HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1948-06-02, Page 9SUPPORT Hu h LIBERAL CANDIDATE HURON-BRUCE A STRONG COMBINATION HILL *OLIVER KING • PUBLIC MEETINGS • HENSALL—FRI., JUNE 4, 8 p. Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent ELECTION DAY ' MONDAY, JUNE 7-8 a.m. - 7 p.m. VOTE HILL • RADIO ADDRESSES • CKNX FRIDAY, JUNE 4-1:15 - 1:30 p.m. Frank Fingland FRIDAY, JUNE 4-7:30 - 7:45 p.m. Hugh Hill FRIDAY, JUNE 4-9:30 - 10.00 p.m. Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent A Progressive Province ELECT HUGH HILL A Prosperous Dominion The Huron-Bruce Liberal Association PROVED FOR MeNertgelOWOr THE WORLD OVER NEW PHILIPS oC The new leaderla the medium price class! Features a cabinet of choice woods— with an easy-tuning dial that covers right down through the 13-metre shortwave band. Four-position tone control for finest, most natural tonal performance, Specially selected P M loudspeaker gives rich, full reproduction. Exceptional results on short wave! SEE AND HEAR McGILL RADIO SERVICE 'PHONE 380 WINGHAM INI-511A 'MEM TODAY FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE UP-STAIRS FUNERAL PARLOUR A. J. WALKER 'PHONES 106 - 224 WINGHAM Itstaitawalatistamillaitailalialilsuaitillilailitiallailaillimistaliamau a i A ii Edwards' Motor. Sales - ,.. = i i Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Faro Trucks g = i 1 1 a ii PARTS and ACCESSORIES a querinicamingthommummanniumminiummtiontuam Telephone—Days 417, Wingham he yeaz was 1841. z six days Of turmoil—that was election week in Vpper Caudal Voters formed in long queues to mount the "hustings" (a rough wooden platform) declaring aloud for all to hear, "I vote for John. Smith." Often groups of hard-fisted toughs stood by, armed with cudgels to be used on those who voted the "wrong way." But men who kept true democracy as their objective finally won the right of a secret ballot—the right to vote as you wish without fear of intimidation. `When YOU cast your Jecret ballot at every election—municipal, provincial, federal—you war& a duty and „privilege Panned, worked and Fought for by your frefathem your Vat prow & the future of your children. To fail in this duty is to be less than a good citizen. tutstisuso la7 5nat lunitrrs or Coop arrnmisr Br ooderha Siii,lorts LI MI 11 TIE E , 2bron to Established 18 32 atteront ht 4.41'4:Aiwa Yotk ectatthltd & Waco Mi neivlotente) Ida,* nfeatt01101 Business and Professional Directo6 WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company has faithfully served its holders for over a century. dead Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency • Wingham which policy A. IL McTAITISII Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office: Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4,80 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 1203 L. G. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM, ONT. W. A. CRAWFORD, M. D. IPHYSICIAlst AND SURGEON Phone 150 •6 6 I W BUSIIFIELD K C _ Banister, Soltcitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loon Office Meyer Block, Wingham FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH ' Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat. ments, Foot Technique. Phone 272. Winghan3. DR. W. M. COINED, ileridamt AND SURGEON Phone 18 REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER and Tint aisititvios PLENTY OP ItEPERIENCE IrtiOtte 231 Winihom CRAWFORD & lialiERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, " Phone 48 f IL Crawford, tc.c., R. S. Hetherington, K.C. a DONALD Di BLUE— Exiierietiteci Auctioneer trii.teueires at HURON' lk BRUCE All' 'Saks ..stipetity Hanaisd Phone 69, Ontedo PIP*. a J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist, RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE 'Phone 191. K. M. ifitENNAN 'V'eterinary Surgeon Office Mathis St. oppoile and sou* *of the 'United Churc PHONE 196 Vrhithint, Ontario 10 Wednesday, Julie 2nd, 1948 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE NINE' 3,33.3.3.N33331iown•womomwimosmmr WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Brown had for their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jackman, Toronto. Recent guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. Sangster, were, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Streight, Mr. and Mrs. 4. C. Barlow and daughter, Ruth Ann, also Mr. Howard Elliott, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stedehover of Strat- ford. Mrs. Arthur Robinson, who has spent several months with her sister, Miss Mary Howe, left last week and will visit at several points enroute to her home in Saskatoon. This week we welcome to the village Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobson of near Hamilton. Mr. Dobson and his brother, Pete Dobson, have purchased the Mic- hel egg grading station and have taken up residence in the apartment over the 'Dobson store. Rev. J. C. Jennings of Morpeth, vis- ited at tie home of Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Lawrence last week. We are pleased to report Mrs. Jennings, who has been ill at the home of her par- ents for several weeks is now making a good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton vis- ited with friends at Port Elgin on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. James McTavish of the 4th line of Turnberry, left on Wednesday of last week on an ex- tended trip to Western Canada. Mr. Larry Creighton recently of London, England, and Mr, Cecil Dodds of Toronto, arrived on Friday to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. MacKenney. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans and two children of Weston, have pur- chaSed a building lot from Mr. Vern Clarke, where they intend' building a new home. In the meantime the Evans family are staying at the farm home of Mr. Wm. MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs, F, B. Millwarcl, Carol and Ernie, spent the week-end in Toronto. They were accompanied by Mrs. Irene Higgs who had spent the past week here. n%o.)•M1333333111110IVIII•rO4I•Wl.W•O••NWIG\101.111MPOMKAMIOI.M.N Mrs. H. a Wailer has returned to the village for the summer season and has taken up residence in the post' office block where she 'iormerly pew sided, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Draper spent the week-end in. Toronto, where Trey were present for the arrival by air of a cousin from Australia, Mr, and Mrs, Alex McTavish were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Walker, .13. Line, Turnberry. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Rigby, Mr, and Mrs. George Triggs, Harry Dane were, Mr. and Mrs, Joe and son, Ronald, Mr. Jastin Stein- millar all of Toronto. Mr. Steinmillar formerly lived at Gorrie where he operated a grist‘mill, later selling to Mr; Ben Maguire, then purchased a Gorrie Hotel, which was later destroy- ed ;by fire. Mr, Steinmillar also visited while here the Otter Creek flour mill near Walkerton, where his father made flour which won first prize at the World's Fair. It is 20 years since Mr. Steinmillar left Gorrie and this was his first return visit. ' Wroxeter Public School held their annual Field Day last week. The win- ners going to Fordwich on Monday to compete with other winners from Howick Schools. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chester Higgins re- cently spent a feet* days in London With their daughter, Miss Lenora Higgins of Victoria Hospital staff and other friends. The June meeting of. the Women's Institute will be held on Friday, June 4th, at 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. James Sangster. Members please note change of date. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Crouch, Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Burke, Rochester, N. Y., was a week-end visitor with Mrs. W. Weir and other friends in the dis- trict. Women's Missionary Society The June meeting of the Women's Missionary Society United Church, will be held in the church school room on Friday, June 11th, at 3 p.m. Theme "Thy Word is a Light, unto My Path". Roll Call to be answered by a favorite Bible• verse, Members of Wingham W.M.S, will take part in the pro- gramme. The Women's Association Missiop Band leaders awl ladies of the congregation will be guests. Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. MacNaughton are.. in charge of the meeting. St. James Guild The Women's Guild of St. James Anglican Church, will hold a quilting in the church basement, ou Tuesday, June 8th, at 2 p.m. Members note this meeting was previously arranged to be held at the home of Mrs. George Ed- wards. A 'full attendance is requested in order that two quilts will be caim pleted, Mr, and Mrs. Ward Sharpin visited with Kippun iriewls on Sunday. Miss Helen Sawtell, as tnusic teacher for the coming year.. Miss Sawtell has been studying at Toronto Conserva- tory of Music during the past year. Her many frietids in Wroxeter and district will be pleased to hear of her appointment. Mr. Verne MacLeod of Edmonton wasaguest of his uncle, Jack and Mrs. MacLeod over the week-end, Mr. MacLeod was formerly a resident of Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Stewart, Miss Kay Stewart, Mr. Tom Grintshaw, all of Detroit, were week-end guests of Mrs. A. J. Sanderson, Miss Ruth Brown and Mr. Jack Cooper of Toronto, visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Brown over the holi- day. Mrs. Harris Gold and son, David of Toronto, have been spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Brown, while Mrs. Wilfred HAMILTON OPTICAL CO. W. R. Hamilton, R. 0. Optometrist for Over 25 Years. Telephone 37 for Appointment. Montreal Life INSURANCE CO. "The Friendly Company" Plans designed to fit your need. Stewart A. Scott Representative 'Phone 293 Wingham al CIGARS SMOKER'S SUNDRIES MAGAZINES Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP • Brown has been confined to bed with a back injury, we are glad to report she is now improving. Mrs, Robert Brown accompanied by her brother and sister, Mr. Ed. and Miss Annie Diebel of Madman spent the holiday week-end in Water- loo and attended the wedding of their niece on Saturday. The true pasts departs not; no truth or goodness realized by man ever dies, or can die; but all is still here, and, recognized or not, lives and works through countless changes.—Carlyle, Study the past if you would divine the future,—Confucius. WESTFIELD Mrs, Fred Cook. Mrs. Ed. Kursehenski, Newton aril Maureen of Detroit, Mr, Edward Lee of Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Snell, Mrs. Donald Sprung and Peter of Hullett, Mrs, John Sprung and Caro- lyn of oLndon, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox.. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol and Phyllis of Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosman. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brophy attended the graduation exercises in Toronto last week, where the former's sister, Miss Edna Brophy received her R,N. ixmaismtniunianabriainirraiTlil 14c = ill . 1 °e ii = 4.4., --ki -. —1,..'41w -4 ze o:.doerbl. jigoartiooanl mwehInen. iiii your Dt°werilial:Wsalifgeislnlraolleana(id workmanship are of M. ewendtriogviserve serviceability. ,-.! raatt;c1 our prices are § !®test finest, moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done il All MODERN EQUIPMENT I a a 11 Attention, Farmers! Dobson Bros. HAVE TAKEN OVER THE Egg Giading Station formerly owned by Michel Bros., Wroxeter We will pay -highest prices for EGGS and POULTRY We will be shipping Poultry on Mondays and Thursdays PREMIUM PAID ON POULTRY DELIVERED We carry a full line of SUN-RAY FEEDS Your patronage will be greatly appreciated.' DOBSONS' 'Phone 66 Store 36 WROXETER National Film Pictures The largest Audience of the season's National Film Board Showings were in attendance at the Town Hall on 'Wednesday evening. Of particular in- terest was the wedding of Prince,S Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten, also the 50th Anniversary of the Voun- ling of the Women's' Institutes taken at Guelph, June 181h, 1047. The sowy of the Grasshopper, the Current News items and History of United Nations, were especially eood. A health picture showing the nixessity of Cleanliness it the Farm awl the results if health ; rules are not ..,bsorved, was interesting and profitable. .1 highlight of the voting was Ow Institute chorus, sing- ng Land of Hope and Glory. Miss K. Hazelwood was accompanist. Mr. Roy announced this to be the last picture showing of the season, the new series to continence in September. All who have been priviloged to attend these pictures have felt they were very worth while. 'nu: local \\'z men's In- stitute have their co-operation in carrying out this community Edn- cational project. Young People's Union Members (,f the Y.P.U. of United Church gatherv4 in the village park on Friday evening to enjoy their last get-to-gether of the season. Games were enjoyed under the direction of Doris Wray, Shirley 'Newton, Scott •Hunter, and Billy Hart. A Sing Song around the Camp fire was enjoyed. Hot Dogs, Doughnuts and Orangeade Were served by the refreshment com- mittee, Frances Wylie, Jean Moffat, Bob Cunningham, Lyle Hart. The group will re-organize, in September. Mrs. Wm, Hart, Mrs. George Grif- fith, Mrs. Ross Sanderson, Mrs, Ben' Hyslop, Mrs. Wallace Nixon, Miss Elizabeth Griffith, Miss Margaret Griffith, Mrs. tithed Nichol and Mrs. Richard Felker, were all guests at a trousseau tea given on Tuesday after- noon, by Mrs. Joseph Thompson, Lis- towel, in honour of her daughter, Miss Miss Josephine Thompson, whose marriage will take place shortly. Mrs. Hart and Mrs, Griffith presided over the tea table. Musk TeaShet Engaged Howick School Board have engaged YOUR EYES NEED AnFARON Our 2$ point Salentine Bitilitliti• tiOtt enables nt tolive you Clear, Comfortable Vision. .„. . „ E.17. 110M11111 OlitOtriettilit Phone 118 Ii4tirtitton Mr. Wm, Elsley of Benmiller, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 5. L. McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Jenning, Bobby and Ronald of Detroit, spent over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden. Mr. Wm. Snell returned to his home in the West on Friday, after spending the past two years with his brother, Mr, Gordon Snell and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, Miss Winnifred visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Brown of St. Thomas. Wedding Bells are loudly iY Messrs. Eddie Taylor and Gordon '- McDowell spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. L. Jardin of Thrf.m... Messrs. Raymond and flub Lucknow, Miss Doris "MeCreiat Ripley, Mr. A. E. Cook of ltiyth, visit- ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. raise 1dt 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton Wmgh am le Memorial Shop El i