HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-07-21, Page 4FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until 12 noon on August 3rd, for the purchase of part of Lot 23, in the 8th Concession of the Town- ship of Turnberry owned by the late Fanny Tindall, The property consists of about 4 acres of land on which is situate a fine 7-roomed brick house and barn with stabling, Immediate possession can be given. Highest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Dated this 20th day of July, 1948. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE—One and a half storey frame house on Bristol Terrace, red asphalt siding, new asphalt roof. Apply Robert Casemore, Wingham. FOR SALE-1 McCormick Deering Binder, nearly new, 7 ft, with sheaf carrier trucks; 1 Massey-Harris Mower, in good condition; 1 Steel rim, low farm wagon with flat hay rack; 1 Tudhope Anderson 2 furrow Tractor Plow. Apply Hugh Rinn, Belgrave. FOR SALE-1 new Cockshutt 5 ft. mower, also new Cockshutt 7 ft. Binder, immediate delivery, also have used mowers, binders and a hayloader. See us about your farm machinery requirements. John Bumstead & Son, Victoria St., Wingham. FOR SALE—Bell Threshing Separ- ator, 24 in. cylinder, shredder and grain thrower, in good condition. Dan McKinnon, R. R. 3, Brussels. WANTED-2 waitresses for Snack Bar, Apply Hotel Brunswick, NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE-10 Chunks of Pigs, also 1 Reg. Hog, 15 months old. Chas. Martin, phone 617r11, Wingham. FOR SALE—Model B Ford, '33' July 14th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. H, Cooper, Mr. Ernest Bender to Miss Alberta J., daughter of Mr. Alfred Carr, all of Blyth. Morris—Everett Walker is home from Westport, where he is teaching, for his vacation. F. C. and Mrs. Bowl- er and two sons, of Minneapolis, are Coach, in good condition. Apply All persons having claims against visitors with P. and Mrs. Barr. Wm. Advance-Times. the estate of Bertha Elizabeth Bennett y and Mrs." Taylor, 9th line, have ar- i„I rived home from a most enjoyable vis- FOR SALE—Blue Roan Gelding, 5 the County of Huron, Widow, who late of the Township of Turnberry, tit of two months in the West. Albert years old, 1500 lbs., sound, quiet-, died on or about the 2nd day of July, T. Cole arrived home last week from Wingham Memorial Shop, R, A. 1948, are notified to send to the un-INewark, N.J for his vacation. Spotton. dersigned, on or before the 31st day - East Wawanosh—The well drillers FOR SALE—Man's Bicycle, like new, of July,. 1948, full particulars of their , at Mr. Geo, B. Naylor's reached a Apply to Geo. H. Gregg, R. R. 2, claims in writing, 'Immediately after , . good flow of water at a depth of 170 the said 31st day of July the assets of Gorrie. the said intestate will be distributed; feet. Work on the new school house - FOR SALE—Quantity of used lum- amongst the parties entitled thereto,.tin the ninth is being pushed along bey, number of Doors, Storm Porch, having regard only to claims of which rapidly. Misses Lottie L. and Winni- and Hot water tank. Apply Dr. A. the Administrator shall then have fred Haines spent an enjoyable 12th W. Irwin, Phone 288, notice. , in Listowel. Dr. Campbell of St. Lo J - Dated this 12th day of July, 1948. Is, Mich., is visiting his brothers, . FOR SALE-1932 V8 Coach in good CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON, N. and W. H. Campbell, at Westfield, condition. Apply S, Baker, Grocery Wingham, Ontario, ' St. Helens—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Store, Lower Wingham. Solicitors for the Administrator. Todd are visiting their daughter at FOR SALE—Frame Buildings, 19x25, TENDERSWANTED Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Will and ,Miss suitable for Garage, or Hen Housed 'Lizzie Rutherford, visited in Wing- Apply Gordon H. Elliott, White- Tenders will be received by the un- ham over Sunday. Miss Hattie Well- church. Phone 628r12. dersigned up to Saturday, August 7th, wood of Wingham, visited her sister, FOR SALE—Deering Binder, 6 ft. 1948, for the digging and relaying of .Mrs. Webb, a few days last week. cut, also Horse Rake, and Steel tile in the Black drain. Plans and 'Miss Lille Clark is home from Gode- Land Roller. Phone 44, Wroxeter, specifications may lie had front the un- ri ch, dersigned. Lowest or any tender not. e ave—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph FOR SALE-12 pigs, 6 weeks old, necessarily accepted. Stalker visited at Dan Geddes' this Apply Lorne Scott, Phone 619r4. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk. week, Mr. and Mrs. William Watson R. R, 3, Wingham. t Township of Turnberry. ;spent Sunday with friends in Turn- s a berry, R. E. McKenzie is improving his property by repairing the veran- dah. Miss Millie Mason is visiting at Mr. Sproat's this week, Mrs. Tisdale was visiting with her parents, at St. Augustine this week. Persmals—Dr. T. Chisholm, M.P., has returned home from Ottawa. Mrs. A, j. Irwin and Ila.ster Arthur are en- joying, a two weeks' holiday at Kin- cardine, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quirk of Iluk.alo, are visiting with Mr, Quirlts'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Quirk. ,Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Fisher of Montreal, are visiting Wingham relatives. Mr. Will Paterson of New York, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arc!). Paterson, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 14n lA ant ba,,,bau team is holt ing its reputati,.,0 as first class players tt,ain this t•ta....4-4, thus far they have 20-40 4 Cylinder GOOD CONDITION Good for Threshing or Sawmill. FOR SALE Tractor Garfield Green Woodstock - FOR SALE:--Two Axles, complete with wheels and good Tires, suit- able for trailers. Apply Hartley Smith, Wingham, LOST—Yearling Red Heifer strayed from the farm of Art /Edgar, 1st. line of Morris. Finder Please com- municate. ROOMS WANTED—Furnished or unfurnished. Phone 358, Wingham. SHAVINGS FOR SALE Apply Campbell & Garbutt, Diagonal Rd. FORTY YEARS AGO SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. A Business Change—Mr. J.. D. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Burns has sold his hardware and coal Kerr's and McKibbons Drug Stores. business to Kenneth Rae of London, and Mr. Richardosn, of Toronto, SALES OPPORTUNITY—For two B men with ability. High earnings. ender-Carr—Married in Blyth, on Course of training. Pleasant work. Write giving qualifications to Bert Lancaster, 36 King St., W., Kitch- ener, Ontario. SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre Closed For Two Weeks Commencing July 26th Enjoy an active life with The Sportsman Truss Unbelievable Comfort and Guaranteed NOT TO SLIT e +nanny refunded $10.50 angle Double SIVIe Steel truss wearers-,Now it is possible to get maximum retention with real comfory The Sportsman has no steel hands or metal parts to gouge or pinch. There is nothing'to bind. Leery part is flexible. Yes, and it CAN'T SLIP! '011y? Because the inner pad remains fixed in its position, while the soh, pliable truss moves with the body. The Sportsman provides mat. imam retention for all reducible ingoinal hernias and won't slip utMer strenuous activl tr, 4ctire sports and everyday stretching and bending. For all strentotas -work Ana playt McKibbons 00 ?O&M& inn ONO) • `buy b over Ono *we *tete* t‘oteti *Me o .440 Yew hogive 5 Consider these essential features * 5eisetl tticolly bettoefl for teltAtth! * Maximum Sefteefkin * teat Comfort Without kith* h hattiiijithnolly GuoeaiAN (7 \\ J:,, . ): , .:7.1_/-.., ' , i -....„:. ',. '),„,,,, CLASSIFIED ADS. ASK FOR—Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A Drug Store. CLERK WANTED—Girl, for full- time employment. Apply P.O. Box 98, Wingham, CLERK WANTED—Male or Fe- male„ references. Apply Ruther- ford's Superior Food Market, Phone • .534, FOR SALE-7 Room Stucco House, all conveniences, one block from the main street. Apply Box MX, Ad- vance-Times, FOR SALE-18 pigs, 6 weeks old, Apply Joe King, R, R,. 2, Teeswater, Phone 606r3, Wingham. FOR SALE-160 acre Dairy Farm, on Highway, 2% miles west of Clinton, Good buildings, silo. Im- mediate possession if crop, cattle, hens and machinery are desired, W. B. Thompson. FOR SALE—Model A. Ford Coupe, new motor, good tires; Upright En- nis Piano, good condition. New Williams Sewing Machine, Apply C. W, Snarling, phone 46r32, Ford- wich. IN MEMORIAM HOOPER—In loving memory of my dear mowr who passed away July 29th, 1916, and dear old Dad, fol- lowed June 28th 1918. Your memory is as dear today, As in the hour you passed away, • —Ever remembered by your only daughter, Anna (Nancy). Anna D. Hooper. • REMINISCING Ruby, motored to Paris on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, and Mrs. Murray, who has been with her brother, during the past two years, in Vancouver, returned home with them and will spend the next few months here. Her brother Mr. Matthew Scott, with whom she lived in Vancouver has been ill ;for some time in a hospital there. Craig Scott of Peterborough, has been spending his holidays at the home Helen Scott is with her aunt, Mrs. Hardie Simpson of Teeswatere Craig passed his Entrance Exams this year. Mr. Melville Beecroft of Otterville, spent last week at the home of his father, Mr. John Beecroft, winioisominionniumminonlamsosinininunitinimminini im - - - '. 1 , Mr. I Hotchkiss.& A ngus , i I. 1 i • E i i 116QuALITrFRooDs . . i Phone WE DELIVER I § i or 25c § -1 Standard Size 3 20 oz. tin M I PEAS - - - ii. - - 2 'for -'29c I4 WHITE OR YELLOW I Ii I I I I a Large Bottle Jelly Powder , 2 - 19c JAVEX 23c Hand Soap ... .3 for 25c Rice Krispies, pig. 15t Ammonia, pkg. 5c Parowax; pkg. " 15c Jar Rubbers . • .2 - 15c New SOAP SALT - CLARK'S SOUPS - PLAIN OR IODIZED .. .. .. -- box .8c ifi A i ta tins 25c FRUIT AND VEGETABLES i -*- Celery, Cauliflower, Carrots, Lettuce, Tomatoes . _ New Potatoes, Cabbage is Oranges Grapefruit Lemons j LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES i 1 1 If you can't come , —SHOP BY 'PHONE i- AR - • OUR NUMBER, 116 • 114 11111 ••••••••••••••11•11.11101•••=n..gmmimsmi.../MINMMN/MNO a • N (Special) 2 for 33c - CERTO ,, ..... . . .25c Glass Tops,• doz. . .'23c Zinc Rings, doz. . .29c lb. 9c 1111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111 Miss Euphemia Deacon of London,. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs: Henry Pattison of 5: Wawanosh. Mr. Albert Cameron of Lucknow, has been in Wingham Hospital, over the week-end suffering with a sore foot. Mrs. Clarence Chamney spent Sun- day in Goderich with her mother, Mrs. Johnston:who has not been improving. Mr. and Mrs. G, A, McLaughlin and Joanne, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer New- of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn, and son and Carol, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mts. Cecil Chamney and,Miss Anne Chamney, and left with them on Friday for Manitoulin Island,. where they will spend two weeks at their cottage near Tobacco Lake, at Gore Bay. Pollock's nnual Sale — Of ummer Shoes in Full Swing Here is your opportunity to buy Summer Shoes for your vacation at genuine SAVINGS. We suggest that you come early for the best styles and sizes. SPECTATOR Reg. $6,50 SALE PRICE $4.95 Our entire Sum- met stock of WHITE PUMPS —PLAY SHOES including CHILDREN'S GOES ON SALE at Greatly Reduced Prices! hys Pollock . White Baby Doll ANKLET Reg. $5.95 SALE PRICE — — $4.95 TELEPHONE - WiNGHANI, 4,Sh for Men oe Featuiing PAGE Fun THE WINGUAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, July 21, 1948 David Crompton Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homei, Offices and Stores. Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham WANTED YOUNG WOMEN - YOUNG MEN for 'Harvesting Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apples, Grapes, Tomatoes and other Fall Fruits and. Vegetables Camp Directors, Cooks, Camp Assistants also wanted Accommodation in Farm Service' Force Camps Aug. 15 to November 15 Campers Must bring blankets, Sheets and Pillow Caset. For further information write:, ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE Toronto 1 Ontario 9 Richmond Street East, Auspices: Dominion-Provincial Par= Labour Committee. Mary Hastings invite all good Neighbours to attend their Annual Picnics. THE Goderich Picnic will be held at 2 p.m. on Tues., July 27 in Harbour Park, GODERICH If you have written to Mary Hastings through The London Free Press, or feel you Would like to do so sometime, or if you would just like to be sociable, take your lunch basket and come along. Bring the children, too, ESTIMATES FREE Housewives • . . . at lost a league game. Varriston was ( cleated in Wingliam on Wednesday on Wednesday afternoon by a score of 15 to 2. nu:vale—Mt. and ,Mrs. Pqter King spent Sunday in Ilarrision c-Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hammond, Miss Cora and Mr. McCatchton motored to Grand Bend on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Leggatt visited at Tees- water on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Green- away, Mr. and Mrs. Aftcheson and Mr, and Mrs, Roger Oke, motored to Hanover on Sunday. Mr„ and Mrs, W. H. Stewart and ,family of Bowling. , Green, spent the week-end with Mr, andMrs, Thos, Stewart, Whiteehurch—Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mac- Kay and Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Purdon spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, MacDonald of Teeswater, Master W. Alex. and Chester J. Coulter spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr.' and Mrs, Wm. Purdon. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw and baby, Luella, spent last week in Powassan, Messrs. Frank Ross and Will Henry were in Clinton ,on Sunday, Glenannan—Mr. ,Lance Lincoln has been helping M. James .Caldwell with his hay. Mrs. Hector McLean has been visiting her sister in Fergus. Mrs. Oliver Stokes and Miss Myrtle Ben- nett spend the week-end in Stratford and Millbanwk. Mrs. Muis and son; George, visited recently in Paisley. 12th Con, of Howick—Mr. and. Mrs. David Dane spent Sunday at the Beach. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and family visited on Sunday at Harris- ton, -Mr, Knowlsen Hueston spent Sunday evening on the 12th line. Mr. and Mrs. 'George Baker and family spent Sunday with his brother, Robt. Baker. Misses Emily and' Beatrice Potter of Gorrie, spent Sunday witty their sister, Mrs. Metcalfe of Paisley, Belmore—Misses Agnes Darling and Eleanor Jeffray spent Sunday at Mr. James Darling's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aitken and family returned from Bruce Beach on Saturday. Mr. McKee cKee of Galt, and George McKee of Gorrie, were in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Robb and son of St. Helens, are visiting at Mr. John Mul- vey's. Personals—Among those from Wingham who have 'been, and are at present at aKincardine Beach are Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harrison and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Walker and fam- ily, Dr. H. E. W. Tainblyn and Miss Edna, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKibbon and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Van- stone and Miss Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vanstone and the Misses Jean and Margaret Vanstone, and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Howson and fain-, ily. * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Gorrie—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Saw- tell and' daughter, are nicely settled in their new home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warrell were in Kitchener on Sun/ay. Mr. and H. V. Holmes, Miss Perkins, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Earngey and son, Dean, spent last Wednesday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade and son, Robert, motored to St. Catharines on Wed- nesday last. Wroxeter—Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin spent the week-end in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doig visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. John McLeod. Messrs. Thos. Brown and Thos, For- tune were in St. Catharines last Wed- nesday., Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wright Sand daughter, Vera, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green and baby son, are spending a few days at Bruce Beach. ' Ball Team Won At Kincardine— The local Lakeside League ball team 3b, H. Carmichael lf; Rae cf, W, Gut.- y 11), Moore rf, J, Tiffin p, and H. Groves c. Ashfiehl—Mr. anti Mrs. Watson Davis anti Tittle son, are spending a week at Allanford and Tara. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Moffatt, Mary and Jennie Parrish, near Langside, spent Sunday "afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. John. Mullin. Mr. anti Mrs. Richard John- ston and son, Elmer, visited in Sar- nia recentip. Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and little son, Donald, spent last week with Mr. and Thomas Ferguson. Attynded Grand Lodge—The fol- lowing attended Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada, Province of Ontario, in St. Catharines, last week: Capt. W. -3, Adams, George Fowler, J. Gilmour, Ed. Nash, Geo.- Olver and T. It ,Gib- son. WHITECHURCI-I Master Carl McCiebaglian spent the week-end at the home of his sister, olts. Dill parker of London. Miss Casemore Shirley Caseore spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Pete Watson of Luck- riw. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin McCiettaghart and Miss Helen Hubaneck and Mr. Raynard Kellor of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with the former's parents,: Mr. and ,Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Little Dorothy and Mary Ross of Turnberry, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest 'Case- more. i Mr. Bill Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin. and children spent Sunday at the home.' of their sister, Mrs. Robert Stewart of*Langside. Communion service was held in the Presbyterian 'Church here on Surickty morning, and before the Communion Hymn was sung, Miss Bertha Mac- Kay of London was asked to coirte to the front, and in appropriate words she dedicated a new Communion table, her gift to this church, for the use of this congregation at their Communion services, and Rev. W. S. Sutherland thanked her for the ciders and the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross received Word that their SOO, Kenneth ' who has been taking a -coarse in Police work at Regina, Sask., for the past five months, has moved to Ottawa, ' where he will complete !the course Mr. and Mrs. Johnston C•01)11 and "'''"''''''"""""'"!!' won at Kincardine last Wednesday, o by the score of 3 to 2 and they have real chance to get into the play- ffs. The \\Ingham line-up was W. Tiffin ss, K. Somers 2b, Lediett