HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-06-30, Page 4, 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with n minimum charge of 25e. RANGETTES • $55.00 HOTPLATES - - - $6.95 ELECTRIC IRON, reg. $7.25-SPECIAL ELECTRIC TOASTERS, reg. $2.35 ... 3-burner COLEMAN GAS STOVE, complete with legs and back -' 4 .... ...... $47.90 COLEMAN 2-burner STOVES .. . .. .. • v $14.95 - $7.95 - $9.50 _ - $4.95 .. _ $1,35 45-lb. ROOFING $2.45 per roll 8"Electric FANS $6.70 You can pay more but you can't buy better WEARPROOF FLOOR VARNISH-Quarts $1.65 18-pc. Breakfast Set - a $3.60 24-pc. Breakfast Set - $9/5 Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers - 39c 32-pc. set Freda Dishes - $12.50 White Cups, only - - - 8c PLATES 20c "Pink Harvest" Assortment OATMEALS 20c CUPS 20c Whyt Pay More? $1.70 PAGE VOU*12. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, June 30, 194$ ASK FOR-Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A Drug Store. APPLICANTS ARE WANTED- For a nurses assistant's course at The Stratford General Hospital. For information apply to the Superin- tendent of Nurses. Stratford General Hospital, Stratford, Ontario. FARMERS ATTENTION - 1944 General Motors 2 ton truck with box body suitable for grain or stock, Al mechanical condition, tires good, only 12,000 miles, Apply Huron Motors, Phone 237, Wingham, FOR SALE-Harley-Davidson twin cylinder Motorcycle, 1939, in excel- lent condition. Apply Ross Procter, R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR SALE-Cook Stove with warm- ing closet and reservoir. Apply W. T. Lapp, B. Line, Wingham, FOR SALE-Quantity of Stained Shingles. A. C. Adams, Phone 40. FOR SALE-Table Stock Potatoes, $3.00 per bag. A. C. Adams, Phone 40. FOR SALE-Ladies All Steel Ral- eigh Cycle. Made ih England, per- fect order. $35.00. Sacre, R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR SALE-Panel Truck, light Dodge, replacement motor, new Hydraulic Brakes, runs perfectly, tires and body good, $275. Apply Murray Johnson's, Garage. FOR SALE-2 Cook Stoves suitable for summer kitchen and one stock pump, 5" cylinder and 20 ft. pipe. Phone 602r31. FOR SALE-60 cycle Electric 'Wash- er, green enamel Tub. $60.00. Stain. ton Hardware, Wingham. FOR SALE-Rubber tired wagon in good condition, equipped with 600- 16 tires. Apply Meldin Jermyn, Brussels, Phone 53r12. FOR SALE-Radishes, Lettuce, also high chair, brown solid leather suit- case, Apply Mrs. Edward Finley, FOR SALE-Barn 40'x56'. Apply to Wm. Pease, Phone Brussels 45r17. FOR SALE-24 small pigs, half Tam- worth and half York, weaned. Ap- ply Reuben Appleby, Phone 603r3, Glenannan, FOR SALE-2 Durham calves. Apply Oscar Holmes, R. R. 2, Wingham, FOR SALE-Two storey six roomed residence corner John and Catherine Sts, For particulars, apply Airs. (Rev.) John Pollock. FOR SALE-One and a half storey white brick house, Frances St. Ap- ply Mrs. N. L. Fry. FOR SALE-1 McCormick Deering Binder; nearly new, 7 ft. with sheaf carrier trucks; 1 Massey-Harris Mower, in good condition; 1 Steel rim, low farm wagon with flat hay rack; 1 Tudhope Anderson 2 furrow Tractor Plow, Apply Hugh Rinn, Belgrave. FOR SALE-1 new Cockshutt 5 ft. mower, also new Cockshutt '7 ft. Binder, immediate delivery, also have used mowers, binders and a hayloader, See us about your farm machinery requirements. John Bumstead & Son, Victoria St., Wingham. FOR SALE-Building lot on Edward Street, Apply Alex Reid, Phone 530, Wingham. FOR SALE-Cabin trailer, equipped with ice box, good tires, good all round condition. Apply Advance- Times. FOUND-A Child's Express Wagon, owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. Apply J. F. Crandall. $30.00 A. W LLO.kNCE and More for - your Old suite on a new chesterfield suite at Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. Also rugs, radios, mattresses, fancy plate mirrors, Free delivery. PIANOS-Plain case, f efinished, re- conditioned, pianos, well known makes, new bench, at Schuett & Suns, Mildmay, also 60 cycle re- frigerators, domestic and commer- cial; washers, ranges. Free delivery, LOST`-House key on .istring, on Pat- k rick St. Finder please leave at The Advance-Times or Post Office, POLILUYMEN-Save feed by using Pioneer Growing Pellets, No waste. The modern way to feed on the Range. Pellets with whole grain available at Howson & Howson. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and regulated to perfect sewing, base- included, by experienced resi- dent Mechanic. Phone 318, SUPER HEALTH ALUMINUM Wear by the set or by the piece, Call at MacKenzie's Hdwre., Be]- grave. SALES OPPORTUNITY-For two men with ability. High earnings. Course of training, Pleasant work, Write giving qualifications to Bert Lancaster, 36 King St., W., Kitch- ener, Ontario. TOOL SALESMAN-To represent nationally known tool Company, merchandising a full line of top- quality hand tools and shop equip- ment for garage and industrial use, To qualify, man must have good knowledge of tools, car, ability to meet public and produce sales. Salesms,n to live in Wingham cover- ing Wingham and surrounding dist- rict. An excellent position for the right man with high rate of remun- eration. Applicants who can qualify address applications in own hand- writing to Box S-T, The Advance- Times. WANTED-For 50-bed Hospital, (3) General Duty Nurses, required for opening of new wing for 8 hour day, 6 day week, three week's vacation, ten days sick time allowed a year. Full maintenance and uniforms laundered. Apply Superintendent of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Ontario. WANTED-Girl or middle aged wo- man for light housework and to as- sist in summer store at Pt, Clark for July and possibly August. Phone Wingham 330 for further informa- tion. WANTED-Used Washing Machine, 60 cycle. Telephone 625r41. WANTED-Part time cook, Apply Queen Grill WANTED-Good used car, state year, make, model, and price. Reply by letter to Box Advhnce- Times. NOTICE Applications for the position of care- taker of the Town Hall and the Fire Hall, will be received by the under- signed up to Saturday, July 3rd., 1948. Particulars as to duties expected may be obtained on application to the un- dersigned. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerta Wingham, Ontario. ' TENDERS Tenders for the Arc insurance of the new Fire Hall will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, July 3rd., 1948, The amount of insurance has been set by the .Town Council at $8,000, Tenders should be sealed and plainly marked. on the outside "Tender for Insurance." The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. A, Galbraith, Town Clerk, Wingham, Ontario, AUCTION SALE of FARM and FARM STOCK at Lot 26, Con. 14, W. WAWANOSH 1 Mile West of WHITECHURCH on TUESDAY, JULY 6th, 1948 at 1 pan, 14 Cows, number of Young Cattle, 7 Pigs, This stock is well bred and in good 'condition. The Farm, consisting of 100 acres, will be offered, subject to reserve bid. Positively no reserve on chattels as Owner is confined to hospital. Terms on Chattels-6 months credit will be allowed purchasers furnishing bank approved joint notes, or a dis- count of 3 per cent, per annum for cash on credited sums. Terms on real estate made known on day of sale. Nathaniel Thompson, Proprietor. Matt, Gaynor, Auctioneer, Goderich, IN MEMORIAM GRASBY-In loving memory of Mrs. Martin Granby, who passed away six years ago, July 5th, 1942. Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. -Ever remembered by husband and daughter. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ellen Johnston wishes to thank all friends and neighbors who remem- bered her by visits, cards and flowers, while she was a patient in Wingham General Hospital, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Morton, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on. or about the twenty-third day of May, A, D., 1948, are notified to send to Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the tenth day of July, A.D., 1948, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said tenth day of July, A. D., 1948, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-first day of June, A. D. 1948. MESSRS. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 11 REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Lakeside League Baseball-Wing- barn loses its first game of the season at Blyth, The Maple Leafs of Wing- barn met their first defeat of the sea; c:In at Blyth on Friday last, in the greatest comedy of errors ever wit- nessed in the Lakeside League. The Wingham nine contributed in the nei- ghbourhood of fifteen of the misfits, and with the questionable work of Harry Edwards in the role of umpire, went down with a crash, But, we un- derstand that Blyth played a man whom they had not signed, and a pro- test is talked of. The score was 11 to 6, and the batteries: Wingham, Dun- lop and Barrett; Blyth, McCarter and Summers. (Ed, note: We believe Blyth's catcher, Summers, is none other than Wingham's well-known barber, "Curly" David Somers.) Shiells - Carr-A quiet weddilig took place at the home of Mrs, Jas. Carr, John street, Wingham, on Tues- day, when her youngest daughter, Miss Mary E. (Minnie) was joined in wedlock with Mr. W. R. Shiells, of Palmerston, by the Rev. D. Perrie, Minor Locals-A rink of Wingham bowlers, composed of Messrs. D. Hol- mes, G. C. Manners, 'W. Holmes and D. T. Hepburn, (skip), are taking part in the bowling tournament at Sea- forth this week. Fairbairn - Elliott-The Brantford Courier of last Saturday reports the marriage of a sister of the editor of the Wingham Times as follows: "No. 94 Dufferin Avenue, the residence of Mr. Robert Elliott, High Treasurer of the C. 0. F., was the scene of a NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Isabella Tervitt, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Marrie.d Woman, who died on or about the third day of April, A.D., 1948 are notified to send to Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the tenth day of July, A.D., 1948, full par- ticulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said tenth day of July, A.D., 1948, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator shall then have not- ice. DATED this twenty-first day of June, A.D., 1948. MESSRS. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator. happy event this afternoon, when his daughter, Luella C,, was married to Mr, James Bradford Fairbarin, regis- trar at the O. A. C., Guelph, by the Rev. W. H. Harvey." Mitchell Adams-Wednesday - of last week was the wedding day of Jas, Mitchell, editor of the Goderich Star, and Miss Alexandra Catherine, daughter of David Adams, of Col- borne Township. The event took place at "Mount Pleasant," the residence of the bride's father, and Rev, James A. Anden3on officiated, * * TWENTY-FIVE, YEARS AGO WEARRING GIBSON-On Sat- urday, June 30th, a quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T. A, Gibson, Wroxeter, when their second daughter, Mary H. was united in marriage to Mr, G. A. Wear- ring of Wroxeter, by the Rev. Mr. Ferguson. Married in Toronto-St. John's Church, Norway, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, June 30, the bride being Miss Eileen V. Higgerson and the groom, Mr, Geo. C. Patterson, Rev, Baynes Reid officiat- ed. Personals-Mr. and Mrs, Albert Rintoul are home again after spending the past ten months at Swastika, Nor- thern Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Peter G, Strome and son, Arthur, of Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivens and little Miss Louise Deyell spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham, Blyth. Mr. J. M. Graham Misses Helen Graham, Mary Davey, Anna Brown and Margaret Mahood are enjoying a week's tour of Toronto, Brown - Campbell-Married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs, Margaret Campbell, 9th con., Howick, by the,Rev. A. Laing, B. A., on Wed- nesday, June 27th, Miss . Winnie Campbell, to Mr, Gordon Brown, of the 6th. con., son of Mr. Wm. Brown Sr., of the 9th con. Bolt - Abraham-Married at the Methodist Parsonage, Wroxeter, on June 13th, Miss Hilda Abraham to Mr. William Bolt. Roberts - Gibson-Married at the Manse, Fordwich, by the Rev. A. Laing, B.A., on Thursday, June 7th, Hilda Lorine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Gibson, Howick, to Mr. T. Archie Roberts, of Ford- wich. Dobbs - Sanderson-Married in Howick, on Saturday, June 16th, by the Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Wroxeter, Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson, of Howick, to Mr. Selby Dobbs of Becton, McDermitt - Sanderson-Married in Harrinton, on Wednesday, June' 6th, Mrs, Euphemia. Sanderson of Pordwich, to Mr. Gilbert 'AfeDerrnitt of Harriston, Taylor Dane-Married in Clifford, on Tuesday, June 26th, by the Rev. Quigley, Miss Cassie Dane to Mr, Alfred Taylor, both of Howick, * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Smith Thornton-A quiet wedding" was solemnized at the Parsonage, Fordwich, on Saturday, July 1st, when the Rev, Mr, Button united in mar- riage, Elsie Isabel, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, 0, Thornton, of Mor- ris, and Mr. Alvin D. Smith of Blue vale, Campbell - Barber-Timothy Eaton. Memorial Church, Toronto, was the scene of an interesting wedding on, Wednesday, June 28th, when Margaret Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Chas.. Barber of Wingham, and the late. Chas. Barber, became the bride of Major the Rev. G. L. Campbell, pastor of Zion United Church, Ottawa, and son of the late Mr. and Mri. Ira W. Campbell of Ottawa. The Rev. Dr., E. B. Lanceley officiated. Webster - Lockhart-The marriage' took place on Saturday, in the Luck- pow Presbyterian Church, of Grace,. daughter of Mrs. Lockhart, LucknoW„ and the late Ezekiel Lockhart, to- John Elwell Webster, Wingham, son of Mr. and ,Mrs, John Webster of West Wawanosh. Rev. C. H. Mc- Donald officiated. Connelly - Lockridge-A pretty June wedding was solemnized in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham, on, Thursday, June 29th, when Alma. Greta, youngest daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Robert Lockeridge, of Lower Wingham, was united in marriage to. William Henry Connelly, son of Mrs. Wm, Henry Connelly and the late Mr. Connelly of Burlington. Rev. Ern- est Hayes officiated, Gorrie-The marriage is announced of Miss Ownah Parker of Toronto, and Mr. Joseph Quiern, formerly of Gorrie, in Toronto, on June 24th, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Newton were guests of J. L. and Mrs. Campbell of Listowel, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Chamney and son and daughter of Wingham, were visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Win. Earngey on Sunday. Wroxeter-Miss Dell Rutherford, of Toronto, formerly of this place, is a guest of Mrs. Robt. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Patterson also Messrs. Phil and Bill Durst spent the holiday at Crystal Beach, Messrs. T. G. Hemphilll, J, N. Allen and J. J. Allen, motored to Dyer's Bay on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 3. R, Wendt spent the holiday at Port Stanley. 111111malammomictulaillaMmaIMMIIIINIIIIManammawmaaammmummiumwasammummwommawwwwillmamamIMIIImumawmanammwmammamoMIIMS ma n am n n I n n n n n a a U n a a n a n a a a a a a a n n A N II 0 2-4-6 WEED-NO-MORE WEED KILLER, 1 oz. "44 5 oz. 75c 16 oz. $1.75 8 per cent. D.D.T. and 5-7 Copper Dust INSECTICIDE and BLIGHT CONTROL 20 lbs.-$2.95 10 lbs.-$L55 CLIMAX BUG KILLER .... - $1.85 and $1.95 Brush Scythe Blade - - , - - $1.65 i $2.50 SCYTHE SNATHS Scythe Blades - • .... V1V • . 85c p,* 5 lbs.-85c ... •.25c 101) quAttrp C.-V. EXTERIOR PAINT-qts. $1.50 Gallons $5.50 14 colours to choose from PAINTS' C.-V. PORCH and FLOORons EN.PAIL, qts. $1.65 Gallons Sunworthy Wallpaper n a n n n n n n n n • a n 4110 ow a a a n a a n a a. a a a n n n a a n a • a n n •n alit 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100110. EASY WASHERS, 25 cycle, Vacuum Cup Best Quality - Best Prices Why Pay More? SAUCERS 20c • $149.50 CLOCKS a III - 4.•tt • • . (Clocks Not Subject to Tax.) 111 a 60 cycle WALL CLOCKS $5,75 and $6.95 • • ALARM CLOCKS - - - „ , . - .... .... -. - - . - .$2,45 • • 8-day KITCHEN WALL CLOCKS - „ „ . . - . ..... -$3,95 • Several Colours to choose from in in a w a • • HAY FORK PULLEYS . _ - - . ,-. , - . - ...... ... , -$1.35 • • LARGE HAY FORK PULLEYS .... , - - _ , . , „ , - „ ,.$1.95 • • WOOD SHEAVES, large - - „ .45c Medium . , -30c, • a ROPE HITCH SWIVEL- , - - - , , - . - „ - .. , , . -.60c 1111 Official Softballs A HAY FORK CABLE, pet ft. _ . - - .. -_- - .. . , , . , . , . - .10e • • Pitch, Forks, MN& Leaf True, Temper) $1.55 5 per cent. D.D.T. HOUSEHOLD SPRAY, gallon - . ... .$3,25 8 oz. 25c 16 oz. 45c KING BUG KILLER, 20 , • fttliV. ...85c BEATTY HAY FORKS $6.75 Water, Tea or Coffee Thermos JUGS $3.65 with Spout $4.75, tap $5.95 and $10.95 with Rack, $13.25 Children's HARDBALLS, 15c, 20c Hatacourt Tennis Balls 35c, 3 for $1. GOLP BALLS „50c, 60c, 85c REACH.SOFTBALLS-To Clear . „ , Boys' Wagons, $7.95 GARDEN HOSE, 50 ft., 1-ply, complete with Couplings $5.50 LAWN SPRINKLERS - $1.20, $1.90, $1.95, $2.10, $4.65, $6.75, $8.75 GREEN LAWN FENCE, 36" 171/2c ft. 48" ,211,6 c ft. 1-gal. AUTOMATIC SPRAYERS, complete with jug 69c HORSE MUZZLE .50c Heavy Reinforced - -76c V V ,l10e and .$1.60 iiiii..111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111110111111111111filliMUMMUMMiliiiilliMMUSIMMIIII