HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-06-30, Page 7Wednesday, June .30, 1948 0 0.1718fiffra17114Wile THE MILKMAN Bright and pleasant, each day's early dawn sees him on his way. The Milkman — cheerfully meeting every whim of the weather in order to serve the families of his community. Men like this, some of Canada's finest; are in the service of the public—at your service. DAWES BLACK ,HORSE BREWERY 4....1.1.11••••••••••!., WHAT'S A PICNIC WITHOUT A COKE? L. G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272, Wingham. J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EOUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191, a K M. maciENNAN Veterinary Surgeon. Office s;-, Minnie Et, °Waite and cads of the United Chtirein PHONE 196 Winshittn Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its rolicy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham W. A CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingftant DR, M. GONNE" DR. B. N. CORRIN PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone 10 MOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and ISE .1111IST OP SERVICE PI.ENTY OP EXPERIENCE Phone 231 Winghara A. II. McTAVISH Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 1203 J. W. BUSIIFIELD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Rte. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block. Wingham .. • Ask for it either way . . . both trade marks mean the same thing. Authorized bottlers of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Limited pills 20 wartime taxes and orders. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPNY 700 ERIE ST. PHONE 78 STRATFORD 106 • s• at the biggest construction job in our history NEW CABLES, telephones, switchboards and build. ings are all required to provide more telephone service for more people than ever before. The work is going ahead at the fastest possible panel. It takes skill; it takes time; it takes money. It will ultimately bring faster, clearer, more dependable telephone service to every applicant when and as he wants it. The public can be assured that we will continue to provide the best telephone service at 'the lowest possible cost. T TELEPHONE COMPANY OP CANADA eyed by naming a n.,te,1 1:1 Inn writ- Ail the ladies are tandially itvite,11 to attend the ineetin; ,f the \Winces Missionary Soiety. Women's Institute The July meetina; Wrosaster Branch, Women's Institute will be . Id at the home of Mrs. W. T. Mac- : on Wednesday, July 7th. at 2.00 p.m. Rell Call, "how to keep clwerint , in hot weather." Miss K. Ila,ze.lwoad. convener of Awiculture an,1 Canad- ian Industry" is in elatrae of the pro- ...ram:Ile and will speak on the talon'. Better have to.) iauel ta say Cam 1. little. Mrs. MaeNatialnon will aive the - Topic, "Life on the Farm." The his's- Less will be assisted by Mrs. I.yle Brothers, Mrs. Harvey Timm and Mrs. D. S. MacNanaliton. Institute Story In Technicolor • The Women's Institute ri:m. ".Lea there be Light" a story of the Insti-1 tute movement from the conception v2 the idea by Adelaide Hoodless, and the birth of the first Institute at Stoney Creek up to the Intern.aka.al organization, The Associated titulary Womeat of the World, is now ready- for -circulation. The film in technicol-i our gives a human colorful picture of • Institute interests and activities and 1! includes the pageant featured at the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrations at the Ontario Aaricultural College. last. June, W. R. Reek, president of the O.A.C. made the observation that much as we appreciate the film 'today,l it will be of still more interest to oth- ers years from now. In 'C.otuntem.sra.- tion of their Golden Anniversary, the Federated Women's; Institutes of Orit-, atio of which Mrs. R. 3. Dutcher of Woodstock is president, presented a cheque for $10,000 to the ,president of the O.A.C., which will provide School-, arships in the Home Economics at MacDonald Hall. This year t 8100.00 Scholarships will he, given, the sue- ding years, 5 Seholarshipa will be! provided. Wroxeter W. I. are interest-1 ed in this project and donated 826.00, or 81,00 per member, as was suggested by the F.W.1, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES (Continued from page six) Entrance Examinations at Fordwich this week, Mr. and Mrs. Whit Tointon. Miss Dorothy Tointon, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tointon, Walkerton, 'were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny on Sunday, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111151111511111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Parke, London, were week-end guests of Mr. C. Max- well, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brothers, and children, Cosie and Earl, North Ber- gen, New Jersey, are holidaying with the former's mother, also Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers, Miss Thelma Brothers of Toronto, were their guests part of last week. I United Church Sunday School held their annual picnic on Tuesday after-i noon in the. village park. Wroxeter Rockets won a decided victory over Harriston team on Sat- urday night at the village park, with a score of 3027, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gold and son, Bobby, Toronto, were week-end gnett.: of Mr. and ;Mrs, Wilford Brown, on ;their return they were accompanied by Mrs. W. Brovn and son, Jack, ji Dr. R, B. Palmer attended the mod- Convention in Toronto last week -!...and with Mrs. Palmer and daughter, INaney, is enjoying a boat trip to Sault Ste. Marie this week. Business and Professional Directory The engagement is announced of Audrey Bernice, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wade, Wroxeter, to Mr, Bruce Sangster, eldest son of ,Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Chambers, of Mole-- worth, the marriage to take place the latter part of June. The many friends of Mrs. Edwin Bennett regret she is still seriously ill in Wingham General Hospital. Mrs, Bennett suffered a paralytic stroke ten days ago, Work commenced on HighWay 87 on Tuesday of last week, A Kitchener firm having the contract. Gravel fill is being taken from the farm of Mr. Allister Green, 2nd, line of Turnberry. Sponsored jointly'by Red Cross and Gorrie Community Club, Swimming classes for young children will be held at Gorrie On July 5th and 6th.. An in- structor is being sent from Red Cross headquarters. An invitation has been extended to all children in Wroxeter and district, This is a wonderful op- portunity for the children to learn to swim. Parents who are interested may contact ,Mrs. Norman Wade, Secret- ary of Gorrie Red Cross, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wightman and children, Belgrave, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae. Miss Jessie Strachan, Brussels and Mrs. T. Y. Smith, of Wingham, were guests of Mrs. Rae one day last week. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster were: Mr. W, Murray, Bothwell, Miss Beatrice MacDonald, Brantford, Mrs. Dolphin, Mr. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, all of Tara, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown of Listowel, Women's Missionary Society One Church, One People in Canada is the theme for the July meeting of the WIM.S. of the United Church. Miss K. Hazelwood and Mrs. R. B. Palmer are arranging the Devotional period, The programme will be an all members meeting, on the subject of Home Missions. Roll Call to be ans- J. R. Evans Roofing - Siding I BUILDING REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Steel Roofs Painted • Telephone 64 * Wroxeter - Ont. Just 6 More Weeks until Howick Lions 6th Annual Frolic Aug. 12 and 13 MiliaiMOMMEr LEON C. CANTELON Representing the Crown Life Insurance Co., of Toronto "Guaranteed Protection for Your Every Need" SUBSCRIPTIONS Taken for ALL Publications Phone 160 Box 297 WINGHAM - ONT. YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Examiti. Lion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Visitstia F, F. 110MUTEI Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston 21-DAYSPECIAL LOWRPAFARES To EASTERN QUEBEC an the MARITIMES Belo), that holl. day I'DownlEast; a visit home or away with friends:1. Low sun:inter fakes : mord limit 21 days, with stopovers permitted. Effective JUNE 21st to SEPTEMBER 6th mouth* offpill xrry icArkiaidA PatijItRitattot Avid. anaemia+, One of a series of advertisements in tribute fro those Canadians in the service of the public PARTS and ACCESSORIES I Telephone—Days 417, Wingham ritommonsitsminsimitsotritimilimisisisillonsimirmittimilicisto -11111111111116, IFUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS .FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 - 224 WINGHAM WROXETER •111 llllll III llllllllll 11.11 llllll 111111111111111 llllll II iiiiii 1111111111111. Montreal Life INSURANCE CO. "The Friendly Company" Plans designed to fit your need. I Stewart A. Scott Representative I 'Phone 293 Wingham iiiiiiiii 100•••••••I iiii I iii CRAWFORD & HETHERINOTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 I, H. Crawford, K.C., R S. Hetherington, X.C. DONALD 'Bi BLUE-- Experienced Auctioneer License ter Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably handled Phone 19. RIPht Ontario UNINSURED ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY • Accidents happen in a flash. If you are not in. sated, repayment may cost you your home, your savings or months of income. Let us explain Pilot Automobile insurance to you. It costs so We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability -and other general insurance. G ORRIE H. C. MacLEAN WINGHAM A. W. KEIL,