HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-07-21, Page 6Delicious Cool Drink Directions: Make tea exactly as usual . While still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice , •;, Add sugar and lemon to taste ; . . 961.1,41.1....ou.dvesr Debts Collected There— is a reason why so many people . are sending us their accounts for collection these days. It is the grand re, sults which. follow. Send in your list of slow debts today and receive one .P1 our monthly cheques as hundreds of others are doing. Kelly & Aiken Canada's Oldest Firm of Collectors Orangeville - Ont. diellia0111•1011111100ft 21-DAY SPECIAL LOW lot FARES To EASTERN QUEBEC and the MARITIMES Enjoy that holt. day I'DownlEase, a visit home or away with friends.. Low summer fares ... return limit 21 days, with stopovers permitted. Effective JUNE 21st to SEPTENIBEkth Inclusive Consult anylCanadian Pacific Railspnry Arias. agateitim9444 Mr. Hugh McDonald, Miss Margaret McPherson has gone to 'Port Elgin where she will be em- ployed in a Lodge for the vacation, Margaret is planning to enter St, Jos- eph'i$ Hospital, London, in the Fall as a student nurse, ' Mr. and Mrs. Irving McCabe, Mar- vin and Bryan of Windsor, are holi- day visitors at the home of Mrs. M6- cabe's father, Mr, John MeQuillin. Mrs, McKinley Ramage was guest of honor at a delightful shower, 'spon- sored by the Women:s Institute and arranged by Mrs. G. McPherson, Mrs, S. A. Todd and Mrs; L, Woods, at the home of Mrs. R. J. Woods on Thuriday afternoon. Over thirty lad- ies were present and the recent bride was made the recipient of many love- ly gifts arranged under a prettily de- corated umbrella, Mrs, McPherson welcomed Mrs. Ramage to the com- munity and assisted in opening the gifts. Mrs, Ramage expressed her ap- preciation and after a short program of readings by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mrs, Alex Purvis, and a contest conducted by Mrs. L, Woods, after- noon tea and a social hour was en- joyed pn the lawn. There will be no service in the Un- ited Church for the next two Sundays, July 25th and August 1st. WESTFIELD Mrs. Brocher of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe Brophy and Mr. Brophy. Mr. Elvin Wightman of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. Mrs. Alva McDowell motored to London on Wednesday to be with Mr, McDowell, who was able to leave the hospital on Saturday, and was able to return home on Sundiy. Mr. W, H. Campbell of Auburn, visited on Thursday with Mrs. Bert Taylor. Mr. Ralph Roger of Renfrew, is vis- iting his brother, Mr. Emerson Rod ger and Mrs. Rodger. " Mrs. Wm. Carter spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Stewart Ament of 13th con, of Hullett. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Good of Hul- lett Township visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Rev, Elmer Taylor and Mrs, Tay- lor of Cottam, visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James. Book of Dur- ham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cook. Miss Evelyn Cook of 13elgrave, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ruth Cook. Mr. John Gear of Kitchener spent Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill I Bony limbs 1111 out. ugly hollows nil UP: neck no longer scrawny: body loses hall- starved, sickly "bean-pole' look. Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely. healthy-looking bodies. They thankthe special vigor-building, nesh-building tonic Ostrex. Its Banks athnulants, Invigorators. iron, vitamin B,. calcium. enrich blood. Improve appetite end digestion so food 'eves you more strength and aoundhment, put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting lee fat, Stop when you've gained the 5, 50, 15 or 120 lbs, sou nerd for normal weight, Costs little New "get aeon:noted' site only lide, Try faM0t18 Ostrex Tondo Tablets for new vigor and added pounds, this very clay, At all druggists, PAG SIX TT WINGHAM ADVANC-TIMES Wednesday, July 21, 1948 .1111.0•011Mak GORRIE. Junior Room School Report Honours, 76%, Pass 60%. Grade IV to V—• Bob Black 7913; Billie Zimmerman 78,2; Shirley Ben- nett 78.2; Bob Strong 73; Robert Peel 71, Grade III to Grade IV—Marie Has- tie 76,4%; Jack Edgar 70; !Melvin Ab- ram 66,6. Grade II to III—Doris King 77.3%; Marion Robinson 75.4; Frances Stour- nol 63,9; Gerald Downey 62; Edythe Walker 61.$; Fraser Abram 49.7, Grade I to II,--Karen Michel 80.5; Ruth Ann Hueston 79,2; Bruce Grain- ger 79.1; Douglas Whitfield 77,5; Johnnie Brown 75; Mary Bridge 75; Bill Switzer 71.6; Sandra Steurenol 59,4; Katherine Jacques 59; Tommie Templeman 58,1, Frances Wylie, Teacher. • a "SAL ECIE • ini11111111111••••=1•1111111111MUISMOMMIIMS a a • • N 1 •Truck • . N 111 a• a Service . a IN a a is al w al ▪ We'll Do It . . . RIGHT! • • • • • Jr • • Let us check your truck regularly—to • • • II avoid expensive repairs and long out-of- • a a service periods. Our expert technicians • a and modern equipment mean efficient • 111 • w• and reasonable cost service. • • a a w w W ingham , nit . . of p jun5ana tomeogg Motors r.,„resolE5 woo n • a Li Telephone 139 Avit:::„he 6MA C PLAN a w n at S. S, 2, Turnberry at one time. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Wylie of Sask- atchewan, are spending some time with Mr. John and Miss Bell Kirton. We regret Mr, Kirton is confined to bed with a heart condition and hope he may soon be restored to good health. Mrs. Oliver Campbell, Morris, is staying with her mother, ,Mrs. Dun- can AfacNaughtcm, who is in failing health, Her many friends hope her health will improve soon. Mrs. Ruth MacDonald who is tak- Representing— H. C. MacLEAN, WINGHAM A. W. KEIL, GORRIE ed friends in town over the week-end, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster. ing a summer course at Hamilton, Mrs. George Lackie, London, visit- Mrs. Lackie was a former resident of Wroxeter, TEA Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars DRIVE IN TODAY WROXETER Miss Elsie Gibson and Miss Marian Gibson, Winnipeg, Manitoba, have ar- rived in town for summer vacation and have as their guest, their aunt, Mrs, INIBrown of Ottawa. III I - Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fraser, Mrs. J. III ovell and Miss A. 13. Fraser, spent NI the week-end with relatives at Ridge- town and Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. John Gedche, Ford- wich, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm. Mr G• A, Warring has been ap- a I pointed Tax callectbr for the Town- s' 'ship of Howick for the coming year. n ' Miss Florence David spent the NI week-end with her parents at Orange- • You might be the nest lMlr.and Mrs, Ed. Robinson, Mr. victim of fire—fire that eon and Mrs. Everett Robinson and sons, quickly destroy your home, Colin and John, who have been guests your business, your property. of M Mir, and firs. Eldred Nichol, return- your whole life's work. Let ed to their home in Minneapolis on Pilot Insurance accept the Friday. Mr. Robinson taught school risk—ready and quick to pay any just claim. The cost very low. We write Pilot Insurance' to cover selected risks is Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglars. Plato Glass, Pub- lic Liability and other general insurance. Chevrolet Trucks Sr. Room Grade VII to VIII—Bonnie Zim- merman, 67,5%; Norman Anger, 66,5; Bill Strong 65.5; 'Gladys Harper .58.5; Jean Lohr 52.5, VI to VII—Shirley Shera, 82.5%; a Thelma Bennett, 77; Johnstone Far- rish 67,5; Alice Downey 59.5; -jack Bridge 48.5. - V to VI—Margaret Heibein 82%; Fern Cook 80; Doreen King 79.5; Tommie Hastie 76; Bob Hastie 64; Perry Strong ,57. Jean M. Sparling, Principal PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY ' ST. HELENS Mrs. Wetham and children of Galt, are holiday visitors with her mother, Mrs. R. 3. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry, also Miss Doris Taylor of Lon- don, and Mr. Murray Taylor of Wing- ham, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor. Miss Ann Stuart of Toronto, IS spending her vacation as the gueq of her brother, Mr. George Stuart and Mrs. Stuart. Miss Beth McDonald of Edmonton, is a visitor with relatives litre. Miss McDonald is a daughter of the late kr. How About Mid-Simmer Lubrication? It's mighty important to keep your car well oiled and greased during these hot, humid days. Drive,, in today for a thorough CHECK-UP and LUBRICATION JOB for smooth, safe, easy driving ahead! Crossett Motor Sales METEOR and‘MERCURY SALES & SERVICE Telephone 459 Wingham t se week-en,d with his mother, Mrs. Thos. Gear. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sholtz of Dun- gannon visited on Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Douglas Campbell. Misses Renie and Gladys McClin- obey of Auburn, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wal- den. Miss Judith Horne of Windsor, is visiting her cousin, Miss Janette Snell. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Smith and Barbara, were Wingham visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brown and sons, Mr. Geo. Brown of Mount For- est, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J..L. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Connelly of Luck- now, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell. . Miss Dorothy McVittie of Goderieh, spent the week-end with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McVittie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell, Misses Janetta Snell and Judith Horne vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gear of the Auburn Road. HERE'S A FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN I WOMEN, TEEN-AGE BOYS AND GIRLS TO Earn Some Extra Money during late August and the month of September, doing pleasant andvery important work processing tomatoes at the food processing plant of Libby, McNeill & Libby of Cook Limited Chatham Ontario 300 MEN and 300 WOMEN WANTED MINIMUM RATES OF PAY: Day Shift Women Men .55 per hr. guaran. .70 per hr. guarano Night Shift ' .60 per hr. guaran. .75 per hr. guaran. $112.00 London, Canada gRASS thfiSEQ. Step up PRODUCTION oda a DURO AR. FARMER ... if von want EXTRA iVl PROFITS .1111 CONVENIENCE and LESS WORK . install a DURO Pumping System. Be sure to install a DURO PUMP with full capacity for all your needs in ... barn ... poultry house . . truck garden . . cow stables ... borne and Ate protection for 211 you- buildings. INSTALX,,,,THE BEST . • d INSTALL A DURO. EMCO Fixtures and Fittings \\ Remodel and modernize . your home. Add tla.c comforts of daily living. Safeguard the health of your family: See us let the latest in kitchen Bathroom and Laundry Montreal Life INSURANCE CO. Built on the solid foundation of friendly and efficient service to 1 Stewart A. Scott '" Policyholders and Agents. 293 Wingham 0000 oo o 000 o ... ismilii oo oo Representative General Accountancy for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE S. 3. Pyinin P. 0.130x 74 'Phone 23 LUCKNOW ONT. S E E — Bennett & Comore 'Phone 447- Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS WEARING APPAREL— Far Women: Women may bring their own aprons and bead coverings or they may purchase same from the Company Storeroom. For Men: Ordinary working clothes or same may be purchased from the Company Storeroom. BUS SERVICE Richmond Street bus stops at Libby's for pick op and discharge of passengers: Lodging Places Arranged in Advance for Workers Prom Out of Town r -------- Do Not Delay. Fill Out and Mad the Blank Below Employment Office, Dept. 0 Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada, Limited, Chatham, Ontario, am interested in working in Libby's Food Processing Plant doting the corning Tomato season awl want more information: Areietnea. 00000 lovo 1 .1,44 ***a o i..o Street or Rural Address., Ai*.* 1+11.48 • Ibil•ki iv* ••••I aunt 0464 Yid: HOURS OF WORK: Day Shift Night Shift Between the hours of Between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. (approximately 101/2 lir& paid time per shift) REST PERIODS: Two-15 minute Rest Periods per shift. LUNCH PERIODS: One-30 minute Lunch Period per shift. CAFETERIA FACILITIES: Hot meals at -very reasonable prices served in Cafeteria during Lunch Periods. Soft drinks, milk, coffee, tea, etc., may be purchased in Cafeteria during Rest Periods. TYPE OF WORK: For Women: Such work as trimming Tomatoes on the inspection lines, operators on labelling and packing machines, empty bottle handlers on Catchup lines, etc. All work is of a light nature under expetienced super, vision. For Men: All types of general labour in connection with the handling and processing of Tomatoes for Libby's "Gentle Press" Tomato Products. WORKING CONDITIONS: Working conditions are good and4 evety convenience is furnished to snake working conditions as pleasant as possible. Fully qualified instructors will quickly train new workers to do the jobs required safely and efficiently. Female Rpgistered Nurse on duty in First Aid Room. Howard Machan Ontario • 'NW rsi,•i6- dm, eYot.• (ilov 6.5).