HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-11, Page 6Wednesday, August 11,'1948 ii P i ii ii 10Iii0i1MPOPOIPOPIPOPPPIM;;;;;;III,IA ii WP iii p ii .ppp i iii pp i ppOppill i ii pp i i loppipitseppippplpippploppplppoplip iiiii pp ii i Carmichael's CARDIGAN SWEATERS Bonnie Brooks „In lovely soft bot- any wool — every popular shade at $4.50 PULLOVER $3.98 Lace Tablecloths Large 70 x 90 at only $6.75 Men's UNDERWEAR Briefs and Tops Good quality, each 75c Boys' Summer UNDERWEAR Tops and Trunks at 59c WORK SHIRTS Sizes 14% to 18 2 for $3.75 Combination Overalls Sizes 36-46 $4.95 Men's OVERALLS and SMOCKS ' High back or regular All the good makes $3.98 and up MEN ! Here's a BARGAIN— Windbreaker Style JACKET $3.98 MEN'S FELT HATS (Made by Stanley) $2.49 We carry a full line of Men's Work Clothes including PANTS, SHIRTS, SOCKS and UNDERWEAR—Also DRESS PANTS, TIES and FINE SHIRTS Carmichael's D ry Goods "Where Quality, Courtesy, Service is Our Motto" TELEPHONE NUMBER ONE NYLON HOSE SALADA TEA Brown Label 8 oz. pkg. 52c Orange Pekoe 8 oz. pkg. 57c Canada Blended or Spirit Stokely's 13 oz. bottle Vinegar gal. 43c Catsup 19c Bulk Whole Mixed lb. Pickling Spice 29c St. William's Strawberry 24 oz. JAM - - 40c Picnic Sweet Mix 24 or, jar Pickles 31c Rose Orange 12 oz. jar Marmalade 20c BEST FOR BREAD OR PASTRY FIVE ROSES FLOUR 7 lb. bag 39c 24 lb. bag $1.27 Scouring Pad (pkg, of 4) S.O.S. 14c Van Carnes In Tomato Sauce Pork &Beans2-25c 15 oz. tin Fancy Ottality Red Cohoe S'almon 35c 8 oz. tin /01.101...1110 Van C'inip 20 oz. tin Spaghetti 2-25c All merchandise said at your Dontiniort Store is uncondition- ally guaranteed to 'give 100 pet teitt..tatisfaction Values effective to closing time, Saturday, August 14, 1048 Just Chill and Slice rs York Brand 12 oz. tin Bologna 27c Barker's Assorted Creams 33c 16 oz. pkg. FOR SALE—Underwood Portable Typewriter, first class condition. Ap- ply T. Carbert, at Adair Transport. FOR SALE-1929 Model A Coach, in good condition, 4 new tires. Ap- ply Roy Burchill, after 6. Phone 641r31. FOR SALE—Small Enamelled Cook Stove, good as new, cheap for quick sale. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Solid brick insulated modern home, conveniences, auto- matic oil heat, immediate possession. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—Junior sidewalk bicycle, in good condition, used 1 year and. and priced for quick sale at $10.00. Phone Wingham. 539. FOR SALE-35 Sucker Pigs. Apply Geo. Tervit, Bluevale Road, Phone 636r4, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Amanda L. Eadie, late of the Town- ship of Turnherry, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Amanda L. Eadie, are required to send particu- lars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, K.C. the solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or be- fore the twenty-eighth day of August, A.D., 1948, and .that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of winch he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this ninth day of August, A.D., 1948. J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C., Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham w. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Samuel George McKee, late of the Villiage of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 6th clay of July, 1948, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 28th day of August, A.D., 1948, full partic- ulars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said 28th day of August the assets of the said testator will de .distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this 29th day of July A,D., 1948, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Henry Breckenridge, late of the Township of Turfiberry, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, Nana: XS HEREBY GIVEN, I pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late William Henry Breckenridge, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified, to J. ' 1 , t h e solicitor for the Administrator of the said estate, on or before the twenty- eighth day of August, A.D., 1948, and that after such date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the said es- ate, having regard only to the claims of which, he shall then have had notice. M. D ED at WinghtunrOntario, this sixth day of August, AD., 1948, ricmcncsiminninumuminumunalsoisincomnamiumnomaiminulis i 1 / i Wete. , i '1,' • s"stsi A al ..„..., i _ • • • CAR1Z(YrS la • • • se lb. 0 Banquet Choice 20 oz. tin • ,...0---35'" Peas 2 for 25c hed • —GOOD TASTE at a GOOD PRICE THE WINGFIAM ADVANCE-TIMES of Wingham General Hospital, also Dr. W. A. McKibbon, for their kind- family ness during her husband's illness and friends their sympathy in her bereavement, Peaches 23c Home-gr • .0 Batman of Strathroy. Douglas Burton • a Te'iler and the late Mr. Harris, Lynn Valley 20 oz. tin Mrs. Thos. Smith (nee Ruth Finley) wishes to thank ,the matron and staff CARD OF THANKS Wingleme tentario. Solicitor for the Executrix. sit ii ,.= [:\K1. N'OTICE THAT: '• 1. Vie Council of the •Corporation; the Town of Wingham intends to o=. istruct as a local improvement, watU - r .mains on: Victoria Street from Catherine St., Carlitis Terrace. • Diagonal Road from'' Carling Ter-os race to Seutherby 200', `— Diagonal Road from Catherine, St.' Northerly400'. Cornyn Street from Diagonal Road: to Carling Terrace. Charles Street from Alice Street to. Easterly 000' Minnie :Street from Reservoir to Minnie Street A point 200' south of U Reservoir to 100' 'southerly. eese • and intends to specialty assess a part o f the cost upon the land abutting II directly on the work. 2. The es•timattd 'cost of the work =- is $12500.00 of which $3440.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The esti- mated cost per foot frontage is $0.92,44. The special assessment is to he paid in ten annual instalments, and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 10.84 cents. S. Application will be made by the. .Corporation to the Ontario Municipal' Board for its approval of the under-. taking of the said work and any own- er may within twenty-one days after I U Southerly 200'. • NOTICE 1 U to" a 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. WANTED—Single car garage, or small building suitable for garage. Phone Blyth 10R17, 60 CYCLE REFRIGERATOR for immediate delivery, also special showing of Chesterfield suites at Schuett & Sons, ,Mildmay Furniture Store. J. W. BUSHFIF.LD, K.C., \\ Ingham, Ontario. Fug used M.H. Binder in Solicitor for the Administrator. good running shape, also used air conpressor and spray gun. New rebber wagons for immediate days .' NOTICE TO CREDITORS P. ery. Joint llumstcad & Sun, dealers in Cucksitutt Machinery for Wing- IN 'Li*. MATTER of the Estate ham and district, of Robert Melltirgey, late of the Town' of Wingham, in the County of Huron, ifs - FOR SALE—Hudson Essex Coach, 5 Retired Farmer, deceased, 6•'2,L1 tires, 2 new, in good condition,. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN e n Uprieht Newcombe Piano, 'MAN'. pursuant to the Trustee Act that all, any finish, Bench to match, good as creditors and others having claims eaw, otsat skin Rube. Apply W. J. against the Esate of the late Robert Gallaher, a ionic. phone Wroxeter st s iser oe ys are required to send par-dm 23 rine; 12. titulars of Their claims, duly verifiedo;iy J . W. Il•ushiield, K.C., the solicitor o GOD W HOME ANTED—By a lfur the Executrix of the said Estate,—. four inseth e s e,e1 kitten. Apply o at • - s . u eeto rethe twenty -eighth day of ya Allvance-Trines. August, A.D., 1948, and that after Fit the executrix will proceed to ; es HORSES wArriql—Apo, 'late o law Fur Farm, Phone 3663. listribute the said estate, having re- • • ! curd only to the claims of which site!iii •• • • HOUSE Ft iR iseen huuse shall then have had _entice. itt Imetse,w, complete batlesssist, DATED at Wineham, Ontario, this, cutsboarkls,.- esp.! repair, gar- sixth slay cif August, A.D., 1948. n au.e. Apply P... ti.11sse 161, tnek- J. W. BUSHFIELD, tow. • • PAGE SIX ASK FOR—Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A Drug Store. BEAUTY AND NATURAL COL- our returning to greying hair with Angelique Grey Hair Restorer, Try It, $1 at McKibbon's Drug Store, DWELLING FOR SALE-1 storey cottage in Wingham, well located, modern conveniences, two lots, Im- mediate occupancy. Apply H. C, MacLean, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Broker, Wingham. EXPERIENCED AND NOTED Palmist and Teacup Reader. Why Worry? For appointment, Phone 39r23, Brussels, Miss I, M. Sellers. FOR SALE-2 second hand sinks, one with roll back, both in good shape, also child's commode chair, Phone 441W. FOR SALE-3 Calves, two 3 month. and 1 six weeks, 2 Durham and a Hereford, also '7 Pigs 8 weeks old. Apply Hugh Rion, R. 1, Belgrave, Phone 621r3. FOR SALE-1 Screen Door, 1 Com- bination Door, 1 outside Door with glass 19x34. T.,A, Currie, Phone 361, FOR SALE-6 roomed frame cottage, immediate possession. Apply to Don MacLean, Albert Street, FOR SALE. OR RENT—Smith-Cor- ona "Clipper" portable typewriter, Apply Evan Keith, telephone 270, FOR SA1M-1929 Chevrolet Coupe, good condition, new Battery, gener- ator; can be seen at Sturdy's Pool room. Apply Scotty Ross, FOR SALE-1 Waterloo Threshing Machine, 24x36 with shredder. Ap- edy to Victor -Showers, Francis St., Winghatt. FOR. SALE—Singer Portable Elec- sas tric Sewing Machine, apply SS Ad- "' vance-Tithes. t R,',411 Cory, about Still ales. Witte star on fuse- l-Kiel. Cali A. B. 'Mitchell. jes,s,T.....f.in Friday in IA Winghant around Fstxttat Ditiry or Artistrotes tiara:se, a lame sant 0 trr r.ey. Fi:aler please leave at Ad- vance-Times and receise reward. "No Cs ,rn or :Callous will mar sour oy, if Lloyd's C,vro Salve you em;Aq, y." 50c at McKibbon's Drue Store. PIANOS +G used, 3 riesv at Schuett & Sens, Mild:nay. Free delivery in S. Ontario and niany parts of Can- ada.. STRAYED—Two year old steer to farm of Clews Rettinger, owner may have same by payigo ,eepenses. $39.52; Dominion Road Machinery Co, Ltd,, clutch facing and fork, $17.11; Can. Oil Co„ Ltd., 220 gallons of gas, $71.72; Canadian Industries, 4 gallons Herbate $44.80; Joe Kerr, crushing and hauling 1295 cub. yds, of gravel at 64 cts. a yard, $828,80; Richard Chamney 2771 cu. yds. of gravel at 5 cts, a yd., $138.55; General Accounts, sRobert Patterson, one fox bounty, $8.00; Gordon Naylor, one fox pup bounty, $2.00; Ernest Walker, one fox pup bounty, $2,00; County of Huron, hospital expenses indigent pat- ient, $12,35; Joe Kerr return of bond, $200.00, Moved by Alex Robertson, seconded by Geo. Walker that the council adjourn to meet on Sept. 7th, at 2 pan. Carried. R. H, Thompson, Clerk. WEDDINGS Elliott - Johnston Mary Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3, R. Johnston of Wingham, be- came the bride of Edwin Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Elliott, of Gode- rich, at a ceremony performed by Rev. B. H. Farr in St, George's Anglican Church, Goderich.' For her wedding the bride chose a street-length frock of white silk jer- sey. She wore a white maline head- dress holding her illusion veil, and her corsage was of red roses and white gladioli petals. Miss Doris Johnston, as her sister's bridesmaid, was in blue silk jersey, with white accessories, and she wore a corsage of pink gladioli petals. Reg. Black, Goderich,, attended the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will reside in Goderich. Earngey Willitts A quiet, but lovely wedding was sol- emnized at the United Church par!f' sonages 'Wroxeter, Wednesday, July 28th, at 3 p.m., when Kathleen Eliza- beth youngest daughter of Mrs. litts and the late Melvin Willitts of Turnberry was united in marriage to Dean Arthur, son of Mrs. Earngey and the late William Earngey of Guelph. Rev. U. E. Cronhielm offic- iated. The bride chose for her wedding a street-length white crepe dress with large scalloped shawl collar and white accessories, with• a corsage of pink Harris - Miller White gladoili decorated New St. Paul's Cathedral, Woodstock, on Sat- Bernard Francis Lillow, yotingest son Mr. and Mrs. Xing 'MacDonald and rica, visited on Sunday with their cousins, the Mathers hors at Ebenezer, Mrs. Lewis Jewitt of Newton'is vis iting with friends in Winglerm and Mosaics Mast Neil MacLean, Toronto, is spending the holidays with his allele and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Thorn- ton. Mr. Andrew Holmes attended the Her funeral of his nephew, John Holmes of Dondas. The late Mr, Holmes was a son of Bennett Holmes, and died after a few hours illness from a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Arnold and sots, James and Michael of Port Dal- housie, visitedovith Mr Andrew Hol- mes aod Miss Jessie Holmes. For ,every person who brags about 'being bright there are •doZens ready 'to do the .polishing off. David Crompton Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE '59 the first publication of this notice file with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken, 4. The said Board may approve of the said work undertaken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the said work will be considered. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 28th day of July, A.D., 1948. W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk, Town of Wingham. IN MEMORIAM PALMER—In loving memory of a dear wife, Mrs. Edwin Palmer, who passed away, seven years ago, Aug. ust 13th, 1941., My lips cannot tell how I miss her, My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss her, In a home that is lonesome today. —Ever remembered by her husband and sisters. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe and wish to thank their relatives, EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL The Council of East Wawanosh met August 3rd,, at 2 p.m., with all the members present, the Reeve presiding, Minutes of meeting held July 6th, were read and adopted on motion 'by Alex Robertson, seconded by Harvey Black, Carried, Correspondence was read from The Huron Expositor, County Clerk, re indigent patient, County Clerk re County Levy, Lands and Forests Dept., Galt, Department of Highways ap- proval of Snupplententary By-Law for $3,000,00 for road maintenance, East Wawanosh,' P,S.A., Semi-Annual re- port. Mr. Gibson Insurance Agent dis- cussed with the Council Insurance on the Roads of the Township and fire coverage which was renewed, Mr. Meadows of Lands and Forests De- partment, was present to discuss an open deer season in East Wawanosh. Mr, John Buchanan of the Fed. of Agrie. met the Council asking to have spraying done for cattle lice this fall, the Council were in favour of this work being done, The County 'Weed Inspector was present and discussed killing weeds and buckthorne, Moved by Alex Robertson, seconded by Geo. Walker that we request the Township of Morris to install four more street lights on number four Highway in Belgrave and also request Morris Township to pay for one of the four additional lights. Carried, Moved bp Elmer Ireland, seconded by Alex Robertson, that the Road and General Accounts as presented be passed and paid. Carried. Road ac- counts, Stuart Mc]3urney, sal., 168.00, bills paid; $1.53 total $169.53; Don Cook checking gravel, $31.00; Chas. Robinson, spraying weeds, $7.70; Roy Robinson, spraying weeds, $11.90; D. Murray, labor and welding $8.50; Donald Rae & Son, one set of box-end wrenches, $3.75; Fred D. Newman, nails, $2.88; Ed. Marsh, trucking steel pipe, $12.00; The Pedlar People Ltd„ steel culvert, $520:66; Reavie's Service Station, grader repairs, $16.80; W. L. Ballentine Co., Ltd. Clutch parts, "THE BIG '3' IN NYLONS" Weldrest -Butterfly - Chipman Knit FOR ONE of the BEST TRY WELDREST! TRANSPORT TENDERS Tenders will be received until Aug- ttst 1948, for Transport of pupils from School No. 11 E. Wawa., to S. No, 9, East \Vavea,, beginting with the school term it Sept. 1948 June SO, 1940. Motor vehicle used by contractor must carry Liability Insurance. Far 'further particulars enquire from any' member of the Iltrard. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. East Wsv aanosh School Board, M. Robinson, `Chairman C. H. Wade, Secretary. and neighbours for expressions of sympathy and kindness, extended to roses. them in their recent, sad bereavement, Miss Pauline Merkley, cousin of the bride, was her only attendant, she in the death of our dear husband and Father. wore a pink silk jersey dress with black trimming, and black accessories. Her corsage was pink roses and white carnations. Mr. Eldred Cathers per- formed the duties of best man. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride. For a motor trip through Muskoka and other points north, the bride don- ned a navy gaberdine suit, navy pic- ture hat and navy and white accessor- ies. The young couple will reside at Guelph. Friends were present from Guelph, Brussels, Gorrie, Lucknow, Wroxeter, Belmore and Kitchener, %,-etabkt Popular DOMINION Stores Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sale, TIE-llee Miller, daughter of Mr. E. :NH- .' y Our F. Harris, son of Mrs. A. F. Mil- 1 w-weet % a I le and the late NItbo Miller and Ar- .... • OW n • pink earnations, a black picture hat, and a coral necklace, the gift of the groom. The bridesmaid, a friend of so, the bride, was in pitik crepe and wore n a corsage of pink roses. Garfield Fin- ley, brother of the bride, was best man. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the prettily furnished new, home of the bride and groom at 11 ▪ was soloist, singing "I'll Walk Beside Wyatt Street. Receiving with the brill- You" 'Co efore the wedding and a1 party, were, the bride's father and — "Through the Years," during the sign-mother, the latter dressed in black trig of the register. Nand white crepe, with black hm, The bride given in marriage by her the groom's mother, in purple flowered father, wore a white satin gown,with 'jersey, with Leghorn hat In l -Aural I! a nylon 'yoke, long pointed sleeves and .shade. - a shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of red roses, her only orna- ment a string of pearls, the gift of in-, the groom. Miss Marjory Jacobs a tended as maid of honor, wearing sheer yellow gown anti carried a boo ,, quet of pink roses. Thelma Small was 11.L junior bridesmaid wearing a matching a gown in pate green sheer, and carry- • ing a bouquet of yellow roses. Donald • se Miller, !maim of the bride, was best moan, Eritest 'Miller, brother of the - 'bride, and George Harris, brother of WI! the groom, were ushers. After the wedding ceremony a re-, ._, ception was held, 4 0 Grey Memorial m Hall, which was decorated in pink and • :white with a 3 tier wedding cake con- pleting decorations. There were about • 35 guests. 17 e-i The bridesgroom's mother received !din a black figured dress with match- n 'Mg accessories and a corsage of yet- , "low roses. ing. The Settforth team were the vies itt t Falls anti other points, the bride • N The couple left on a trip to Niagara :tonsits Samuel 'Burgess of 'Morris, has' !!,!'wearing a green taffeta dress with !purchased through the Elliott Real 'Es-. black and white accessories. '011 their tate Agency, the John A. Cowan pro- .111 .111 return the couple will reside in Woods; petty on Wellington Street and will • stock. move to Myth September 1st. Lillow Pinky on Saturday, August ith, Miss Eva Mrs. Geo. Howard, Mr. and ltrs. Fn., Finley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs„ How- C. Howard of Toronto, and Mr. Enl- oe' and Finley, of Loedot, formerly of est Howard, Missionary to South Af- BLUEVALE In Central Baptist Church, London, Mrs. Dorothy Arnstein and son, Harrison of Mintico, are visiting the formers mother, Mrs. Arthur Tierney. Mr. L. Turvey has sold his house on Morris St., to Mr. Louis Shannon of Hullett Township. Miss Marjorie Stewart visited with friends in Hamilton during the week.' ,Mrs. Thos. Elliott of Kitchener, is the guest of the Misses Livingston and other 'Heeds in Myth. The most interesting game of soft- ball of this season was that played by Auburn girls Mid Myth Legionettes. There was thirteen innings !played 'reselting in a win for Auburn of 16 to 12. Ex Reeve Geo. McNeil refereed the league game between Brussels and Seaiorth at Brussels on Monday even- BLYTH • iyurday, at 2.30 o'clock, when Rev. 3. *sow° • . - . Yes, Another Week of the Much Talked About— goisiscrRyt ..rotstt 11,7.1,1-.1.. Geolillogen, united in marriage, • • — The organist was Nliss Marion ! ..... ,,,,,,,,,, iiiiiiii , iiiiiiii eyeyeiti, iiiii el, iiiiiiiii Mill iiiii 11111011111.111 iiiiiiiiiiiii 1101 iiiiiiii ilisimplimpippplIpipipplopu Wingliam, became the bride of Mr. of 'Mrs. Nellie Lillmv of Blue-rale, Rev, ,Mrs, Robt McGuire of Wingelarrs'slausghter, Mary Robin, of 'Montreal, S. Franklin Logsdon', performed the lvoiliZtiriowsiityllat TiXalrn.di-isaarnrsy, treannelpwa•endietfiriebnyds1.14iprs.inwitimie. village ac- ceremony. cleenregntr glOwnrrobfe bteideerZet,croartasgtereocti Chas, Bostrian mid soil, and old neigh- Brussels