The Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-07-07, Page 4FOR SALE-1 Tamworth Hog ,of
serviceable age. Apply Harold Elli-
ott, 'Phone 609r4,
FOR SALE-13 Chunks of Pigs.
Apply R. B. Quance, Lower Wing-
ham, on Geo. Boyle farm.
ASK FOR—Trusses, Lumbago Belts,
Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock-
ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A
Drug Store.
For a nurses assistant's course at
The Stratford General Hospital. For
information apply to the Superin-
tendent of Nurses. Stratford General
Hospital, Stratford, Ontario.
FOR SALE—Massey-Harris Side-de-
livery Rake, in good working con-
dition. Apply to Mason Robinson,
FOR SALE—White Kitchen Cabinet,
Electric Rangette, Quebec Heater.
Apply Bill Simms, above Bondi's
Fruit Store, Wingham.
FOR SALE-6-roomed Frame and
Brick Cottage all conveniences; 1 or
2 lots available. 'Phone 289, be-
tween 5 and 6 o'clock.
FOR SALE—Used Underwood Type-
writer, first class condition. Apply
Crossett Motor Sales, Wingham.
FOR SALE-1930 Pontiac; reason-
able. A. L. Fisher, 'Phone 411,
FOR SALE—A Folding Baby Buggy,
nearly new. Apply Mrs. William
Tucker, Wingham,
FOR SALE — Combination Dump
Truck, 1938 Ford, excellent con-
dition throughout; priced low for
quick sale. A. L. Fisher, Wingham.
FOR SALE—Used Baby Carriage.
Telephone 418.
FOR SALE-7 Pigs 6 weeks old; 11
Pigs 8 weeks old. Wrn, R. Jenkins,
Sr., 'Phone 637r12,
FOR SALE—Winker Cabbage Plants,
Danitsh Fall Head, Apply to Wm.
FOR SALE-1 McCormick Deering
Binder, nearly new, 7 ft. with sheaf
carrier trucks; 1 Massey-Hams
Mower, in good condition; 1 Steel
rim, low farm wagon with flat hay
rack; 1 Tudhope Anderson 2 furrow
Tractor Plow. Apply Hugh Rinn,
FOR SALE-1 new Cockshutt 5 ft.
mower, also new Cockshutt 7 ft.
Binder, immediate delivery, also
itave used mowers, binders and a
See us about your farm machinery
requirements. John Bumstead &
Son, Victoria St., Wingham.
$80.00 ALLOWANCE and More for
your old suite on a new chesterfield
suite at Schuett & Sons, Mildmay.
Also rugs, radios, mattresses, fancy
plate mirrors, Free delivery.
LOST—License Plate 61N71, between.
Wingham and Wroxeter. Finder
pleae contact Percy Cc.upland,
$LENDOR TABLETS are effective.
2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at
Xeres and McKihhnns Drug. Stores.
Plastic Wall Tile
Kitchen and Bathroom
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Offices and
Norman Rintoul
'Phone 251 Wingham
11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
' • -.ea.'
David Crompton
Gifts For All Occasions
. CLIMAX BUG FI LLER AI 4 4io ***** • 41 it • • Al * • • • %I • • • • 4, •
HAY FORK PULLEYS „ . _ . _ _ • • . $1.35
WOOD SHEAVES, large — . 45c Medium —30c
ROPE HITCH SWIVEL Y 4 WW1" VVV 44i • • • • If • • • • • • • * * • Y Y • • 150e
• • • • • • • • 471 OC • II • HAY FORK CABLE, per ft. , _ „
Pitch Forks, (Maple Leaf True Temper) $1.55
2.4-D WEED-NO-MORE WEED KILLER, 1 oz. • — 25c
5 oz. 75c 16 oz. $1.75
3 per cent. DMZ. and 5-7 Copper Dust INSECTICIDE and
20 lbs.—$2.95 10 lbs. $1.55 5 lbs.-85c
5 per cent. D.D.T. HOUSEHOLD SPRAY, gallon — — • $3.25
8 oz. 25c 16 oz. 45c
KING BUG KILLER, 20 lbs. . •y • ....85c
Wednesday, July 7th, 1.048
PIANOS—Plain case, refinished, re-
conditioned, pianos, well known
makes, new bench, at Schuett &
Sons, Mildmay, also 60 cycle re-
frigerators, domestic and commer-
cial; washe'rs, ranges. Free delivery,
men with ability. High earnings.
Course of training, Pleasant work,
Write giving qualifications to Bert
Lancaster, 36 King St., W., Kitch-
ener, Ontario,
STRAY COLLIE DOG, black with
tan and white markings. Owner
may have same by paying for adver-
tisement. Hugh Gilmour, 'Phone
600 r 12,
WANTED—Child's Commode Chair,
by July 10th. 'Phone 394.
WANTED-2 or 3-roomed apartment,
central location; abstainers. Bell
Telephone Employee. Apply Box
N, Advance-Times.
WANTED—Lady Clerk, full time;
state age, references and experience,
Reply by letter, Box D.A., Advance-
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned up to Saturday, July 17th,
1948, for repairs to Sidewalks, in the
Town of Wingham. Cement will be
supplied by the Corporation and thick-
ness of walks to be 4 inches. Ten-
ders should state the price per square
foot. Lowest or any tender not ne-
cessarily accepted.
W. A. Galbraith,
Town Clerk.
EDWARDS—William Edwards, died
one year ago, July 8th, 1947.
Gone dear father, gone forever,
How we miss your smiling face,
But you left us to remember
None on earth can take your place,
A happy home we once enjoyed,
How sweet the memory still;
But death has left a loneliness
The world can never fill.
Ever remembered by Wife and Lily,
Herb, and Family.
EDWARDS—In loving memory of
our father who died July 8, 1947.
You can only have one Dad,
Faithful, kind and true;
No other friend in all the world
Will be as true to you,
For all his tender kindness
He asks nothing in return,
If all the world deserted 415,
To our Dad we could always turn.
Though all we can do dear Dad,
Is go and-tend your grave
And leave behind a token of love,
For the best Dad God ever made.
To the rest of all the world he was
only one,
But he was all the world to us,
Our Dad.
Sadly missed by Lorne, Lorraine
and Family.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Samuel. Morton, late of
the Township of East Wawanosh; in
the County of Huron, Farmer,, who
died on or about the twenty-third day
of May, A. D., 1948, are notified to
High School Staff—The teaching
staff of the Wingham High School
is one of the best in Ontario and will
be; J, , Taylor, B.A., principal; J.
C, Smith, B, A., classical master; J,
G, Workman, B.A., mathematical mas-
ter, and Miss Helena Dadson, B.A.,
teacher of English and Moderns,
Huron old Boys and Girls—The
special train conveying the Huron
old boys and girls of Toronto, arrived
in Wingham on Saturday afternoon
last. Among those who came to Wing-
ham were the following: Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Groves, Mr. and Mrs, John
Mowat, Dr. Ball, John. Ball, L. A.
Ball, Mr. and Mrs. M, Howell, Mr.
and Mrs. R. A, Waker and children;
J. J. Homuth, Thos. Mooreheal, Fred
Rush, Mrs. Wm, Mitchell, C. N.
Peake, Mrs, H. H. Chisholm, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. .Mackersie, J H. Mitchell,
Miss Beckwith, Mr, and Mrs. G. E.
Stanley and children, Foster Fyfe.
Mundell-Gilmour--The home of
Mrs. Thos. Gilmour, Turnberry, was
the scene of a happy event on Tues-
day, June 30th, when her daughter,
Miss Maggie Gilmour, became the wife
of Mr. Wm. H. Mundell, of the same
township. Rev. J. West officiat-
Former Wingham Lady Strangled
In Chicago— Adispatch from Chicago
states that Fanny Gilmour, a former
resident of Wingham was murdered in
that city last Thursday. Older resi-
dents of Wingham will remember the
young lady. She resided for a number
of years with her mother, Mrs. Gil-
mour-Smith, and brothers and sisters
in a house opposite the Western Foun-
dry Co's. buildings. The dispatch says
in part: "Mrs. Mary Thompson, wife
of a St. Paul School teacher, and for-
melyr Miss Fanny Gilmour, of Wing-
ham, Ontario, was found strangled to
death, gagged and bound hand and
foot with a clothesline, in her apart-
ment in a rooming-house at 1242
Michigan Ave., Thursday afternoon,
July 2nd."
Mutch-Aitcheson-Married in Wing-
ham, on July 1st, by Rev. D. Perrie,
Mr. Elwin J. Mutch to Miss Emma
send to Crawford & Hetherington,
Wingham, Ontario, on or before the
tenth day of July, A.D., 1948, full par-
ticulars of their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said tenth day
of July, A. D., 1948, the assets of the
said testator will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executor shall then have notice.
DATED this twenty-first day of
June, A. D. 1948.
Wingham, Ontario.
golicitors for the Executor.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Isabella Tervitt, late of
the Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Married Woman,
who died on or about the third day
of April, A,D., 1948, are notified to
send to Crawford & Hetherington,
Wingham, Ontario, on or before the
tenth day of July, A.D,, 1948, full par-
ticulars of 'their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said tenth day
of July, A.D., 1948, the assets of the
said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the administrator shall then have not-
DATED this twenty-first day of
June, A.D., 1948.
Winglian4 Ontario.
Solicitors for the Administrator.
E. Aitcheson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Win, Aitcheson, both of Wing-
Kerr-McDougall .Marriedon Dora-
nion Day at the Methodist Parson-
age, Wingham, by the Rev, W. G,
Howson, Mr. Robt, Geo. Kerr to Miss
Isabella Agnes McDougall, all of the
township of East Wawanosh,
Hill-Gibson-On Tuesday, June 30th,
the marriage took place in Fordwich
of Margaret Adell, youngest daugh-
ter of Postmaster and Mrs, Gibson,
to Mr, Alex Hill of Mitchell, Rev. A.
B. Dobson officiated.
Anderson-Mann-On Dominion Day,
a pretty wedding was held at the
bride's home in McKillop, when Miss
Annie M„ daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Mann, was married to Fred And-
erson, Rev. J. L. Small, B.A., offic-
• *
Carry Off Many Prizes—Wingham
boys of A, Company, 3rd. Battalion,
who attended the Cadet Camp for
Military District No, 1, at London,
last week were very successful and
are to be congratulated for winning so
many tnaphies. The boys from Wing-
ham were—Jervis Lutton, Cap:; Stan-
ley Harrison, Lieut.; King McDonald
and Harold Boyce, Sergts.; Roy
Thomas, Percy Johnston, Jack Young,
Robt. McKenzie, Geo. Lediet, Oliver
Fells, Elliott Fells, Morris Christie,
Maurice Mitchell, Harold Mitchel;
Elmer Purdon, Chas. Messer, Jack
Field, Barney Brown, Harold Thomas,
Ed. Williams Win. Thompson, Neil
Williamson, Thos. Robertson, Geo.
Falconer, Ross McDonald Cliff Rob-
ertson Jas. Weisar, Will Kew, Ralph
Carr, Archie McKinney, Bert Heth-
Bluevale—Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nic-
holson of Belgrave, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. Robt, Shaw. Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Masters spent Sunday at
Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs, John Hall, sr.,
and Mrs. Gordon Hall visited in Mol-
esworth and Wroxeter on Sunday.
Mr. David Errington of Dungannon,
visited relatives here on Sunday.
East Wawanosh—Mr. and Mrs.
John McDowell of Westfield, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George
Walker. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie and
daughter of Kincardine, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver An-
derson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cun-
ningham. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mc-
Burney and Lavina, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irwin of Belgrave.
12th Con. of Howick—Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Galbraith visited with
Lorne Laird's on 'Sunday. Mr. Dick
Bennett was in Toronto last week on
business. Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Alf. Taylor of Tory Corners, ;air,
and Mrs. Henry Finlay were in Lis-
towel on business last Fridae. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Woods entertained a car-
load from Palmerston on Sunday.
Belgrave—Ken and Mrs. Jones are
away on their hoidays. Mrs. Robt.
Stonehouse and family spent a few
days in Toronto at the Stonehouse
family re-union, Ken Hawkins ad-
dressed the Orange brethren on Sun-
day. W. 'Geddes and daughters have
returned after spending a few weeks
with friends near Kingston and Ot-
« # •
Wroxeter—Mr. and Mrs, Will Fras-
er, Ridgetown, spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo Lovell.
Mr. Oscar Nichol of Dungannon, was
a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs, Alex
Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Smith and
three daughters left last week for
Stokes Bay, where they will spend
their vacation. M.r and Mrs. Geo.
Allen and Miss ,Janette Allen left on
Friday for their vacation. Mr. Kuglin,
who came from Williantsford, has
opened up a harness and shoe repair
shop in the Vanveleor Block.
Gorrie=Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King
and son, Harold spent Friday at Bruce
Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster and
daughter, Miss Margaret, spent a few
days last week in London, Dr. and
Mrs. Armstrong returned on Thurs-
day from a trip in Manitoba. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Herzog spent Sunday in Fer-
gus, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baiers and
Velma, spent Sunday in Millbank. Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Carson and family,
visited friends in Wingham on Sun-
Chadwick - McGee
A marriage of interest in this com-
munity was solemnized at 1 p.m. on
Saturday, July 3rd,, at Knox United
Church, corner of Wortley and Bruce
Streets, London, when the pastor of
the church united An marriage Mrs.
Mary Evelyn Leola McGee, daughter
of Mrs. B. S. Naylor of Whitechurch,
and the late Mr. Naylor, and Mr.
Arnold Chadwick both of London.
Miss Barr of London, and his brother,
Mr. Wm. Chadwick, were the attend-
ants, and the soloist sang "I'll Walk
Beside You", and during the signing
of the register, he sang "0 Perfect
Love." After the reception and wed-
ding dinner served at Cobblestone Inn,
to twenty guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chad-
wiCk, left amidst showers of confetti
and good wishes for Sarnia, where
they caught the boat for a week's trip
to Duluth.
Those present from here were, Mr.
and ,,Airs, Joe Kerr, Wingham, Mr.
and Mrs. Durnin Phillips, Dungan-
non, and Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Bell
from Blyth.
Davidson - VanCamp
Blue delphinium, pink peonies and
lighted candles made a pretty setting
in the .Church of the Epiphany at
Manor Park, London, for the marriage
of Norma Dell VanCamp Reg, N.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
VanCamp, Belgrave and Kenneth
Charles Davidson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles E. Davidson, Glencoe,
Rev. P. II. Streeter officiated.
Given in marriage by her father, the
bride wore delphinium blue crepe with
navy accessories and a corsage of
American Beauty roses. Miss Donna
VanCamp, as her sister's 'bridesmaid,
was gowned in shell pink with match-
ing hat and black accessories, She
wore a corsage of ink roses and del-
Richard G. Singleton, Glencoe, was
Following a reception at the Hotel
London, Mr. and Mrs, Ketaneth
Davidson left on a wedding trip to
Toronto and the Northern States, The
bride wore a pearl grey suit with
navy accessories.
On their return the couple will re-
side in Glencoe, The bride has been
on the staff of Victoria Hospital since
her graduation in 1946.
Mrs. William E. Scott
After an illness of a week, Mrs.
William E. Scott of Blyth, passed
away in Wingham General Hospital,
-on Monday, July 5th, in her 74th year.
Born in Norwich, she was the for-
mer Alma Sackrider, Moving to this
district in 1893, she was married in
1896' to William E, Scott who pre-
deceased her in 1947. She was a mem-
ber of the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott celebrated their
Golden Wedding in June, 1946,
She is survived by a number of
nieces and nephews.
Funeral service will be held today
(Wednesday), July 7th, at 2.30 p.m.,
in the Presbyterian Church, Belgrave.
with interment in Brandon cemetery.
Susan MacLean
Died on Saturday July 3rd., in the
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
Susan, infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Neil MacLean. Burial took place
in Wingham Cemetery on Monday,
July 5th.
Vana Jane.
WILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Edward A.
Wilson, (nee Idella Bryans), are
happy to announce the birth of their
son, Paul Bryan, at Brussels, Ont.,
on Sunday, July 4th, 1948,
The Council met in the Township
Hall on July 5th, with all the mem-
bers present. 'rime Reeve presided.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Sam Alcock and Wm. Peacock.
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by Baillie Parrott that the necessary
By-Law No. 6, 1948, authorizing the
Treasurer to borrow up to $30,000, be
passed. Carried.
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by Sam Alcock, that the road bills as
presented by the Road Superintend-
ent be paid. Carried,
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by Sam Alcock that By-Law No. 7,
1948, setting the Townsldp Mill rate
at nine mills for 1948 he passed, Car-
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by Millie Parrott that supplementary
By-Law No, 8, 1948, asking for $5,000
metre appropriation for maintenance
on the roads, be passed. Carried.
Moved by Baillie Parrott, seconded.
by Chas. Coultes that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on August 3rd.,.
at 1 p.m. Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Joe Hart, fox bounty, $2.00; Roder-
ick McLean, fox bounty, $8.00; l3rus-
sels Post, advertising, $3.00; County
of Huron, indigent fees, $12,25; Jack
Wilson, relief account, $16.55.
Gco. C. Martin, Clerk.
Allowing only four hits, George
Chin paced the Ripley Flyers to an 8-a
win over the Wingham Red Sox in a
W.O.A.A. Juvenile baseball contest
played here last Wednesday. The
affair. Errors and walks were the
order of the day, with only nine hits
registered throughout the game.
George and Morley Cljin bolstered the
Ripley lineup,
Ripley—Needham, lb, H, Harrison-
lf, R. Harrison 3b, Culbert c, McLeod
es, M. Chin 2b, G. Chin p, McLennan.
cf, Blue rf.
Wingham—Ashton 2b, Loughlean
p, Foxton cf, Seli ss, Porter lb, Scott
3b, Lindsay c, Saxton rf, Stainton rf,.
Brophy If, Kerr rf,
Collecting 10 hits Wingham Red'
Sox trounced the Ripley Redineri here
on Friday, 11-3 in a Juvenile W,O.A.
A. Baseball game,
By virtue of the win Wingham is
entrenched in second place, with Rip-
ley still out in front, Nettstadt has,
withdrawn from the league, defaulting
the remainder of their games.
Porter was in rare form for Wing-
ham, striking out eight and giving up
six hits. Sell connected with a round
tripper to aid in the victory-. Wilson
led for the visitors with a circuit drive,
Wingham—Ashton e, Loughlean
lb, Sell ss,,Foxton ef, Porter 0. Scott
36, Kerr if, Saxton 2b, Brophy rf.
Ripley—Needham lb, H. Harrison
ss, M. Chin 2b, G. Chin 3b, Wilson
cf, Coiling c, It. MacLennan ri, R.
Harrison p, D. MacLennan If, Mc-
Leod rf,
CARDIFF—In Wingham General
Hospital, on Sunday, July 4th, to
Mr. and Mrs. George Cardiff, R. R.
2, Brussels, a son.
DANE—In Wingham General Hospi-
tal, on Friday, July 2nd., to Mr. and
Mrs. George Dane, R. R. 1, Wrox-
eter, a son. a
ROSENHAGEN—In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Sunday, July 4th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rosenhagen
(nee Ann VanWyck), a daughter; game was far from being a bang-up\
a • • • a a
• a n n n a a n
a a
a • a
$2.45 per roll
Electric FANS $6.70
.101? 4NAMI0 C.-V. EXTERIOR PAINT—qts. $1.50 Gallons $5.50
14 colours to choose from
C.-V PORCH and FLOOR ENAMEL, qts. .. — .$1.65
Gallons --$5.85
You can pay more but you can't buy better I
WEARPROOF FLOOR VARNISH—Quarts $1.65 Why Pay More?
n • a, a • n
a a n n a n n a a n n a:
11111 %). 4
it at
Et a.
• • • • •
Scythe Blades $1-85 and $1.95
Brush Sc.ythe Blade $1.65
somosommommomiammommitiontmosomiammummarumwmommominummustammussounihmusminiminimulaisst ;164;ttist