Mr. MaAiregor vontmence:1 5 work in th.: !lank in 1 atekn• as ,,,„ I Telephone—bays 417. if Tne,ilay. Witgharo MacMillan Validly Rettnte ut # Islet " of the ialn4 of he • - • ' 701141111,111111t lit l'it'Ittlillit4tilliti Wit 111111Fillill'ill trii Hit 1:1 rit uirra Nit and :Mrs. Miles MacMillan, who hats- _ ' ' ;„," , ' • ' i *: '_, ' ' ___:___ ,:: _ __,.:, i • :,',, : ' L, . ' 1)0\11 110'V for the Romp ot in Brace. were at a grand family reunion (41 Stm.lay at the old Inane ou the first Concession of Kialoss, misv the 11.,Nrne of Mr. and Mn-. Patrick MacMillan. The only tine not able to lie present was Mrs. Minnifie (Mamie) of Okla-4 'mina. The others present on this 1 memorable occasion were: Alec Mac- i• Milian, who came from White Ilene, Alaska; Mn. and Mrs. Miles MacMill- 1 an of Kinloss; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. '. MacMillan and two daughters of Tex- as; Mr. and Mrs. jos. MacMillan and family, Lueknow; Mr. and Mrs. John MacMillan and family, Kinloss; Mr. and ,Mrs. Duncan MacMillan and fain- 1 ily -of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Albin (Margaret) Griffin and son, Detroit; i Mr, and Mrs. John (Annie) Wocks, of ' London; Mrs. MeDiarmid (Veronica) , and -daughter Marilyn of Denver, Col- f orado, who with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick- 1 i 'Nfaclidillan, make up the family of ' seven sons and four daughters present and with their fatuities, had .limier to. ;1 gether. In the afternoon many other relatives and friends gathered to wel.