HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-06-16, Page 5HANDSOM1 BROWN CALF Triple Sole Smart looking, Comfortable and long-wearing Rhys Pollock Featuring HA R T for Men adthoe iiniipmoisinanictiosiippocumompopoiloinrocriiiitionpailith Red Front Grocery 'Phones: Our Prices Are Lower Free 17 and We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery FRESHIE Sc BEVERAGE — makes 10 glasses Orange, Lemon, Lime flavours,,,each , . 5c Grapefruit Juice (Unsweetened) 20 oz. tin . ,10c TOMATO JUICE (Fancy quality) 20 oz. tin 2 -121c Reg. Size pkg. Oxydol or Rinso 31c DR. BALLARD'S HEALTH FOOD FOR DOGS 15 oz. tin 2 for 29c SOCIETY DOG FOOL), 20 oz. tin ... , 2 for 29c GAINES DOG MEAL 2 lb. pkg. 34c Wethey's • 24 oz. jar aspberry Jam - 35c FILLED COOKIES (Cello wrapped) dark or light per pkg. 20c Barker's GRAHAM WAFERS, 10 oz. pkg... 20c Weston's OATMEAL COOKIES, lb. 27c Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 37c CUBAN CRUSHED PINEAPPLE (Sweetened) 105 oz. tin $2.10 Graves Solid Pack APPLES, 28 oz. tin 25c York Brand Bartlett PEARS, 20 oz. tin 34c Stokely's KETCHUP, 14 oz. bottle 27c J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIO NIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. III I ac ENNAN DR. W. M.CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 MOS. FELLS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and MINTY N OF SaRVICE ormxPimisucx, "ikons 231 Wingham ed agrim flood Of destruction that drenched His earth with blood— The 'Victor I see with a crown on his brow, Is the man who invented the humble -plow. The fearful creations of science, that kill, No products are these of the men who till The earth's friendly breast! They give us instead, The good things of life for our daily bread. And who are more blest in the sight of God Than they who make fruitful His hal- lowed sod? Though industry, commerce, may all do their part And pour their rich blood through a nation's heart, The Keepers of Civilization still, Are the sowers, the reapers, anti the men who till! L G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPEC/ALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM,ONT. Business and Professional Directory WEWNTON RIF, A. H. Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its galley holders for over a century: Head Office -- Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingbam Teetwater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Noto,:ey Public and Conveyancer. Office: GatOtli House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.50 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone — Teeswater 1203 W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Winghant J. W. MINIM, D.E. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office Meyer Block. Win arn FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic anti Electric Treat- ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Wingbam. 0 • ,111 it tes. JUNE 29th, 7:30 p.m., Park House, GODERICH. Anyone desiring further information before this date, write, 'phone or wire the Electrical Con- tractors Asociation, Box 35, Goderich, 'Phone 141, Evenings 793, or Gordon 1Caye, Secretary, Orillia, Ont., or Noel Andrade, Stroude, Ont. Lunch Served God Save The King 4 = London. a very important meeting as this year E. C. A. will submit to the Provincial Legislature a Bill to license all Electricians. The meeting on June 29th will be addressed by members of the E.C.A. Executive, who will explain in detail the policy and aimq of the organization. . Electricians Mr. and Mrs. Ro'hat. White of Port Colborne, visited last week-end with the latter's sisters,' Misses Phyllis and Marguerite Johns. Mr. E. A. Hammond of South Bend, Indiana, is in town owing to the ser- ious illness of his :sister, Mrs. W. Wellwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Carmichael, Patsy and Peter, attended the 66th Anniversau of the Lobo School Re- union at Poplar Hill last week. Mrs. E, A. Russell of St. Paul, Minn., her ,daughter, Mrs, McKay and son, Jimmie, .are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Py.m. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Mundy of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in town. His parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Mundy, who had been visiting in Woodstock returned home with them, Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. ,Jackson, Misses Ethel and Edna Munn of Ripley, and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Adair of Provid- ence, RI., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fated Carter, Frances St. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Coulter. were her four sisters, Mrs. Leland .Procter, Port Colborne; Mrs. Harry Workman, and Mr. and Mrs. WM. McCutcheon, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs, Morgan Jones and family, Clinton, gr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbell,' Bessie and Lillian of Morris. WHITECHURCH Mr. Joe Kerr moved his crusher and other gravelling equipment to Aldin Purdoe's hill on the side-road ..i. for their kindness and thoughtful gift. A. U U on Thursday, and commenced the work of gravelling the Highway on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Kerr and child- ren of Bluevale, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert 1.441aW, Mr. Elmer Shiell of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Anniversary services will be held this Sunday at Langside Church, and on June 27th, at Brick 'United Church, with Rev. Hugh Wilson of Brussels in charge of the services, f Mr. and ,Mrs, Bogie and family irtoved from Lambeth, last week into the house owned by Mr. Wm, Dave- ,son, east of the village. The men of the house work on the 'war-time housing project in Wingham. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the 'Hall on Tuesday last with the Presi- dent, Mrs. 'Ben McClenaghan in chatge of the meeting, and with a good representation of the Belgrave Women's Institute present, as guests. After the opening exercises the fol- lowing were appointed to attend the Rally in Lucknow on Thursday, Mrs. McClenaghan, 'Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Mrs, Ryan, Mrs. Cecil Falconer, Miss Olive Teriff, Mrs. George Fisher and Mrs. Victor Emerson. The ladies de- cided to hold a course in modern dress-making in the near future, ask- ing members to find out those inter- ested in this course in their commun- ity. The motto, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, rules the World, was taken by Mrs. W. R. Farrier, who stressed that chilldren must find their direction for living from their mother and the home influence ,and by doing this, the mother, has done her best to pre- pare the children to enjoy the rights of citizenship, and go out beyond their own home. Mrs. Earle Caslick gave a reading, "Taking America for granted, Mrs. J. Wickstead sang, "When Irish Eyes are Smiling", and the current events, prepared by Mrs. Russell Gaunt, were read by Mrs George Fisher, Mrs. Dawson Craig gave a very interesting reading on Grace and Posture, and Miss Olive Terriff gave a paper on social welfare, stressing that Education is a prepara- tion for complete living and is only valued as a means to successful liv- ing. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz sang, Now is the Hour, and the National Anthem closed the meeting. Lunch was served, with each member entertaining a guest, and the social time was en- joyed by all. Mrs. Ezra Welwood visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Heffer in their new home in. Turnberry, that they bought from Mr. Hastings. Mrs. David Kennedy and Miss Annie and Mr. Peter, also Mr. Victor Emerson and other Kennedy relatives in the community attended the Ken- nedy family picnic in Kincardine on Saturday. Mr. Beth Gaunt of Preston was home on Saturday attending the fun- eral of his friend, the late Fred Simp son of Culross, whose funeral was held to Wingham cemetery on Satur- day. He passed away at the home o his sister, Mrs, Win. MacDonald, after a short illness from flu and pneu- monia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss and baby, Bennie of Bright, and Mr, and Mrs. George Mason of London, spent Sun- day! with Mr. and Mrs. Ben MeClen- !aghan and other Moss relatives in W. next meeting is in charge of Clarence MeCitnaglian, who will tell of coming work for young people's groups and the work of the laymen. Mrs, Prank Thompson is in V:etoria Hospital this week for ferther treat- ment on her leg. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman and family visited on Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emer- the church service there, where her brother, Rev. Reid Vipond of Winni- peg, had charge 'of the servic.z. ,Miss Eleanor Wightman was in Walkerton on Saturday writing her "Theory" musical exam. Reeve Alex MacKenzie of Kinloss, was in Waliztrion last -week attending County Council meetings, and Reeve J. D. Beecroft of E. Wasvaimeh was in 'Goderich Iast week; attending Carm- children, and Miss Eva Dow and Donald, visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Melville Beecroft, of Otter- ville, and Mr. John Beecroft, who had spent the past week ie Otterville, re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, McInnis and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin McInnis and son, of Gorrie, visited on Sunday -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles MacMil- lan. Miss Mae Wightman of Westfield, visited over the week-end with Miss ;Muriel Watt.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paterson of Leamington, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr, F. McK. Paterson, on their way to their sum- titer cottage at Lake Siincoe, and Mrs. Buschlen and her son, Mr. Randall llusehlen, and her grandson, tiary Dixon, and Mrs. flatmate all of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with Mr. Paterson. Quite crowd gathered in the Mem- orial Hall here on Monday evening, when the play, "The Dutch Detect- ive" was presented by the Young People of the Presbyterian Church, On Sunday with Rev. Mr. Moores of Eelgrave United Church charge,. and with Rev. W. S. Sutherland of the Presbyterian Church assisting in the morning service, and with the Pastor, Rev, G, M. Newton .assisting in the evening. The choir rendered. special anniversary anthems and quartettes. Quite a number from here attended the Sunday Flower Service in the 'United Church, Wingham, GORRIE Mr. and M. Ed. Gilmore, Nadine, Don, Jacqueline and Joanne of Carr- ick, also IMiss Lois Holmes of Wing- ham, were guests of Mrs, J, Sander- son and Leonard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade are visiting friends in Toronto this week, BLYTH Mr. Berthot, who recently purchas- ed the butcher business conducted by Mr, H. McCallum for some years took possession on Monday. The new pro- prietor comes from Toronto and has had considerable experience in thd meat business, Blyth and Goderich Softball game on Monday night presented a very in- teresting display. The teams were evenly matched. The result was 8 for Blyth and 7 for Goderich, Ex-Reeve George McNall supervised the play. The Council of Blyth is asking for applications for the position of Assess- or, Mr. Edward Johnston, who held the position for the past couple of years has resigned. Mrs, Ben Taylor left last week on an extended visit with her daughter at Woodstock. Mrs. Frank Metcalfe, who has pass- ed her 90th birthday, is still quite act- ive, and her garden, which is attended by herself, is a credit. She was the oldest Blyth voter at the recent elec- tion, SONS OF THE SOIL The folks on the farm, who struggle and toil, From dawn's early light to the setting sun, Through foul and fair weather their work's never done: A toast to these toilers of priceless worth Whose joy and delight is a fruitful earth! What playthings of Fate! So often distressed By blizzard and broker, by drought and pest, Yet carrying on with their heads held high, A-hoping and praying that ere they die. Good luck and good harvests will ease life's load— And brighten their days at the end of the road. Yet slowly the ways of a back-break- ing past— The days of the ox and the hoe—they at last Are bowing to the Tractor's resistless sway, And the gadgets that herald a brighter day. Oh, who then would barter his lot on the land For the 'prisoning walls of the city grand? And who shall be nearest The Master's side When glory's great gates are at last flung wide? No gold braided warrior, who loos- CRAWFORD & HETHERINGION Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingbam, Phone 48 J. H. Crawford, K.C., It S. Hetherington, E.C. DONALD B BLUE B. Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 40. °Mario 1011110110.6166kelimmilemosolorimmisioniiiimiNkrioloimmeami.. And ever the world's true wealth shall remain The dairy, the orchard and life- giving grain. Now, here's to the Farmer, on whom we rely— May his home be blest and his barns piled high! My heart pays its homage to all who toil— So I give you, today: "The Sons of the Soil!" ATTENTION YOUR EYES NEED Our 25 point Scientific Examin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable !flak& F F.HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston Veterinary Surgeon Office — Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Chtuolu PHONE 196 Wmithaitin -t O>o le - Wednesday, June 16, 194$ THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FIVE LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. ,Clande Gregory of Burlington, is visiting with :her sistcri, Mrs. E. Wilkinson and Mr. Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail of Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan. Mrs. (Rev.) K. MacLean is visiting at the home of Mrs, T. C, King, Cen- tre St. Mr. Ed. 'Gibson of Victoria, B.C., is renaming acquaintances. in and around Windham. Mr. and Mrs. Robe Rae and son, Billie, spent the week-end with rela- tives in town. Mr, Richard Rciberts of Toronto, visited with 'his parents, Mt., and Mrs. C. A, Roberts, Minnie St. Mr. and Mrs. Stan `Smith of Guelph, visited over the week-end with the lattes -Sister, Mrs. WW -J, Greet. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bell,. Exeter, spent the wuelcsend With Me. and Mrs. R. S. Hetherington. ,airs. G. H. Erskine and Mrs, Burl- ingham of 'Winnipeg, me visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibson, Mrs. James Zeigler and son, Jim, of Guelph, spent Me weeksead With friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. McMichael, Mrs. Joynt, and Miss Beatrice Joynt, of Lister:wel t were Winghare visitors on Flower Sunday, Misses Jean, Ruth and Margaret Mitchell of Toronto, spent Flower Sunday with their patents, Mr. And Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schaefer and son Goderich; Mrs. A. Schaefer, Kitchener, visited last week-end with Met John MeCool. Mies Dorothy Hamilton, turse-m- training at Wellesley Hospital, Tor- onto, visited with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton. BELGRAVE ,Mrs, Irwin and children visited on the late Wm. Maeon, !Sunday at the home of their son, Mr. 'Richard Irwin of Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Machin's attend- ed the Thornunt-MacIenis reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macinnis Teeswatec, on Friday. Mr. Nat Thomson, who has been in Westminster during the past tAN 0 eallilt011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111113111111A weeks, spent the week.-erld at the trn home of ;Mr, and Mrs. Victor Ether.- U lks liTENTION Adult Group of the United Cintrele s"T'he regular meeting of the Young met Tuesday evening, last in the church, with Mrs. Schoitt, convener •Ohe Scripture lessoe and Rev. Geoege! Electrical • Contractors and 'Watt led in prayer, Mrs. W. R. Far- Mrs. John W. Mason, Agnes Mas- Miss 'Gwen Irwin of London, spent on anti Mr. Chris Nethery were in the week-end with her pars ens, Mr. Seaforth on Friday to 2i-tend the fun- and Mrs. Herson Irwin, and Mr, anti eral of the former's brother-in-law, of the musical departineet in charge' _IT1of the rnektieg. Miss Muriel Watt read .ti .," .!...,, MONK-STRAP Shoe 4 '' ''..,-f-i' BROWNE'S Perforated Surerner OXFORDS .g,.. LOAFERS Repair r FOUNTAIN SERVICE Delicious Ice Cream Bricks always available MEALS . LUNCHES Our stock complete—Bulk of CANDY is box and CHOCOLATES Next COFFEE to SHERBONDY'S Lyceum SHOP Theatre ; Mastic for --T- • .-:_aoritopik J I RUBBER Homes, i Jr'..: 47 1 4 Tile Stores. Offices I. h and Flooring Ilifla- - .zr..-..r....- =--ter- 11=-,, a _ and Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen 'CABINETS ESTIMATES Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham FREE 7: in Jesus", and the meeting was closed Scott). — those who wish to join the organization. This is i with the Mizpah Benediction. The Mr. and Mrs. John McGee and jj -- tier g:ive a piano solo, "Largo" and a M• iss Muriel Watt gave a short outline 'W. A. of the I, lilted Church. This i g of the life of Irwin Laszlo, the 15 was a three act comedy, and provided il The Electrical Contractors' Association of On- i year-old boy pianist of Hungary, who a great deal of laughter, and was en- . s — recently took New York by storm. joyed by all. li tario,which now embraces all Ontario, will hold a _11 H• e was hidden in Hungary luring the Born—In Grace Hospital, Detroit, li MEETING at the PARK HOUSE, GODERICH, I Nazi invasion. The three Casemore on Thursday" June 10th, to Mr. and — -I- on JUNE 29th, for the purpose of permitting all grills sang, "What a Friend we Have Mrs. Scott Paterson, a son, (Randall they were asked to come forward, and Mr. Russell Gaunt read an address and Mr. Garnet Farrier presented Remember the date and be sure to attend— son VitAnd at Atwood and attended s.-- Fred, spent 'Saturday at the home of i his sister, Mrs. Dugaid Simpson of 11 Quite a crowd gathered in the Mem- i orial Hall here on Tuesday evening — last at the reception held in honour i of the newlyweds, ,Mr. and Mrs. Bob 1 ,Ross of London. During the evening, , — Garnet Farrier played a clarinet solo. Brussels, under the auspices tiff time i them with a purse of money. They. 11— each responded, thanking their friends Farrier's Orchestra provided music INI for the dancing. Lunch was served and ii the social tirrie enjoyed' by all. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Coates of Mor- ris,. and Mr, and. Mrs. Howard Wal- ker. of E. Wawanosh, visited on Sun- day 'with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cotil-' en tneetingS, Successful Anniversary Services Mr. andMfrs ilbett n eeer°f r arid were held in the 'UnitedChttreh here FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 224 WINGHAM