HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-07-07, Page 525 and 60 cycle
Electric Fans
in various sizes
Rangettes Hotplates
Many styles of Lamps
Radio Service
Next to Lyceum Theatre
Mrs. Lorne Kress of London, is vis-
iting with friends in town this week.
Miss Edna Smith of Kitchener, vis-
ited over the week-end with relatives
in town.
Mr. Fred Manuel of Detroit, spent
a few days last week with his mother
in town,
Mr. Earl Hart of Woodstock, spent
the week-end with his mother, Mrs.
B. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Spears and
son of Ottawa, are visiting with Mrs.
T. C. King.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jensen spent a
few days last week at Niagara Falls
and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. cad Clark of Detroit,
are visiting at the home of Mrs. Har-
old Buchanan.
Mr. Peter F. Fisher of Toronto,
spent the holiday with his father, Mr.
Peter S. Fisher.
Miss Florence Barber of Toronto,
is visiting with her sister, Miss Minnie
Barbee, Leopold St,
Miss Sadie McCormick of Detroit,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Fitz-
patrick, Victoria St.
Miss Jean Mitchell of Toronto, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug, Timberlake of
Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Fuller.
Mrs. Carmickal and son, John, of
Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. V. Bacon.
Mrs. B. IL Miller of Detroit, spent
over the holiday with friends in Kin-
cardiac and Winghant.
Mrs. Radical Sturgeon of Alvin-
iston, visited last week with her sister,
Mrs. Irwin, Minnie Street.
Miss Margaret Nimmo, of 'Toronto,
spent a few days with her parents,
Rev. and Mrs. A. Niinmo.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Breese and
Patsy, spent the Weekseed With her
W. R. Hamilton, R. O.
Optometrist for Over
25 Yeats.
Telephone 37
for Appointment.
Wednesday, July 7th, 1948
PAqE. vivg
the south end of Josephine street
across the flaw to The Illuevale Road
joining the latter at, say, the foot of
Carling Terrace, would certainly be
the realization of a fantastic but happy
dream and withal a sensible one. Thei
when the town grows out to the June
tion let the brains of the day segregate
the industrial area from the business
and residential section of that podia'
of the then Greater Wingham.
You mention the possibility of our
Athletic Park. Why not show a little
more life from a sporting standpoint
than is manifested today and have a
race course and a fall fair, and Thus
not let all the small half-pint mnnicip-
alities ip the province get ahead of us.
Today the one bright spot in the town
front a sporting standpoint Is the
Horse Show at the Arena its Noseem-
bet Or is the cathrtslastie and whole-
some effort being made its the enter
'N grandmother, Mrs. B. Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and
, son, Donald of Guelph are visiting at
' the home of Mrs. H. Buchanan.
Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert of Toronto,
visited with her sister, Mrs. Whitney
Grosse at the Hotel Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clarke of De-
troit, visitbd with her mother, Mrs.
H. Buchanan over the week-end.
Master James Ludington, Who has
beeii a patient. in Wingham General
Hospital, has returned to his home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Porter of De-
troit, are visiting with the latter's mo-
ther, Mrs. Wm. Boyd, near Belmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton and
Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Miller are
spending this week in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bateson and
Mrs. 'George Henderson and Janet are
spending a couple of weeks at Port
Miss Vera Fryfogle, R.N., of Strat
ford General Hospital, spent the
week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. J.
Mr. Dan Robertson, of Winnipeg,
Man., spent the week-end with his
cousins, Mrs. Geo. Olver and Miss
Mr. and ,Mrs. Claire Crawford of
Detroit, are spending a vacation at the
home of his parent's, Mr. and Mrs, A.
M. Crawford.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry C. Bates and
daughter, Barbara of Detroit, spent
the past week at the home of Mrs.
Frank Angus.
Dr. Bill and Mrs. Burgman and Mr.
Bob Richards of Kirkland Lake, visit-
ed over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Burgman.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Wilson and
family of Toronto, arc visiting this
week .with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Irwin Minnie Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Holmes of
Flint, Mich., have been holidaying
with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary
Pullen, Lower Wingham.
Guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Ir-
win for the week-end were ,Mr. and
Mrs. Harry M. Cootes of Toronto, and
Mr. B. Poplington, Clinton.
Mrs, J. L. Mair and son Ross, mot-
ored from° Winnipeg and arc visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Alex. McDonald,
and brother, Mr. Albert Foxton,
Mrs. IL J. Hocce of New York, and
Mrs. Ray Bonner and son, Douglas,
of Montreal, are visiting with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haugh.
Mrs. V, A. Stark, her daughter,
Betty and Mr. Bob Dedoe of Detroit,
spent the week-end with her sisters,
Mrs. S. Procter and Mrs. C. Hopper.
Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Baton and two
children, Roble and Gordon of Oak-
ville, spent the holiday with the form-
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Bats ;
Mr, arid Mrs. H. Davidson and Per-
ry anti Carotin, also her sister, Mrs.
'Stewart Tolimiest of Brantford, 'visited
their aunt, Mrs. R. Jacobs on Satur-
Mr. and ,Mrs. Gordon C. Irwin and
daughter, Gracejeati of Timmins, re-
turned to their home after wading
their vacation with friends in Wing-
haat and Seafortit, •
Recent holiday visitors at the home
of Mrs, Wm. J. Stott were Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Agar, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Bechar of Mount Forest, and
Miss Vera Agat of Toronto, also Mr.
Norman Scott of Stratliroy
Mr. and Mrs. Fred and chil-
dren of Bridgeport, spent a week's
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Austin,
other visitors at the same home were
Mr, Russel Armstrong of Humber-
stone, and Miss Marion Martin of
Guests of Mr, and Mrs. George
Coulter, Patrick St., last week were,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Allen, Jim and
Eileen of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Clark
son Martin and Lorna of Galt, Miss
Mae Coulter of Aylmer, and James
Coulter of Kitchener.
Mr, and Mrs. James Smith have re-
turned from a trip to Ottawa, Kings-
ton and Toronto, While in Ottawa
they attended the wedding of their
only son, Mr. J. E. Smith to Miss Mar-
garet Blakely Burns of that city, and
while in Kingston they visited with
their daughter, Mrs, H, J. Fensham
and Mr. Fenshham and little Linda,
and in Toronto attended the wedding
of Mr, Fensham's sister,
Blyth softball team defeated Clinton
Radio school on Monday night by a
score of 8 to 6.
Mrs. J. H. R. Elliott is the guest
of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Grah-
am, Wingham,
Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Mason of Wind-
sor, were visiting old friends in Blyth
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Clan are spen-
ding'the week with Toronto friends,
Mr. Norman Garrett left Monday
morning to take a course at Toronto
Mrs. Lillian Scott passed away in
the Wingham Hospital on Monday at
age of 74. The remains are resting at
Walker's, Funeral Parlours, Wingham,
prior to a service held in the Knox
Church, Belgrave, followed by inter-
ment in Brandon cemetery.
The Band Concert put on Sunday
evening by the Lions Girls and Boys
Band drew a large crowd of spectat-
ors, and augers well for future occas-
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Brydges on Sunday were: Mr. Andrew
Wheelens, Mrs, John Dalgleish, Mrs.
John A. Currie, Mrs. John Grasby,
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Shoebottom, Mos
and Mrs. Keith Dunbar and Sandra
Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunbar, Mr.
Alan Dunbar, Mr. Jim Brydges, Joan
and Marilyn, Mr. Jerry Brydges, Mr.
and Mrs.Louis Hayes, Jean, Tom, Ka-
ren and Billy.
Mr. Ralph Johnston of Sault Ste.
Marie, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Wade and other relatives. •
Mr. Wilford Nethery and family of
Sault Ste. Marie, now of Hamilton,
spent the week-end with Belgrave
,Miss Verna Johnston of London,
spent the week-end with Mr, and. Mrs.
George Johnston,
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Gallagher of Galt,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Cooper Nethery and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. .Nethery of Sar-
nia, visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Chris. Nethery.
Mr. and Mrs. James McCrea and
Lynla of Toronto, spent the week-end
with Mr. Robert McCrea.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
MacKenzie were Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Smith, Miss Eleanor Smith and Mr.
Ronnie Jackson of Royal Oak, Mich.
Sunshine Decoration Service
The animal Decoration Service of .
Sunshine Cemetery will take place on
Sunday, July 11, at 3 o'clock. Rev.
W. A. Beecroft, Wingham, will be the
guest speaker and ,Mr. W. G. Burton
of Wingham, will render violin selec-
The animal decoration service of
Brandon Cemetery took place on Sun-
day evening at 7.30. Previous to the
service the graves were decorated with
flowers. Rev. W. J. Mot tres had
charge of the service, Rev. Milnes
Brussels, delivered the address appro.
priate to the occasion; Miss Audrey
Bradhurn and Mrs, C. H. Wade sang
a duet with 'Mies Nera VanCamp at
the .orgait.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil-
son were Mrs. Wilson Sr. of itchen-
er, Roffman and Miss Bonnie of -
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent, .;t1r.
and Mrs. Harold Vincent and Murray,
Mr. mid Mrs. Roy McSween, Mrs. C.
R. 'Logan and children attended The
Bentley family re-union in the Seafnrth
Lions Park. ,a•sasaa s
Rev, O. J, Coupland, Pastor
11 a.m.-es"Ohristian Fidelity"
7 p,m.—"The Lord Jesus Christ"
Come and Enjoy His Presence
with us,
Daily Vacational Bible School
' now in full swing: July 5-16,
9 aare 11:80, All girls and
boys 5-15 invited. Mr. Bruce
Foster in charge.
"Though I speak with the
tongues of men and of angels
and have not love, I am become
as sounding brass, or a tinkling
cymbal". I Cor, 13:1,
Hear Outstanding Prophetical
Scholar, Author, Bible Teacher,
Rev. L. Sete Harrison B,D., D.D.
preaching on 'Israel's New State
and The Palestine Trouble' in
the Wingham Baptist Church,
Thursday, July 8, 8 p.m.
This Preacher draws capacity
audiences everywhere he goes.
Hear this Timely Message.
Mary Hastings Housewives
invite all good neighbours to
attend their Annual Picnics.
The M. Hastings
will be held at 2 p.m., on
July 21
- in -
Public Park
If you have written to Mary
Hastings through The London
Free Press, or feel you would
like to do so sometime, or if you
would just like to be sociable,
take 'your lunch basket, dishes
and spoons and conic along.
Bring the children, too.
and Some Equipment
Will consider town, city or
Country Property in exchange.
Real Estate Broker
1303 Dundas St. London
'Phone Fairmont 3692w
M. C. A. Presents
FIRST appearance in
Wed., July 14
Dance 9 to 1
Casino Ballroom
(The tumble Boogie King)
in Person
belt Pens, His Piano and his
16-piece Orchestra, formerly
with Freddie Martin's Band
mantle RADIO, 'Value $12.50
1000 Advance Ticket Sale $1.00
Night of Dance $1.25
On sale at Casino., Wire or write
Regular Dance—Friday
anti Saturday
tainment and training of the children
now being carried on derived from.
the idea that foresight is better than
hindsight, and that in half a century
ahead, the town may have some real
ball players, who are- not content to
be playing a game that was primarily
intended for the pleasure of the fair
sex who may be athletically inclined.
In the boyhood days of the writer we
played Canada's National rugged
game, lacrosse, the men played crick-
et, or pitched quoits, and we had as
citizens the champions quoit pitcher
of America, Charlie Walkinshaw, arid
the champion of Canada, Mat Brown.
What does Wingham boast of today?
So don't be too hard on the early cit-
izens of the town who could not have
foretold the coming of the _horseless
Apropos of Mother Shipton's prop-
hesies, she said,
The world then to an end shall come
In /eighteen hundred and eighty-one,
This latter prophesy reminded me
of a body of religious fanatics that
resided here years before 1881, Their
headquarters was a house on Edward
street between Victoria and John.
The Saviour was to appear during a
certain night. Some of the more anx-
ious to meet their Lord went to Lis- 1 'towel to accompany Him to Wingham
on the late train. They returned some-
what chagrined, but joined with the
others of their belief in praying, sing-
ing, shouting and calling to high
heaven for the Lord to come, much to
the annoyance and disturbance of all
;the neighbors. But morning came, the
sun started to shine and things in this
old world went along the same as ever.
, Some persons even went so far as to
}give away their farms and other wor-
ldly possessions, as if the end of the
world was only coming to those who
believed in their peculiar doctrine.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Parker and family
of London, also Miss Faye McClena-
ghan, spent the week-end with their
parents, MT, and Mrs. Ben McClena-
ghan, and Betty Parker stayed to have
her holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey and fam-
ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stacey
and children, of Wingham, spent Sun-
day at the home of the former's dau-
ghter, Mrs. Relison Falconer, and all
spent the afternoon at the Lake at
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held on
Tuesday next, July 13th, in the Mem-
orial Hall here, with Mrs. Cecil Fal-
coner and Mrs, Mac Ross as hostess-
es. The roll call, "My Worst Cooking
Failure," and Mrs. 0. G. Anderson
,will be present to explain the working
of the Huron Co-operative Medical
Services. All arc invited to attend this
The Langsidc Hall was crowded
last Friday evening, when neighbours
and friends gathered for a farewell
party for Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who
nearly twenty-two years ago came to
the Langside store from Amberley.
Mr., Brown has sold the store to Mr.
Chester 'Faegan of Carlow, who takes
possession in the middle of the month.
During the evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Brown were asked to come to the
platform, and Mr. Russell Ritchie read
an address and Mr. Bill Scott present-
ed them with a purse of money, the
gift of the community. Mr, and Mrs.
Brown responded thanking their
,friends for the thoughtful gift. The
evenitig was spent in dancing to mus-
ic provided by Tiliin'a Orchestra.
Lunch was served and the social time
enjoyed. by all. Mr. and Mrs. Brown •
will move shortly to their new home
;iit litri.l aki.111(1'‘‘Mrs. John Hayes, anal That r
grandson, David Precter, of Duna.
spent the week-end at the home Of his
sister, Mrs. Reuben Tillie, and with
other Tiffin relatives, Mr. anti Mts.
J. n. Morrison', who had been vi sitin g
svitli their daughter, Mrs. Danald
;Cameron of Detroit, returned home
`on Friday with Mr. anti Mrs. Hayes.
The Tiffin and Morris,n relatives
gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Rusaell Ritchie on Sunday afternoon
in honour of David Procter, for a
family oet-togetber.
1 Noah hi this 'esonammity 'lieu.;
shocked 'On Sunday to hear of
sudden passing of Peter Watson, for-
1,aerly of West \Vawanosn. 14e was
:married twice, first to Jeanie Hunter,
predeceased him, and about nine
years ago 'lee 'married Miss ,Marien
Casemore, of Kinloss. Over eight
years ago, he left the farm owing to
a heart condition, and has had several
bad attacks durieg, the passing years.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson and Mr. anti
Mr's. Ed. Marsh had attended the
Embro Scottish games on Thursday,
and he had enjoyed the day thoroualo
ly, but lie passed away on Saturday
evening while talking to Mrs. \Vatson
out on the verandah of their home,
Besides his wife he leaves one liau4i-
ter, Mrs. Harold Gaunt of W. Was
- nosh, and two grandchildren, Beverley
and Douglas, mid three sisters, Mrs.
Jessie Webster, Clinton; Mrs. Mary
Campbell, Lucknow; and Mrs. Abigail
Pritchard, Wawanosh. The sym-
pathy of This community is -evten.leti
to the bereaved wife and relatives.
The funeral was held on Tuesday
from the home to Greenhill cemetery,.
with Rev. 'Chas. MacDonald of Luck-
now Presbyterian Church, in -Otero, of
the services.
Miss Eva Dow and Miss Norma
Brydges of Belgrave, left on Sunday
for 'Toronto where they will take the
sit weeks teacher's teArrSe ..at Toronto
- Normal School,
Miss Louise Martin of Kincardine,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Martin, and
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons and.
baby of London, have been holidaying
there during the past week.
Mrs. Edna Forsythe of Windsor,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison.
A school bus, loaded with thirty-
seven happy school children from S.
S. No. 10, Kinloss, with their teacher,
Miss Grace McKinnon and with Mrs.
Jas. Wilson, Mrs. Wallace Conn and
Mrs. Ernest Casemore, wives of the
trustees, and Mrs. L. Johnston, left
this village at 8.30 on Monday morn-
ing for a thrill filled day at Spring-
bank Park, London, where they had
their dinner, and in London, where
they were shown the interesting plac-
es of the city. This outing is all the
more interesting, when it was realized
that the children earned the money
for it, at the last two Christmas con-
certs they presented in the Memorial
Hall here. It will be surely a red-
letter day in their young lives, and
they will not soon forget the kindness
of their teacher in arranging the trip
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casemore who
have moved to Petrolia, and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Lester and baby, John of
Forest, spent Sunday last visiting with
Casemore relatives in Lucknow, Kin-
loss and Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw and
family moved from Kinloss last
Thursday to the house owned by Mr.
John Purdon on the sideroad in E.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Machines and
cihldren of Toronto, visited on Satur-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt
and other Kinloss relatives. They ex-
pect to spend the summer months in
Mr. Robt, Vies house in Turnberry.
Mr. Roy McGee and Miss Florence
Beecroft of Toronto, spent the week-
end at their respective homes here.
Th Entrance pupils of S. S, No. 10,
Kinloss received word last week that
they had all been successful in passing
their exams, Isabel Elliott, Douglas
Newman, Shirley Casemore, on their
year's work, and Matilda Hutchison,
Elmer Henderson and Ann :Niacin-
nis, who wrote their exams at Luck-
now. Congratulations to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook of
Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Cornelius.
Mr, and Mts. Scott Patterson and
two children of Detroit, and Mrs. J.
Buschlen Randall and Marilyn, anti
grandson, Gary Dixon, and Mee.
Fanny Paterson, all of Toronto. aptnit
the week-etel at the home of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lan Marie
and baby Sharon. of N,VaterfolA
the wte k,en d w i t t i his parent,,
and Mrs. Walter Lat.
Quite a crowd ).4..ttlitroi in the 117..--
bytcrian Church here last Wetineaday
evening when the young ;aye& from
Calvin, Lansside, Luelatenv anal the
United Church were invited to be
•,2nt t.a see the movina rieurcy, pr,
seined by Mr. Vie Roy of Lenthade
The Royal Wedding. Canada dance.
' view. Life, Three little Bruin'. It
stppened in Springfield, a pieture pt.r-
traying race prejudice and its result-
innocent people, and Wild Life in
Canada, were among th6se
Lunch was served and the social time
enjoyed by all.
Over ninety gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacInnis for the
Falocner-Maclnnis yearly family pic-
nic. Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs. Joe
Tiffin, and Mr. Jas. Falconer were in
charge of the games, and an interest-
ing program of races and contests
was carried through, and all enjoyed
the ball game. Mrs. John Falconer
received the prize for the oldest per-
son at the picnic, and the prize for
the youngest went to the six months
old baby son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Falconer, who also received the prize
for coming the farthest distance to
the picnic. Mr. and Mrs. George Fish-
er received the prize for the 'biggest
family attending the picnic. Lunch
was served and the family gathering;
was enjoyed by all.
Among those who attended the fun-
eral of the late Benjamin Naylor on
Monday last and gathered at the home
of Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred Newman were,
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Naylor, Chat-
ham, Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey, and
Mrs. Chas. Bell and her daughter,
Mrs. Dougherty of Myth, Mr. Chas.
Stewart and his daughter, Mr.. and
Mrs. Huai Cunimmes, Lucknow, Mr.
Will Procter, Brussels and Mr. Arnold
Chadwick, London. Mrs, B. S. Naylor
is making her home with Mr. and
Mrs. Newman f,,r the next few wetly..
Mrs ,Fred Newman event last week
in Hamilton, with lier sister, Miss
Emily Henderstett. .
Delicious Ice Cream
Bricks always available
Our stock of CANDY is
complete—BUlk and box
Editor of The Advance-Times:
As an old-timer in Winghant I was
much interested in your article, "Fore-
sight, Better than Hindsight." The
present Width of Josephine street re-
calls to my mind the prophesy of
Mother Shipton, who forecast "carri-
ages shall without horses go," but
when this prophesy was made Wing-
ham was a 'meth roamed by Indians."
Today it is true our main street is
cluttered up with carriages that go
without horses.
Fifty or More years from now if
your scheme of eliminating traffic.
over Diagonal Hill becomes a reality
the citizens of that distant day May
have no reason to complain of the
congested tondition of our business
section. In the meantime if you would`
cast your eye along Diagonal Road
from Josephine street to Victotia
Street you would see that for business
purposes that district This not the
• grade that the main thoroughfare has.
To build a %Wittig roadway from
Is Your Car
Ready for
Drive in to our Service Station now and let us
Put it in 'tip-top shape for smooth, safe Summer
driving. We check it thoroughly from bumper to
bumper - - service it completely.
Bert Armstrong
Phone 181 B. A. Products Wingham
'PHONE 475
• • •
• • •
Lamps Antiques
Books Pictures
• • •
Gifts for All Occasions
Rubber Stamps and Stencils
of All Types
We are Distributors in
Wingham and District
For theft items which are essen-
tial to your business and regular
Three Day Service
On Rush Orders
Also available are
Telephone 34