HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-07-07, Page 7Your MERCURY and LCOI: IN ,„ tan tint" g di' ealer WiRgbam ustorxE Sawing. and Planing. Ashal Roofing Ins4I-Bijc „Siding '40 CALL • Jaiges A. Wils.op- Whitechurch - - Ont. SHUR-GAIN OG GROWER gives bigger profits because: • Hogs are better FINISHED. • Hogs are marketed as Grade A. You SAVE money by buying SHUR-GAIN. You pay only for: • One handling • One hauling And you BUY DIRECT from the MANUFACTURER. The Best Costs You Less- • FEED • SHUR-GAIN Hog Grower CANADA PACKERS, WINNAM BLUEVALE MILLING CO. LTD., BLUEVALE ' E. HEE DELMORE DAUPHIN & RANT TEESIVATER Barrister, Solicitor, Notar$: Etc,, .1 A TOX I, V I Clithill(att0 14411" ; eThprapisf. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMP EP S HEALTH RITIcE eats oo ng BU REPAIRS. OF 'ALX1),KINDS Steel Roofs • Teleptr e 6 Wroxeter - Just 5 More Week' untflt Howick Lions it fq".0 •4. 6th Annul Frolic Aug. 12 and 13 Shiliny mo, women pin 5,10; 15 lbs.. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill, Bony limbs fill out, ugly hollows nil up; neck no loom, seaway; b ody loses lalf r M resi:ily ;Z011linl raft in't s, LOt,rTuvec;iieVe, are now proud ol shapely tug bodies. Tiny :thank the special vigor-building, tlesit•building Maio Ostren frAilet oglumlants, invigorators. iron, vitamin D i . calcittrit. enrich blood, IMprove .111Tietlte and tilizentiOD„"80:.thoul gives yOu more strength and atiUrishttrenti pot tiesa on pars bones. Don't leareettitio rortat7Sina ellen voirve tho 5, 10, la or 20 lbs. roil need tir normal weight. Costs little. New "get acquaditiii" size on:y atie. Try famous Ostres Tonle Told( to tor n ow vigor rind added pounds, this vary (Lis At all.druggists FIREPLACE FURNACE A POWERFUL HEATER FOR YOUR HOME The Tweed Steel Works Fireplace Furnace draws the cold air out of -the-f0010; heats it 41114:40dS it hack Into the room tor. It saves fuel. 'Why install an old-fashioned fireplace to let the beat go up out the chimney to heat the outside -wood. Send for free Catalogue and list of satisfied userS. You will be interested'in a Fireplace Furnace. , TWEED STEEL WORKS LTD. TWEED ONTARIO , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend ;.were Sunday guests at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross-lieirclij011ielwood. tioi4o.) cidt ,LO. OPt0filgtriSt -Coring. to R. A. ;REED, R.O., will be, y1/4(,)irgham Offie in 'CROMPTO'N'S Jewellery Store, on WEDNE$D JULY 14tIv from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 noon, to , EXAMINE EYES and' tITGLA.S§E$ where necessary. 'FREDERICK -1 PARKER OSTEOPATH "Offices: Centre OsteoPitthic and Mackie Treat- V&A Technique. < Windham. • • - Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired arid ReeoVere'd, Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY STRATFORD -;45 OWTARIO' 42 Brun Enquiries she d be left itt Currie's, Wing EtikhiOkno, InsuralIce, Company E st. 1840 .• An iii'dann'tlian coriipity- 416 , has faithfully served its Policy holders for over a century. Toroltq c H. C. MacLoatt Insurante Amoy. Windham A. H. ItTAVIA Teeswater, Ontario tt .tacer, Solicitor, NotaryPublic arid Conveyancer. Office: Crofton Honse, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.50 and by appointment. Phone - Teeswater 120/ YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Exantin- tion enables its to give you clear, Comfortable Vision. I. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston ifXkyi;iir Pa tr- INEMIMMIIIMMINIMOMMONIMI TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 All Passengers Insured JIM CAMERON Mellor Construction LOADING - EXCAVATING GRADING F. 0, MELLOR, 'Phone 262 or 373 WINGHAM after 6 p.m. Queen St, ACTON 1 fat1111.10.1111.11111tiri v. to is m tims fil Lis ids La cm tall" utuil.a1.11.1111n ii. I 1 w .,-.: ii IT TO YOURSELF TO GIVE Fi. It ji YOUR- - HUDSON I • . . H' ME- SERVICE is • R i ii * K EY-,,MOTORS - HUbSON MIS and SERVICE I tai wiNat4m ti 10 TELEPHONE ,..134,: 1, ':k) ii ▪ . . . • . ., 7A--. isattliiiiiiiiiillitiiiiiiiiilifialltIllitiiatillitEithiatillitilitatitlill'Itiliiiih YOU OWE U THAT E-X4-114 LIFE-PROLONGING AVAILABLE TO HUDSON OWNERS AT --THE "11G ME- OF ifliDSON" W e daY,',. Jul it A948 THE 'Wr?CAM ApvAl!4cm-Tugs 'pAGE sEy.EN+-• ill/Ill/1 mniauxusnimmonmiaatummisitionsiiiiiiiticansiiitillutiniu Edwards ' Motor --Sales ur Sum PUT,: ,,y01,JR CAR IN BETTER SHAPE FOR SUMMW011tr (1 G' -14,="WE CHECK YOUR CAR THOIOUGHeLY SPEEDILY = EF130:01 %,ift were: Mr. and Mat Aniirev. Agar, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley /Rocivar all of Mount Forest, Miss yer:a Agar, nurse- vige. at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. tamper during'WVpast week in-trainiilg'-, at General ;Hospital, Tor- 0 to . ,, :-M _,,,, ,. • . ' Mr,:,,ancfrs.,Allger, Schott. of 1;leve- liaid,..Ohio, arrived'''bn -,:'$aturday., and are guestg of htr.'"ancl:Mrs. AlletiMun- Ai: at ,.their, cottageis Araberley Beach; '.: „Miss-- Beatrice HOWes, Leamingtoni - . Fzf 1c# r. is spending the vacation months her sister, Miss Mary Howe. / Mrs. H. H. Waller, Toronto,. is spending some time at: her apartment in the village. Miss Elva Hupfer, who is on. the public school teaching staff at ,:,'Iud- 151:Ity,iqrr•lye'4,•Oft"*4niday to bperia the ktjalainq,i-vacatiorfl':;With her mother, Mt's, LRobert HupfeiV Mr and Mrs. D, S. MacNaughton. and Mr. John MacNaughton Were in Toronto on Wednesday attendi4 the funeral, of the former's aunt, Mrs. Mary Thomson. Miss Eleanor Sanderson, TO7Onto, is spending this week with her mother, 1,‘CP rank' Sandbtri.' ›forMa, 'Bra 'art of Toronto, *as a week-end visitor with friends here l , FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR 224A J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 - :WINGHAM V L. 6. BRYCE' LicgNsio:st AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECITY. Telephone 62 Boli:331 , = WINGHAM, ONT. MN 11,EMIINNAN VoitAutry burieou bffleid - 1iisziita St. Opposite and.Eokitit ihe*Uttkid " * .;clit$194. - 11.11414E Witishezn, ,, 11!,5 c. iu .:, ' t.t"W.iiTa.t.. awt ,j, Brampton, 'and 4.440011 it:0-sr.te I) Toronto, :sent 61e-week-did at tlielehome here,';': Congratulations are extended i:O--'111r, or, Od Mrs. Bruce Chambers, (nee:Aud- rgey Wade), whose marriage took,piace A Wednesday of last week. ,J1\liss Wade for the past five years has been an efficient operator in the local,-tele- fhpn office. (, : ,--,T‘lm ,. il i `o1KgoiKiftp,philogokYjed morning 4.614icer,k;.:I.Wroxeterftlifited Chnrch. Rev. I.T. Cronheilm in charge A mal,uartette Messrs. G, A. Wear-.- t gt Vert Howe0j',;4,tt GibsA:,and .V6srif'•- upfer, ,sane 'That Bentitiful Land." The choir alspo•ePntributed an - : anthem. - , Miss Lenore Higgins,:,, R. N. Lon- don, was a week-endi':Visitor of.: her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Chestetig- ,,, gins. Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Schieding,,ton- don, were'week,entVguests of Mx„ and Mrs. John Colwill, Mrs, Schieding is remaining for' the week. Miss Alice HoweS; Toronto, iSl'holi- dayinp,- with her, .parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Dobbs of ,HorontO,"'were' week-end guests at the tobbsliome. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur_ Forster, Dub- lin, also Mr. Roy Durst of Stratford, wee visitors with Mr. and Mrs, 'Har- old Durst over the -week-end. _ M. and Mrs. Win. Lindsay "and two children,.,Detrpit,-were week-end guests of Mr: and Mrs,Robert - Gib- son. ....:s f-, ::.,r --t IT,3,-7 . Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Burke 'were; Mr. and Mrs. A. Telford and son, Teddy, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Barkley and son, Jack, all Of• Tor- onfoi the boys are remaining, for a vacation. Mrs. John Robinson, Gorri'e, took place at, St. 'Johns Lutherau'rktrson- of Clifford, chose a greets unit with brown accessories and a corsage of roses. Carl, Werner, brothei:"of the bride, attened the groom. A reception was held' at. the home of the bride's varentS, after which the couple left on a wedding trip, On their Onto' - Me' er Blobk. Winghtun DONALD 11. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer lAcettsed for 't bUntiel nURON & •BRUCE Ali,Baits dimity 'Bandied Phone .49. kitget Ontario return they wilt Jive on the groom's farni neat, Giorrie, Until't*eentlyr1,14-ne was a resident, of Wroxeter \Were lie owned Old bakepi. thany friends in and around tat village in -wishing he, and' his 1?ride a very happy married life. o:rlryhPdaltfilgalrtrtieargeof oltfir4,11acinrdeYMrs. Wrni: Chambers ,. Wade B ernice, Wade, Wroxeter, and Bruce Sangsteg,„ eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Weslek Chambers of Molsworth, was solemn;; ized at the Presbyterian Manse, Mob: esworth, at 12 o'clock noon, on Wed- nesda.y, June 30th,' Rev, J. C. Hutton officiating. The bride, was, lovely in 4 street-length costume of pale blue taf- feta with white accessories, her cor- sage Was of American Beauty roses,. and she•swore a double strand of pearls, the gift of the Rroorn. Her bridesmaid, Miss Jessie Ghpubers, sister of the groom was' -in 'pink silk jensey anti white ,accessories,, a corsage of roses' completing the costume. Mr. 'Gibson Stewart !Molesworth, attended the gropril. ,,: , Following the ceremony a reception itfa s held at the,Royal Hotel, Listowel: Later Ur. andArs. Chambers left lir their Wedding '.trip„ through Northet.o. ntaiip as fa-I:0,,North Bay. F4r, travelling , thiii•-b4716114yore a blue ga ' 1; 4 ardine suit : yithjiik ing accessory S: Upon their..fet1#0q1 : will take p residence in :14eSVOrth, L Friends in' thlankcommunity learned v-. with regret 0,114Adeath of Mrs. E& win' Bentietii40;449,took place on Fri, day, JAIHndinit Wingliam General Hospital, togPing two weeks' illness. Three sons anetwo daughters survive, and-xttlid oetlled ll i•- the sympathy of friends t -i-i ':. -- 4:4_, mil. -,..11 ','Weelle,cild rguee4. and Mrs. 'Haiti' Dant' weret Mr. atid Mrs. Ed, DemmeOng, Neustadt, Mr. and Mrs. Qi ,.Seegmillar, Detroit and ,Mr,. and ;Mrs. 'Wm. Seegmillar, Kitchener. Mr. Relert MacDonald of London, spent • part 0,6:last ,.. we9i.k with his nibther, Mrs. Freda MacDonald. Owing ,to the ledeeOrating of the Town Hall, Atte Wrox,iter Community Association held' their dance in the rink, Wilbee's orchestra supplied mus- ic and a good time is reported. , S. S. Picnic. The annual United Church Sunday School 'Picnic- was held on Tuesday evening at the village park. Supper was served at 6.30, with a special treat of ice cream. Following a well ar- ranged programme of races and other sports was carried out 'by the teach- ers and officers, A ball game com- pleted the evening's entertainment, Women's , Missionary Society The July Meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held in the church school room on Friday, Jul) 9th, ,at 3 p.m, Miss K. .1-fazelwood and Mrs. R. Ii. Palmer Will have charge of the devotional period. Mrs. NV. E. Cronheilin "will present the chapter of the Study`' Book. Au all members: programme on Home Mit,:;- slow will include Mrs. M, MaeFar- lanei, a guest' speaker. All the ladies are cordial), invited to the tuonthy meeting of the Women's Missionary Society, Millar Reunion Wroxeter village park was the scene of a happy gathering on Saturday, when descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. John R. Millar, numbering 75, held their annual .:tinion. Relatives from Detroit, Toronto, London, Brus- sels and Lucknow and many from this district signed the register and were welcomed by Mrs. a A. Wearrin-:, and win MacDonald, reception com- mittee. The Millar homestead was the farm now owned by Henry -Wheeler, Wro\- eter south. Dinner and supper were' served on long tables under the 1 ,:evly maples which are a memirial t,o Thomas Millar, who planted them. He was a brother of John R., and con- ducted a general store where the te.st office is now located. During the afternoon 'a pro,ramme f sports was carried out with Mr. and Mrs. Robert t;ilist.n. Mr. and Joe Higgins and Jack Mitchell in Charge. Pictures were taki211 of the group, one of special intere.,4 was Mr. '1', A. Gibson, the only surviAim,,, mem- ber of the older generation. Garry Ruttan, six weeks old son of Art and Mrs. Rattail, and Wayne Higgins, son of Joe and Mrs. ni,.•gins, were the two youngest present. Mrs. Leonard Ruttan spoke words ' of welcome. The retiring president, Mrs. Chester Higgins thanked all writ.' bad helped to make the ;lay a sue- ces,:. Plans were made 1,i hold the I.'949 reunion the 1st. Saturday in July, in Wroxeter-Park. Officers appointed for the coming year were; Hon. Pres., Mr. T. A. Gibson; Pres., Robert Gib- son; Vice-Pres., Leonard Ruttan; See- etary-Treas. Lloyd Ashton. Visitors duringit the week with Mrs. \V, E. and Miss Rona Vanvelsor were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLellan, Jean and Douglas,„ Oshawa; Mrs. Elsie En- nett, Toronto, Miss Hill, Maine, t'. S. A., Mr. Laurie Vanvelsor, Hamilton. Miss Rona Vanvelsor accompanied their guests on Kincardine on Satur- day. , 1\tr. and Mrs. Harry Casemore and Mr. Harry Lake, all of Detroit, :spent the past few days with Mrs. IL Sel- lev. WAlliERTON BOBBINS DEFEAT MERCIES Walkerton t ohtln,i defeated tile Wingliant Metcurys here on Vriday evening, 10-7 ift as ntert'S intermediate "A'7. Isofthall ,game which-featly cid the appatrante •of Jardine, on the mound for Witgltana Despite the fact that the.game wacv-only An exhibition eon. tost, the Walkerton nine held the Mercurys off the score sheet until the W. A. CRAWFORD, M. O. IPHYStqAN AND BURGEON Phone 150 Ott I CON411- DR. B. N. 1CORRIN PHYSICIANS " and• SURGEONS Phone la MOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and oi sitionek Otiorinquittm 231 , Witighank o extra , Cost Miss Edna Lawrence, TorontO; is a holiday visitor, with her parents, Chas. and '111-s. Lawrence, Mrs. Mel Martin and children, Peter and Patricia, Toronto, a,re visi- tors with J. EL and Mrs, Wylie. A motor heat on the river here is adding enjoyment to the holiday seas- on for the family of Mr. Clarence White, j,roronto, and their • friends. The boat Which is very complete and a beauty was made by Mr, White. Robinson , Werner The marriage of Marie Werner, only daughter of Mrs.'Werner and, the late Moses NV.erner of Howick, to Lorne Robinson, son of Mr. and Chrysler, - Plyinouth , Cars and Fargo Trucks Telephone,Days 417, Wingham beige, suit with.nrown accessories, and a corsage of Better Time Rdses. Her only attiidant, Miss Gertrude Runge PARTS and* ACCESSORIES N age ' Clifford,'with Rev. M, ael officiating. *w "For her wedding the bride' wore a CRAWFORD & HETHERIN6TON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.: Windham, Phone 48 1, H. Crawford, 1t, S. Hetherington, X.C. 21-DAY SPECIAL LOW to FARES TalEASTERN *OBOE od the 'MARITIME JUNE 21st 'to SEPTEMBER Oth that holi- day "Dovirit:Ease. a visit home ot ififtritithfriettds; Low summer fires ; . • return limit, '2 1 ..days.. with stopovers „permitted. 8th inning. Rallying in the 8th and, 9th, to se, 're seven runs, \Vin...ham connected for eight hits and saved what appeared -to be a shirt-out for '1 Cassidy. Walkerton llobbins-P,railley ef, M. , O'Ha.,an if, T. O'Hagan, ri, Cullim c, Dentingcr lb, McDonald 2h, F. - silly H. Dtntiliget PA), W. t.a,t,i gl iam Mercurys-Tt fa:tit-arm ef, McCammon Ili, Aitelti-..rt :1'14 Gr wes c, Nier4arth sc, Ganitter ^b, Weber if, Jardine p, Cassidy If.