HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-11, Page 8GORRIE
Mr. and Mrs Bruce Horne and little
son, Peter of Toronto. visited with
Mrs. Horne's mother, Mrs, Clara Rit-
chie, and other relatives here last
Mrs. Robert Ashton had the pleas-
ure of having all her family at home
for the Civic Holiday week-end: Mr.
and Mrs, Ernest Radford and sons,
Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hobbs,
Monkton; Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ash-
ton and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Sturton Ashton, Hamilton; Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Strangway, Sarnia; Mr. and
Mrs, 0. S, Grindrod, Peterborough,
land Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ashton of
Mr, W. C, King spent Monday in
Miss Cora Scott of Oshawa, has
been a guest of the Stephen
Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Stephen!;, Ernie
Eleanore and Evelyn Anne, spent the
holiday week-end at Orr Lake,
Mr. and, Mrs, Jas, Graham, Betty
and Alex of Toronto, are holidaying
with relatives here,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Wylie of Tor-
onto, are holidaying with Mr. Wylie's
mother, Mrs. J. Wylie.
Mrs, E. Parrott and son, Mr, Geo,
Purrott of Hamilton, also Mr. Ed.
Stewart of Stoney Creek, spent Sat-
urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. King. Guests at the same home
on Saturday afternoon were; Mr. and
Mrs, Tom MacDonald, Molesworth,
and Mr. and Mrs, Ira MacLean, of
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Mann, Ethel, on Saturday, August 7,
a daughter, (Linda). Mrs. Mann is a
sister of Mrs. Harold Hyndman.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Craik of
Cornwall, Ont., called on friends here
on Civic Holiday.
Mr. Albert Dustow has purchased
Mr. Howard Cowan's home.
Dr. and Mrs. Whiteley and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ferguson visited Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson in London for a
few days last week.
Rev. J. C. and Mrs. .Caley have re-
furned from a four week vacation in
Rodney, Norwich, Prescott, Ottawa
and other points,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn King and baby
son, Robert of Toronto, spent a few
days with the former's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank King.
Miss Mae Wafters of Toronto was
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Dodds
over the Civic Holiday week-end,
Miss Lois Dodds of Brussels and Jack
Dodds of Toronto were also home for
the holiday.
Rev. J. and Mrs. Ball of Kincardine,
called on friends here on Tuesday.
Her many friends will be pleased
to know that Mrs. H. V. Holmes was
permitted to leave the Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital last week and with Mr,
Hohnes and Miss Perkins is now at
their cottage at Bruce Beach.
Rev. and Mrs, Everett Ashton of
Fergus, were recent visitors with rela-
tives here.
Mrs. E. Hastie, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Hastie and family spent Sunday with
friends at Pt. Elgin.
Little Sandra Ireland of Tee'swater,
is spending holidays with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fergu-
Mr. and Mrs. Lansley and two child-
ren, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs,
Archie Miller over the week-end. Mrs.
Arscott who has spent the past week
• at the same home returned with them
to Toronto,
44:1=0P _ t0=0) ( 0=0, 10=0301 - (0 0 0=01
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stimulate interest so that your pro-
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help you in creating printed mater-
ial that commands attention I
Let us help you with your next
The Wingham Advance Times
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Attention Landlords,
Real Estate Agents
A well-known chain of Ladies' Wear Stores would
like to locate in your community. Requires a well
located store. Will pay a fair rental and do all
repairs and renovations at their own expense.
Establishment of our store here would make a def.-
inite contribution to the shopping services of your
community, and would provide gainful employment
to local people. We will look into every proposition
proposed to us, All replies will be treated in a con-
fidential manner,
Ras-Ann Shop
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Act, Chapter 344, Section 4, Any person or
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Both machines in Al shape.
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Geo, White, 36x50, Steel, Roller
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°i118 th8 a Chevrolet, Cars Chevrolet Trucks
Emormiummawsimmoismosonsumnum 3 is
Bursts with a whizzing sound.
Of all the `implements of war,
Scientists have not found worse,
If in the future it be used,
Will prove an awful curse.
And by the looks of things its seems
In war, may yet be used,
Cities and towns if struck by it,
Will surely be abused.
And now at the present time,
Trouble on earth is great,
When Armegidden is fought,
Old Nick then meets his fate,
W. C. Scott, Belgrave.
ofiffzk Aesed
err „IP
eudrdian of the people's interests—servant
of the community,
Concerned With every aspect of rural life
and progress, the Country Editor has come to
be looked upon as a guide, counsellor, pro.
lector, reporter of neus—and, above all, as
a' beloved friend.
Men like this, some of Canada's finest, are
,in the public's serviee—at your service.
One aj ,series of veptise yaetit§ in tribute
Masi Canadiala in Ike service of the publitt
PAGE THE WING AM ADVANCE-TU/1ES Wednesday, August 11, 194S
On Thursday, August 19th, at 3 p.
m., the Women's Association will hold
a picnic at the Community Park at
which visitors will be welcomed. All
members please bring lunch.
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Colmar and
Gary of Toronto, returned to their
home on Sunday after a three week
vacation with friends here and at other
Mr. Leonard Armstrong of Lapeer,
Mich., spent Tuesday and Wednesday
of last week with Mrs. Jas. Armstrong.
Miss Dorothy Downey who under-
went an operation for appendicitis in
the \Vingham Hospital on Sunday
night, August 1st., returned to her
home on Monday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Lake of Ethel,
spent Sunday with relatives here.
A sale was held on Saturday after-
noon of the household furniture etc.,
of the late Geo, McKee estate,
Miss Fern Cook is holidaying with
friends in Kitchener.
Mrs. Ralph Josling and Kenneth of
Goderich, spent a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ed-
Mrs. Prank Strain, Fort Prances;
'Mrs, A. Pliair of Lion's Head, Mr.
and Mrs. L, A. Howard, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Howard and Bobby of Chat-
ham, visited last week with Mrs. P,
Kaine and Miss Martha Kane.
Mrs. Robert Dane had the misfor-
tune to fall recently and-received a bad
skaking up.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan lipid:nail, Mr.
and Mtv.°Harold Keil, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Brown and. John, also Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Stokes of Glenannan, spent
Sunday at Pt. Elgin.
Mr. Roy Charles, Hoick Wallace
Iltly., and Mr. Ronald Bruce of Win-
nipett., plan to open an electrical shop
in 'W'ingliant.
• Rev. aml Mrs. G. G. Howse, .',Its.,
Len Ruttan, Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Ash-
ton, Mrs. A. Ruttan and Mr. and Mr;.
Wm. McDonald were in Lucknow for
the Bruce County Reunion.
I Miss Shirley Shera st,ent a ''':AV
!days last week witr her aunt, Mr,:.
;Percy Copeland of Wroseter.
Miss Betty Newton of Wroxeter,
Spent a few days at the home of Mr.
.and Mrs. Cliff Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. linnet Wells of Eng-
"chart, visited Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sltera
on Thursday. .
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Campbell and
,David, spent Wednesday in Toronto,
f Mr. Archie Edgar of London, is
visiting his brother, Mr. 'Gordon 17,4-
gar and Mrs. Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gowlett, Noreen
and .,,Carolyn of London, are visiting
fir: and Mrs, Harry Hastie. Misses
'Patricia and June 'Gow/ett of London,
were also guests at the same home for
the week-end..
i Funeral service will be held at the
1M. D. Irvin Funeral Home on Tucs-
!day afternoon for Mr. Richard McMic-
hael of Wroxeter„ who passed away
on Sunday in his 84th year.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finlay, Misses
Irene and Marion King spenta few
i days last week in Parry Sound.
Mr. Herb. Neill attended the fun-
. mi. of his cousin, Rev. john Neill at
• Streetsville on Tuesday, Who died in
"the Brampton Hospital,
Cremated Remains Interred
es 'of the late John Perkins, Who died.
On Wednesday, August 4th, the ash- •
in brew York City, in January, were
interred in The 'Gerrie cemetery. Rev.
Hanley Perkins of London, officiating.
He was a son of The late Jas. Perkins
of Gorrie, and spent his early days
here. Annie Perkins, wife of Dr,
liams, of Toronto, is a sister,
,Mr, and Mrs, Norman Wade spent
last week with Mr, and Mrs. D, W.
Dane at their cottage at Keswick 931
Lake Simcoe. They also motored to
Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Fenelon
Messrs, Bert and William Andrews
of Coulter, Man., called on Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmot Charles on Friday,
Rev. A, B, Parney
The death occurred at Paftwood
Hospital, London, on August 1st., of
Rev. ,A, B, Farney at the age of 83,
He was born at Eltnvale and studied
theology in England, He was ordained
by the late Bishop Baldwin in 1896.
He was rector of the parish of Gorrie,
Fordwich and Wroxeter from 1898 to
1902, and served as rector in other par-
ishes in Western Ontario, including
Aylmer, Ohsweken, Amherstburg;
Simeoe and St, Marys, After leaving
St. Marys lie was Anglican Chaplain
for the city of London, until about
six years ago,
Surviving' are a son, Arthur B. Far-
ney, London, one daughter, Mrs, Ida
Priest, Nashua, N.H. and one brother,
Rev. C. M. Farney Waverley.
Funeral service was held on Tues-
day, August 3rd., at the Church of St.
John the Evattelist, London, with
Veit, Archdeacon Win A, Townsend,
officiating assisted by Rev. Wm, Wal-
lace. „Pallbearers were Rev, Dr. R. P.
D Hurford, Rev Dr. A. H. O'Neil,
Rev, Ralph H. Latither, Rev, Hanley
Perkins, Rev. P. H, Streeter, and Rev.
Geo, Fenning, Burial was in Woodland
cemetery London.
The regular meeting of the Wom-
an's Missionary Society was held in
the Sunday' School room on Thurs-
day August 5th with thirteen members
present. The theme was "The Christi-
an's Responsibility towards the Liquor
Problem of To-day." Mrs'. W. W.
Strong in the devotional period, used
the hymn, "Take time to be Holy" as
the Call to Worship. Hymn "0 Mas-
ter let me Walk with Thee" was fol-
lowed by a responsive exercise using
Scriptural passages pertaining to our
responsibility towards our brothers.
The hymn "Lord Speak to Me, that
I may Speak.' was followed by Mrs.
Strong's reading and commenting on
Matthew 18: 6-10, Prayers were offer-
ed by Mrs. Ruttan, Mrs. Wellington
and Mrs. Strong. An excellent paper
prepared by Mrs. Glad Edgar and read
by Mrs. Whitfield narrated many sad
facts regarding the curse of the Liquor
Problem, The use of liquor tends to
disturb home life and is often the cause
of divorce, whereas the Christian
homes exercise unity, honor and love.
Hymn, "Hark the Voice of Jesus Call-
ing" was sung before the President
took over for the business period. The
meeting closed with hymn Rise up, 0
Men of God", and the benediction,
The Atom is an awful bomb,
LA fierce and very strong
When it explodes on land or sea,
Sings a destructive song.
It is built with explosives fierce,
The strongest on earth yet found,
When dropped from an airplane,