HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-08-11, Page 1ergegggtrititageitimegM7-"7'eee• 'Single Copies — Five Cents With Which is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News WINGHA1VI, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1948 Subscription, $2.00 a Inar Advanee LIBERALS CHOOSE KING'S SUCCESSOR Walter VatiWyek of Wingham Lodge No, 286, A.F. & A.M., was elected District Deputy -Grand. Mas- . . . Mr. and Mrs. Hat\ ey Admits an- Xing, Gorrit. The marriage to take place the latter part of August. STONE SCHOOL Wroxeter Eliminates Londesboro and Lose to Stone School 4..4.4.••••••••••••••• of ,Aditimiat .ewers' mite clerk was regular nutting on 'Thursday after- instructed. advise the Il l ytlt0 Cmi 'mom, Aug. nth, in the Council Chem Mrs. Field will speak on the street:ion Co. to proceed wi th the ex-1 hers,-. tension of sewers on Charles Street. Written complaints were received have charge of the: poigram, :\ demonstratem on flower arrange- !twine will be given by Mrs, Snell. Th e tostasets willErnest, -Mrs. Field, Mrs. W. Loeb:ridge, Mn'.. A. R. DuVal, Mrs. Laidlaw and Mrs. ,Had Tonsil Operation Dorothy Ross, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, R. R. 2, 'sklueltam, had her tonsils removed in iWingham Ceneral Hospital ou Thurs- day Bowled at Belleville A local rink b,,wlers composed of H. L. Sherbondy, O. Hogan-rove, Mel. Dont:Ante and A. M. Crawford attend- ed the Civic Httliday tpurnanteat at In a sudden death W.O.A,A. Soft- ball game played here Tuesday even- ing of last week, Wroxeter came front behind to defeat Londesboro Leaving Wroxeter and Stone School to battle it out for the "C" group chatintionship. Superior in every respect, Stone School 'trounced the \Vroxcter Rockets ' 3(1-1 to•capture the first game of the group finals here on Friday °evening. Nine borne runs featured the game.' Stone School had 'one big liming when, they scored 12 tong As we go to press we learn the sec- ond garne played Tuesday under the! lights resulted in a Vtrin for Stone School with a score of 24-40. MIXED DOUBLES HAD GOOD ENTRY Or. and Mrs, G. W, Howson Won the Tournament MIMMip.MOIM The first mixed Doubles Tourna-• Inept of the season was held at the. Wingham Bowling Green on. Wednes- day evening, ,July 2$th. Six entries were present from Clinton, four from Lucknow, two each from Seaforth and Walkerton, and eighteen local. Three 10-end games were played, and between the second and third lunch was served by the ladies. The winners were; first Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Howson, S wins plus 18; second, Ed, Brant and daughter, Wal- kerton, 3 wins, plus 17; third, G, W. Nott and, partner, Clinton, 3 wins plus 12; fourth, W. McCoy and partner,. Lucknowt 3 wins plus 6. ENJOY REUNION A reunion at Lakeside Park, Port Huron, was held on Sunday, August 1st for families, relatives and 9friends of the McCormick, McDonald and McKinnon families. There were about 200 in attendance and all enjoyed a day of picnicieg, swimming and games, Prizes were awarded all winners and special prizes to those coming great- est distance which was from Milhall, Pa, Others came from Gagetown, De- troit, Mt. Clemons, Macon, Harrow, Arnecburg, Guelph, London, Wingham and Teeawater. Plans are being made for another outing at Lakeside Park, Port Huron, first Sunday in August, 1!9•49. Sunday Dinner At Brunswick Hotel Served from 12 to 1.30 and 5 to 6.30. Three choices of meat, one fowl. Courteous service, Engagement Annonuced Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith an- nounce the engagement of their young- er daughter, Susan Elizabeth, to Mr, GI Allan K • 1 Glenn e etc ter, y son of ;Mr. and Mrs. Allan. MeKerch.er, Jam- estown. The marriage to take place Anisust 21st, Bride-Elect Showered Mrs. Clifford Helfer, Mrs. Janne \\Ik on, and airs, Rhy,s. Pollock en- tertained last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Pollock in honour of ' Miss Velma Scott, bride-elect. 'lase were twenty-two guests present twit during the evening Velma received a miscellaneous shower. Engagement Announced Mrs, John A. 'MacDonald of Tees-; water, antiounees the engagement of her yoongest daughter, Christina "Winnifred, to Mr. Robert Stuart Johann, elder son of Mrs. Johann and th e late Frederick Johann, of Del- more, th e wedding to take place the end of August. loss of sleep ruins the complexitm, according to a beauty authority. Like leaving the compact at home; BATTERY MEMBERS RETURN HOME .1.1,11 ,•14•M BELHAVE FARMER ATTACKED BY BULL COUNCIL RECEIVES FOUR DEPUTATIONS Building Code By-Law To Be Introduced Next' Meeting • The August meeting of the Wing- ham Town Council was held on Mon- day evening with all members present. Four deputations waited on the Coun- cil. A deputation from the Recreation Council, headed by Mr. A. D. Mac- William reported on the activities carried on under the Summer Play- ground Program, which had an en- rolment of 512. He explained the need of funds to successfully carry on this work and asked the Council's finan- cial assistance. This matter was dis- cussed later and a grant of $200.00 was made. Mr. Chas. Cook addressed the Coun- cil with regards to large increase in taxes in his factory. He stated that for the past two years it had doubled each yeas'. After later discussion it was de- cided that nothing could be done this year, but he would have the privilege of entering a complaint at the next Court of Revision, Messrs. R, Burbridne and Alex Rine tout addressed the Council and pre- sented a petition signed by the rate- payers living iii the vicinity of the town clump. They complained about its unsanitary condition and offensive odor, asking that this be remedied. The council was in sympathy with the petition and as the new dump is now ready the old dump will be levelled, covered over and fenced off to stop future dumping this summer, Mr. Percy Hogg was present and brought to the attention of the Coun- cil the comlition of a section of Minnie St. after each gine The street commit- tee was instructed to investigate fur- ther into the mater. Communications wet e received and read from: Wingham Softball Association, ex- pressing their appreciation for the grant for the upkeep of the park, C. R. Hagey, engineer, regarding deposit of contractor, anti construction regarding the barking of dogs early inn the morning. The council decided to ask owners cif dogs to cooperate. Hydro Electric Commission request- town, claiming it was the town's re- sponstbdiy. The Cotmcil inetineted the Clerk torequest the Bell 'Telephone Co„ to remove a pole on Water St., :mil ;deo approved the laying of underground cables iii that area, Mayor Kennedy reported tltat the earth was being levelled around the new houses. The council felt the work there was not proceeding rapidly enough and the clerk was instructed to write Wartime Housing requesting at the park had. riot 'twee in operating Th committee was instructed to pro- Coen, Gurney slated that the new • Fire Hall ayes practically 'completed anti will be itt use Within the next few days. Several applications for building permits were received including two for new houses front Wm. H. David- son and Jack MacKay. The Dept. of Highways was request- ed to 'creel speed limit signs at the en- trance to the town. A notice of motion was given that at ,the next meeting of the Council a Building 'Code By-Law will be pre- sented. NOTICE Property oavrters extending sewers. Off their property unto the town streets are reminded that they stoat'_ be inspected before filling them hi., They are also 'responsible 'seeing That the 'opening is kept filled tip to • level unait has :packed 'down. Street Committee. Rt. Holt. Louis .tt. Laurent is Can- ada's Prime Minister-designate, Ti e 66-year-old Minister of Exeternal Af- fairs was selected Saturday afternoon on the first ballot in a three-cornered contest a tthe Liberal national con- vention at Otawa. He defeated .a fellow Cabinet Minis- ter, Rt, Hon. J. G. Gardiner, minister of Agriculture and f.triner wartime minister, Hon, C. G. "Chubby" Power. Thus, the distinguished. French-Can- adian who was peweattled late in life to embed: upon a political career, be- NEW PLATFORM 1. Expanded tradewith the world through: reciprocal agreements and other measurte. 2. In veterans'legislation, particular attention to the disableil anti aetal aml ,the dependents of servicemen whit lost 4. An "adequate" dm:stmt. program, with forces capable of Buick expat;sion. . 5. An eMhunbel "Seleelive" inilnigra• bull program in.).;irneial ;‘,11- tilathat needs. Partieipation in a North Amerita ;security allimese. 7. Abolition court apple& to the . wily ta anent, reatsion of the Elestem "Act and penal ret gm. ‘„ o •••41“ d••••ri 4111111re k1•1141 fi',..11114 yea re. • • rt .• • • I 11.:A comprelignsive seettrits program. 12, A royal e•tininiesioe on traits. • M. ()ppoeition to Clitimmitisen and ion-provincial fiscal -proposals. 15, Government aid in improving le- • • 16. National unity and an "cactus- aid in obtaining union securi a_ molt enforcemott of labor laws , Ladies' Trebles Teinettattent The Wingham Ladies Bowling Club are bottling their annual Trebles Tour- nament for the King Department Store Trophy, this afternoon, Wednesday, August 11th. Play commences at 1.30. Dance at I3eIgrsvo Friday night, August 13, Mnsic by Farrierts Orchestra. Proceeds in 'aid of the Building Fond, ST. LAURENT came the first man of the Canadian 'Liberalism, the leader of the Liberal ;Parts- and Prime Minister-to-be. Upon his shoulders now rests the .mantle laid aside by retiring Prime 'Minister W, L. Mackenzie King. Mr, St. Laurent will in all probabil- ity assume that mantle of leadership in November or December. Nine were nominated, six of them :withdrawing leaving only St. Laurent, Gardiner and Plover in the contest, • The vote was: For Mr. St, Laurent, 843; fin. Mr. Gardiner, 323 and for Mr. .Power, 50. ERICK LIONS and Canadian Indueiriee, big , carving-w ill The `office ',fi Dr. Got. W. Hovesen ANNUAL FROLIC The Howl& Lions Club are staging their sixth annual Fri die the 1\ teix- eter CI InUnli y Park, tin Thunnlay and Friday of this week, August 12t1. ••and 13th. Each eacnine entitle:mei:a with a hall • • ninlit. AB proreeds twill be email in Hear Teeswater Band At the Palace Gardens, F.rtnoea 13 • r Next We dnesday ow nigSi ngles for the Hamilton 'Optical Trophy •: and 1.,-)tie NV:Itch, on Wednesday, 'fits tournament is proving very pop- Ular and a large entry is expeettel, y 11 EN! Es WlN GROUP SERIES TI E11 Win Two Of• Last Three Games Profit. Ripley Flyers Last week the Wingham Red Sox juveniles defeated the Ripley Flyers 1.2 in the third game of the finals _for group one W.O.A.A..hardball ionship played on Tuesday night, The second game -having ended in a tie 5-5. The fourth:- game of the series played on Friday saw the Ripley Flyers stage a 4 mu rally in the seventh inning to win 7-4. , Monday evening here they again Met WI after five innings of terrible play on the part of the visitor's, the Wing- ham. Red Sox tied up the series when they 'swamped the Ripley Flyers 17-5. Telford Cook, Ilelgrave district igniter, narrowly escaped death early on Monday when he was knocked to the ground by an. infuriated bull at his faint. Mr. Cook was rounding up the cows near the bush prior to milking, when the which was with the tattle, bolted, knocking him to the. ground. Twice the enraged animal hurled him to the earth as he hung en grimly to the ling in the btill's nose. Finally he 'Managed to trawl fever a fence anti; am into a tree. Two neighbours, Thos. Thompson and Louia Cook were sum- moned by 'the man's wife and tame to his rescue. He was rushed to Wingham General Hospital, and -was found. to be 'suffer- ing from severe bruises and stock Dr. 'W A. MtKibbon attended the injured luen. RT. HON. LOUIS Lieut, Col. R. S. nvilietingtoit and Court. Rintottl brought to the at-, tfi Engagement Agtuolice g the St. Lawrowe watertvaa- and de- ivelv Canadian" flag. TAKES fiROUP LEAD ,ing of the tax burden. 17. Government economy and etas- 3.18. ,Subsidized low-cost housing if necessary, 19. No Coalitinu with any party. 20.A program aimed at bolstering , the economy of the Marunnes. 21, Selective price controls where necessary to hold dowe the cost of living, - ttto-tto, 'those who bring sunshine in- - the lives of others cannot keep it ADOPT . ,...i. , .....____. , from thernlir,e,'" The. roll call will LIBERALS iwuri .. Cana d ian ,,,,,an,wviTt, „.„ mutinies a u Product and where it is pntileced. Mrs. Bateeon, convenor of Agricul- real t;111.,' Band. e .att :t mat I.-ileitis to the sentle of .$375.00 will lb f • I -• l' a I ti -l•t t !- ' FOUNDRY DOUBLES FOUR KILLED AT High Wingham winner, W. B. Mc- Cool and Di'. G. W. lituveou, a wins 'plus 21, Ayre Illanketa; high two garnets W. H. French awl C. W. ,Lniyd, 2 wins phis 13, Itlanketa; high nue game, I h, Haetlgrove awl W. W. Gurney, 1 win, plus 12, agate:gate 52, t ravening kit. The long distance prise went to Dr. • iDeans anti partner of: Windsor reeeiv- iing a set of breenee. No win, lowest score, H, L. Sher- gauntly and 1)., Kennedy. Eaeh year the btevlers line the :greens reeular play ,tarts a spilt r play, this was. w e ar n by J. B- Oldest Bowler On Green Dad. Goodchild, $4, One of Winning Pair With an entry of 58 pairs, the out- standing Doubles tournament of Wes- tern Ontario, sponsored by Western Foundry Company Limited, was held at the Wingham Bowling Green on Wednesday last, Bowlers were present from Goderich, Seaforth, Clinton, Brussels, St, Marys London Listowel, Port Elgin, Lucknow, Orangeville, Stratford, Mitchell Owen Sound, Ex- eter Hanover, Paisley, Walkerton, Windsor and Durham. The heautifttl trophy and Gruen watches were won by a pair from Dur- ham, R. Padfield and "Dad" Good- child, who finished with a score of 3 wins Plus 31, "Dad"• Goodchild, who is $4 years of age, was one of the spry- est bowlers on the green, and received hearty applause for his win, This pair also won the hardware dealers special, Chemical Closets. Other whiners were: 2nd. W. Ker and partner, Walkerton, 3 wins plus 27, Point Blankets; 3rd. H. Barnett and W. Archer, Paisley, 3 wins plus 25, aggregate 55, Kenwood Blankets; 4th, A. Townsend and W. Newcombe, Goderich 3 wins plus 25, aggregate 48, Sani-Boys; 5th, W. Smith and \V. Love, London, 3 wins plus 17 aggre- gate 62, tables; 6th, W. A. Miller and H, Mason, 3 wins plus 17, aggregate 61, Belts; 7th, H. Porterfield and H. Moore Mitchell, 3 wins plus 17, :ag- gregate 54; 8th, F, Allison and F. Rouse Goderich, 3 wins pine 13, Flash- lights; high two game winner, A. M. Crawford and D. B. Porter, 2 wins plus 24, aggregate 61, Shaving Kit; high one game winner, J. A, Wilson ;and Rev. J. Pollock, Ronson Lighters. Special Prizes For Wingham Bowlers DRAWS LANE ENTRY BOWLING NOTES At the Hanover Civic Ihiliday Treb- les Tournament, Bert Isard, J. Murray and W. R. Hamilton, ten 4th prize. The only local entry at NVelkertein mixed Trebles, Gord MacKay and ,Mrs. J. Wilsom won third prize. Mr. awl Mrs. \\ Penn were also 'avinnere of sixth prim at tit elanich :mixed doublet.. Eight It seal pair took ;part in the play. Three heal pairs took in the :lea- i forth Mixed Double. ,.11 Thursday evening. 11,00.44.* When Car Crashes Into Side Of Train Near Kincardine Four young people, three Americans and one Canadian, were killed early Saturday when their car struck a Can- adian National Railways train at e. level crossing just south of Kincar- dine,. The dead are: Norma Ferguson, age about 21, Sarnia; Daniel Leithauser, about 21, Grosse Point, Mich., Francia M. Slater, 23, Grosse Point, Mich., Robert Henry Pipper, 23, St. Peters- burg, Florida. ' Provincial Constable Bruce Woods, of Kincardine, who investigated the accident, said that the car had driven into the side of the train and had been carried about 150 feet along the tracks. The car was demolished, and three of the bodies were strewn along the tracks, Three were killed instantly, while Slater died shortly after on the way to Kincardine General Hospital. The train, in charge of Engineer Earl. Tarlin, of Palmerston, and Con- ductor Elmer Gairns, of Palmerston, was travelling about 35 miles an hour at the time of the accident. Only slight skid marks were found on the highway, indicating that the car smashed -almnet at full tilt into the train, The train was a Palmerston to Kin- cardine passenger train, The crossing was the scene of an- other fatal accident just over a year ago, when three people in a car were killed. Coroner Dr. J. E. Fraser, T F Elgin said no inquest would be held. Dental Office Closed TRAIN CROSSINfi aet. The itrocctele this automat d ;gelidity, Auguat 01;,, , Sauer lae, Attattat 2lat., inclusive. e ,Attended Floral Designing School 1Mra. E. S leant , •••••ti Jae at- ten.led a 4...eh,n41 44n V- ,"al 41,14' ‘•.1.••4,•, 'Won Laidlaw Scholarship 1).:,•ree II:in +.i'• it U'otti'Vik• taurtemient. The led ler of tin? lucky ticket for the Citttett Aatelt u..p. Mts. Ir ene hint. sentatlgt of prises at the el of the Wittaant ens:dented and is proving ate*. twilled antI at • :Forgotten Roast Takes Fire l'linraday nor. to the' fiegnaen mute talied to the residense t-f Mr. RAplit l'air4q4 ulali 44 foe- • 'toil roast tai CA Ode ranee t- ak 'tier' atel bale este : tg• tke a; art- 4 Ith'i 'Engagement Aniknriced • . • • :Mr. and Inas. J. F.. Rutt7e. mark, 4.4 the pupil- isi: wr..!e exinm, at Voir,liani Centre. Bowlers Second at Toronto A rink vonip.4sed 4.4i L. ronto, Smur4110:, tout 1.41:tv tie' astudita tiatele iiesasa can lit. strepInd if lestred. service td1 week slay-. and al,:: eleua, to Harry Ludas titter, H eldest son of Mrs. J. dun Stark aud the late harry tialia4:er of St. Thomas. The weillin44 to take pket, Mete Nn, 411241., Winnlitatt. itt the Wins:ham Baptist Church. m Saturday, Scot-11113er 4th, at to 10 p.m. 1.1'!EY.--:.;• MA. tiamti E. Farr;te. OF when she was knocked .1,•rtvu by a :cal- m the intersection of Highways 4 and 86 Saturday noon. 'Credit is due the driver for his quick action in stopping his car in only a few feet. Elva for- tunately only received bruises on her leg and arm. Notice To bog Owners It has been drawn to the attention of the Town Commit that owners -Of dogs have turned their dogs loose early it: the morning thereby causing a dis- turbance to citizens. The Council re- quests that 'citizens 'co-operate in pre- venting this nuisance. St., earrowly eseaned serious injury SEASON MONDAY • A large crowd of Softball fans were . present at the Wingham Tow:: Park on Monday °evening to witness the best game played here this season, when Centralia and Wingham suet in their final tome of the regular echedule. The game was a pitehers battle throughout anti remained 'scoreless until the ninth inning when the visit- ors scored twice, and the Met-curs:a were -unable to ,,c.(fre in their half of the ninth. If Wingham wins their two remain- ing sehedniell games they will tie,'Cens tralia for second 'place, and enother rousing gaine -ehould result. ing the Council's approval' on the egg- tun' of Liettovel, atel reeeived a, be elostal tit° tw• wteka. in thin of a new sub-station on the tenth end of Minnie St, '.Phis wee granted. County of Huron, advising that the 6 mill County levy required front the Town t of Winghtfin is $8244,50. Dept. of Highways regarding repairs to bridge at the north mid of the p, $22.00 awl is ds mated In :Minters- Hospitals to assist in eetablialtine bowline ereens, The W. ingitam IL wling Club sin- eerely appreeiates the slenegtsny and I 'I " ontine at (sell with timatandint. t rams c"-"Pccaii"11 '''i IliL' We'turn F.'"a'ill 2 Devehopment of -natty:it resotir- .: ParticiVating. iti tuaLing, this ouc nf the best tnurtia- ,.,1!, f`. ;.1-1,,„‘"‘ - ."-- ' ; ' . . A " a, . • * • ' t '4 1 their lives in' war. .-- There ,k\ di he fun f„,r !„,,,1 ‘,,,,,,„ „„„anws mem, in Weetern ( hugario. • i me is me aeentei antaiat eene,e t : see es. • ,Intente henth, poi r, m, „am, '.,u,rrp.:.:.o. I tainted, Kiddies Rieke, sae. Tile new park lighting will be tunas! ee. Th,,, !.,,,di. also be -thuteine in thie rink. ,,. Tvo, band, twat furn,,,a nausie, da. Kinc.n.dint, pip, valid and lily nil pa.,,,, Nile C. A. Rile:Its, aasiantut eetieral 'Mainieer of ta t rti n „ w t • 1°' • Iry ° l- et enest the I; lurkr, aril malt. the pre- . Jack Black-gi ll, Harold .critilip, Ron_ this ,ear, and suggested that a. east nounce the tegagement of their thtligh- s ,,,.; I. . iit:ilipeit 'Vaititi;.;n1Iliaatin slittitt.',1sing.n t,i'autIL IIVilalt :17-r,' 1 4 1.1*,C 'w,-,Iul rift. .sale. at •41:. Iloilo. lli..n.e. at 224- 1...r al(.1 Martin anti Ronald Seddon. iron erkautetied rule be vutchaset i mil ter, Esther jean to Mr, Earle Wilfred! '1'41 ls'n.: 14. Reiteration of the 1945 tiornin- .r..-tigagetiterit Announced 1,1i. in 4.o-.1,,11.4.1'i• 4.,•,.144itie,-. All the boys teport'a splendid time remove it before freezing in 'the fall.' !ivrrig' s"" "f Mr' null 'gr'-'• Wafted C'" - - -,,.....gee-...... .,1 /41 , . „ m estenten g tee to :..o.vtatt. 'Lees, teed with this work and instal a new bor-inanattement relaions, tiolerti- ,A-ligust astir. Then" will be three . 'Idustry. ;Children', Welfare W•gle s• 4 t'r 'a m' tint wa' •"":•ar'1" t''''' 1 .3.-.1L1w I'm' I. 3'11'1 • Lim, w ...i, :... an a lit ;,;,e 1-f,,‘• t :1.,„g ...,,,•• that the work be speeded up, , .11elleville, winning thlt prize. i After a week's intensive training at • The eecounts as presented by r u e . 3. Party ei atataitione et ury t,atr grim lit 1 . , - j• .- •°He \e gg. geeln i e, Seleaaiship. for vet-Ovine a - e • •, 14101 .,::. 1,,.,cir guI ,.. ,1..:11....e,to., Er., rn 111 V f' 'i 1.4'4 Petawatva the members of the 00th Finance Committee properly certified 'Elected Masonic Doasonig, Battery returned. home ori Sunday af- were ordered paid, ternoon. On their return they carne as Coen. -Campbell for th e Street Com- laf " Stratford by trait:, matzing th e ntittee reported that tre sidewalk hat; remainder of the trip by-army tram:- betm !completed on Bristol Terrace, port. ,S.tlilititraal centent and tile had beim. to "1 - "T ' ' u"'" ' "- ` nortatien tines etrennletion ill the Those who attended -from here were -purchased. Mnsorrie -Grand Lodge held recently. ' '" . • trans-Caliada litahway, constructien ill 11.1-11-h ment played at kid, mria tircens, Grs. Ken Voiaton, Don Montgomery, telition of the Connell that the fonntain velopment of the merchant marine. Ken Ilingston, Bill Watt, for the week. Mr,and Mrs. john H. Palo:wet, tata• pleasure annoutteita4 the en.4a,...4.- mein of their only •ilanialiter, ,•eventi: with good prizes to all winners '11 "r":' MI.:n..4 12. 14, 17, 18 4:i17,1 10 ir,n3 7 NIttr,lor:t 1., "..1.1•.:. :dart it: ..f M ar3 Ant. '.a ti. sni la t:. 21 ,4 111 6;114.- 11-ollytt, tltt Sunglay, .:\uAlbt 15th, fr,gn 2 to • " :and .k. 'Crawforil, t..., 1. part in the peciai Notice To invtzsdarm 'Arta- Honey Users • -IED Young Girl's Narrow Escape. Elva MeDonabl, young dau ghter _ , _ Mr. awl Mrs. Roy MeDenalth Edward: • Ito INSTITUTE HELD , SUCCESSFUL PICNIC Members With Their Families and Friends Had Enjoyable Afternoon A successful picnic was held by the members of the Women's Institute on Wednesday afternoon in the town park, when they and their families and friends had anmerry time. The results of 'the races and con- tests follow: Children's race, 6 years and under— Karen Swanson, Keith Walpole, Lau- rette Walpole. Children's race, 10 years and under —Helen Ford, Sue Machlam, Willis Walpole. Children's race, 14 years and nuder —Jean Bain, Winona Foxton, Ladies' race — Mrs. M. Swanson, Mrs. Marsh. Children, kicking the slipper—Fran- ces Newman, Winona Foxton. Ladies, kicking the slipper—Mrs. M. Foxton, Mrs. M. Swanson. Slipper Hunt Billie Henderson, Karen Swanson. Dropping Clothes Pin in bottle— Mrs. Porterfield, Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. Bower, Mrs. Jennie Currie (twice), Mrs. Carter, Mrs, N. Keating, Miss Effie Bower, Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Hal- liday. Guessing number of beans in a bet.: the Mrs, Carter, Ladies' balloon blowing contest— Mrs, M. Bell, Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs, Walpole. Children's balloon contest—Frances Newman, Winona Foxton. The youngest grandmother present was Mrs. Bill Henderson, and the youngest child present, Penny Bell. The oldest lady at the picnic was Mrs. Williamson and the person who came the greatest distance was Miss Effie Bower. The lady whose birthday was closest to the date of the picnic was Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson. WOMEN 'S INSTITUTE The 'Women's Institute will hold its •F•444•14•44. •{11•11"t