HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-07-28, Page 2Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO W, B, McCool, Editor and Publisher Authorized as Seoond Class Mail Poet Office Department Subscription Rate —One Year $2,00 Six, Months $1.00 in advance To U.S,A, uo per year Foreign Rate $3,00 per year Advertising rates on application of the permanent commission estab- lished under torm,, of the brussels 'Treaty, a small Dumber of Canadian and United Slates military is alit. are jaw in London t participate as nun- members in the eouversations now in progress in the military vonnuittee of the Brussels Treaty Powers." The United. States is sending 75 more Shooting Star jet fighting planes by carrier to reinforce its aerial strength in troubled Germany, Amer- , c officials disclosed recently. The Banes will arrive aboard the 12,000 ton escort order Sicily at Glasgow, August 4th, following 10 other jot fighters which crossed the Atlantic by air and GO Superfortress bombers which already are at RA.E. bases in England on a training schedule. The announcement was top line: news in London, England, newspapers, which had been giving front-page space for some days to the trip of the Superfortresses. The jet fighter group could' be used for training work with the •Superforts in providing cover un- der simulated war conditions, to es- cort the big air transports now sup- plying blocaded. Berlin if that became necessary, or merely to bolster the air- strength of United States occupation forces. f 77mmisillinnwiraawim truce bei'ire in Indonesia Pales- RS. GET READY FOR HOLIDAY WEEK-END HANDY' CARTON Pre-war Price . Wartime Taxes & Orders 110 ! YO pay 3W U (PLUS DEPOSIT) Authorized 'bottlers of Coca-Cola tinder tottratt with Coca-Gala lAtt STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 ERIE ST IPAONt 78 STRATFCMD A WV He's as Tough as our Asphalt Roofing Our Asphalt Shingles are plenty tough, alright! . . and .they're as economical and attractive as they are durable! If you want to make your home a 'really snug and weather- tight shelter all the year round —better come in and see us now about tough, weather-defy- ing ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOFING for a 'really lasting reroofing job! If s CELLARS DUG and Earth Removed at Reasonable Price, Regular !Tice if earth' - needed. F. G. MELLOR Phone 373 Wingham • Wedding and Party Place Cards Tally Cards Wedding "Thank Xou" Notes --- RUGS CARPETS ENGLISH AXMINSTER BEDROOM RUGS STAIR CARPETS • C. C. IVItMlItON PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, MY 29, 1948 YOU OWE TELEPHONE 84 WINGHAM Vol, 75 No. 47 A. FRENCH CANADIAN EXPERTS IN EUROPEAN CONFERENCE A historic decision for, the United States and Canada to participate in joint military planning with the five members of the Western European Union was disclosed in London re- gg cently. This coincided with the declar- ation made by the Western Union For- eign Ministers against the background of the western powers' dispute with the Soviet Union, that they were de- termined to defend their independence integrity and institutions •in accord with other like-minded states. a••• Specialists in Announcement of seven-power de- Cornice Work and fense talks was made in a one-sentence Decorative Plastering communique from the British Foreign Office, which said: "At the invitation aiiimosiimmincomiffini htunia; 111111!11111111111111111111111011111111111111•11111110111VIC1aHIMIntliallislimilarldilli1 nillillls* HUDSON SALES and SERVICE MERKLEY MOTORS HOME SERVICE AVAILABLE TO HUDSON OWNERS AT THE "HOME OF HUDSON" * * - * GRAVE THREAT TO PEACE A potentially grave threat not only to the Anglo-American air 'lift into Berlin, but also to the peace of the 11 world is arising from increased Rus- sian fighter plane activity in the air corridors through which the Western sectors of the besieged city are sup- plied, Information from both the Un- ited States and Royal Air Forces in recent days shows that Soviet air act- ivity within the corridors is on a great- ly increased scale and that moreover it is not reported in detail to the air safety centre maintained by the four - occupying powers, Both American and British Air for- ces are concerned over the possibility that the Soviet Military administration = may raise barrage balloons in areas I near Templehof and Gatow, thus in- al creasing the risk in landings and take- offs at night or in cloudy weather at - those fields, The Russian intention to , : • plies trto i into-Berlin impede theiin lcf,laoswfoorf airborneecast rec recently -, H , in Tagliche Rundschau, the Soviet . - Army's organ in Berlin which r fie- THAT E-X-T-R-A LIFE-PROLONGING —1 YOU It IT TO YOURSELF TO GIVE • a a a to- Box 23 'Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. & SON. PLASTERING Contractors ESTIMATES FREE quently anticipates Russian policy. It was the Allies' resolve, embodied Win the London decisions, to organize ▪ a Western German State which pre- cipitated the Soviet blocade of Berlin. - .The Western Powers are determined to stay in Berlin and the Russians now ▪ will "lose face" if they don't drive g them out. Thus the Berlin crisis has ▪ •become a grave threat to the peace of the world. The Western powers do not ▪ want war but they will fight before I yielding any more ground to the Soy- = iet Union. These are grave days for - Europe and the world. * * * g PALESTINE TRUCE GREATEST ft UN TRIUMPH • Acceptance of the Security Council's it cease-fire order in Palestine was hail- • tal at Lake Success, N.Y.. as the Un- ited Nations greatest triumph. The United Nations succeeded in obtaining a a Malumninuniammannummoummainumr4 N n a n N n • n n n n • n • • n • • a a a a a barely carry home the groceries pur- chased with the dollar bill, which might have been" 1 lb. butter,. .30e, 2 quarts milk, 20c, .2 loaves bread 20e, 112 lb, bacon 17c, and 1 peck potatoes 15c. Total $1,04 In 1048, our housewife tucks jaunt- ily under one arm: 1 lb, butter 73c, and 2 quarts milk 31k, total $1.09. How much. longer is our government going to dilly-dally and fool around with the tremendously important ris- ing-eost-of-living question Quick act- ion is needed to save Canadian citi- zens from starving, who must exist on the small fixed income from savings and investments, which grow less as interest rates decrease while living costs soar, The vicious circle of higher wage demands, strikes, increased wages, in- creased cost of merchandise due to the increased production costs, must go on to the inevitable collapse of this country's economy unless the govern- ment calls a halt, Strikes must be out-, laved, employers and employees must co-operate as partners. to regulate wages and prices of all commodities, and the cost of living must be brought back in line with 1937 values. It is the duty of the government to make our Canadian dollar worth 100 cents. * ,* KNOW WINGHAM An ever-expanding business in Wingham is the Western Foundry where many different kinds 'of stoves and furnaces are made, A tour of in- spection of this important local in- dustry will' be very interesting and instructive. * * * WEEKLY THOUGHT Write that letter home to-day. BLUEVALE C. A. Loucks, Manager WINGHAM - ONT. Closed Sat. afternoons 16#msmsAmithequaMillemSmaime a a a a a a 4fis txt• We realize our obligation when _g woreialillanycr wreoprdroervicleor otaliymema: Mrs. Eldred Nichol will speak on the theme, There will be a demonstration. Lunch, Mrs. W, Peacock and Mrs. Fleming Johnston.' ' Mrs. Horton, Toronto, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- • imond Elliott, a Mr. and Mrs. William Griffiths of jI Montreal, arc spending the next two tili111101111111131111111111111111M111111•111111110 a a Church News At the morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen spoke on the subject, "The Ruling Elder" pointing out the Biblic- al Bases for having elders in the church as recorded in the books of Acts and Titus. He'spolte of the qual- ifications and duties of the ruling el- der and the responsibility of the con- gregation to the elders. Following the sermon, Mr. Harvey Robertson and Robt.- J. McMurray were ordained and received as members of the session. Women's Institute Miss Emma Johnston will be the hostess for the Women's Institute on Thursday afternoon, August 12th, at 2,30 o'clock. Home Economics will be the theme for the programme, Roll Call, "If I could have one more labor Saving device, what would it 'be and Design and workmanship are of not to look at. Mrs. Wilson Thornton, why. terials of unending serviceability. Motto: Homes are made to live in, the finest, and our prices are M. most moderate. ITI CEMETERY LETTERING - Promritly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT -A EAVER LUMBER Wingham Memorial, Shop ti = Mr. and Mrs. W. N. McTaggart IA and son, Scott, Goderich, were Sunday 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton n visitor, with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Tur- • • = weeks at their home here. r. Closed For Two Weeks Commencing July 26th SRERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre Mrs. J. II. Smith. vey.. Miss Florence Fowler Spent Sunday whit Seaforth friends. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gerrie, Wing- ham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott. Newmann and son, Jim, of Detroit, Dott.,,all Strachan and Mrs. Lamont, of Brussels, visited their sis- ter, Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen. Joyce Hoffman is visiting her aunt, ,Mrs. Geyser at Shipka. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw and Barbara, Toronto, were visitors with ithe Dr's. mother, Ms. Arthur Shaw. ! Mrs. Murray Wilson and young son, Listowel, visited for a .few days with her parents, Mr. ml Mrs. Roy • Malin. !I mid DOtiS 111.1,..:rave, 'spent this ntek with their %randpar- Ieats. 'Mr. anl Nits. Alex MeCrachin. I Mr, and Mrs. Vannan, llelerav tuxtu reo_nt vititors with :Nit. alit Jule. Psaceful ;lie,4otiations are p CNI uat. is iming ill Ind-nusia, but the council 'was unable to persuade Arabs to M r, and Mrs. Charles a Ceultes, 13.1111 Garniss and other relatives. thane the first Palestine four-week Lt.„,towd, sp e nt Sunday with Miss 'truce which Weil July Oth. Mabel C6ultes, The Security Council .faced a major t test in the new truce order. It was the Miss Berva Gallaher, Wr,xeter,. first backed with a threat to eonsider : .spent this week with Eleanor Smith:, of feet on under the most potent terms of iwNinI grhalultied w.\eirres SuCnridiaily visitors vatic 1the United Nations Charter if not D u ff an d M rs, L. Aitke n, obeyed. Previously, the council had only to consider using diplomatic and a happy Lion's Park, Seaforth, was the scene sort, iitternatioizai armed forte, to halt •ito eelebratefatilillehy50Ptahtt}a 'nonliiviSla•stairlrydae3'1"; economic sanctions and as a last re-Ito threat to the peace." the marriage, of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Canada, until the latest UN move, 1 1.,1:11.1aGairsnbissisieCr,ha;%leerse• GlatrlanristsiedandatMatirre had consistently urged mediation rather than threat of force as the best lionie of the bride's parents, `the late United Nations means of halting war- 'Mr. and Mrs, Win. Isbister, Burnside , fare. The Dominion„• however,. gave. IF.aziii,012iptt,d. Concession of . Morris fall support to the United States re- Petrie of S'It',heAlnatit reew's v.PID-esrbyptearviatal• Church, Winghant, performed the, ceremony. 'On that occasion the. brides- maid was the bride's sister, Lila, Mrs. Fife, who died in Victoria, B. C. a few years ago and the groom was sup- ported by Rpbert. Warwick Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Garniss 'commented : married life in Bluevale. and spent Many years AS- residents of the village. Supper was enjoyed at tables 'decorat- ed in white and gold, centred with an Anniversary cake, with gold trim-' mings. Miss Christine Isbister, young- er of Mrs. Garniss proposed ay toast to the bride and Mr. Robert , Warwick responded. Mr., and Mrs.: this same dollar, itt 1037 and 1948. In Garniss received several gifts and • 1937 'the Canadian Housewife could many congratulatory letters and cards, solution recently ordering a cease-fire , until the Palestine problem was solv- ed. Now that the United Nations have succeeded in stopping the bloody fight ing in the Holy Land, by an indefinite but extended period of truce, they must find a solution to the Palestine problem that will be acceptable to both Jews and Arabs—or be prepared to use force to enforce acceptance of their solution. tr * STRE'rCHAD/LITY OP DOLLAR GI2P-A.TLY DIMINISHED The 'Canadian Association of 'Con sumers compares food bought with TAKE HOME A BOX OF THE FAMOUS Sweet Tooth? FAMILY BOX 1 lb. 90c 2 lbs. $1.75 ASSORTED BOX • 1 lb. 90c 2 lbs. $1.75 Summer Assortment 1 lb. 90c 2 lbs. $1.75 IN • • • • 1121111111111111N1111111111111111111111111111111111111111=111111111111111111111111111111111112 • a n • • • n n • n • • • • CAMERAS FILMS KODAKS PRINTING and DEVELOPING 'PHONE 18 WINGHAM KERR'S DRUG STORE Fresh Shipments Every Week 'CANDIES NUTMEATS • 1/2 lb. 75c 1 lb. $1.50 • CASHEWS • • 1/2 lb. 70c 1 lb. $1.40 111 • 111 • • • n n • • n • • n Mr., and Mrs. Lutz and family of Auburn, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Darling.' Billy Lutz is' spending this week with Harry. Miss,,Florence Fowler and Miss Olive Scott spent Monday with friends at Seaforth.' WANTED YOUNG WOMEN - YOUNG MEN for Harvesting, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apples, Grapes, Tomatoes and other Fall Fruits and Vegetables Camp Directors, Cooks, Camp Assistants also wanted. Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps Aug. 15 to November 15 Campers must bring blankets, Sheets and Pillow Cases, For further information write: ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE Toronto 1 Ontario 9 Richmond Street East, Auspices: Dominion-Provincial Farm Labour Committee, PUR DON'S BAKERY 'PHONE 145 WINGHAM The Home of QUALITY BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY • We take orders Daily 0 (Saturday to 12 noon) WEIIIIMIIIIMINNIM11111110 • a a I iumilINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII•1111111111,111111111V1111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111131111111111111•111.11111,111 411161111111111111111INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111113111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111111311111141111111111101111131111 Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks Pi PARTS and ACCESSORIES :I Telephon 417, Wingham n Edwards' Motor Sales 1 •1•1114•111•11.1111•611111MOSIONMIIM00111140111.01111MINewiNNIINI..0•1111.••• arras TELEPHONE 475 Ti)ouze" WINGHAM The yi never* orb" wed,,,n,1 days arc Joyous and tong 'remembered and iheyill never forget' those Who shared in +then% liappluess by sending eon.' gratulatious good *S:pterS'5i1 e ar Courts ?lift you 1t find just the cite you'd litre 'to send. •