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Symbol of security and confidence.
No hazard, no labour, can swerve this man
from his path of mercy. His life is bound up
in the stirring words of the Hippocratic Oaths
"I swear ... Into whatever houses I enter, I
will go into them for the benefit of the sick . .."
Men like this, some of Canada's finest, are
in the public's service-at your service.
The book
co you, it tells the most interesting
New Summer Sunday Night Train
JUNE 271 JULY 4, 11, 18, 25; AUGUST 8, 15, 22, 29
Also Mon., Aug. 2 "(Civic Holiday) and
Mon., Sept. 6 (Labour Day)
(Standard Time)
Lv. SOUTHAMPTON.. 6.00 P.M. Lv. MOOREFIELD . , 8.15 P.M.
PORT ELGIN 6.09 P.M. DRAYTON ..-.. 8.22 P.M.
TURNERS ,.,. 6.19 P.M. GOLDSTONE -I 8.27 P.M.
PAISLEY 6.33 P.M. ALMA .----f 8.34 P.M.
PINKERTON 6.43 P.M. FERGUS ---- 8.44 P.M.
CARGILL - f 6.46 P.M. ELORA .. 8,49 P.M.
DUNKELD ----I 8.51 P.M. GUELPH 9.12 P.M.
WALKERTON --- 7.02 P.M. An WEST TORONTO 10.05 P.M.
MILDMAY 7.14 P.M. Ar. PARMA= , -10.11 P.M.
CLIFFORD 7.29 P.M. Ar. TORONTO .10.20 P.M.
HAIIIIISTON ....... 7.42 P.M.
tv.PALMERSTON 8.02 P.M. f-Flag Stop.
See Time Table for Complete Sthetlules, information from soy Agent.
Note-Tickets from stations north of Hcariston to Wiarton and from
points on Kincardine branch will ho honoured on this train.
""*. .0%."•*.
Party-Line Cooperation Means Better Service s 0 •
PARTY LINES enable us to serve thousands of
families who would otherwise be without
service. Considerate sharing of party
lines is important in ensuring a high
level of service for all.
Wednesday, June 16, 1948
story in the world specially
you are the saving kind.
You can translate it into many purposes:
holidays to come; education for your children;
things for the house; added security . .
But you never let even your intimate
Mends see the contents. The information
in your passbook is strictly between you
and your bank. Your bank keeps it that way:
The Council met in the Clerk's
Office, on June 5th, according to .a41-
journment, the Reeve, John Winter,
in the chair. All members pkeoent.
The new Deputy-Reeve Strong
and newCouncillor, Ed. McCallum
took the necessary Declaration of Of-
lice, The minutes of the last regular
meeting and special metings were read
and on motion of Gowdy and Strong
wre adopted as read. Carried.
Mover by Strong and McCallum
that a grant of $100,00 be given to
the Cemetery at 1.3,5,5. No, 16, Con.
C,MHov°ewd b
C iCY Ztir arrte -rdigg and McCallum
that we accept the resignation of P.
L. Durst, as Tax Collector, Carried,
Moved by Strong and Gowdy that
we authorize the Clerk to call for
applications for Tax Collector for the
Township of Howick, Salary $300.00
per year, Tax notices to be mailed if
desired, applications to be in ,he hands
of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, July
2nd., 1948, Carried.
Moved by Zurbrigg and Gowdy that
the following accounts be paid, Car-
Relief 78.23; Miss Nellie Doig,
grant to cemetery, Con. C., Howick
Twp., $100,00; G. A. Wearring, Pre-
paring and selling debentures Day
Drain, $25.00; Dr. F. J, R, Forster,
services re E. Malone, $8.00; Dr. R.
B Palmer, services re E. Malone,
$10.50; Treasurer County of Huron,
Hospitalization re M. Newton, S.
Charles and T. Jacklin, $85.70; Robt.
Cunningham,Fox Pup Bounty, $2.00;
Wm, C. Nickel, For Pup Bounties,
$8.00; Russell Walker, Foy' Bounty,
$3,00; Raymond Baylor, Fox Pup
Bounty, $2.00; Cecil Wilson, Fox Pup
Bounties, $4.00; John Craig, Fox Pup
Bounties, $6.00; Fred McCann, Fox
Pup Bounties, $6.00; William Felker,
Fox Pups Bounties, $4,00; James
Stokes, Fox PupS Bounties, $10.00;
John Steurnol, Fox Bounties, $13.00;
James Adams, Fox Pup Bounties, $8;
P.-Durst, Postage, $5.00; Part Salary,
$70.00, $75,00; W. Horsborugh, Sheep
killed by dogs, $40,00; A. H. Jacques,
cleaning ditch at Geo. Danes, $12.00;
Treasurer County of Huron, Tax ar-
rears, re-lot 11, con. 7, and Ellen
Young Estate, $46.89,
Moved by McCallum and Zurbrigg
that the road accounts as approved
be paid. Carried.
Moved by Gowdy and Strong that
we instruct the Treasurer to send to
County Treasurer tax arrears on Lot
11, Con. 7, Howick, $35,00 also on
EllenYoung Estate, Wroxetet., $11.89.
that we, instruct the Treasurer to pay
Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg
the portion of Provincial subsidy to
the parties who paid cash on the Day
Drain, Carried.
Moved by Zurbrigg and *McCallum
that we do now adjourn tomeet again
in the Clerk's Office, July 5th, or at
the call of the Reeve. Carried.
P, L. Durst, John Winter,
The Council met at Belgrave, June
1st, 1948, with all members present,
the Reeve presiding, Minutes of May
4th, meeting was read and adopted on
motion by Alex Robertson, seconded
by Harvey Black, Carried.
Correspondence was read from the
Department of Highways, Department
of Municipal Affairs, Department of
Public Works, Goderich H.S.B., Mun-
icipal World.
Mr. Geo. McGowan was present,
asking council to make some repairs
ttttt 011110011111010116111il1titli111111010111.111111110.14
Montreal Life
"The Friendly Company"
Plans designed to fit your need.
Stewart A. Scott
'Phone 293 Wingham
One of a series of advertisements in tribute to those Canadians in the service of the public
The new an-mae M-Harris "Pony
has opened up
a great
market for tractors
One year ago, Massey-Harris introduced a new small tractor ... the "Pony" ... with a
full complement of mounted tools ... to be made in its Canadian factory at Woodstock.
Previously, all tractors used in Canada, were imported. Thus, Massey-Harris took two
important steps which are bound to play a big part in Canadian prosperity during
the years ahead.
The "Pony" opens up a great new market for tractors, both in Canada and in the
export field. The last Canadian census showed nearly 500,000 farms still without tractors
... many of which are small farms and market gardens where big tractor outfits are not
practical. And there are a great many more thousands of small farms in the United States,
in Europe, in Africa, and other countries where Massey-Harris products are sold. Almost
every one of them is a prospect for a "Pony".
With the practical, economical "Pony" thousands more farmers will be able to use
tractor power to do their work easier, quicker, and more profitably.
The manufacture of the "Pony" Tractor in Canada will provide jobs in the years ahead'
for Canadian workers ... not only those employed in the Massey-Harris factory, but also
those employed in the industries which supply materials, parts and services.
The great and growing demand for the "Pony", from the day of its first public demon-
*ration, is evidence of its real need and place in Canadian and world agriculture.
Established 1847
Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, Yorkton, Calgary,
Edmonton, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Moncton
on the McGowan drain. Moved by
Geo. Walker, seconded by Alex Rob-
ertson that Councillor Black attend to
,this drain repair. Carried,
A supplement by-law for additional
road expenditure of $3,000,00 was
read, 1st., 2nd., 3rd, time, and passed
on motion by Elmer Ireland seconded
by 'Geo. Walker. Carried,
The Tax Collector was present and
turned in the 1947 Tax Roll and on
motion of Harvey Black seconded by
Alex Robertson thecollector was re-
lieved of the Roll and he paid balance
of salary, $20.00 and $1.35 postage and
telephone. Carried.
Moved by Elmer Ireland seconded
by Geo. Walker that the road and
general accounts be passed and paid,
Road accounts, Stuart salary, $164,-
50; Herson Irwin, 10 hours at 50c per
hour, $5.00; Orval McGowan, 5 hrs.
at 80c per hour, $4.00; Reavie's Ser-
vice Station, gas tank and line $33.33;
Canadian Oil Co., Ltd,, 202 gals. gas.
at 33 616e a gallon, $67.87; County
Of Huron snowplowing $552.00;
Workmen's Compensation Board,
$33.58; General Accounts, Wilfred
Shiells, 2 fox pups bounty, $4.00; Sans
Thompson, 5 fox pup b,utties, $10.00;
Jas. Irwin, 1 fox pup bounty, $2.00;
John M. Taylor, 5 fox pups bounty,
$10.00; Robert C. Scott, 1 fox pup
bounty, $2.00; Clarence Rath, 2 fox
pups bounty, $4.00; The Municipal
Wotld Supplies, $33.17; The WinOiatn
Advance-Times, advertising drain,
$2,25; Doherty l3ros.,repairs to truck,
$42,10; C. in Pardon, repairs, $2.90;
Reavie's Service Station, sparkplug 1 Herson Irwin, Bal. Salary, Collector,
75 cents; C.E. MacTavish 45 gallons 'stamps, telephone, $21,35; R. J. Mac-
gas, 83lic a gal., $15.08; Roy Rob- Kenzie, Treasurer of C.O.F., rent of
inson, spraying cattle, $62.65; Charles hall for 1948, $40.00.
Robinsn, spraying cattle, $64.75; 1 Moved by (eo. Walker seconded by
seal, $1,30, oil and grease $1.55; Orval Elmer Ireland that council adjourn to
Taylor going ahead of sprayer, $52.74; meet July 6th, 1948, at Belgrave at
W. A. Boyle, Treas., W. Wawanosh 2 p.m. Carried.
error in Boundary Drain, $48,00; R. H. Thompson, Cierk,
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